225 research outputs found

    Perception of undergraduate students towards online project based learning during COVID-19 pandemic

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    Gaussian Quadratures for Numerical Integration

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    Tema ovog završnog rada je numerička integracija. U radu su ukratko pojašnjene trapezna formula, Newton-Cotesove formule i Simpsonova formula te su dane njihove ocjene pogreški. Glavni dio rada je usmjeren na Gaussove kvadraturne formule. Objasnit ćemo ideju kojom su nastale i izvesti njihov opci oblik. Detaljnije će biti pojašnjena Gauss-Legendreova metoda za koju ćemo, koristeći teoriju Peanove jezgre, dati ocjenu pogreške. Na kraju ćemo pomoću nekoliko konkretnih primjera usporediti sve navedene metode.Subject of this final paper is numerical integration. In order to introduce methods for numerical integration, we will briefly describe trapezoidal rule, Newton-Cotes formulas and Simpson’s rule, also we will state error bound for each method. Main focus of the paper will be Gaussian quadrature. We will explain the key idea underlying this method and derive general form of it. Gauss-Legendre quadrature will be explained in more detail. Applying Peano kernel theory we will obtain error bounds for this method. To sum up, there will be given few examples to compare how each methods works

    Application of Deep Learning in Analysis of Knee Magnetic Resonance Imaging

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    U ovom diplomskom radu je objašnjen pojam neuronskih i konvolucijskih mreža. Njihovo djelovanje se definira matematičkim izrazima i formulama. Ulazni podaci u neuronskim mreža prolaze kroz niz slojeva pri čemu se transformiraju i kao rezultat dobijemo vrijednosti koje dalje interpretiramo sukladno početnom problemu. Svaki model neuronskih i konvolucijskih mreža ima parametre čije vrijednosti utječu na točnost predikcija. U svrhu povećavanje točnosti, parametri se podešavaju u procesu učenja. Pristup procesu učenja je, u suštini, matematička optimizacija nekih nelinearnih funkcija koje ovise o tim parametrima. Stoga se koriste neki standardni algoritmi za optimizaciju, ali isto tako postoje algoritmi razvijeni specifično za probleme dubokog učenja. Kako bi se povećala kvaliteta modela, potrebno je provesti postupke obrade podataka prije samog učenja i regularizacije. Motiv za kreiranjem kvalitetnih mreža za duboko učenje je njihova praktična upotreba u raznim znanstvenim granama i djelatnostima. Jedna od primjena je u medicini, za klasifikaciju slika s magnetske rezonance, gdje bi dobro naučeni model mogao pridonijeti efikasnijem dijagnosticiranju ozljeda i bolesti.This master thesis describes and presents the concept of neural and conventional networks. The basic flow of actions in those networks is defined by mathematical expressions and formulas. Input data are being transformed while flowing through the network and the obtained output is then used to form an answer to the initial problem. Network parameters are crucial for the process of learning and their values directly effect precision. In order to obtain better performance parameters are being tuned in the learning process which is basically the optimization of some nonlinear functions with respect to the mentioned parameters. Optimization is using standard algorithms from numerical mathematics, but there are also special algorithms which are results of optimization in deep learning. Building a deep learning model includes preprocessing data and regularization. High-quality deep learning networks are useable in various scientific disciplines and businesses. One of the widespread application is for medical diagnosis and medical imaging classification. This kind of model can contribute to decision-making in a way that it gives automated diagnosis and localization of abnormalities

    Real estate transfer taxation under the value added tax and real estate transfer tax

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    Predmet ovoga rada je oporezivanje prometa nekretnina u Republici Hrvatskoj prema odredbama Zakona o porezu na promet nekretnina te Zakona o porezu na dodanu vrijednost. Cilj je pojasniti primjenu, istaknuti specifiĉnosti i uoĉiti razlike u oporezivanju temeljem navedenih Zakona, s naglaskom na razdoblje nakon 1. sijeĉnja 2017. godine, odnosno nakon provedene porezne reforme. Promet nekretnina u Republici Hrvatskoj, odnosno graĊevine, nekretnine i zemljište mogu biti oporezivi samo jednim poreznim propisom. To znaĉi da isporuka nekretnine koja je oporeziva PDV-om neće biti oporeziva porezom na promet nekretnina i obrnuto. TakoĊer, rad sadrţi poglavlja u kojima je obrazloţeno kako se obavlja oporezivanje u postupku ovrhe nad nekretninama, kao i statistiĉki prikaz uplate poreza na promet nekretnina u razdoblju od 2006. do 2016. godine.The subject of this paper is real estate transfer taxation in the Republic of Croatia under the provisions of The Real Estate Transfer Tax Law and The Value Added Tax Law. The aim of this work is to explain application, to highlight the specifics and notice the differences in taxation pursuant to the said laws with focus on the period after 1 January 2017, after the implementation of tax reform. Real estate transfer in the Republic of Croatia, when it comes to buildings, real estates and land, may be taxed with one tax regulation only. This means that the delivery of real estate which is taxable with value added tax, will not be taxable with real estate transfer tax and vice versa. The paper contains chapters that explain the way in which the taxation in distraint procedure is done. Also, the paper contains statistical review of real estate transfer tax payments in the period between 2006 and 2016

    A retrospective study of surgical treatment of spinal injuries with rehabilitation program

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    Introduction: Traumatic injuries of the spinal column are among the most devastating injuries in orthopedics. The primary goals of rehabilitation of these injuries are prevention of secondary complications, maximizing physical functioning and reintegration into the community. Rehabilitation after spinal injury reqires multidisciplinary team approach. Team members include, but are not limited to, physical therapists, occupational therapists, nurses, psychologists, health care managers and social workers, with each member having role and responsibility in their area of expertise. This study aimed to determine the difference in the occurrence of spinal injuries according to gender, age, cause of injury, neurological phenomenon in injured patients, the treatment and physical procedures used in the early stages of rehabilitation.Methods: The study was conducted as a retrospective and comparative at the Department of Orthopedics and Traumatology of Clinical Center University of Sarajevo. Medical records of 100 patients, treated at from January 1st 2007 till June 30th 2008, were processed and data about outpatient protocols and surgery protocols analyzed.Results: The results obtained from the data showed greater proportion of women (56%) compared to men (44%). Most patients were in the age group between 41 and 60. Injuries were most often due to falls from height and make 32%, fall from a tree 25%, traffic accidents 12% (²=17.94, p=0.0061). 88% of patients were without neurologic events, while the neurological disturbances occurred 12% (χ²=3.397, p=0.3343). 56% of patients with spinal injuries were treated surgically, while 41% were treated conservatively (χ ²=7.264, p= 0.00153). 73% patient had physical therapy program of early rehabilitation exercises, with at least at least only a massage in 4% of patients X² = 6.573, p = 0.04270).Conclusion: The adoption of national protocols is necessary for future treatment of patients with spinal fractures

    Chemical composition and antioxidant and antimicrobial activity of Helichrysum italicum (Roth) G. Don. essential oil from Bosnia and Herzegovina

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    In this study, the chemical profiles, antioxidant and antibacterial activity of Helivhrysum italicum essential oils from three plantation fields in Herzegovina were analysed. GC/MS analysis showed that all samples were rich in sesquiterpenes (45.19%-50.07%) and monoterpenes (21.15%-23.21%), followed by oxygenated monoterpenes (9.92%-14.03%). Diketones in the essential oil were detected in quantities ranging 5.72% to 6.67%. The main components in essential oils were γ-curcumene, α-pinene, β-selinene and neril-acetate. All tested essential oils exhibited relatively weak DPPH.-scavenging capacity. The antimicrobial activity of the essential oil was assayed by using the disk diffusion method. E. coli was most resistant against all three tested H. italicum essential oils, while moderate inhibitory activity against S. aureus and C. albicans was detected. The L. monocytogenes was the most sensitive where all three tested samples showed inhibitory activity


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    Liderstvo je u velikoj mjeri povezano s motivacijom i kao takvo utiče na fluktuaciju i zadržavanje zaposlenih. Lider uspostavlja planove, ima sposobnost predviđanja i dijagnosticiranja posljedica budućih događanja, te rješava kompleksna pitanja motivacije zaposlenih. Zadržavanje zaposlenih podrazumijeva različite akcije i strategije koje kompanija razvija kako bi zadržala zaposlene unutar kompanije. Unutar ovih strategija, liderstvo se smatra jednim od glavnih faktora koji mogu promovirati dugoročno zadržavanje. Istraživanje Work Institute iz 2020. godine pokazalo je da je ponašanje lidera na drugom mjestu razloga napuštanja organizacije. Pitanje zadržavanja i lojalnosti zaposlenih ne odnosi se samo na primjenu adekvatnih motivacionih tehnika, već i na uklanjanje demotivatora, kao što su stilovi liderstva koji ne omogućavaju dostizanje kompanijskih ciljeva aktiviranjem intrinzične i ekstrinzične motivacije zaposlenih. Ovaj rad analizira glavna obilježja transformacijskog i transakcijskog liderstva. Istraživanjem u odabranoj kompaniji ispituju se stavovi zaposlenih i menadžera u pogledu stila liderstva koji se primjenjuje, kao i glavnih faktora fluktuacije. Primjenom Pearsonovog koeficijenta korelacije, testira se hipoteza da transformacijsko liderstvo ima pozitivan korelacioni odnos sa zadržavanjem zaposlenih