199 research outputs found

    Review of the 25th annual scientific meeting of the International Society for Biological Therapy of Cancer

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    Led by key opinion leaders in the field, the 25th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Biological Therapy of Cancer (iSBTc, recently renamed the Society for Immunotherapy of Cancer, SITC) provided a scientific platform for ~500 attendees to exchange cutting-edge information on basic, clinical, and translational research in cancer immunology and immunotherapy. The meeting included keynote addresses on checkpoint blockade in cancer therapy and recent advances in therapeutic vaccination against cancer induced by Human Papilloma Virus 16. Participants from 29 countries interacted through oral presentations, panel discussions, and posters on topics that included dendritic cells and cancer, targeted therapeutics and immunotherapy, innate/adaptive immune interplay in cancer, clinical trial endpoints, vaccine combinations, countering negative regulation, immune cell trafficking to tumor microenvironment, and adoptive T cell transfer. In addition to the 50 oral presentations and >180 posters on these topics, a new SITC/iSBTc initiative to create evidence-based Cancer Immunotherapy Guidelines was announced. The SITC/iSBTc Biomarkers Taskforce announced the release of recommendations on immunotherapy biomarkers and a highly successful symposium on Immuno-Oncology Biomarkers that took place on the campus of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) immediately prior to the Annual Meeting. At the Annual Meeting, the NIH took the opportunity to publicly announce the award of the U01 grant that will fund the Cancer Immunotherapy Trials Network (CITN). In summary, the Annual Meeting gathered clinicians and scientists from academia, industry, and regulatory agencies from around the globe to interact and exchange important scientific advances related to tumor immunobiology and cancer immunotherapy

    Enhanced Antigen-Specific Antitumor Immunity with Altered Peptide Ligands that Stabilize the MHC-Peptide-TCR Complex

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    AbstractT cell responsiveness to an epitope is affected both by its affinity for the presenting MHC molecule and the affinity of the MHC-peptide complex for TCR. One limitation of cancer immunotherapy is that natural tumor antigens elicit relatively weak T cell responses, in part because high-affinity T cells are rendered tolerant to these antigens. We report here that amino acid substitutions in a natural MHC class I–restricted tumor antigen that increase the stability of the MHC-peptide-TCR complex are significantly more potent as tumor vaccines. The improved immunity results from enhanced in vivo expansion of T cells specific for the natural tumor epitope. These results indicate peptides that stabilize the MHC-peptide-TCR complex may provide superior antitumor immunity through enhanced stimulation of specific T cells

    Trafficking of High Avidity HER-2/neu-Specific T Cells into HER-2/neu-Expressing Tumors after Depletion of Effector/Memory-Like Regulatory T Cells

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    Cancer vaccines are designed to activate and enhance cancer-antigen-targeted T cells that are suppressed through multiple mechanisms of immune tolerance in cancer-bearing hosts. T regulatory cell (Treg) suppression of tumor-specific T cells is one barrier to effective immunization. A second mechanism is the deletion of high avidity tumor-specific T cells, which leaves a less effective low avidity tumor specific T cell repertoire available for activation by vaccines. Treg depleting agents including low dose cyclophosphamide (Cy) and antibodies that deplete CD25-expressing Tregs have been used with limited success to enhance the potency of tumor-specific vaccines. In addition, few studies have evaluated mechanisms that activate low avidity cancer antigen-specific T cells. Therefore, we developed high and low avidity HER-2/neu-specific TCR transgenic mouse colonies specific for the same HER-2/neu epitope to define the tolerance mechanisms that specifically affect high versus low avidity tumor-specific T cells.High and low avidity CD8(+) T cell receptor (TCR) transgenic mice specific for the breast cancer antigen HER-2/neu (neu) were developed to provide a purified source of naïve, tumor-specific T cells that can be used to study tolerance mechanisms. Adoptive transfer studies into tolerant FVB/N-derived HER-2/neu transgenic (neu-N) mice demonstrated that high avidity, but not low avidity, neu-specific T cells are inhibited by Tregs as the dominant tolerizing mechanism. High avidity T cells persisted, produced IFNγ, trafficked into tumors, and lysed tumors after adoptive transfer into mice treated with a neu-specific vaccine and low dose Cy to deplete Tregs. Analysis of Treg subsets revealed a Cy-sensitive CD4(+)Foxp3(+)CD25(low) tumor-seeking migratory phenotype, characteristic of effector/memory Tregs, and capable of high avidity T cell suppression.Depletion of CD25(low) Tregs allows activation of tumor-clearing high avidity T cells. Thus, the development of agents that specifically deplete Treg subsets should translate into more effective immunotherapies while avoiding autoimmunity

    Recruitment of latent pools of high-avidity CD8+ T cells to the antitumor immune response

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    A major barrier to successful antitumor vaccination is tolerance of high-avidity T cells specific to tumor antigens. In keeping with this notion, HER-2/neu (neu)-targeted vaccines, which raise strong CD8+ T cell responses to a dominant peptide (RNEU420-429) in WT FVB/N mice and protect them from a neu-expressing tumor challenge, fail to do so in MMTV-neu (neu-N) transgenic mice. However, treatment of neu-N mice with vaccine and cyclophosphamide-containing chemotherapy resulted in tumor protection in a proportion of mice. This effect was specifically abrogated by the transfer of neu-N–derived CD4+CD25+ T cells. RNEU420-429-specific CD8+ T cells were identified only in neu-N mice given vaccine and cyclophosphamide chemotherapy which rejected tumor challenge. Tetramer-binding studies demonstrated that cyclophosphamide pretreatment allowed the activation of high-avidity RNEU420-429-specific CD8+ T cells comparable to those generated from vaccinated FVB/N mice. Cyclophosphamide seemed to inhibit regulatory T (T reg) cells by selectively depleting the cycling population of CD4+CD25+ T cells in neu-N mice. These findings demonstrate that neu-N mice possess latent pools of high-avidity neu-specific CD8+ T cells that can be recruited to produce an effective antitumor response if T reg cells are blocked or removed by using approaches such as administration of cyclophosphamide before vaccination

    Mesothelin-specific CD8+ T Cell Responses Provide Evidence of In Vivo Cross-Priming by Antigen-Presenting Cells in Vaccinated Pancreatic Cancer Patients

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    Tumor-specific CD8+ T cells can potentially be activated by two distinct mechanisms of major histocompatibility complex class I–restricted antigen presentation as follows: direct presentation by tumor cells themselves or indirect presentation by professional antigen-presenting cells (APCs). However, controversy still exists as to whether indirect presentation (the cross-priming mechanism) can contribute to effective in vivo priming of tumor-specific CD8+ T cells that are capable of eradicating cancer in patients. A clinical trial of vaccination with granulocyte macrophage–colony stimulating factor–transduced pancreatic cancer lines was designed to test whether cross-presentation by locally recruited APCs can activate pancreatic tumor-specific CD8+ T cells. Previously, we reported postvaccination delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) responses to autologous tumor in 3 out of 14 treated patients. Mesothelin is an antigen demonstrated previously by gene expression profiling to be up-regulated in most pancreatic cancers. We report here the consistent induction of CD8+ T cell responses to multiple HLA-A2, A3, and A24-restricted mesothelin epitopes exclusively in the three patients with vaccine-induced DTH responses. Importantly, neither of the vaccinating pancreatic cancer cell lines expressed HLA-A2, A3, or A24. These results provide the first direct evidence that CD8 T cell responses can be generated via cross-presentation by an immunotherapy approach designed to recruit APCs to the vaccination site

    Oncogenic Kras Activates a Hematopoietic-to-Epithelial IL-17 Signaling Axis in Preinvasive Pancreatic Neoplasia

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    SummaryMany human cancers are dramatically accelerated by chronic inflammation. However, the specific cellular and molecular elements mediating this effect remain largely unknown. Using a murine model of pancreatic intraepithelial neoplasia (PanIN), we found that KrasG12D induces expression of functional IL-17 receptors on PanIN epithelial cells and also stimulates infiltration of the pancreatic stroma by IL-17-producing immune cells. Both effects are augmented by associated chronic pancreatitis, resulting in functional in vivo changes in PanIN epithelial gene expression. Forced IL-17 overexpression dramatically accelerates PanIN initiation and progression, while inhibition of IL-17 signaling using genetic or pharmacologic techniques effectively prevents PanIN formation. Together, these studies suggest that a hematopoietic-to-epithelial IL-17 signaling axis is a potent and requisite driver of PanIN formation

    Colorectal cancer in patients of advanced age is associated with increased incidence of BRAF p.V600E mutation and mismatch repair deficiency

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    IntroductionThe highest incidence of colorectal cancer (CRC) is in patients diagnosed at 80 years or older highlighting a need for understanding the clinical and molecular features of these tumors. Methods. In this retrospective cohort study, 544 CRCs underwent next generation sequencing and mismatch repair (MMR) evaluation. Molecular and clinical features were compared between 251 patients with traditional-onset CRC (50-69 years at diagnosis) and 60 with late-onset CRC (>80 years at diagnosis).ResultsLate-onset CRC showed a significantly higher rate of right-sided tumors (82% vs 35%), MMR deficiency (35% vs. 8%) and BRAF p.V600E mutations (35% vs. 8%) and a significantly lower rate of stage IV disease (15% vs 28%) and APC mutations (52% vs. 78%). Association of these features with advanced age was supported by stratifying patients into 6 age groups (<40, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69, 70-79 and >80 years). However, the age-related rise in MMR deficient (dMMR) CRC was only seen in the female patients with an incidence of 48% (vs. 10% in the male patient) in the >80y group. In addition, BRAF p.V600E was significantly enriched in MMR deficient CRC of advanced age (67% in late-onset CRC). Categorizing CRC by mutational profiling, late-onset CRC revealed a significantly higher rate of dMMR/BRAF+APC- (18% vs. 2.0%), dMMR/BRAF-APC- (8.3% vs. 1.2%) and MMR proficient (pMMR)/BRAF+APC- (12% vs. 4.0%) as compared to traditional-onset CRC.DiscussionIn summary, there was a higher rate of dMMR and BRAF p.V600E in late-onset CRC, independently or in combination. The higher incidence of dMMR in late-onset CRC in females is most likely predominantly driven by BRAF p.V600E induced hypermethylation. Prospective studies with treatment plans designed specifically for these older patients are warranted to improve their outcomes

    Tyrosine 23 Phosphorylation-Dependent Cell-Surface Localization of Annexin A2 Is Required for Invasion and Metastases of Pancreatic Cancer

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    The aggressiveness of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDA) is characterized by its high metastatic potential and lack of effective therapies, which is the result of a lack of understanding of the mechanisms involved in promoting PDA metastases. We identified Annexin A2 (ANXA2), a member of the Annexin family of calcium-dependent phospholipid binding proteins, as a new molecule that promotes PDA invasion and metastases. We found ANXA2 to be a PDA-associated antigen recognized by post-treatment sera of patients who demonstrated prolonged survival following treatment with a PDA-specific vaccine. Cell surface ANXA2 increases with PDA development and progression. Knockdown of ANXA2 expression by RNA interference or blocking with anti-ANXA2 antibodies inhibits in vitro invasion of PDA cells. In addition, post-vaccination patient sera inhibits in vitro invasion of PDA cells, suggesting that therapeutic anti-ANXA2 antibodies are induced by the vaccine. Furthermore, cell-surface localization of ANXA2 is tyrosine 23 phosphorylation-dependent; and tyrosine 23 phosphorylation is required for PDA invasion. We demonstrated that tyrosine 23 phosphorylation resulting in surface expression of ANXA2 is required for TGFβ-induced, Rho-mediated epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT), linking the cellular function of ANXA2 which was previously shown to be associated with small GTPase-regulated cytoskeletal rearrangements, to the EMT process in PDA. Finally, using mouse PDA models, we showed that shRNA knock-down of ANXA2, a mutation at tyrosine 23, or anti-ANXA2 antibodies, inhibit PDA metastases and prolong mouse survival. Thus, ANXA2 is part of a novel molecular pathway underlying PDA metastases and a new target for development of PDA therapeutics

    Patient-derived Organoid Pharmacotyping is a Clinically Tractable Strategy for Precision Medicine in Pancreatic Cancer

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    Objective: PDAC patients who undergo surgical resection and receive effective chemotherapy have the best chance of long-term survival. Unfortunately, we lack predictive biomarkers to guide optimal systemic treatment. Ex-vivo generation of PDO for pharmacotyping may serve as predictive biomarkers in PDAC. The goal of the current study was to demonstrate the clinical feasibility of a PDO-guided precision medicine framework of care. Methods: PDO cultures were established from surgical specimens and endoscopic biopsies, expanded in Matrigel, and used for high-throughput drug testing (pharmacotyping). Efficacy of standard-of-care chemotherapeutics was assessed by measuring cell viability after drug exposure. Results: A framework for rapid pharmacotyping of PDOs was established across a multi-institutional consortium of academic medical centers. Specimens obtained remotely and shipped to a central biorepository maintain viability and allowed generation of PDOs with 77% success. Early cultures maintain the clonal heterogeneity seen in PDAC with similar phenotypes (cystic-solid). Late cultures exhibit a dominant clone with a pharmacotyping profile similar to early passages. The biomass required for accurate pharmacotyping can be minimized by leveraging a high-throughput technology. Twenty-nine cultures were pharmacotyped to derive a population distribution of chemotherapeutic sensitivity at our center. Pharmacotyping rapidly-expanded PDOs was completed in a median of 48 (range 18-102) days. Conclusions: Rapid development of PDOs from patients undergoing surgery for PDAC is eminently feasible within the perioperative recovery period, enabling the potential for pharmacotyping to guide postoperative adjuvant chemotherapeutic selection. Studies validating PDOs as a promising predictive biomarker are ongoing.Peer reviewe
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