178 research outputs found

    Desafíos de la criminalización de la protesta y la corrupción a través de documentos internacionales

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    With the passage of the Islamic Penal Code of 1992, the legislator took a critical step contrary to the provisions of international documents such as the Political and Civil Covenant and the Universal Declaration of Human rights and other documents criminalize behaviors that are critical of human rights, both in terms of punishment and in non-compliance with the principles and principles of criminality. As provided in Article 286 for severe on-the-ground corruption with a view to development in various fields, the death penalty has been specified. The perpetrators of these crimes and deviations from the substantive principles of security crimes, such as riots and corruption on earth, present challenges that will be addressed in this article, first explaining the importance of the right to life and the death penalty in international documents and the Iranian legal system.Con la aprobación del Código Penal Islámico de 1992, el legislador dio un paso crítico contrario a las disposiciones de Los documentos internacionales como el Pacto Político y Civil y la Declaración Universal de Derechos Humanos y otros documentos penalizan comportamientos que son críticos de los derechos humanos, tanto en términos de castigo como en incumplimiento de los principios y principios de criminalidad. Según lo dispuesto en el Artículo 286 para la corrupción severa en el terreno con miras al desarrollo en varios campos, se ha especificado la pena de muerte. Los autores de estos crímenes y las desviaciones de los principios sustantivos de los crímenes de seguridad, como los disturbios y la corrupción en la tierra, presentan desafíos que se abordarán en este artículo, primero explicando la importancia del derecho a la vida y la pena de muerte en documentos internacionales y el sistema legal iraní

    Reliability and validity of the Oxford happiness inventory among university students in Iran

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    The aim of the present study was to examine the internal reliability, content validity, construct validity, and concurrent validity of the Persian translation/Farsi version of the Oxford Happiness Inventory. The Oxford Happiness Inventory and Fordyce Happiness Inventory were completed by a sample of 727 Iranian university students. Findings confirmed the internal reliability, construct, and concurrent validity of the Oxford Happiness Inventory. Thus, it can be recommended for use as a trait-measure of happiness among Iranian samples.El objetivo de este estudio fue examinar la fiabilidad internal, la validez de contenido, la validez de constructo y la validez concurrente de la traducción persa/varsión farsi del Inventario de Felicidad de Oxford (Oxford Happiness Inventory). Una muestra de 727 estudiantes universitarios iraníes completaron el Inventario de Felicidad de Oxford y al Inventario de Felicidad de Fordyce. Los resultados confirmaron la fiabilidad interna, la validez de constructo y la validez concurrente del Inventario de Felicidad de Oxford. Así, puede ser recomendarse para su uso como medida de rasgo de felicidad en muestras iraníes

    Geometrical modeling for bi-axial weft knitted fabrics based on rib structure

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    This study proposes a 3D geometrical model for biaxial weft knitted fabrics based on rib structure. Using modification of 3D plain loop to simplify the connection of back and face loops, unit-cell of a 1x1 rib structure is obtained. The warp and weft yarns can be drawn through this structure using Python scripting in Abaqus software. To verify the proposed geometrical model, the biaxial weft knitted fabric based on rib structure has been produced from polyester yarn on a modern flat knitting machine. Fabric is subjected to tensile loading in warp, weft and bias directions according to standard methods. Using a FEM software, tensile behavior of fabrics is numerically simulated. The results show that the geometrical model can successfully predict the tensile behavior of the biaxial weft knitted fabric

    The Effect of Noise Exposure on Cognitive Performance and Brain Activity Patterns

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    Background: It seems qualitative measurements of subjective reactions are not appropriate indicators to assess the effect of noise on cognitive performance. In this study, quantitative and combined indicators were applied to study the effect of noise on cognitive performance. Materials and Methods: A total of 54 young subjects were included in this experimental study. The participants’ mental work load and attention were evaluated under different levels of noise exposure including, background noise, 75, 85 and 95 dBA noise levels. The study subject’s EEG signals were recorded for 10 minutes while they were performing the IVA test. The EEG signals were used to estimate the relative power of their brain frequency bands. Results: Results revealed that mental work load and visual/auditory attention is significantly reduced when the participants are exposed to noise at 95 dBA level (P<0.05). Results also showed that with the rise in noise levels, the relative power of the Alpha band increases while the relative power of the Beta band decreases as compared to background noise. The most prominent change in the relative power of the Alpha and Beta bands occurs in the occipital and frontal regions of the brain respectively. Conclusions: The application of new indicators including brain signal analysis and power spectral density analysis is strongly recommended in the assessment of cognitive performance during noise exposure. Further studies are suggested regarding the effects of other psychoacoustic parameters such as tonality, noise pitch (treble or bass) at extended exposure levels

    Response of cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) seedlings to exogenous silicon and salicylic acid under osmotic stress

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    This study investigates the role of 1.5 mM silicon (Si) and 10 μM salicylic acid (SA) singly or in combination, in inducing cucumber seedlings tolerance to osmotic stress (15% PEG). Osmotic stress reduced shoot fresh and dry mass (SFM, SDM), shoot K+ uptake and leaf area (LA) and increased malondialdehyde (MDA), hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), and ion leakage (IL). Under osmotic stress, Si, SA and Si+SA, increased LA, SFM, SDM, relative water content, total phenolic compounds, anthocyanins, flavonoids, shoot K+ and phenylalanine ammonia lyase (PAL) activity. In all cases the effect of Si+SA was more pronounced. Moreover, Si, SA and Si+SA reduced MDA, H2O2, ion leakage, proline and other aldehydes, under osmotic stress. Meanwhile, under osmotic stress, Si or SA improved seedling performance by enhancing antioxidant enzymes activity, but the better performance of the seedlings under osmotic stress treated with Si+SA was not associated with further enhancement of antioxidant enzymes activity. However, Si+SA treatment significantly increased non-enzymatic antioxidants, total phenolic compounds, anthocyanins, flavonoids, and Si, K+, Ca2+ content in shoot and also PAL activity that might have contributed to higher tolerance of seedling to osmotic stress

    A Hybrid Model for Portfolio Optimization Based on Stock Clustering and Different Investment Strategies

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    In today's dynamic business environment, in order to compete in the market, financial institutes are trying to find the best portfolio policy that in turn leads to an increase in the return and a decrease in the risk for the investors. The objective of this study is to develop a portfolio considering the behavior of investors in risk taking. This research aims to support investors, experts and intermediate managers in establishing optimized portfolio of stocks according to investment strategy. The proposed model has used the five indexes of risk, return, skewness, liquidity and current ratio of 66 companies that enlisted in Tehran Stock Exchange Market and then clustered different companies using the hybrid method of clustering algorithm. After that, the clusters ranked using Topsis method. Ultimately, using genetic algorithm, the portfolio is established for different classes of investors with respect to their risk-taking level. The results show that the proposed model in comparison to general index, the industry index and the index of 50 more active companies are better in Tehran Stock Exchange.  Keywords: portfolio optimization, clustering, neural network, genetic algorithm JEL Classifications: C880, C61

    Investigating the safety atmosphere and its associated factors in a construction firm in 2011

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    Background and Aims: Safety performance in construction industries is a major concern. Occupational injuries and fatalities in these industries are so frequent indicating high rate of accidents. Improper comprehension and safety culture of workers may lead to unsafe behaviors which ultimately result in accidents. This work was conducted to investigate the safety climate and its associated factors in a construction firm.Materials and Methods: A validated questionnaire was used to determine the safety atmosphere and its relevant factors in two sites of a construction firm. According to MORGAN Table, 347 workers of a construction firm were randomly selected. The relations among safety atmosphere factors, as well as demographic characteristics were determined. Spearman’s rho test was used to analysis the data.Results: A meaningful relationship among the safety atmosphere factors was observed in both building workshops according to the Spearman’s rho test. The results also showed that management commitment factor was most associated with stress factors of production. There were significant relationships between age and some safety atmosphere factors such as safety training, production pressure, encouraging raising safety, and rule breaking (p<0.05). Job category had significant relationships with some factors including productionpressure, encouraging raising safety, and safety committees (p<0.05).Conclusion: Safety atmosphere and its associated factors are effective tools to determine the safety condition in the studied construction firm.Key words: Safety climate, Safety climate factors, Accident, Demographical features

    Provincial health accounts in Kerman, Iran: an evidence of a “mixed” healthcare financing system

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    Background: Provincial Health Accounts (PHA) as a subset of National Health Accounts (NHA) present financial information for health sectors. It leads to a logical decision making for policy-makers in order to achieve health system goals, especially Fair Financial Contribution (FFC). This study aimed to examine Health Accounts in Kerman Province. Methods: The present analytical study was carried out retrospectively between 2008 and 2011. The research population consisted of urban and rural households as well as providers and financial agents in health sectors of Kerman Province. The purposeful sampling included 16 provincial organizations. To complete data, the report on Kerman household expenditure was taken as a data source from the Governor-General’s office. In order to classify the data, the International Classification for Health Accounts (ICHA) method was used, in which data set was adjusted for the province. Results: During the study, the governmental and non-governmental fund shares of the health sector in Kerman were 27.22% and 72.78% respectively. The main portion of financial sources (59.41) was related to private household funds, of which the Out-of-Pocket (OOP) payment mounted to 92.35%. Overall, 54.86% of all financial sources were covered by OOP. The greatest portion of expenditure of Total Healthcare Expenditures (THEs) (65.19%) was related to curative services. Conclusion: The major portion of healthcare expenditures was related to the OOP payment which is compatible with the national average rate in Iran. However, health expenditure per capita, was two and a half times higher than the national average. By emphasizing on Social Determinant of Health (SDH) approach in the Iranian health system, the portion of OOP payment and curative expenditure are expected to be controlled in the medium term. It is suggested that PHA should be examined annually in a more comprehensive manner to monitor initiatives and reforms in healthcare s e c tor

    Rhythm and Rhyme Management in Poetry Translation

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    IntroductionThe rhythm, which means the repetition of elements, is one of the principles in all arts: music, dance, poetry, and theatre. In poetry, the repetition of words, sounds, and phrases creates rhythm. Perhaps an example can clarify the concept of rhythm. If a person's footprint on the beach's sand is an example of rhythm, the places where he puts his foot on the sand and digs it is called a beat (or motif); And the distance between beats is called space. That is, we can consider rhythm a set of beats that are separated by spaces. Based on the differences between the beats of a chain or the differences between the spaces of a chain, we can classify the rhythms. In this article, we show that although rhythm is important, experts have not paid much attention to it. At first, we try to provide a more accurate definition of it; and we introduce its subcategories with the definition and example. Then we remind that in fact, the rhythm of poetry is one of the examples of rhythm; As well as one of the physical characteristics of the language.language can be divided into two semantic and physical layers from one perspective. The semantic layer consists of meanings and concepts. This layer is not an objective layer and its elements cannot be touched, seen, or heard. The physical layer consists of elements such as words or rhythms and rhymes. This layer is objective and tangible. In fact, in linguistic communication, the physical layer is transmitted and activates the semantic layer in the mind of the audience.  MethodologyIn the present study, we intend to achieve the most effective style of translation of poetry from French into Persian. For this reason, we have compared the opinions of various experts on the role of the physical layer of language in the translation of poetry; in addition, we have compared different styles of translation of poetry into Persian; we have also compared the types of rhythms and rhymes in Farsi.  DiscussionIn our opinion, the physical layer of language is highly used in literature, especially in poetry. Our issue is whether translators can translate the physical layer. Do we need to translate this layer? If the answer is yes, how should we do this? This paper attempts to answer these questions. Of course, our focus is on the rhythm and the rhyme, and we examine the «translation into Persian», not the «translation from Persian».We want to answer this question, which in the translation of poetry from European languages into Persian, considering the differences between them and Persian, a translator, what physical facilities can use. We know that rhythm and rhyme are a poem's most important physical elements, and we want to know what they do in the translation process. Our effort is to explain to the reader using a set of evidence, some of the ambiguous concepts.Based on the relationship that may form between the source poetry and the destination poetry, we can expect a variety of approaches to translating poetry. However, if we want to make a general classification, we can separate the three main approaches (Vide: Boase-Beier, 2009: 194): Prose rendering. In this approach, semantic characteristics are recreated, and poetic characteristics such as rhythm and rhyme are eliminated. Such an approach can only convey the concepts and imagery to the translation audience. Adaptation. In this approach, the most important semantic characteristics and sometimes even the most important poetic characteristics are eliminated, to increase the impact of the poem created in the destination language. Translators who use this approach sometimes claim that the work they created must be evaluated as independent work. Recreative. In this approach, the semantic and poetic characteristics of the original poem are recreated using the destination language facilities. The purpose of the translation that chooses this approach is to achieve a relative resemblance between the poetry of origin and its translation.In this article, our focus is on the recreative approach. It should be noted that the methods of taking any approach could be changed. That is, in different ways, one can follow a specific path. Based on the relationship that may form between the origin rhythm and the destination rhythm, we can expect a variety of approaches. Overall, three approaches can be used to translate poetry rhythm (Vide: Holmes, 1988: 25-27): Mimetic. In this approach, the origin rhythm structure is recreated in the destination language; Of course, there is no guarantee for the result. Hexameters, for example, are natural for French speakers, while for English speakers who are accustomed to Pentameters, such a rhythm is heavy. Analogical. In this approach, a structure is used in the destination language, which has a similar effect to the origin rhythm structure. For example, in translation from France to English, pentameters are used instead of Hexameters. Organic. In this approach, the translator uses a rhythm that he thinks is more appropriate. That is, there is no relationship between the destination rhythm and the origin rhythm.We believe that the nature of the rhythm of poetry is not well known. Therefore, our first attempt is to study it. We have hypotheses that show how it works. The basics of the rhythm of poetry are different in different languages; we refer to them. Meanwhile, we explain different opinions and try to choose among them, the idea that seems more appropriate. We will talk about all kinds of rhythms and rhymes; and of course, in Persian poetry, rhyme and fixed-rhyme [: radif] are interrelated. When we talk about rhythm and rhyme, we also have to talk about modern formats and rhythms. We try to ignore semantic issues; in no way, we will not enter issues like imagination; we only deal with language physics. Then we introduce a kind of developed rhyme called super-rhyme, and we give examples to show its performance. Super-rhyme is objectively like a classical rhyme-in-prose [: saj?]. In the end, we examine three translations of a French poem.  ConclusionFinally, we conclude that because the formats of classical Persian poetry and the vocabulary and concepts that form it are limited and unchanged, this genre cannot be a suitable container for the content of a poem from another culture. On the other hand, since the new vocabulary does not fit in the classic rhythm, the freshness of the source poem will be hurt. Therefore, to achieve the best result, it is better to use non-metric rhythm and super-rhyme; Classic formats generally restrict translation; so if they need to be used, we can simulate them; That is, we can create a quasi-classic format with non-metric rhythm and super-rhyme. In other words, non-metric rhythm and super-rhyme can greatly increase the quality of a translation. Every translated poem has two identities. An identity that is dependent on the source poem, and by comparing the translation with it, we can evaluate that identity, and an identity that is independent of the source poetry, and by comparing the translation with the poems in the target language, we can evaluate that identity; so a successful translation is a translation that has two acceptable identities. In the article, we have introduced a new style in translation, which consists of a kind of rhythmic prose and a kind of developed rhyme and maximizes the impact of a translated poem without weakening its semantic aspect.

    A Systems-Based Approach for Cyanide Overproduction by Bacillus megaterium for Gold Bioleaching Enhancement

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    With the constant accumulation of electronic waste, extracting precious metals contained therein is becoming a major challenge for sustainable development. Bacillus megaterium is currently one of the microbes used for the production of cyanide, which is the main leaching agent for gold recovery. The present study aimed to propose a strategy for metabolic engineering of B. megaterium to overproduce cyanide, and thus ameliorate the bioleaching process. For this, we employed constraint-based modeling, running in silico simulations on iJA1121, the genome-scale metabolic model of B. megaterium DSM319. Flux balance analysis (FBA) was initially used to identify amino acids to be added to the culture medium. Considering cyanide as the desired product, we used growth-coupled methods, constrained minimal cut sets (cMCSs) and OptKnock to identify gene inactivation targets. To identify gene overexpression targets, flux scanning based on enforced objective flux (FSEOF) was performed. Further analysis was carried out on the identified targets to determine compounds with beneficial regulatory effects. We have proposed a chemical-defined medium for accelerating cyanide production on the basis of microplate assays to evaluate the components with the greatest improving effects. Accordingly, the cultivation of B. megaterium DSM319 in a chemically-defined medium with 5.56 mM glucose as the carbon source, and supplemented with 413 μM cysteine, led to the production of considerably increased amounts of cyanide. Bioleaching experiments were successfully performed in this medium to recover gold and copper from telecommunication printed circuit boards. The results of inductively coupled plasma (ICP) analysis confirmed that gold recovery peaked out at around 55% after 4 days, whereas copper recovery continued to increase for several more days, peaking out at around 85%. To further validate the bioleaching results, FESEM, XRD, FTIR, and EDAX mapping analyses were performed. We concluded that the proposed strategy represents a viable route for improving the performance of the bioleaching processes