4 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Pendidikan Kesehatan Melalui Audio Visual terhadap Perilaku Personal Hygiene Anak Kelas IV di SDN 2 Jambidan Banguntapan Bantul

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    Latar Belakang :Personal hygiene berarti merawat kebersihan bagian-bagian tubuh. Personal hygiene mungkin tidak terurus karena ketidaktahuan atau kurangnya pendidikan kesehatan yang layak atau kurangnya penanaman kebiasaan akan kebersihan. Tujuan : Penelitian inimengidentifikasi pengaruh pendidikan kesehatan melalui audio visual terhadap perilaku personal hygiene anak kelas IV di SDN 2 Jambidan Banguntapan Bantul. Metode :Metode penelitian pre eksperiment dengan pendekatan one group pre-test post-test design. Responden penelitian terdiri dari 30 anak kelas IV di SDN 2 Jambidan Banguntapan dan diambil dengan menggunakan teknik quota sampling. Pengumpulan data menggunakan instrument kuesioner dengan teknik uji wilcoxon match pair. Hasil : Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan adanya pengaruh pendidikan kesehatan melaluiaudio visual yang signifikan terhadap perilaku personal hygieneanak kelas IV di SDN 2 Jambidan Banguntapan Bantul. Analisis wilcoxon match pair menunjukkan bahwa pada taraf signifikansi ?? = 0,05diperoleh nilai ?? = 0,000sehingga ?? < 0,05. Simpulan : (1) Seluruh respondenmemiliki perilaku personal hygiene pada kategori cukup saat pre-test,(2) Sebagian besar atau 83,3% respondenmemiliki perilaku personal hygiene pada kategori baik saat post-test, (3) Ada pengaruh signifikan pendidikan kesehatan melaluiaudio visual terhadap perilaku personal hygieneanak kelas IV di SDN 2 Jambidan Banguntapan Bantul. Saran : Pihak sekolah disarankan untuk memberikan pendidikan kesehatan yang lebih lanjut terkait kesehatan gigi dan mulut

    Nurse-Doctor Interprofessional Collaboration In Hospital: Study Description

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    Interprofessional collaboration is a partnership between professions who have different educational backgrounds and work together to solve patient health problems and provide needed health services. Interprofessional collaboration carried out by various health care professionals is an efficient and effective strategy in improving service quality. Interprofessional collaboration is also needed to increase satisfaction and create good quality health services. The method in this study is a quantitative descriptive survey. Data collection by interview method, measurement by NPCS (nurse-physicians collaboration scale). The sample of this research are nurses and doctors in RSUD Toto Kabila. This activity was carried out by 3 lecturers and 1 partner for about 4 months. Nurse-doctor interprofessional collaboration according to the perception of nurses at the Toto Kabila General Hospital, the results obtained from 129 nurses, a total of 117 (90.3%) nurses rated the doctor's collaborative behavior in the good category and a number of 12 (9.3%) nurses rated the doctor's collaborative behavior in the moderate category. Interprofessional collaboration nurse-doctor according to the perception of doctors at Toto Kabila Hospital showed that most of the respondents, namely 11 (84.6%) respondents considered nurses to carry out interprofessional collaboration well and as many as 2 (15.4%) respondents considered the interprofessional collaboration of nurses sufficient. The results showed that Interprofessional Collaboration between nurses and doctors mostly showed good results but there were still some that were still lacking in implementation so that it was necessary to increase interprofessional collaboration for all aspects of service in hospitals because with good collaboration it will create good quality health services

    Penerapan 5 Pilar melalui Pendampingan dan Pemberdayaan Keluarga Penderita Diabetes Mellitus: Implementation of the 5 Pillars through Family Assistance and Empowerment Diabetes Mellitus Sufferers

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    Penyakit tidak menular merupakan penyebab kematian utama secara global. Salah satu jenis penyakit tidak menular yang selalu mengalami peningkatan dari tahun ke tahun adalah penyakit diabetes mellitus tipe 2. Diabetes mellitus tipe 2 merupakan penyakit kronis yang terjadi ketika pankreas tidak dapat menghasilkan hormon insulin yang cukup atau ketika tubuh tidak efektif menggunakan insulin yang dihasilkan. Dinas Kesehatan Provinsi Gorontalo mencatat penderita diabetes melitus pada tahun 2020 sebanyak 3.908 penderita, pada tahun 2021 terjadi peningkatan yang sangat signifikan sebanyak 17.895 penderita, dan pada tahun 2022 dengan jumlah penderita diabetes melitus sebanyak 13.678 penderita. Khusus pada Kabupaten Gorontalo sebanyak 1.964 penderita. Dalam penatalaksanaan 5 Pilar Diabetes Mellitus dibutuhkan dukungan keluarga penderita untuk mencegah komplikasi buruk yang akan terjadi. Kegiatan berupa peningkatan pengetahuan dan keterampilan bagi penderita dan keluarga dalam mengendalikan diabetes melitus melalui penerapan 5 pilar: edukasi, pola makan, olahraga, intervensi farmakologi dan pemeriksaan gula darah yang dilaksanakan selama 45 hari. Hasil yang dapat disimpulkan pada kegiatan ini terdapat peningkatan pengetahuan dan keterampilan masyarakat Pentadio Barat khususnya bagi penderita dan keluarga terhadap pencegahan dan pengendalian diabetes mellitus. Diharapkan Pemerintah Desa Pentadio Barat kiranya dapat menerapkan program pencegahan dan pengendalian pada penderita diabetes mellitus dengan pendampingan keluarga. &nbsp

    Gambaran Pengetahuan Ibu Hamil Tentang Tanda Dan Bahaya Kehamilan Di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Kabila Bone

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    Knowledge possessed by pregnant women is one of the factors that can affect the risk of dangers in pregnancy. The object of this research is a pregnant women at Kabila Bone Public Health Center, Bone Bolango Regency. This research aims to describe the knowledge of pregnant women about danger signs during pregnancy. The research’s method is a descriptive observational method, conducted from July to November 2021. The sample in this study is a pregnant women who came to check their pregnancy and met the research criteria and willing to fill out the quistionnaires. The sampling technique used an accidental sampling, as many as 30 samples obtained. From total of 30 pregnant women respondents, we obtained data on the knowledge of pregnant women who are willing to become respondents based on their characteristics. Most of the respondents are 20 -30 years old (86.7%), with high school aducation (56.7%), respondents with housewife occupation (90%), with 4 ANC visits (83.3%). Multi gravida (66.%), and respondents with birth spacing 2-5 years (40%). Result based on the research obtained from the majority of respondents showed that most of respondents had a good knowledge about pregnancy as many as 22 respondents(73.3%)