314 research outputs found

    Delayed Manifestation of Transurethral Syndrome as a Complication of Transurethral Prostatic Resection

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    Metabolic encephalopathy as a part of ‘transurethral syndrome’ is an immediate complication following transurethral resection of prostate. It occurs during or few hours after the surgery. However, delayed manifestation of this complication is rare. It is also possible that pretreatment with diuretics can exaggerate this problem by predisposing the patient to electrolyte abnormalities. Here we present a report of such a patient who manifested with neurological complications six days after the prostate surger

    Clinical study to evaluate the effectiveness of Gavakshi Moola (Citrullus colocynthis) Draava with Ksheera in Kamala (hepatocellular jaundice)

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    Hepatocellular jaundice is a sign that usually accompanies diseases of liver, the organ that detoxifies metabolites, synthesizes proteins, produces biochemicals necessary for digestion, decomposes red blood cells and produces hormones,[1] hence is constantly under the risk of various diseases. Causes of hepatocellular jaundice are numerous with the most common being viral hepatitis, alcohol and drug toxicity. Kamala described among the Pittaja Nanatmaja Vyadhi has Haridra Varna of Netra, Twak, Nakha, Anana, Mutra as the cardinal sign, hence analogous to jaundice. The administration of Gavakshimoola Draava for 3 days is described in the management of Kamala. A clinical trial was conducted on 15 subjects and the results obtained were statistically analysed. Statistically significant reduction of Lakshana of Kamala and serum levels of bilirubin with p-value < 0.05 was noted

    A Comparative study of Accrediting Bodies in India with respect to Higher Institutes

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    The Quality of education in India is a issue of concern due to large number of Institutes starting their courses in the Country. Various bodies are set up to check the quality of education in higher educational Institutes. The study is related with comparing the quality parameters of various accrediting bodies in India and suggest best way to make these Institutes best in quality . These Institutes are playing the important role in quality management. The Higher educational Institutes are now trying hard to manage and maintain quality at levels of educational activities. The awareness of quality in higher education has forced the Institutions to go for accreditation from different bodies. The accreditation has proved to be the measure of quality and students community is asking grade of the Institute before taking admission in to the courses in the country. The strict polices, scales, parameters to grade the Institutes is the challenge before these agencies. The main focus of this paper is to study the procedure of the accreditation and their requirements. The Quality is important factor to study . The parameters used to measure the quality. The Authors have done the extensive study on NAAC procedure for accreditation of the Institutes. The comparative study of quality parameters followed by NAAC, ISO and NBA are tabulated in the paper and its results are highlighted. The accrediting bodies have main role to play in coming years to accredited maximum Institutions in India and bring quality awareness among these Institutions. The Quality has number of parameters to check

    Study of the efficacy of Pathadi Ghanavati with Lajamanda in the management of Aamatisara

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    Acute Diarrhoea is an important public health problem worldwide. The World Health Organization estimates that there are more than 1000 million cases of Acute Diarrhoea. Loose motion less than 2 weeks that labelled as Acute Diarrhoea. Diarrhoea is described in Ayurvedic classics with the name of ‘Atisara’. It means passing of excessive flow of watery stool through anus. Most important factor in the pathogenesis of Aamatisara is Mandagni. In present study 50 patients of Aamatisara were selected from OPD and IPD of Kayachikitsa department. For the clinical study Pathadi Ghanavati and Lajamanda was selected as the trial drug which was given for the duration of 7 days in the dose of 1gm twice a day. It was observed that 32% patients were from the age group 51-60 years, 70% were females, 62% were from lower-middle socio economic class. Sama Jivha was found in all the patients. Among results loose motion showed 98.75% relief, 97.82% showed improvement in Udarashoola, 97.43% improvement in Agnimandya and Daurbalya each, 100% relief was seen in Aruchi. All the symptoms showed highly significant results. Hence it can be concluded that Pathadi Ghanavati and Lajamanda is very effective remedy in the patients of Aamatisara


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    Angi karma is ideal for curing ailments such as sprains,heel pain,bck pain early stage of Harnia,To excise the corn from the heel.Ayurveda is the everlasting supreme science of medicine because it deals with promotion of health and curing the diseases. The aim of Medical Science is to provide better health to every human being. To achieve this goal the pathy should be able to eliminate the disease and that to be without any side effects. Ayurveda have shaman and shodhan chikitsa. Varity of medical procedure mentioned in Ayurved samhit as like ksharkarma, lepanam etc. AgniKarmais one of the important proceduredescribed in Ayurveda. In this fast lifestyle patients need instant result on all pain. AgniKarma is one of the fast procedure to reduced vedana (pain). Many samhitas have description of AgniKarma. From meaning to indication, contraindication, its superiority all information included in charak, sushrut, vagbhat, it a samhita. This AgniKarma is original idea of modern cauterization procedure

    Critical analysis of Anjana in Systemic Diseases

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    In the management of various ophthalmic disorders Kriyakalpa plays an important role. Netrakriyakalpa like Tarpana, Putapaka, Ashchyotana, Seka, Anjana, Pindi, Bidalaka all these procedures have very fast action on target tissues of eye. Among the Netrakriyakalpa Anjana is the one which had tremendous importance in both Healthy people (as a cosmetic preparation) as well as in ophthalmic patients. Moreover, to this, there are other few Aushadakalpanas which are even indicated in systemic diseases too i.e., Vishamajwara, Kaamala, Unmada, Apasmara. Moorcha, Grahabaada, and even Sthanika Visha Chikitsa can be done through the usage of Anjana. Anjana is the only Kriyakalpa which is mentioned to treat ocular disease as well as Systemic diseases, but due to lack of critical analysis in treating systemic diseases, it is lagging behind in the usage of clinical practises and although it is only Kriyakalpa mentioned in Dinacharya. So here all efforts has been made to explain the probable mode of action of Anjana in systemic diseases though there are barriers to it, meanwhile how barrier will become boon for systemic circulation will be overviewed

    Energy Conservation through Vacuum Coating & Metalizing Process

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    India and other industrial nations are faced with the unprecedented challanges of providing energy services to an expanding economy in a manner which is environmetly and economically sound, energy efficiency emerged as the most effective manner to reduce dependecies on foreign oil import, minimize emission which contributes to global warming and stimulate local economies, this paper discuss how current and future application of vacuum coating technologiescan play a significant role developing many of these energy efficiency consumer good

    A Review on Software Architecture Optimization Methods

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    Due to the remarkable mechanical request for programming frameworks, the expansion of the uncertainty, the quality requirements and quality of testing, the programming engineering configuration has been transformed into essential progression movement and the examination site is developing rapidly. In the recent decades, programming engineering involves improved technologies, which means to organize a scan for design outline for an arrangement of value attributes, have multiplied. In any case, the results shown are divided into different research groups, many framework areas and different quality features. Coming about the inclusion of current research, we have played a well-structured writing survey and have broken the result of various check-sheets of different research groups. Considering this study, a scientific classification has been done which is used for current research. Apart from this, the effective investigation of the examination writing given in this audit is expected to help in exploration and merging the current research endeavors and inferring an examination plan for future advancements

    A Critical Review on Sandhi Sharir with special reference to Upamana Pramana

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    Ayurveda, the Ancient Medico Holistic Science, which is comprised of numerous fundamental concepts with basic doctrines. Ayurveda along with its concepts is eternal (Shaswata), and have their own identity which does not require other science to indulge in between. Such fundamental concepts are literally better understood, analysed and merely utilized in clinical practice only with the proper utility of Pramanas. Pramanas in Ayurveda are means of true knowledge. Acharya Sushruta describe four Pramanas and among the four Pramanas i.e. Pratyaksha (Direct perception), Agama (Teaching of scriptures), Anumama (Inference), Upamana (Analogy) - Upamana Pramana is used widely in Ayurvedic literatures. Upamana or Aupamya give the knowledge or idea of an object by similar comparison. The meaning of word Sandhi is “the meeting point of two or more structures.” According to modern, joint is a point where two or more bones articulates with each other. Aacharya Sushruta hasquoted that although there are numerous Sandhi in our body which cannot be counted so only Asthi Sandhi should be considered while enumerating Sandhis. To make the concept of Sandhi Sharir (Joints) clearer or to make it understand in a better and simpler way Acharya Sushruta has described it by comparing with one or more objects or to the day today available things by using the Upamana Pramana. The examples mentioned are not only meant for better understanding but also anatomically fit with structures and some extent to functions. A thorough knowledge of the structure and function of the joint is required to diagnose and treat the diseases of joints. So, the knowledge of anatomy of joints should be known

    An Analytical Study of library Reference Services of the Hindi Prachar Sabha, Hyderabad

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    Father of the Nation Mahatma Gandhi founded the Dakshin Bharat Hindi Prachar Sabha to promote the Hindi language in South India. He was the founder president of Dakshin Bharat Hindi Prachar Sabha. In 1964, Dakshin Bharat Hindi Prachar Sabha was declared an 'Institution of National Importance' by Act 14 of the Parliament. The reference service department of this organization will be introduced in this article. &nbsp