235 research outputs found

    The role of information professionals in interpreting the results of journal league lists for research performance evaluation

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    This paper discusses some of the key content and software features which must be analyzed by skilled librarians/information professionals to deliver reliable, accurate, and appropriately comprehensive set of bibliographic data and bibliometric indicators about the status of the journals listed in the promotion, tenure and grant applications, as well as in journal desiderata for purposes of collection development in academic and special libraries

    The need for end-user customization of the journal-sets of the subject categories in the Scimago Journal Ranking Database for more appropriate league lists. A case study for the library & information science field

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    The open access SCImago Journal & Country Rank (SJR) service -built from data in the subscription-based Elsevier ’s Scopus database- offers bibliographic information and bibliometric indicators for nearly 20,000 journals and other serial publications for 1996-2011. Journals are assigned to 300+ pre-defined subject categories and 26 broad subject areas to produce league lists. The set of 134 journals assigned to the Library and Information Sciences (LIS) subject category and a sample set of 50 other LIS journals, scattered across several other categories, were analyzed in the latest edition (SJR - 2011). Recommendations are made on how SJR could be enhanced by its developers to include simple customization options in the interface to facilitate a more efficient look-up and more valid comparison of the standing of journals and other serials and to reflect the prevailing preferences at the institutions where the rank positions in journal league lists are used to inform career advancement and funding decisions. It is argued that extending the current three-year citation window to five years would be more appropriate for all disciplines, and would also make SJR  comparable to metricsbased journal league lists produced from the open access Microsoft Academic Search  (MAS ), Google Scholar Metrics for Publications (GSMP ), and Eigenfactor.org (EF) data and the subscription-based Journal Citation Reports (JCR), which pioneered the idea of a metrics-based journal league list

    A pénzmosás elleni fellépés uniós dimenziói – a büntetőjogi szabályozás reformja Németországban

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    Aim: The aim of study is to outline the cornerstones of the (EU) 2018/1673 Directive on combating money laundering by criminal law and to show how a Member State, Germany, has fulfilled its legal harmonization obligation in the field of the criminal law regulation.Methodology: During the research, the relevant EU legislation was presented, and the German Criminal Code was analyzed in terms of the dogmatic analysis of the money laundering offence.Findings: Despite the regulations of the EU Directives, there are significant differences between national regulations. The Amendment of the Criminal Code in 2021 introduced a paradigm shift in the criminal law regulation of money laundering in Germany. It introduced the so-called "all crime" approach in connection with the predicate offences. It is also worth mentioning that the German Criminal Code makes specific provision for the criminalization of the predicate offence committed abroad.Value: Regarding the cross-border nature of money laundering, it may be useful for both legislators and practitioners to familiarize themselves with the legislation of other Member States. In Hungary, there has been no recent academic work on the German legislation in force.  Cél: A tanulmány célja a pénzmosás elleni büntetőjogi fellépésről szóló (EU) 2018/1673 irányelv sarokköveinek felvázolását követően bemutatni azt, hogy hogyan tett eleget egy uniós tagország, Németország, a jogharmonizációs kötelezettségének a büntetőjogi szabályozás területén.Módszertan: A kutatás során a vonatkozó uniós joganyag bemutatására, valamint a német Büntető törvénykönyv pénzmosás bűncselekményének dogmatikai elemzésére került sor.Megállapítások: Az európai uniós irányelvi szintű szabályozás ellenére a tagállami szabályozások között lényeges különbségek fedezhetőek fel. Németországban 2021. évi Btk. Novella egy paradigmaváltást hozott a pénzmosás büntetőjogi szabályozásában. Bevezetésre került ugyanis általa az alapcselekmények vonatkozásában az úgynevezett „all crime” szemlélet. Kiemelendő továbbá, hogy a német Btk. külön rendelkezik a külföldön elkövetett alapcselekmény büntetendőségének kérdéséről.Érték: A pénzmosás határon átívelő elkövetési jellegére tekintettel hasznos lehet mind a jogalkotó, mind a jogalkalmazó számára más tagállamok szabályozásának megismerése. Hazánkban a hatályos német szabályozást bemutató tudományos munka nem született az elmúlt időszakban. &nbsp

    A Mezőkövesdi Római Katolikus Elemi Népiskola a XX. század első felében

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