7 research outputs found

    An intercomparison exercise of good laboratory practices for nano-aerosols sizemeasurements by mobility spectrometers

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    International audienceAn intercomparison campaign on nanoparticle size measurement was organized in the frame of the French nanoMetrology club. The aim of this study is to make an inventory of the metrological capabilities of all measurement techniques in France involved in the “nano” size range, including the SMPS (Scanning Mobility Particle Sizer) concerning aerosol metrology. For this study, four samples have been proposed, namely (1) - a SiO2 colloidal suspension (FD304) consisting of a monomodal population, (2) - two samples consisting of two nanoparticle populations of SiO2 having proportions to be determined and (3) - a TiO2 colloidal suspension. Ten SMPS associated to five participants around a common experimental setup were performed in link with a control SMPS to have simultaneous measurements with a same instrument in each laboratory in parallel with the SMPS used by each partner. This article presents SMPS results of this study associated with the description of the experimental set-up and the sample preparation protocol with an identified schedule and comparison with SEM measurements. The present paper does not focus on the actual capability of the tested mobility spectrometers, but aims to highlights the good laboratory practices using their own but common resources in terms of aerosol generation and measurement set-ups

    Inhalation of uranium nanoparticles: respiratory tract deposition and translocation to secondary target organs in rats

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    Uranium nanoparticles (<100 nm) can be released into the atmosphere during industrial stages of the nuclear fuel cycle and during remediation and decommissioning of nuclear facilities. Explosions and fires in nuclear reactors and the use of ammunition containing depleted uranium can also produce such aerosols. The risk of accidental inhalation of uranium nanoparticles by nuclear workers, military personnel or civilian populations must therefore be taken into account. In order to address this issue, the absorption rate of inhaled uranium nanoparticles needs to be characterised experimentally. For this purpose, rats were exposed to an aerosol containing 10⁷ particles of uranium per cmÂł (CMD=38 nm) for 1h in a nose-only inhalation exposure system. Uranium concentrations deposited in the respiratory tract, blood, brain, skeleton and kidneys were determined by ICP-MS. Twenty-seven percent of the inhaled mass of uranium nanoparticles was deposited in the respiratory tract. One-fifth of UO₂ nanoparticles were rapidly cleared from lung (T(Âœ)=2.4 h) and translocated to extrathoracic organs. However, the majority of the particles were cleared slowly (T(Âœ)=141.5 d). Future long-term experimental studies concerning uranium nanoparticles should focus on the potential lung toxicity of the large fraction of particles cleared slowly from the respiratory tract after inhalation exposure

    Juge et Apparence(s)

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    L'apprĂ©hension juridique de l'apparence s'avĂšre complexe car il s'agit d'une notion polysĂ©mique qui est susceptible de revĂȘtir diffĂ©rents visages : elle peut correspondre en tout point Ă  la rĂ©alitĂ© juridique mais elle peut aussi n'ĂȘtre que vraisemblable voire tout simplement trompeuse. Il en rĂ©sulte de multiples interrogations quant aux liens entre rĂ©alitĂ© juridique et apparence, qu'il appartient au juge de rĂ©soudre. De fait tout juge, quel qu'il soit, est en permanence confrontĂ© Ă  la question de l'apparence ou des apparences Ăą travers notamment l'examen des faits qui lui sont soumis. Selon les cas, il peut dĂ©cider de s'en tenir aux apparences ou contraire d'aller au-delĂ  et voir ce qu'elles peuvent, volontairement ou involontairement, masquer. Le juge est d'ailleurs allĂ© plus loin en faisant oeuvre crĂ©atrice sur ce point avec l'Ă©laboration d'une vĂ©ritable thĂ©orie de l'apparence, prĂ©sente tant dans la jurisprudence administrative que judiciaire. Quelle est ainsi la place accordĂ©e par le juge Ă  l'apparence(s) et quel(s) rĂŽle(s) ou fonction(s) peut-elle ĂȘtre amenĂ©e Ă  jouer ? Les mĂȘmes problĂ©matiques se retrouvent-elles chez le juge judiciaire et administratif ? Qu'est-ce qui explique ou justifie l'attitude du juge face Ă  l'apparence ? La question de l'apparence(s) est ainsi essentielle dans le cadre de la fonction du juge et implique que celui-ci se positionne par rapport Ă  elle et dĂ©termine Ă  partir d'espĂšces concrĂštes quelle importance lui donner. Les contributions de cet ouvrage, Ă  travers notamment l'analyse du champ d'application, du rĂŽle et des limites de cette notion mais aussi de ses liens avec d'autres notions, s'attachent Ă  apporter des rĂ©ponses Ă  ces diffĂ©rentes questions en dĂ©passant pour celales clivages entre les diffĂ©rentes branches du droit

    Solidarité(s) : Perspectives juridiques

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    SolidaritĂ©(Ă©), le terme utilisĂ© indiffĂ©remment au singulier ou au pluriel, est d'autant plus difficile Ă  saisir qu'il relĂšve de cette catĂ©gorie de notions dont la signification apparemment claire semble dispenser d'une analyse rigoureuse. Sans doute s'agit-il de l'une de ces Ă©vidences communes Ă©voquĂ©es par Bachelard. On se rend rapidement compte qu'il s'agit d'un mot dont le contenu flou, Ă©vanescent, se prĂȘte Ă  des interprĂ©tations ou manipulations diverses. La solidaritĂ© sert de support ou de justification Ă  des stratĂ©gies politiques opportunistes dont le droit n'est que l'instrument, mais constitue aussi l'un des fondements du pacte rĂ©publicain. La solidaritĂ©, notion complexe et dĂ©licate Ă  dĂ©finir dĂ©passe trĂšs largement les textes juridiques qui s'y rĂ©fĂšrent. Comment le droit, et plus particuliĂšrement le droit public la saisit-il ? La solidaritĂ© est-elle finalement une notion juridique ? Ces interrogations ont servi de trame aux diffĂ©rentes contributions rĂ©unies dans cet ouvrage. La notion a d'abord Ă©tĂ© soumise Ă  une vĂ©ritable « enquĂȘte gĂ©nĂ©alogique » avant de livrer ses richesses mais aussi ses ambiguĂŻtĂ©s juridiques. Les rĂ©fĂ©rences prĂ©gnantes et foisonnantes Ă  la solidaritĂ© tant au niveau national, europĂ©en qu'international, laissent transparaĂźtre les contradictions internes que recĂšle l'utilisation de la notion. Tel est le sens du (s) choisi dans l'intitulĂ© de ce colloque pour souligner la difficultĂ© Ă  traduire la juridicitĂ© de certains principes d'abord Ă©thiques. Comme le souligne le rapport de synthĂšse, ces contributions convaincront peut-ĂȘtre le lecteur de la capacitĂ© de la recherche juridique Ă  se saisir des problĂ©matiques les plus actuelles et lui montreront qu'il ne faut pas dĂ©sespĂ©rer dans la capacitĂ© performative du droit Ă  exprimer les valeurs fondamentales

    International Interlaboratory Comparison of Thermogravimetric Analysis of Graphene-Related Two-Dimensional Materials

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    International audienceResearch on graphene-related two-dimensional (2D) materials (GR2Ms) in recent years is strongly moving from academia to industrial sectors with many new developed products and devices on the market. Characterization and quality control of the GR2Ms and their properties are critical for growing industrial translation, which requires the development of appropriate and reliable analytical methods. These challenges are recognized by International Organization for Standardization (ISO 229) and International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC 113) committees to facilitate the development of these methods and standards which are currently in progress. Toward these efforts, the aim of this study was to perform an international interlaboratory comparison (ILC), conducted under Versailles Project on Advanced Materials and Standards (VAMAS) Technical Working Area (TWA) 41 “Graphene and Related 2D Materials” to evaluate the performance (reproducibility and confidence) of the thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) method as a potential new method for chemical characterization of GR2Ms. Three different types of representative and industrially manufactured GR2Ms samples, namely, pristine few-layer graphene (FLG), graphene oxide (GO), and reduced graphene oxide (rGO), were used and supplied to ILC participants to complete the study. The TGA method performance was evaluated by a series of measurements of selected parameters of the chemical and physical properties of these GR2Ms including the number of mass loss steps, thermal stability, temperature of maximum mass change rate (Tp) for each decomposition step, and the mass contents (%) of moisture, oxygen groups, carbon, and impurities (organic and non-combustible residue). TGA measurements determining these parameters were performed using the provided optimized TGA protocol on the same GR2Ms by 12 participants across academia, industry stakeholders, and national metrology institutes. This paper presents these results with corresponding statistical analysis showing low standard deviation and statistical conformity across all participants that confirm that the TGA method can be satisfactorily used for characterization of these parameters and the chemical characterization and quality control of GR2Ms. The common measurement uncertainty for each parameter, key contribution factors were identified with explanations and recommendations for their elimination and improvements toward their implementation for the development of the ISO/IEC standard for chemical characterization of GR2Ms

    Apprendre Ă  peindre

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    OĂč apprenait-on Ă  peindre Ă  Paris au XIXe siĂšcle ? Cette question pourtant cruciale n’a jusqu’a maintenant guĂšre Ă©tĂ© approfondie par les historiens de l’art dont l’attention Ă©tait surtout tournĂ©e vers le fonctionnement de l’École des beaux-arts. Or les classes de peinture n’y furent introduites qu’en 1863. De la fin du XVIIIe siĂšcle Ă  1863, c’est dans l’espace hybride des ateliers privĂ©s d’enseignement, entre ancienne cellule artisanale et structure acadĂ©mique, que s’inventent et se dĂ©veloppent de nouvelles approches du mĂ©tier de peintre. Au-delĂ  des aspects techniques et esthĂ©tiques, c’est le statut mĂȘme des artistes qui se redĂ©finit Ă  l’aune d’une autonomie inĂ©dite. Le caractĂšre professionnel des formations se prĂ©cise, tandis que la relation entre le maĂźtre et l’élĂšve gagne en complexitĂ©. Si la nostalgie du lien intime entre patron et apprenti de l’Ancien RĂ©gime apparaĂźt comme un leitmotiv de la rĂ©flexion artistique, la situation nouvelle des ateliers privĂ©s favorise l’émancipation des jeunes peintres par rapport Ă  l’autoritĂ© du maĂźtre. La libertĂ© nouvelle face aux modĂšles, Ă  la fois source d’angoisse et d’enthousiasme, transforme ainsi les ateliers privĂ©s en laboratoires expĂ©rimentaux de la modernitĂ©

    New and updated convex shape models of asteroids based on optical data from a large collaboration network

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