269 research outputs found

    Fire increases invasive spread of Molinia caerulea mainly through changes in demographic parameters

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    Author Posting. © Ecological Society of America, 2005. This article is posted here by permission of Ecological Society of America for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Ecological Applications 15 (2005): 2097–2108, doi:10.1890/04-1762.We investigated the effects of fire on population growth rate and invasive spread of the perennial tussock grass Molinia caerulea. During the last decades, this species has invaded heathland communities in Western Europe, replacing typical heathland species such as Calluna vulgaris and Erica tetralix. M. caerulea is considered a major threat to heathland conservation. In 1996, a large and unintended fire destroyed almost one-third of the Kalmthoutse Heide, a large heathland area in northern Belgium. To study the impact of this fire on the population dynamics and invasive spread of M. caerulea, permanent monitoring plots were established both in burned and unburned heathland. The fate of each M. caerulea individual in these plots was monitored over four years (1997–2000). Patterns of seed dispersal were inferred from a seed germination experiment using soil cores sampled one month after seed rain at different distances from seed-producing plants. Based on these measures, we calculated projected rates of spread for M. caerulea in burned and unburned heathland. Elasticity and sensitivity analyses were used to determine vital rates that contributed most to population growth rate, and invasion speed. Invasion speed was, on average, three times larger in burned compared to unburned plots. Dispersal distances on the other hand, were not significantly different between burned and unburned plots indicating that differences in invasive spread were mainly due to differences in demography. Elasticities for fecundity and growth of seedlings and juveniles were higher for burned than for unburned plots, whereas elasticities for survival were higher in unburned plots. Finally, a life table response experiment (LTRE) analysis revealed that the effect of fire was mainly contributed by increases in sexual reproduction (seed production and germination) and growth of seedlings and juveniles. Our results clearly showed increased invasive spread of M. caerulea after fire, and call for active management guidelines to prevent further encroachment of the species and to reduce the probability of large, accidental fires in the future. Mowing of resprouted plants before flowering is the obvious management tactic to halt massive invasive spread of the species after fire.This work was supported by the Flemish Fund for Scientific Research (FWO) to HJ, the U.S. National Science foundation (DEB-0235692, OCE-0083976), and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (R-8290891) to MGN

    Geographic variation in floral traits and the capacity of autonomous selfing across allopatric and sympatric populations of two closely related Centaurium species

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    Floral traits and the relative contribution of autonomous selfing to total seed set varies geographically and is often driven by the availability and abundance of suitable pollinators and/or the presence of co-flowering relatives. In the latter case, competition for pollinator services and costs of hybridization can select for floral traits that reduce interspecific gene flow and contribute to prezygotic isolation, potentially leading to geographic variation in floral divergence between allopatric and sympatric populations. In this study, we investigated variation in floral traits and its implications on the capacity of autonomous selfing in both allopatric and sympatric populations of two closely related Centaurium species (Gentianaceae) across two distinct geographic regions (UK and mainland Europe). Although the magnitude and direction of floral differentiation varied between regions, sympatric populations were always significantly more divergent in floral traits and the capacity to self autonomously than allopatric populations. These results indicate that mating systems can vary substantially within a species and that the joint occurrence of plant species can have a major impact on floral morphology and capacity of autonomous selfing, most likely as a way to reduce the probability of interspecific interference

    Fungal strain and crop cultivar affect growth of sweet pepper plants after root inoculation with entomopathogenic fungi

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    As endophytes, entomopathogenic fungi can protect plants against biotic and abiotic stresses and at the same time promote plant growth and plant health. To date, most studies have investigated whether Beauveria bassiana can enhance plant growth and plant health, while only little is known about other entomopathogenic fungi. In this study, we evaluated whether root inoculation of the entomopathogenic fungi Akanthomyces muscarius ARSEF 5128, B. bassiana ARSEF 3097 and Cordyceps fumosorosea ARSEF 3682 can promote plant growth of sweet pepper (Capsicum annuum L.), and whether effects are cultivar-dependent. Plant height, stem diameter, number of leaves, canopy area, and plant weight were assessed four weeks following inoculation in two independent experiments using two cultivars of sweet pepper (cv. ‘IDS RZ F1’ and cv. ‘Maduro’). Results showed that the three entomopathogenic fungi were able to enhance plant growth, particularly canopy area and plant weight. Further, results showed that effects significantly depended on cultivar and fungal strain, with the strongest fungal effects obtained for cv. ‘IDS RZ F1’, especially when inoculated with C. fumosorosea. We conclude that inoculation of sweet pepper roots with entomopathogenic fungi can stimulate plant growth, but effects depend on fungal strain and crop cultivar

    Limited effects of plant-beneficial fungi on plant volatile composition and host-choice behavior of Nesidiocoris tenuis

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    Biological control using plant-beneficial fungi has gained considerable interest as a sustainable method for pest management, by priming the plant for enhanced defense against pathogens and insect herbivores. However, despite promising outcomes, little is known about how different fungal strains mediate these beneficial effects. In this study, we evaluated whether inoculation of tomato seeds with the plant-beneficial fungi Beauveria bassiana ARSEF 3097, Metarhizium brunneum ARSEF 1095 and Trichoderma harzianum T22 affected the plant’s volatile organic compound (VOC) profile and the host-choice behavior of Nesidiocoris tenuis, an emerging pest species in NW-European tomato cultivation, and the related zoophytophagous biocontrol agent Macrolophus pygmaeus. Results indicated that fungal inoculation did not significantly alter the VOC composition of tomato plants. However, in a two-choice cage assay where female insects were given the option to select between control plants and fungus-inoculated plants, N. tenuis preferred control plants over M. brunneum-inoculated plants. Nearly 72% of all N. tenuis individuals tested chose the control treatment. In all other combinations tested, no significant differences were found for none of the insects. We conclude that inoculation of tomato with plant-beneficial fungi had limited effects on plant volatile composition and host-choice behavior of insects. However, the observation that N. tenuis was deterred from the crop when inoculated with M. brunneum and attracted to non-inoculated plants may provide new opportunities for future biocontrol based on a push-pull strategy

    Mycorrhizal associations and trophic modes in coexisting orchids: an ecological continuum between auto- and mixotrophy

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    Two distinct nutritional syndromes have been described in temperate green orchids. Most orchids form mycorrhizas with rhizoctonia fungi and are considered autotrophic. Some orchids, however, associate with fungi that simultaneously form ectomycorrhizas with surrounding trees and derive their carbon from these fungi. This evolutionarily derived condition has been called mixotrophy or partial mycoheterotrophy and is characterized by 13C enrichment and high N content. Although it has been suggested that the two major nutritional syndromes are clearly distinct and tightly linked to the composition of mycorrhizal communities, recent studies have challenged this assumption. Here, we investigated whether mycorrhizal communities and nutritional syndromes differed between seven green orchid species that co-occur under similar ecological conditions (coastal dune slacks). Our results showed that mycorrhizal communities differed significantly between orchid species. Rhizoctonia fungi dominated in Dactylorhiza sp., Herminium monorchis, and Epipactis palustris, which were autotrophic based on 13C and N content. Conversely, Liparis loeselii and Epipactis neerlandica associated primarily with ectomycorrhizal fungi but surprisingly, 13C and N content supported mixotrophy only in E. neerlandica. This, together with the finding of some ectomycorrhizal fungi in rhizoctonia-associated orchids, suggests that there exists an ecological continuum between the two syndromes. The presence of a large number of indicator species associating with individual orchid species further confirms previous findings that mycorrhizal fungi may be important factors driving niche-partitioning in terrestrial orchids and therefore contribute to orchid coexistence

    Adult parasitoids of honeydew-producing insects prefer honeydew sugars to cover their energetic needs

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    To meet their carbohydrate requirements, adult parasitoids exploit a broad range of sugar resources, including floral and extrafloral nectar and honeydew. Although honeydew might be the predominant sugar source, especially in agricultural systems, it often is nutritionally inferior to sugar sources like nectar. Given its broad availability, it may be expected that sugar-feeding insects have evolved specialized adaptations to deal with this typically inferior sugar source. This would apply especially to organisms that have a close association with honeydew producers. Here, we hypothesized that parasitoids of honeydew-producing insects should show a pronounced response to sugars, such as fructose, sucrose, melezitose, and trehalose, and to a lesser extent glucose. To test this hypothesis, we investigated sugar consumption, feeding behavior and survival of the aphid parasitoid Aphidius ervi on several sugars (equiweight solutions). Our results show that A. ervi adults consumed typical honeydew sugars (sucrose, fructose, trehalose, and melezitose) the most, while consuming considerably less glucose or melibiose. Rhamnose, which does not occur in aphid honeydew, was not, or was only marginally, consumed. When different sugars were provided at the same time, A. ervi adults preferred sucrose or fructose over glucose or melezitose. Furthermore, pre-exposure to sucrose or fructose significantly reduced subsequent intake of glucose, suggesting an acquired distaste for glucose after being previously exposed to highly preferred sugars such as sucrose and fructose. Altogether, this study shows that A. ervi adults prefer sugars (fructose, melezitose, trehalose, and sucrose) that are overrepresented in aphid honeydew and show a lower preference to one (glucose) that is underrepresented in honeydew

    Impact of endophytic colonization by entomopathogenic fungi on the behavior and life history of the tobacco peach aphid Myzus persicae var. nicotianae

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    Entomopathogenic fungi can adopt an endophytic lifestyle and provide protection against insect herbivores and plant pathogens. So far, most studies have focused on Beauveria bassiana to increase plant resistance against abiotic and biotic stresses, while only little is known for other entomopathogenic fungi. In this study, we investigated whether root inoculation of sweet pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) by the entomopathogenic fungi Akanthomyces muscarius ARSEF 5128 and B. bassiana ARSEF 3097 can improve resistance against the tobacco peach aphid Myzus persicae var. nicotianae. First, dual-choice experiments were performed to test the hypothesis that the fungi deter aphids via modifying plant volatile profiles. Next, we tested the hypothesis that endophytic colonization negatively affects aphid life history traits, such as fecundity, development and mortality rate. Aphids were significantly attracted to the odor of plants inoculated with A. muscarius over non-inoculated plants. Plants inoculated with A. muscarius emitted significantly higher amounts of β-pinene than non-inoculated plants, and significantly higher amounts of indole than B. bassiana-inoculated and non-inoculated plants. Inoculation with the fungal strains also caused significantly higher emission of terpinolene. Further, both aphid longevity and fecundity were significantly reduced by 18% and 10%, respectively, when feeding on plants inoculated with A. muscarius, although intrinsic rate of population increase did not differ between inoculated and non-inoculated plants. Sweet pepper plants inoculated with B. bassiana ARSEF 3097 did not elicit a significant behavioral response nor affected the investigated life history traits. We conclude that endophytic colonization by entomopathogenic fungi has the potential to alter olfactory behavior and performance of M. persicae var. nicotianae, but effects are small and depend on the fungal strain used

    Plastome phylogenomics and morphological traits analyses provide new insights into the phylogenetic position, species delimitation and speciation of Triplostegia (Caprifoliaceae)

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    Background The genus Triplostegia contains two recognized species, T. glandulifera and T. grandifora, but its phylogenetic position and species delimitation remain controversial. In this study, we assembled plastid genomes and nuclear ribosomal DNA (nrDNA) cistrons sampled from 22 wild Triplostegia individuals, each from a separate population, and examined these with 11 recently published Triplostegia plastomes. Morphological traits were measured from herbarium specimens and wild material, and ecological niche models were constructed. Results Triplostegia is a monophyletic genus within the subfamily Dipsacoideae comprising three monophyletic species, T. glandulifera, T. grandifora, and an unrecognized species Triplostegia sp. A, which occupies much higher altitude than the other two. The new species had previously been misidentifed as T. glandulifera, but difers in taproot, leaf, and other characters. Triplotegia is an old genus, with stem age 39.96Ma, and within it T. glandulifera diverged 7.94Ma. Triplostegia grandifora and sp. A diverged 1.05Ma, perhaps in response to Quaternary climate fuctuations. Niche overlap between Triplostegia species was positively correlated with their phylogenetic relatedness. Conclusions Our results provide new insights into the species delimitation of Triplostegia, and indicate that a taxonomic revision of Triplostegia is needed. We also identifed that either rpoB-trnC or ycf1 could serve as a DNA barcode for Triplostegi

    Sweet Scents: Nectar Specialist Yeasts Enhance Nectar Attraction of a Generalist Aphid Parasitoid Without Affecting Survival

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    Floral nectar is commonly inhabited by microorganisms, mostly yeasts and bacteria, which can have a strong impact on nectar chemistry and scent. Yet, little is known about the effects of nectar microbes on the behavior and survival of insects belonging to the third trophic level such as parasitoids. Here, we used five nectar-inhabiting yeast species to test the hypothesis that yeast species that almost solely occur in nectar, and therefore substantially rely on floral visitors for dispersal, produce volatile compounds that enhance insect attraction without compromising insect life history parameters, such as survival. Experiments were performed using two nectar specialist yeasts (Metschnikowia gruessii and M. reukaufii) and three generalist species (Aureobasidium pullulans, Hanseniaspora uvarum, and Sporobolomyces roseus). Saccharomyces cerevisiae was included as a reference yeast. We compared olfactory responses of the generalist aphid parasitoid Aphidius ervi (Haliday) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) when exposed to these microorganisms inoculated in synthetic nectar. Nectar-inhabiting yeasts had a significant impact on nectar chemistry and produced distinct volatile blends, some of which were attractive, while others were neutral or repellent. Among the different yeast species tested, the nectar specialists M. gruessii and M. reukaufii were the only species that produced a highly attractive nectar to parasitoid females, which simultaneously had no adverse effects on longevity and survival of adults. By contrast, parasitoids that fed on nectars fermented with the reference strain, A. pullulans, H. uvarum or S. roseus showed shortest longevity and lowest survival. Additionally, nectars fermented by A. pullulans or S. roseus were consumed significantly less, suggesting a lack of important nutrients or undesirable changes in the nectar chemical profiles. Altogether our results indicate that nectar-inhabiting yeasts play an important, but so far largely overlooked, role in plant-insect interactions by modulating the chemical composition of nectar, and may have important ecological consequences for plant pollination and biological control of herbivorous insects
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