68 research outputs found

    Characterizing Global Ozonesonde Profile Variability from Surface to the UT/LS with a Clustering Technique and MERRA-2 Reanalysis

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    Our previous studies employing the self-organizing map (SOM) clustering technique to ozonesonde data have found significant links among meteorological and chemical regimes, and the shape of the ozone (O3) profile from the troposphere to the lower stratosphere. These studies, which focused on specific northern hemisphere mid-latitude geographical regions, demonstrated the advantages of SOM clustering by quantifying O3 profile variability and the O3/meteorological correspondence. We expand SOM to a global set of ozonesonde profiles spanning 1980-present from 30 sites to summarize the connections among O3 profiles, meteorology, and chemistry, using the Modern-Era Retrospective Analysis for Research and Applications, version 2 (MERRA-2) reanalysis and other ancillary data. Four clusters of O3 mixing ratio profiles from the surface to the upper troposphere/lower stratosphere (UT/LS) are generated for each site, which show dominant profile shapes and typical seasonality (or lack thereof) that generally correspond to latitude (i.e. Tropical, Subtropical, Mid-Latitude, Polar). Examination of MERRA-2 output reveals a clear relationship among SOM clusters and covarying meteorological fields (geopotential height, potential vorticity, and tropopause height) for Polar and Mid-latitude sites. However, these relationships break down within +/-30 deg latitude. Carbon monoxide satellite data, along with velocity potential, a proxy for convection, calculated from MERRA-2 wind fields assist characterization of the Tropical and Subtropical sites, where biomass burning and convective transport linked to the Madden- Julian Oscillation (MJO) dominate O3 variability. In addition to geophysical characterization of O3 profile variability, these results can be used to evaluate chemical transport model output and satellite measurements of O3

    Variability of Irreversible Poleward Transport in the Lower Stratosphere

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    The ascent and descent of the Brewer-Dobson circulation plays a large role in determining the distributions of many constituents in the extratropical lower stratosphere. However, relatively fast, quasi-horizontal transport out of the tropics and polar regions also significantly contribute to determining these distributions. The tropical tape recorder signal assures that there must be outflow from the tropics into the extratropical lower stratosphere. The phase of the quasi-biennial oscillation (QBO) and state of the polar vortex are known to modulate the transport from the tropical and polar regions, respectively. In this study we examine multiple years of ozone distributions in the extratropical lower stratosphere observed by the Aura Microwave Limb Sounder (MLS) and the Aura High Resolution Dynamic Limb Sounder (HIRDLS). The distributions are compared with analyses of irreversible, meridional isentropic transport. We show that there is considerable year-to-year seasonal variability in the amount of irreversible transport from the tropics, which is related to both the phase of the QBO and the state of the polar vortex. The reversibility of the transport is consistent with the number of observed breaking waves. The variability of the atmospheric index of refraction in the lower stratosphere is shown to be significantly correlated with the wave breaking and amount of irreversible transport. Finally, we will show that the seasonal extratropical stratosphere to troposphere transport of ozone can be substantially modulated by the amount of irreversible meridional transport in the lower stratosphere and we investigate how observable these differences are in data of tropospheric ozone

    Comparison of Tropical Ozone from SHADOZ with Remote Sensing Retrievals from Suomi-npp Ozone Mapping Profile Suite (OMPS)

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    The Ozone Mapping Profile Suite (OMPS) was launched October 28, 2011 on-board the Suomi NPP satellite (http://npp.gsfc.nasa.gov). OMPS is the next generation total column ozone mapping instrument for monitoring the global distribution of stratospheric ozone. OMPS includes a limb profiler to measure the vertical structure of stratosphere ozone down to the mid-troposphere. This study uses tropical ozonesonde profile measurements from the Southern Hemisphere Additional Ozonesondes (SHADOZ, http://croc.gsfc.nasa.gov/shadoz) archive to evaluate total column ozone retrievals from OMPS and concurrent measurements from the Aura Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI), the predecessor of OMPS with a data record going back to 2004. We include ten SHADOZ stations that contain data overlapping the OMPS time period (2012-2013). This study capitalizes on the ozone profile measurements from SHADOZ to evaluate OMPS limb profile retrievals. Finally, we use SHADOZ sondes and OMPS retrievals to examine the agreement with the GEOS-5 Ozone Assimilation System (GOAS). The GOAS uses data from the OMI and the Microwave Limb Sounder (MLS) to constrain the total column and stratospheric profiles of ozone. The most recent version of the assimilation system is well constrained to the total column compared with SHADOZ ozonesonde data

    Satellite Observation Highlights of the 2010 Russian Wildfires

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    From late-July through mid-August 2010, wildfires raged in western Russia. The resulting thick smoke and biomass burning products were transported over the highly populated Moscow city and surrounding regions, seriously impairing visibility and affecting human health. We demonstrate the uniqueness of the 2010 Russian wildfires by using satellite observations from NASA's Earth Observing System (EOS) platforms. Over Moscow and the region of major fire activity to the southeast, we calculate unprecedented increases in the MODIS fire count record of 178 %, an order of magnitude increase in the MODIS fire radiative power (308%) and OMI absorbing aerosols (255%), and a 58% increase in AIRS total carbon monoxide (CO). The exceptionally high levels of CO are shown to be of comparable strength to the 2006 El Nino wildfires over Indonesia. Both events record CO values exceeding 30x10(exp 7) molec/ square cm

    The Global Structure of UTLS Ozone in GEOS-5: A Multi-Year Assimilation of EOS Aura Data

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    Eight years of ozone measurements retrieved from the Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) and the Microwave Limb Sounder, both on the EOS Aura satellite, have been assimilated into the Goddard Earth Observing System version 5 (GEOS-5) data assimilation system. This study thoroughly evaluates this assimilated product, highlighting its potential for science. The impact of observations on the GEOS-5 system is explored by examining the spatial distribution of the observation-minus-forecast statistics. Independent data are used for product validation. The correlation coefficient of the lower-stratospheric ozone column with ozonesondes is 0.99 and the bias is 0.5%, indicating the success of the assimilation in reproducing the ozone variability in that layer. The upper-tropospheric assimilated ozone column is about 10% lower than the ozonesonde column but the correlation is still high (0.87). The assimilation is shown to realistically capture the sharp cross-tropopause gradient in ozone mixing ratio. Occurrence of transport-driven low ozone laminae in the assimilation system is similar to that obtained from the High Resolution Dynamics Limb Sounder (HIRDLS) above the 400 K potential temperature surface but the assimilation produces fewer laminae than seen by HIRDLS below that surface. Although the assimilation produces 5 - 8 fewer occurrences per day (up to approximately 20%) during the three years of HIRDLS data, the interannual variability is captured correctly. This data-driven assimilated product is complementary to ozone fields generated from chemistry and transport models. Applications include study of the radiative forcing by ozone and tracer transport near the tropopause

    Ozonesonde Quality Assurance: JOSIE-SHADOZ (2017) and SHALLOTS (2018)

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    Ozonesonde data constitute a mainstay of satellite calibration and are used for climatologies and analysis of trends, especially in the lower stratosphere where satellites are most uncertain. The electrochemical-concentration cell (ECC) ozonesonde has been deployed at ~100 stations worldwide since the 1960s, with changes over time in manufacture and procedures, including details of the cell chemical solution and data processing. As a consequence, there are biases among different stations and discontinuities in profile timeseries from individual site records. Since 1996 the Jlich [Germany] Ozone Sonde Intercomparison Experiment (JOSIE) has periodically tested ozonesondes in a simulation chamber designated the World Calibration Centre for Ozonesondes by WMO. In October- November 2017 a JOSIE campaign evaluated the sondes and procedures used in SHADOZ (Southern Hemisphere Additional Ozonesondes), a 14-station tropical and subtropical network. A distinctive feature of the 2017 JOSIE was that the tests were conducted by operators from eight SHADOZ stations; Nairobi, Natal, Irene, Costa Rica, Paramaribo, Reunion, Hanoi, Kuala Lumpur. Experimental protocols and preliminary results for the SHADOZ sonde configurations, which represent most of those in use today, are described. SHADOZ stations that follow WMO-recommended protocols record total ozone within 3% of the JOSIE reference instrument. Instrument biases noted in prior JOSIE and field tests like BESOS (2004) were noted in JOSIE-2017, with maximum effect in the stratosphere. In June 2018 we organized a series of dual launches during the OWLETS II campaign in the Maryland and Chesapeake Bay area (SHALLOTS = SHADOZ-OWLETS ParaLLel Ozonesonde Test Study). Instrument and solution types were varied as in JOSIE-2017 and three radiosonde-ozonesonde variants were tested. An example of a parallel sampling in SHALLOTS, from a Greenbelt EnSCI-iMet sonde combination flown with the Wallops SPCLMS package, is illustrated in the Figure. The result was a range of biases but in general the instrument combination (EnSCI-iMet) deployed at 11 SHADOZ stations recorded ~5-10% less ozone in the stratosphere than the SPC ECC sonde flown with a Vaisala or LMS system. These 2017 and 2018 results and prior JOSIEs demonstrate that regular testing is essential to maintain best practices in ozonesonde operations and to ensure high-quality data for the ozone assessment communities

    Tropospheric Ozone in Tropical Air Masses from Earth Probe TOMS

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    This animation illustrates the movement of tropical air masses bringing tropospheric ozone into the northern temperate latitudes. Educational levels: Undergraduate lower division, Undergraduate upper division, Graduate or professional

    Linking Horizontal And Vertical Transports of Biomass Fire Emissions to the Tropical Atlantic Ozone Paradox during the Northern Hemisphere Winter Season: II. 1998-1999.

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    The horizontal and vertical transport of biomass fire emissions in West Africa during November 1998 through February 1999, are examined using all available data including wind, fire, aerosol, precipitation, lightning and outgoing longwave radiation. Ozonesonde data from the Aerosols99 Trans-Atlantic cruise are also included with rain and wind analyses. The results here support earlier studies that ozone and ozone precursors associated with biomass burning are confined to the lower troposphere primarily due to the lack of deep convection over land areas. Ozone and its precursors are horizontally transported equatorward or towards the west by winds in the 1000-700 hPa layers. However, rising adiabatic motions associated with the diurnal evolution of the West African n can transport ozone and its precursors vertically into the free troposphere above the marine boundary layer. Moreover, lightning from South America, Central Africa and mesoscale convective systems in the Gulf of Guinea can lead to elevated ozone mixing ratios in the middle and upper troposphere