11 research outputs found

    Differentiating Embryonic Stem Cells Pass through ‘Temporal Windows’ That Mark Responsiveness to Exogenous and Paracrine Mesendoderm Inducing Signals

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    BACKGROUND: Mesendoderm induction during embryonic stem cell (ESC) differentiation in vitro is stimulated by the Transforming Growth Factor and Wingless (Wnt) families of growth factors. PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We identified the periods during which Bone Morphogenetic Protein (BMP) 4, Wnt3a or Activin A were able to induce expression of the mesendoderm marker, Mixl1, in differentiating mouse ESCs. BMP4 and Wnt3a were required between differentiation day (d) 1.5 and 3 to most effectively induce Mixl1, whilst Activin A induced Mixl1 expression in ESC when added between d2 and d4, indicating a subtle difference in the requirement for Activin receptor signalling in this process. Stimulation of ESCs with these factors at earlier or later times resulted in little Mixl1 induction, suggesting that the differentiating ESCs passed through 'temporal windows' in which they sequentially gained and lost competence to respond to each growth factor. Inhibition of either Activin or Wnt signalling blocked Mixl1 induction by any of the three mesendoderm-inducing factors. Mixing experiments in which chimeric EBs were formed between growth factor-treated and untreated ESCs revealed that BMP, Activin and Wnt signalling all contributed to the propagation of paracrine mesendoderm inducing signals between adjacent cells. Finally, we demonstrated that the differentiating cells passed through 'exit gates' after which point they were no longer dependent on signalling from inducing molecules for Mixl1 expression. CONCLUSIONS: These studies suggest that differentiating ESCs are directed by an interconnected network of growth factors similar to those present in early embryos and that the timing of growth factor activity is critical for mesendoderm induction

    Generation of monohormonal INSULIN+ cells from human embryonic stem cells

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    Human Embryonic Stem Cells (hESCs) are immortal, pluripotent cells derived from the inner cell mass of the pre implantation embryo. These cells have the potential to differentiate into all cell types including insulin producing beta cells, which could provide an alternative to cadaver‐derived islets for the treatment of type 1 diabetes. We have explored the formation of pancreatic progenitor cells and mature ÎČ‐cells using hESC reporter lines which express GFP under the control of regulatory sequences from the PDX1 and INSULIN genes respectively. Using serum‐free media, we have found that specific combinations of factors applied in a sequential fashion result in the formation of a pancreatic precursor population, which can be further differentiated to hormone expressing cells. These endocrine cells have been shown to be a heterogeneous population that contains a substantial population of INSULIN expressing cells that do not express either glucagon or somatostatin, of which a subpopulation expresses NKX6.1. An INSULINGFP/w hESC reporter line was further modified by the addition of a luciferase transgene under the control of an EF1α promoter, which allowed for in vivo imaging of transplanted INSULIN expressing cells. Differentiated Tg‐EF1αLuc.INSULINGFP/w cells were sorted based on INSULIN‐GFP expression, and transplanted under the kidney capsule of immunocompromised mice and assessed for the retention of INSULIN‐GFP+ cells. It was found that the transplanted INSULIN+ cells had the ability to form monohormonal endocrine cells of three different lineages. Additionally it was seen that persisting INSULIN+ cells co‐expressed transcription factors associated with beta‐cell maturity, such as NKX6.1 and MAFA

    Generation of iPSC lines from peripheral blood mononuclear cells from 5 healthy adults

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    Abstract: We describe the generation and characterization of 5 human induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC) lines derived from peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) of healthy adult individuals. The PBMCs were reprogrammed using non-integrating Sendai viruses containing the reprogramming factors POU5F1 (OCT4), SOX2, KLF4 and MYC. The iPSC lines exhibited a normal karyotype, expressed pluripotency markers and differentiated into cells representative of the three embryonic germ layers. These iPSC lines can be used as controls in studying disease mechanisms

    Engineered human pluripotent-stem-cell-derived intestinal tissues with a functional enteric nervous system

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    The enteric nervous system (ENS) of the gastrointestinal tract controls many diverse functions, including motility and epithelial permeability. Perturbations in ENS development or function are common, yet there is no human model for studying ENS-intestinal biology and disease. We used a tissue-engineering approach with embryonic and induced pluripotent stem cells (PSCs) to generate human intestinal tissue containing a functional ENS. We recapitulated normal intestinal ENS development by combining human-PSC-derived neural crest cells (NCCs) and developing human intestinal organoids (HIOs). NCCs recombined with HIOs in vitro migrated into the mesenchyme, differentiated into neurons and glial cells and showed neuronal activity, as measured by rhythmic waves of calcium transients. ENS-containing HIOs grown in vivo formed neuroglial structures similar to a myenteric and submucosal plexus, had functional interstitial cells of Cajal and had an electromechanical coupling that regulated waves of propagating contraction. Finally, we used this system to investigate the cellular and molecular basis for Hirschsprung's disease caused by a mutation in the gene PHOX2B. This is, to the best of our knowledge, the first demonstration of human-PSC-derived intestinal tissue with a functional ENS and how this system can be used to study motility disorders of the human gastrointestinal tract

    GAPTrap: A Simple Expression System for Pluripotent Stem Cells and Their Derivatives

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    The ability to reliably express fluorescent reporters or other genes of interest is important for using human pluripotent stem cells (hPSCs) as a platform for investigating cell fates and gene function. We describe a simple expression system, designated GAPTrap (GT), in which reporter genes, including GFP, mCherry, mTagBFP2, luc2, Gluc, and lacZ are inserted into the GAPDH locus in hPSCs. Independent clones harboring variations of the GT vectors expressed remarkably consistent levels of the reporter gene. Differentiation experiments showed that reporter expression was reliably maintained in hematopoietic cells, cardiac mesoderm, definitive endoderm, and ventral midbrain dopaminergic neurons. Similarly, analysis of teratomas derived from GT-lacZ hPSCs showed that ÎČ-galactosidase expression was maintained in a spectrum of cell types representing derivatives of the three germ layers. Thus, the GAPTrap vectors represent a robust and straightforward tagging system that enables indelible labeling of PSCs and their differentiated derivatives