223 research outputs found

    Long-term CO2 enrichment of a forest ecosystem : implications for forest regeneration and succession

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    Author Posting. © Ecological Society of America, 2007. This article is posted here by permission of Ecological Society of America for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Ecological Applications 17 (2007): 1198–1212, doi:10.1890/05-1690.The composition and successional status of a forest affect carbon storage and net ecosystem productivity, yet it remains unclear whether elevated atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) will impact rates and trajectories of forest succession. We examined how CO2 enrichment (+200 μL CO2/L air differential) affects forest succession through growth and survivorship of tree seedlings, as part of the Duke Forest free-air CO2 enrichment (FACE) experiment in North Carolina, USA. We planted 2352 seedlings of 14 species in the low light forest understory and determined effects of elevated CO2 on individual plant growth, survival, and total sample biomass accumulation, an integrator of plant growth and survivorship over time, for six years. We used a hierarchical Bayes framework to accommodate the uncertainty associated with the availability of light and the variability in growth among individual plants. We found that most species did not exhibit strong responses to CO2. Ulmus alata (+21%), Quercus alba (+9.5%), and nitrogen-fixing Robinia pseudoacacia (+230%) exhibited greater mean annual relative growth rates under elevated CO2 than under ambient conditions. The effects of CO2 were small relative to variability within populations; however, some species grew better under low light conditions when exposed to elevated CO2 than they did under ambient conditions. These species include shade-intolerant Liriodendron tulipifera and Liquidambar styraciflua, intermediate-tolerant Quercus velutina, and shade-tolerant Acer barbatum, A. rubrum, Prunus serotina,Ulmus alata, and Cercis canadensis. Contrary to our expectation, shade-intolerant trees did not survive better with CO2 enrichment, and population-scale responses to CO2 were influenced by survival probabilities in low light. CO2 enrichment did not increase rates of sample biomass accumulation for most species, but it did stimulate biomass growth of shade-tolerant taxa, particularly Acer barbatum and Ulmus alata. Our data suggest a small CO2 fertilization effect on tree productivity, and the possibility of reduced carbon accumulation rates relative to today's forests due to changes in species composition.This research was supported by the Office of Science (BER), U.S. Department of Energy, Grant No. DE-FG02-95ER62083, and by Terrestrial Ecosystems and Global Change (TECO) Grant No. DE-F602-97ER62463

    Root standing crop and chemistry after six years of soil warming in a temperate forest

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    Author Posting. © The Author(s), 2010. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission of Oxford University Press for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Tree Physiology 31 (2011): 707-717, doi:10.1093/treephys/tpr066.Examining the responses of root standing crop (biomass and necromass) and chemistry to soil warming is crucial for understanding root dynamics and functioning in the face of global climate change. We assessed the standing crop, total nitrogen (N) and carbon (C) compounds in tree roots and soil net N mineralization over the growing season after six years of experimental soil warming in a temperate deciduous forest in 2008. Roots were sorted into four different categories: live and dead fine roots (≤ 1 mm in diameter) and live and dead coarse roots (1-4 mm in diameter). Total root standing crop (live plus dead) in the top 10 cm of soil in the warmed area was 42.5% (378.4 vs. 658.5 g m-2) lower than in the control area, while the live root standing crops in the warmed area was 62% lower than in the control area. Soil net N mineralization over the growing season increased by 79.4% in the warmed relative to the control area. Soil warming did not significantly change the concentrations of C and carbon compounds (sugar, starch, hemicellulose, cellulose, and lignin) in the four root categories. However, total N concentration in the live fine roots in the warmed area was 10.5% (13.7 vs. 12.4 mg g-1) higher and C:N ratio was 8.6% (38.5 vs. 42.1) lower than in the control area. The increase in N concentration in the live fine roots could be attributed to the increase in soil N availability due to soil warming. Net N mineralization was negatively correlated to both live and dead fine roots in the mineral soil that is home to the majority of roots, suggesting that soil warming increases N mineralization, decreases fine root biomass, and thus decreases carbon allocation belowground.This study was funded by the US National Science Foundation (NSF-AGS-1005663) and the Marine Biological Laboratory (to JT), China Scholarship Council (to YZ), Harvard Forest Long Term Ecological Research (NSF-DEB-0620443) and the National Institute for Climate Change Research (DOE-DE-FCO2-06-ER64157) (to JM).2012-08-0

    Building Capacity for Volunteerism and Social Support at Leeway, Inc., a Skilled Nursing Facility

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    Leeway Inc., a skilled nursing center in New Haven that cares for individuals with HIV/AIDS, was founded in 1995. Its continuum of care includes skilled nursing care, residential care, independent housing, and community case management. It provides a wide variety of care, which includes medical, behavioral, and nursing services, as well as mental health services and addiction treatment. One of Leeway’s priorities is to address the psychiatric disorders that many HIV/AIDS patients have, such as depression, anxiety, addiction, and substance-related disorders (Leeway, 2012). Among patients admitted to Leeway between October 1995 and December 1999, 25% had severe, long-term comorbid psychiatric disorders. Each year, the prevalence of psychiatric comorbid disorders has increased. Between 1996 and 1998, the prevalence of psychiatric comorbid disorders increased from 38% to 53%. This trend could be due to low discharge rates and longer lengths of stay among these individuals (Goulet, 2000). Leeway places a significant emphasis on creating a plan of care that addresses and manages these disorders (Leeway, 2012). Some of the obstacles faced by the residents include social stigma, lack of engagement in their community, and lack of companionship. Moreover, the resident population is unique for several reasons, one of which is age. Leeway residents are younger than those at the typical nursing home facility, which introduces a variety of challenges to keep them engaged in activities. A current volunteer program has attempted to address many of these obstacles, but demonstrates the need for improvement. Residents reported differing levels of interest in both the frequency and structure of volunteer engagement. Staff also expressed the needs to balance the benefits and drawbacks of an individualized program, a “buddy” or more group activities facilitated by volunteers which would help increase companionship and engagement among residents. Residents also frequently expressed satisfaction with activities outside of the facility, which is one way in which the program could be expanded in the future. Recommendations and Products: 1. Advertise the volunteer positions as “Community Programming Volunteers” to boost enrollment and encourage a sense of agency and investment, 2. Hire a volunteer coordinator to serve as a point of contact, summarize feedback for staff, lead new initiatives, and perform basic administrative tasks, 3. Divide the year into three terms, and hold one orientation session at the beginning of each term, 4. Replace the ad hoc system of volunteer applications, training, and feedback with concise online platforms that automatically feed into a central system of records, 5. Create a separate but converging program structure that allows for two screening and orientation processes for regular and sporadic volunteers, 6. Create a two-part schedule for volunteer sessions: a. Matching interested residents with regular volunteers based on interests. Residents and volunteer buddies will meet for a 10-20 minute check-in with the option of joining the group activities and b. Regular and sporadic volunteers engage in a group activity or game, 7. Implement a hybrid individualized-group volunteer program structure, 8. Provide volunteers with nametags, and 9. Connect with schools and colleges throughout New Haven to access new volunteer pools.https://elischolar.library.yale.edu/ysph_pbchrr/1050/thumbnail.jp

    Loss of foundation species revisited: conceptual framework with lessons learned from eastern hemlock and whitebark pine

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    Ecologists and conservation biologists often prioritize the study of species that are declining, threatened, or endangered over species that are abundant and ecologically important, such as foundation species (FS ). Because entire ecosystems and their biodiversity depend on FS , we argue that they have high conservation priority. A citation analysis reveals that FS are studied, but often are characterized ambiguously. More effort is needed to identify FS before they, and the ecosystems they define, are at risk of decline or loss. We suggest a new conceptual framework that includes: informed identification of FS in ecosystems; documentation of ecosystem services provided by FS ; a long‐term monitoring strategy to detect threats to FS within specified ecosystems; and, if threats are identified, a comprehensive conservation and adaptive management strategy for FS . We use two widely distributed, rapidly declining North American foundation tree species (Tsuga canadensis [eastern hemlock] and Pinus albicaulis [whitebark pine]) to illustrate this framework. These species exemplify the importance of identifying FS early and conserving or restoring them when they are threatened

    Decreased mass specific respiration under experimental warming is robust to the microbial biomass method employed

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    Author Posting. © The Author(s), 2009. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission of Blackwell for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Ecology Letters 12 (2009): E15-E18, doi:10.1111/j.1461-0248.2009.01332.x.Hartley et al. question whether reduction in Rmass, under experimental warming, arises because of the biomass method. We show the method they treat as independent yields the same result. We describe why the substrate-depletion hypothesis cannot alone explain observed responses, and urge caution in the interpretation of the seasonal data.This research was supported by the Office of Science (BER), U.S. Department of Energy, the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation and U.S. National Science Foundation grants to the Coweeta LTER program

    Soil warming alters nitrogen cycling in a New England forest : implications for ecosystem function and structure

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    © The Author(s), 2011. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Oecologia 168 (2012): 819-828, doi:10.1007/s00442-011-2133-7.Global climate change is expected to affect terrestrial ecosystems in a variety of ways. Some of the more well-studied effects include the biogeochemical feedbacks to the climate system that can either increase or decrease the atmospheric load of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide. Less well-studied are the effects of climate change on the linkages between soil and plant processes. Here, we report the effects of soil warming on these linkages observed in a large field manipulation of a deciduous forest in southern New England, USA, where soil was continuously warmed 5°C above ambient for 7 years. Over this period, we have observed significant changes to the nitrogen cycle that have the potential to affect tree species composition in the long term. Since the start of the experiment, we have documented a 45% average annual increase in net nitrogen mineralization and a three-fold increase in nitrification such that in years 5 through 7, 25% of the nitrogen mineralized is then nitrified. The warming-induced increase of available nitrogen resulted in increases in the foliar nitrogen content and the relative growth rate of trees in the warmed area. Acer rubrum (red maple) trees have responded the most after 7 years of warming, with the greatest increases in both foliar nitrogen content and relative growth rates. Our study suggests that considering species-specific responses to increases in nitrogen availability and changes in nitrogen form is important in predicting future forest composition and feedbacks to the climate system.This work was supported by the National Institute for Climate Change Research (DOE-DE-FCO2-06-ER64157), DOE BER (DE-SC0005421) and the Harvard Forest Long-Term Ecological Research program (NSF-DEB-0620443)

    Translating a Global Emission-Reduction Framework for Subnational Climate Action: A Case Study from the State of Georgia

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    Subnational entities are recognizing the need to systematically examine options for reducing their carbon footprints. However, few robust and comprehensive analyses are available that lay out how US states and regions can most effectively contribute. This paper describes an approach developed for Georgia—a state in the southeastern United States called “Drawdown Georgia”, our research involves (1) understanding Georgia’s baseline carbon footprint and trends, (2) identifying the universe of Georgia-specific carbon-reduction solutions that could be impactful by 2030, (3) estimating the greenhouse gas reduction potential of these high-impact 2030 solutions for Georgia, and (4) estimating associated costs and benefits while also considering how the solutions might impact societal priorities, such as economic development opportunities, public health, environmental benefits, and equity. We began by examining the global solutions identified by Project Drawdown. The resulting 20 high-impact 2030 solutions provide a strategy for reducing Georgia’s carbon footprint in the next decade using market-ready technologies and practices and including negative emission solutions. This paper describes our systematic and replicable process and ends with a discussion of its strengths, weaknesses, and planned future research

    Insights from global data for use of rotavirus vaccines in India

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    Rotavirus vaccines are being introduced in several low- and middle-income countries across the world with and without support from the GAVI Alliance. India has the highest disease burden of rotavirus based on morbidity and mortality estimates and several indigenous vaccine manufacturers are developing rotavirus vaccines. One candidate has undergone phase III testing and others have completed evaluation in phase II. Global data on licensed vaccine performance in terms of impact on disease, strain diversity, safety and cost-effectiveness has been reviewed to provide a framework for decision making in India

    Hereditary C1q deficiency is associated with type 1 interferon-pathway activation and a high risk of central nervous system inflammation

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    Hereditary C1q deficiency (C1QDef) is a rare monogenic disorder leading to defective complement pathway activation and systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE)-like manifestations. The link between impairment of the complement cascade and autoimmunity remains incompletely understood. Here, we assessed type 1 interferon pathway activation in patients with C1QDef. Twelve patients with genetically confirmed C1QDef were recruited through an international collaboration. Clinical, biological and radiological data were collected retrospectively. The expression of a standardized panel of interferon stimulated genes (ISGs) in peripheral blood was measured, and the level of interferon alpha (IFNα) protein in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) determined using SIMOA technology. Central nervous system (encompassing basal ganglia calcification, encephalitis, vasculitis, chronic pachymeningitis), mucocutaneous and renal involvement were present, respectively, in 10, 11 and 2 of 12 patients, and severe infections recorded in 2/12 patients. Elevated ISG expression was observed in all patients tested (n=10/10), and serum and CSF IFNα elevated in 2/2 patients. Three patients were treated with Janus-kinase inhibitors (JAKi), with variable outcome; one displaying an apparently favourable response in respect of cutaneous and neurological features, and two others experiencing persistent disease despite JAKi therapy. To our knowledge, we report the largest original series of genetically confirmed C1QDef yet described. Additionally, we present a review of all previously described genetically confirmed cases of C1QDef. Overall, individuals with C1QDef demonstrate many characteristics of recognized monogenic interferonopathies: particularly, cutaneous involvement (malar rash, acral vasculitic/papular rash, chilblains), SLE-like disease, basal ganglia calcification, increased expression of ISGs in peripheral blood, and elevated levels of CSF IFNα