12,175 research outputs found

    Unbiased sampling of globular lattice proteins in three dimensions

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    We present a Monte Carlo method that allows efficient and unbiased sampling of Hamiltonian walks on a cubic lattice. Such walks are self-avoiding and visit each lattice site exactly once. They are often used as simple models of globular proteins, upon adding suitable local interactions. Our algorithm can easily be equipped with such interactions, but we study here mainly the flexible homopolymer case where each conformation is generated with uniform probability. We argue that the algorithm is ergodic and has dynamical exponent z=0. We then use it to study polymers of size up to 64^3 = 262144 monomers. Results are presented for the effective interaction between end points, and the interaction with the boundaries of the system

    Rate theory for correlated processes: Double-jumps in adatom diffusion

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    We study the rate of activated motion over multiple barriers, in particular the correlated double-jump of an adatom diffusing on a missing-row reconstructed Platinum (110) surface. We develop a Transition Path Theory, showing that the activation energy is given by the minimum-energy trajectory which succeeds in the double-jump. We explicitly calculate this trajectory within an effective-medium molecular dynamics simulation. A cusp in the acceptance region leads to a sqrt{T} prefactor for the activated rate of double-jumps. Theory and numerical results agree

    Towards electron transport measurements in chemically modified graphene: The effect of a solvent

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    Chemical functionalization of graphene modifies the local electron density of the carbon atoms and hence electron transport. Measuring these changes allows for a closer understanding of the chemical interaction and the influence of functionalization on the graphene lattice. However, not only chemistry, in this case diazonium chemistry, has an effect on the electron transport. Latter is also influenced by defects and dopants resulting from different processing steps. Here, we show that solvents used in the chemical reaction process change the transport properties. In more detail, the investigated combination of isopropanol and heating treatment reduces the doping concentration and significantly increases the mobility of graphene. Furthermore, the isopropanol treatment alone increases the concentration of dopants and introduces an asymmetry between electron and hole transport which might be difficult to distinguish from the effect of functionalization. The results shown in this work demand a closer look on the influence of solvents used for chemical modification in order to understand their influence

    Exact enumeration of Hamiltonian circuits, walks, and chains in two and three dimensions

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    We present an algorithm for enumerating exactly the number of Hamiltonian chains on regular lattices in low dimensions. By definition, these are sets of k disjoint paths whose union visits each lattice vertex exactly once. The well-known Hamiltonian circuits and walks appear as the special cases k=0 and k=1 respectively. In two dimensions, we enumerate chains on L x L square lattices up to L=12, walks up to L=17, and circuits up to L=20. Some results for three dimensions are also given. Using our data we extract several quantities of physical interest

    Secondary Structures in Long Compact Polymers

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    Compact polymers are self-avoiding random walks which visit every site on a lattice. This polymer model is used widely for studying statistical problems inspired by protein folding. One difficulty with using compact polymers to perform numerical calculations is generating a sufficiently large number of randomly sampled configurations. We present a Monte-Carlo algorithm which uniformly samples compact polymer configurations in an efficient manner allowing investigations of chains much longer than previously studied. Chain configurations generated by the algorithm are used to compute statistics of secondary structures in compact polymers. We determine the fraction of monomers participating in secondary structures, and show that it is self averaging in the long chain limit and strictly less than one. Comparison with results for lattice models of open polymer chains shows that compact chains are significantly more likely to form secondary structure.Comment: 14 pages, 14 figure

    Graphene on metals: a Van der Waals density functional study

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    We use density functional theory (DFT) with a recently developed van der Waals density functional (vdW-DF) to study the adsorption of graphene on Al, Cu, Ag, Au, Pt, Pd, Co and Ni(111) surfaces. In constrast to the local density approximation (LDA) which predicts relatively strong binding for Ni,Co and Pd, the vdW-DF predicts weak binding for all metals and metal-graphene distances in the range 3.40-3.72 \AA. At these distances the graphene bandstructure as calculated with DFT and the many-body G0_0W0_0 method is basically unaffected by the substrate, in particular there is no opening of a band gap at the KK-point.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Dynamic rotor mode in antiferromagnetic nanoparticles

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    We present experimental, numerical, and theoretical evidence for a new mode of antiferromagnetic dynamics in nanoparticles. Elastic neutron scattering experiments on 8 nm particles of hematite display a loss of diffraction intensity with temperature, the intensity vanishing around 150 K. However, the signal from inelastic neutron scattering remains above that temperature, indicating a magnetic system in constant motion. In addition, the precession frequency of the inelastic magnetic signal shows an increase above 100 K. Numerical Langevin simulations of spin dynamics reproduce all measured neutron data and reveal that thermally activated spin canting gives rise to a new type of coherent magnetic precession mode. This "rotor" mode can be seen as a high-temperature version of superparamagnetism and is driven by exchange interactions between the two magnetic sublattices. The frequency of the rotor mode behaves in fair agreement with a simple analytical model, based on a high temperature approximation of the generally accepted Hamiltonian of the system. The extracted model parameters, as the magnetic interaction and the axial anisotropy, are in excellent agreement with results from Mossbauer spectroscopy

    Monte Carlo Study of Short-Range Order and Displacement Effects in Disordered CuAu

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    The correlation between local chemical environment and atomic displacements in disordered CuAu alloy has been studied using Monte Carlo simulations based on the effective medium theory (EMT) of metallic cohesion. These simulations correctly reproduce the chemically-specific nearest-neighbor distances in the random alloy across the entire Cu\$_x\$Au\$_{1-x}\$ concentration range. In the random equiatomic CuAu alloy, the chemically specific pair distances depend strongly on the local atomic environment (i.e. fraction of like/unlike nearest neighbors). In CuAu alloy with short-range order, the relationship between local environment and displacements remains qualitatively similar. However the increase in short-range order causes the average Cu-Au distance to decrease below the average Cu-Cu distance, as it does in the ordered CuAuI phase. Many of these trends can be understood qualitatively from the different neutral sphere radii and compressibilities of the Cu and Au atoms.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures, 2 table

    Advanced tracking systems design and analysis

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    The results of an assessment of several types of high-accuracy tracking systems proposed to track the spacecraft in the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Advanced Tracking and Data Relay Satellite System (ATDRSS) are summarized. Tracking systems based on the use of interferometry and ranging are investigated. For each system, the top-level system design and operations concept are provided. A comparative system assessment is presented in terms of orbit determination performance, ATDRSS impacts, life-cycle cost, and technological risk

    Graphene Rings in Magnetic Fields: Aharonov-Bohm Effect and Valley Splitting

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    We study the conductance of mesoscopic graphene rings in the presence of a perpendicular magnetic field by means of numerical calculations based on a tight-binding model. First, we consider the magnetoconductance of such rings and observe the Aharonov-Bohm effect. We investigate different regimes of the magnetic flux up to the quantum Hall regime, where the Aharonov-Bohm oscillations are suppressed. Results for both clean (ballistic) and disordered (diffusive) rings are presented. Second, we study rings with smooth mass boundary that are weakly coupled to leads. We show that the valley degeneracy of the eigenstates in closed graphene rings can be lifted by a small magnetic flux, and that this lifting can be observed in the transport properties of the system.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figure
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