739 research outputs found


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    Fokus utama dalam penelitian berjudul Pembelajaran Angklung Melalui Metode Handsign Pada Mata Pelajaran Angklung Di MI Al-Lathif Bandung ini adalah untuk melihat bagaimana metode handsign dilakukan pada pembelajaran angklung. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif analitik melalui pendekatan kualitatif, sehingga temuan beserta pembahasannya dipaparkan lebih detail. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan di antaranya melalui observasi, wawancara dan studi dokumentasi. Subjek penelitian difokuskan pada siswa dan pengajar angklung yang melakukan metode handsign sebagai strategi pembelajaran yang dilakukan di MI Al-Lathif Bandung. Berdasarkan temuan dan pembahasan maka dapat diketahui bahwa pembelajaran angklung dengan menggunakan metode handsign secara cepat dapat meningkatkan kompetensi bermain angklung siswa karena siswa dapat lebih mudah memahami apa yang harus dimainkan dibandingkan dengan membaca notasi balok yang rumit. Kata Kunci : Pembelajaran angklung, Metode Handsig

    The Particle-Matrix model: limitations and further improvements needed

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    According to the Particle-Matrix Model (PMM) philosophy, the workability of concrete depends on the properties of two phases and the volumetric ratio between them: the fluid matrix phase (≤ 0.125 mm) and the solid particle phase (> 0.125 mm). The model has been successfully applied to predict concrete workability for different types of concrete, but has also indicated that some potential cases exist when its application is limited. The paper presents recent studies on improving the method by analysing how the PMM one-point flow parameter λQ can be expressed by rheological models (Bingham and Herschel-Bulkley)

    Undtagelsesmodstand:Klimanød, undtagelsestilstand og aktivistisk temporalitet

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    This article examines various political criticisms of the State of Exception in light of climate activists’ desire to declare a climate emergency in a large number of states globally. These criticisms have developed in tandem with notions of securitization and de-politicization of the environment since the 1990s, and the article argues that several theorists overlook the temporal perspective of the climate crisis and risks of irreversibility in destroyed ecosystems. These risks – and their temporalities – should be included in the assessment of discursive issues surrounding the activists’ demands for a state of emergency. Since the criticisms revolve around questions of sovereignty, the article points to a more specific analysis of sovereignty futures, where climate risks are determinative, but where temporality still plays a minor role

    Resilient retfærdighed? Klimabevægelsen og den systemiske retorik

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    This article uses the idea of resilience as a point of departure for analysing some contemporary challenges to the climate justice movement posed by social-ecological sciences. Climate justice activists are increasingly rallying for a system-change, demanding fundamental changes to political bureaucracy and the economy, which would put ecology, biodiversity and climate change first for all future political decisions. Since the concept of resilience has taken up a central role in recent developments in ecological sciences, it has also become part of the activist debate. The article’s main argument is that the scientific framework behind resilience is not politically neutral and that this framework tends to weaken the activist’s demands for a just transition and place more emphasis on technical and bureaucratic processes

    neural circuitry, psychophysiology and compositional principles

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    It is a common experience—and well established experimentally—that music can engage us emotionally in a compelling manner. The mechanisms underlying these experiences are receiving increasing scrutiny. However, the extent to which other domains of aesthetic experience can similarly elicit strong emotions is unknown. Using psychophysiology, neuroimaging and behavioral responses, we show that recited poetry can act as a powerful stimulus for eliciting peak emotional responses, including chills and objectively measurable goosebumps that engage the primary reward circuitry. Importantly, while these responses to poetry are largely analogous to those found for music, their neural underpinnings show important differences, specifically with regard to the crucial role of the nucleus accumbens. We also go beyond replicating previous music-related studies by showing that peak aesthetic pleasure can co-occur with physiological markers of negative affect. Finally, the distribution of chills across the trajectory of poems provides insight into compositional principles of poetry
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