1,119 research outputs found

    The recent record of climate on the range of the George River Caribou Herd, Northern Québec and Labrador, Canada

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    Records from permanent meteorological stations in and around the range of the George River Caribou Herd have been analyzed for the 1950-1991 period in order to identify climatic factors potentially influencing the numbers, condition, and distribution of caribou. Winter conditions identified include a significant temperature decrease over the period and some years of extreme snowfall. Spatial variations in snow cover may be responsible for shifts in winter range. Indications are that summer climate has not varied significantly, but spring and summer conditions may not have been particularly favourable for plant productivity in the summer range of females and calves. Climatological observations more representative of the summer range are needed for a better understanding of ecological relationships there

    De inzet van niet-direct inzetbaar arbeidsaanbod bij knelpunten op de arbeidsmarkt

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    Dit werkdocument maakt deel uit van het Project Onderwijs-Arbeidsmarkt (POA). Dit project wordt gefinancierd door het Ministerie van Onderwijs, Cultuur en Wetenschappen, Arbeidsvoorziening Facilitair Bedrijf, het LDC Expertisecentrum voor Loopbaanvraagstukken en het Ministerie van Landbouw, Natuurbeheer en Visserij. De komende jaren wordt voor een groot aantal opleidingen knelpunten in de personeelsvoorziening verwacht. Om deze tekorten het hoofd te kunnen bieden is het belangrijk dat werkgevers in toenemende mate op zoek gaan naar additioneel arbeidsaanbod vanuit groepen die op dit moment niet actief zijn op de arbeidsmarkt. Het is daarbij van belang om inzicht te hebben in hoeverre uit deze groepen mensen kunnen worden geworven, die ingezet kunnen worden om deze tekorten te verminderen. Dergelijke arbeidsmarktinformatie is vooralsnog in beperkte mate voorhanden. In dit werkdocument wordt getracht een overzicht te geven van de mogelijkheden om dit arbeidspotentieel aan te wenden en van de mogelijke processen die hierbij een rol kunnen spelen.education, training and the labour market;

    Climate and Vegetation of the Interior Lowlands of Southern Baffin Island : Long-term Stability at the Low Arctic Limit

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    The interior of southern Baffin Island between 64 N and 68 N latitude is a mainly lowland area over 50 000 km² in extent, containing two large lakes (Amadjuak and Nettilling) and numerous smaller lakes and ponds. This area is important as summer range for caribou and a variety of birds, and there is evidence for a human presence as early as 3000 B.P. Field studies between 1984 and 1988 and the operation of climatic autostations from 1987 to 1995 revealed a warm summer climate and cold winters. There is a locally rich and diverse vegetation, including Betula glandulosa and other species that are indicative of the low arctic bioclimatic zone and mark the present northern limit of that zone in the eastern Canadian Arctic. Air photos and Landsat imagery were used to map vegetation beyond the field areas, leading to an estimate of 46% of the land area in continuous vegetation (tundra) of some type and 15% with shrub and heath elements. Palynology of sediment cores taken from Nettilling Lake permitted extrapolation from present bioclimatic conditions to 4750 years B.P. Betula and therefore elements of a low arctic vegetation association appear to have been present in the area during most of that period, indicating a local bioclimatic system that has been relatively stable under regional variations of climate.La région intérieure du sud de la terre de Baffin située entre le 64° et le 68° de latit. N. est essentiellement une zone de basses-terres s'étendant sur plus de 50 000 km², qui renferme deux grands lacs (Amadjuak et Nettilling) et de nombreux petits lacs et étangs. Cette région est importante en tant que territoire estival du caribou et d'une diversité d'oiseaux, et on y a découvert des preuves attestant une présence humaine dès 3000 BP. Des études sur le terrain menées entre 1984 et 1988 et l'activité de stations climatologiques automatisées de 1987 à 1995 ont révélé un climat d'été tempéré et d'hiver froid. La végétation locale est riche et diversifiée et comprend Betula glandulosa ainsi que d'autres espèces typiques d'une zone bioclimatique du Bas-Arctique et marquant la limite septentrionale actuelle de cette zone dans l'Arctique canadien oriental. Des clichés aériens et des images du satellite Landsat ont servi à cartographier la végétation au-delà des zones d'étude sur le terrain, ce qui a amené à une estimation de 46 p. cent de la zone possédant un couvert végétal continu (toundra) d'une certaine sorte et 15 p. cent possédant des composants d'arbrisseaux et de bruyère. La palynologie de carottes de sédiments provenant du lac Nettilling a permis d'extrapoler les conditions bioclimatiques depuis la période actuelle jusqu'à 4750 ans BP. Il semble que Betula et par conséquent des composants d'une association végétale du Bas-Arctique ont été présents dans la région pendant la plus grande partie de cette période, ce qui révèle l'existence d'un système bioclimatique relativement stable à l'intérieur de variations climatiques régionales

    Report on the Distribution of Dwarf Birches and Present Pollen Rain, Baffin Island, N.W.T., Canada

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    A distribution map for the dwarf birches is presented for the region from Frobisher Bay northward to Cumberland Peninsula. These shrubs are restricted to favourable habitats which, at the northern limit of the species (67 deg. 40 sec. N), are found on south-facing slopes above the immediate local cooling influence of the sea. Pollen studies within the zone of scattered dwarf birch indicate that pollen dispersal from these low, prostrate shrubs is minimal. Samples of moss collected beneath the bushes have 5-36% Betula pollen; whereas sites no more than 50 m away from Betula shrubs have percentages of <2%. These data will be useful in considering the Holocene and Pleistocene histories of these Low Arctic shrubs in the Eastern Canadian Arctic

    Heralding Single Photons from Pulsed Parametric Down-Conversion

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    We describe an experiment in which photon pairs from a pulsed parametric down-conversion source were coupled into single-mode fibers. Detecting one of the photons heralded the presence of the other photon in its fiber with a probability of 83%. The heralded photons were then used in a simple multi-photon interference experiment to illustrate their potential for quantum information applications.Comment: 4 pages, 7 figures. Version 2 has minor revision

    Proton Ground-state Correlations in the Even Calcium-isotopes

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    This research was sponsored by the National Science Foundation Grant NSF PHY 87-1440

    Global target mRNA specification and regulation by the RNA-binding protein ZFP36

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    BACKGROUND: ZFP36, also known as tristetraprolin or TTP, and ELAVL1, also known as HuR, are two disease-relevant RNA-binding proteins (RBPs) that both interact with AU-rich sequences but have antagonistic roles. While ELAVL1 binding has been profiled in several studies, the precise in vivo binding specificity of ZFP36 has not been investigated on a global scale. We determined ZFP36 binding preferences using cross-linking and immunoprecipitation in human embryonic kidney cells, and examined the combinatorial regulation of AU-rich elements by ZFP36 and ELAVL1. RESULTS: Targets bound and negatively regulated by ZFP36 include transcripts encoding proteins necessary for immune function and cancer, and transcripts encoding other RBPs. Using partial correlation analysis, we were able to quantify the association between ZFP36 binding sites and differential target RNA abundance upon ZFP36 overexpression independent of effects from confounding features. Genes with increased mRNA half-lives in ZFP36 knockout versus wild-type mouse cells were significantly enriched for our human ZFP36 targets. We identified thousands of overlapping ZFP36 and ELAVL1 binding sites, in 1,313 genes, and found that ZFP36 degrades transcripts through specific AU-rich sequences, representing a subset of the U-rich sequences ELAVL1 interacts with to stabilize transcripts. CONCLUSIONS: ZFP36-RNA target specificities in vivo are quantitatively similar to previously reported in vitro binding affinities. ZFP36 and ELAVL1 bind an overlapping spectrum of RNA sequences, yet with differential relative preferences that dictate combinatorial regulatory potential. Our findings and methodology delineate an approach to unravel in vivo combinatorial regulation by RNA-binding proteins

    The 3s Proton Occupancy in 206-Pb

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    This research was sponsored by the National Science Foundation Grant NSF PHY 87-1440
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