1,284 research outputs found

    A conceptual index for benchmarking intermittent water supply in a water distribution system zone

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    Various challenges, such as limited freshwater resources, climate change impacts, rapid population growth, urbanisation and underinvestment in water supply infrastructure, have led to intermittent water supply (IWS) in potable water distribution systems. Earlier research has confirmed that IWS negatively impacts the consumers, the infrastructure and the water supply authorities. Water supply authorities need tools to help understand IWS and the associated implications. A new indexing framework involving the causes and impacts associated with IWS is presented in this paper. In addition, a novel approach allows for quantification of the severity of IWS based on knowledge of a few readily available inputs. The severity quantification is based on two ratios: the intermittency ratio is a temporal measurement, accounting for supply duration; the connection ratio describes spatial aspects, using the number of service connections affected. The indexing framework and quantification tool could lead to improved understanding of IWS and could assist water supply authorities faced with IWS to make informed decisions. Improved planning of remedial actions to mitigate or avoid risks associated with IWS is aided. The tools presented in this paper could be used as basis for future development of a key performance indicator.Keywords: intermittent water supply, index, water scarcit

    Designing and fabrication of an installation PV solar modules tilting platform

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    The optimum tilt-angle of a fixed photovoltaic solar panel is very important during the installation, in order to best exploit the accessible output power efficiency of the panel. The output power effectiveness of a PV solar collector is profoundly affected by its tilt-angle to the horizontal and its orientation. This is because of the detail that the sun’s angle varies at every point of time and location. The solar photovoltaic tilting platform plays a dynamic role in the installation of the solar photovoltaic panel. From one perspective, it protects the solar panel from mechanical pressures that can arise from the wind movement and the hand; it provides means of adjustment for the solar panel. The proposed solar photovoltaic tilting platform was designed for an adjustable angle capacity oscillating from 0? to 40?; the materials used for the construction of the tilting platform are capable to withstand a load of 45kg and resist a temperature of -50? F to 150? F under a maximum wind force of 3.78N. The numerous mechanisms of the PV tilting platform prototype were tested, the stability, strength, easy titling, and overall performance of the PV tilting platform were declared as satisfactory

    The influence of sustainable reinforcing particulates on the density, hardness and corrosion resistance of AA 6063 matrix composites

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    The need for the fabrication of sustainable aluminium matrix composites (AMCs) is being sought after as practical alternatives to conventional metals and their alloys. This study was undertaken to investigate the effect of sustainable materials on the mechanical, physical and corrosion resistant properties of AA 6063. The weight fraction of the hybrid reinforcements was varied at 2.5, 5.0, 7.5 and 10.0 wt.%. For each variation, the fly ash and eggshells were weighed equally. The fabrication route selected was stir casting. The analysis of the density showed that the property decreased with increasing weight fraction of the hybrid reinforcements. Evaluation of the microhardness revealed hardness values of 78.13, 81.19, 81.54, 82.14, and 86.71 HV for the base metal, 2.5, 5.0, 7.5 and 10.0 wt.% samples respectively. The corrosion resistant properties were studied in 3.5 wt.% NaCl medium. The investigation showed that the reinforced AMCs exhibited improved corrosion resistance compared to the base metal. However, the 7.5 wt.% sample exhibited the least corrosion rate of 8.649 X 10-5 g/h

    The C-Type Lectin Receptor CLECSF8/CLEC4D Is a Key Component of Anti-Mycobacterial Immunity

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    Open Access funded by Wellcome Trust: Under a Creative Commons license Copyright © 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. Acknowledgments We would like to thank S. Hardison, P. Redelinghuys, J. Taylor, C. Wallace, A. Richmond, S. Hadebe, A. Plato, F. Abbass, L. Fick, N. Allie, R. Wilkinson, K. Wilkinson, S. Cooper, D. Lang, and V. Kumar for reagents and assistance, and the animal facility staff for the care of our animals. This work was supported by the MRC (UK) and Wellcome Trust (G.D.B.); MRC (South Africa) and Sydney Brenner Fellowship (M.J.M.); Vici (M.G.N.), Vidi (R.v.C.), and Veni grants (T.S.P.) from the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research; the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (T.H.M.O.); EC FP7 projects (NEWTBVAC, ADITEC; T.H.M.O.); Carnegie Corporation and CIDRI (J.C.H.); and the University of Aberdeen (B.K.).Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    M & L Jaargang 14/2

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    GeneriekJan Wouters De conservatie van de codex Eyckensis. [The conservation of the Codex Eyckensis.]Goedbedoelde maar nefaste restauratieve ingrepen uit de vijftiger jaren leidden vanaf 1986 tot de hoogdringende conserverende behandeling van de 9de-eeuwse Codex Eyckensis, genoemd naar de oorspronkelijke bewaarplaats Aldeneik. Geruggesteund door een commissie ad hoc leidde Jan Wouters voor het Koninklijk Instituut voor het Kunstpatrimonium de zorgvuldige analyse, de totstandkoming van een nauwkeurige diagnose en de behoedzame therapie. Christine Vanthillo weet dan weer het evangelieboek kunsthistorisch te duiden, ter verklaring van de huidige opsplitsing in een Codex Ia en Ib.Jan Esther en Benoit Delaey Het huis de Halleux. [The Halleux house. Restoration of the houses at Oude Burg 21 and 23-25 in Brugge.]Het gegeven is klassiek: een naar hedendaagse normen té ruim pand met laat-middeleeuwse kern, 18de-eeuwse gevel met binnenaankleding en diepgaande 19de-eeuwse herfatsoenering.De opdracht tot herbestemming en restauratie van dit Brugse Huis de Halleux kon voor Groep Planning dan ook niet anders dan begeleid worden door de Stedelijke Dienst voor Monumentenzorg. Architect Benoît Delaey en kunsthistoricus Jan Esther commentariëren de bevindingen, opties en resultaten bij een stapsgewijze verkenning van het monument.Patric Jacobs Geoconservatie. [Geoconservation.]Slechts moeizaam groeit het besef dat de Aarde als systeem haar perken kent en wijzigingen aan haar samenstelling of ingrepen in haar evolutie onomkeerbaar blijven.Gerichte initiatieven tot behoud van landschapsvormen, ontsluitingen van gesteenten dan wel actieve geologische processen horen tot de Geoconservatie, een voor Patric Jacobs essentiële discipline.Hubert Bats, Etienne Paulissen en Patric Jacobs De grindgroeve Hermans te As. Een beschermd landschap. [The gravel pit in As as a protected landscape.]De nog recente bescherming als landschap van de grintgroeve Hermans te As, om uitsluitend geologische redenen, vormde voor Vlaanderen een primeur.Een praktische toepassing van geoconservatie waar Hubert Bats de nodige toelichting bij geeft.SummaryM&L Binnenkran

    Regional differences of macrovascular disease in Northeast and South Germany: the population-based SHIP-TREND and KORA-F4 studies

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    Abstract Background Previous studies found regional differences in the prevalence and incidence of type 2 diabetes between Northeast and South of Germany. The aim of this study was to investigate if regional variations are also present for macrovascular disease in people with type 2 diabetes and in the general population. A further aim was to investigate if traditional risk factors of macrovascular complications can explain these regional variations. Methods Data of persons aged 30–79 from two regional population-based studies, SHIP-TREND (Northeast Germany, 2008–2012, n = 2539) and KORA-F4 (South Germany, 2006–2008, n = 2932), were analysed. Macrovascular disease was defined by self-reported previous myocardial infarction, stroke or coronary angiography. Multivariable logistic regression was performed to estimate odds ratios (OR) and 95% confidence intervals (CI) for prevalence of macrovascular disease in persons with type 2 diabetes and in the general population. Results The prevalence of macrovascular disease in persons with type 2 diabetes and in the general population was considerably higher in the Northeast (SHIP-TREND: 32.8 and 12.0%) than in the South of Germany (KORA-F4: 24.9 and 8.8%), respectively. The odds of macrovascular disease in persons with type 2 diabetes was 1.66 (95% CI: 1.11–2.49) in the Northeast in comparison to the South after adjustment for sex, age, body mass index, hypertension, hyperlipidemia and smoking. In the general population, SHIP-TREND participants also had a significantly increased odds of macrovascular disease compared to KORA-F4 participants (OR = 1.63, 95% CI: 1.33–2.00). After excluding coronary angiography (myocardial infarction or stroke only), the ORs for region decreased in all models, but the difference between SHIP-TREND and KORA-F4 participants was still significant in the age- and sex-adjusted model for the general population (OR = 1.34, 95% CI: 1.01–1.78). Conclusions This study provides an indication for regional differences in macrovascular disease, which is not explained by traditional risk factors. Further examinations of other risk factors, such as regional deprivation or geographical variations in medical care services are needed