30 research outputs found

    Exploring the faecal microbiome associated with preterm birth

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    Jacob Westaway investigated the gut microbiome of preterm infants born in North Queensland, Australia. He observed unique associations between the gut microbiome and the unfavourable covariates, as well as acute modulation in association with probiotic prophylaxis. This supports expansion of the probiotic supplementation criteria and highlights the importance of the microbiome in health

    Methods for exploring the faecal microbiome of premature infants: a review

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    The premature infant gut microbiome plays an important part in infant health and development, and recognition of the implications of microbial dysbiosis in premature infants has prompted significant research into these issues. The approaches to designing investigations into microbial populations are many and varied, each with its own benefits and limitations. The technique used can influence results, contributing to heterogeneity across studies. This review aimed to describe the most common techniques used in researching the preterm infant microbiome, detailing their various limitations. The objective was to provide those entering the field with a broad understanding of available methodologies, so that the likely effects of their use can be factored into literature interpretation and future study design. We found that although many techniques are used for characterising the premature infant microbiome, 16S rRNA short amplicon sequencing is the most common. 16S rRNA short amplicon sequencing has several benefits, including high accuracy, discoverability and high throughput capacity. However, this technique has limitations. Each stage of the protocol offers opportunities for the injection of bias. Bias can contribute to variability between studies using 16S rRNA high throughout sequencing. Thus, we recommend that the interpretation of previous results and future study design be given careful consideration

    Digital droplet PCR-based environmental DNA tool for monitoring Cryptocaryon irritans in a marine fish farm from Hong Kong

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    The adoption of new investigative strategies based on environmental DNA (eDNA) can be used to monitor parasites, associated bacterial microbiomes, and physical-chemical parameters in fish farms. In this study, we used the economically important and globally distributed fish ciliate parasite Cryptocaryon irritans as a model to understand the parasite abundance and potential drivers of its presence in marine fish farms. Environmental (rainfall) and physical-chemical (temperature, oxygen, salinity, pH) data collected from a marine fish farm in Hong Kong were analyzed together with the eDNA approach targeting C. irritans abundance based on digital droplet PCR and 16S metagenomics to determine associations and triggers between parasites and specific bacterial groups. Rainfall and temperature demonstrated positive associations with high abundance of C. irritans (eDNA) at the studied marine fish cage farm. However, rainfall was the only parameter tested that demonstrated a significant association with parasite eDNA, indicating that the raining season is a risky period for fish farmers in Hong Kong. Coraliomargarita was the bacterial genus with the most significant relationship with low abundance of C. irritans in water. Understanding the environmental triggers of ciliate parasites propagation and associated bacterial microbiome could elucidate new insights into environmental control, microbial management, and promote the reduction of chemical use in marine fish farms

    The bacterial gut microbiome of probiotic-treated very-preterm infants: changes from admission to discharge

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    Background: Preterm birth is associated with the development of acute and chronic disease, potentially, through the disruption of normal gut microbiome development. Probiotics may correct for microbial imbalances and mitigate disease risk. Here, we used amplicon sequencing to characterise the gut microbiome of probiotic-treated premature infants. We aimed to identify and understand variation in bacterial gut flora from admission to discharge and in association with clinical variables. Methods: Infants born <32 weeks gestation and <1500 g, and who received probiotic treatment, were recruited in North Queensland Australia. Meconium and faecal samples were collected at admission and discharge. All samples underwent 16S rRNA short amplicon sequencing, and subsequently, a combination of univariate and multivariate analyses. Results: 71 admission and 63 discharge samples were collected. Univariate analyses showed significant changes in the gut flora from admission to discharge. Mixed-effects modelling showed significantly lower alpha diversity in infants diagnosed with either sepsis or retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) and those fed formula. In addition, chorioamnionitis, preeclampsia, sepsis, necrotising enterocolitis and ROP were also all associated with the differential abundance of several taxa. Conclusions: The lower microbial diversity seen in infants with diagnosed disorders or formula-fed, as well as differing abundances of several taxa across multiple variables, highlights the role of the microbiome in the development of health and disease. This study supports the need for promoting healthy microbiome development in preterm neonates

    To Probiotic or Not to Probiotic: A Metagenomic Comparison of the Discharge Gut Microbiome of Infants Supplemented With Probiotics in NICU and Those Who Are Not

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    Background: Preterm birth is associated with the development of both acute and chronic disease, and the disruption of normal gut microbiome development. Recent studies have sought to both characterize and understand the links between disease and the microbiome. Probiotic treatment may correct for these microbial imbalances and, in turn, mitigate disease. However, the criteria for probiotic supplementation in NICU's in North Queensland, Australia limits its usage to the most premature (<32 weeks gestation) and small for gestational age infants (<1,500 g). Here we use a combination of amplicon and shotgun metagenomic sequencing to compare the gut microbiome of infants who fulfill the criteria for probiotic-treatment and those who do not. The aims of this study were to determine if probiotic-supplemented preterm infants have significantly different taxonomic and functional profiles when compared to non-supplemented preterm infants at discharge. Methods: Preterm infants were recruited in North Queensland, Australia, with fecal samples collected just prior to discharge (36 ± 0.5 weeks gestation), to capture potential changes that could be probiotic induced. All samples underwent 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing, with a subset also used for shotgun metagenomics. Mixed effects models were used to assess the effect of probiotics on alpha diversity, beta diversity and taxonomic abundance, whilst accounting for other known covariates. Results: Mixed effects modeling demonstrated that probiotic treatment had a significant effect on overall community composition (beta diversity), characterized by greater alpha diversity and differing abundances of several taxa, including Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus, in supplemented infants. Conclusion: Late preterm-infants who go without probiotic-supplementation may be missing out on stabilizing-effects provided through increased alpha diversity and the presence of commensal microbes, via the use of probiotic-treatment. These findings suggest that late-preterm infants may benefit from probiotic supplementation. More research is needed to both understand the consequences of the differences observed and the long-term effects of this probiotic-treatment

    Exploring the long-term colonisation and persistence of probiotic-prophylaxis species on the gut microbiome of preterm infants: a pilot study

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    Preterm infants suffer from a higher incidence of acute diseases such as necrotising enterocolitis and sepsis. This risk can be mitigated through probiotic prophylaxis during admission. This reduction in risk is likely the result of acute modulation of the gut microbiome induced by probiotic species, which has been observed to occur up until discharge. We aimed to determine if this modulation, and the associated probiotic species, persisted beyond discharge. We conducted both a cross-sectional analysis (n= 18), at similar to 18 months of age, and a longitudinal analysis (n= 6), from admission to 18 months of the gut microbiome of preterm infants using both shotgun metagenomics and 16S rRNA profiling respectively. The 16S amplicon sequencing revealed that the microbial composition of the probiotic-supplemented infants changed dramatically over time, stabilising at discharge. However, species from the probiotic Infloran (R), as well as positive modulatory effects previously associated with supplementation, do not appear to persist beyond discharge and once prophylaxis has stopped. Conclusions: Although differences exist between supplemented and non-supplemented groups, the implications of these differences remain unclear. Additionally, despite a lack of long-term colonisation, the presence of probiotics during early neonatal life may still have modulatory effects on the microbiome assembly and immune system training

    The Age of the 20 Meter Solo River Terrace, Java, Indonesia and the Survival of Homo erectus in Asia

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    Homo erectus was the first human lineage to disperse widely throughout the Old World, the only hominin in Asia through much of the Pleistocene, and was likely ancestral to H. sapiens. The demise of this taxon remains obscure because of uncertainties regarding the geological age of its youngest populations. In 1996, some of us co-published electron spin resonance (ESR) and uranium series (U-series) results indicating an age as young as 35–50 ka for the late H. erectus sites of Ngandong and Sambungmacan and the faunal site of Jigar (Indonesia). If correct, these ages favor an African origin for recent humans who would overlap with H. erectus in time and space. Here, we report 40Ar/39Ar incremental heating analyses and new ESR/U-series age estimates from the “20 m terrace" at Ngandong and Jigar. Both data sets are internally consistent and provide no evidence for reworking, yet they are inconsistent with one another. The 40Ar/39Ar analyses give an average age of 546±12 ka (sd±5 se) for both sites, the first reliable radiometric indications of a middle Pleistocene component for the terrace. Given the technical accuracy and consistency of the analyses, the argon ages represent either the actual age or the maximum age for the terrace and are significantly older than previous estimates. Most of the ESR/U-series results are older as well, but the oldest that meets all modeling criteria is 143 ka+20/−17. Most samples indicated leaching of uranium and likely represent either the actual or the minimum age of the terrace. Given known sources of error, the U-series results could be consistent with a middle Pleistocene age. However, the ESR and 40Ar/39Ar ages preclude one another. Regardless, the age of the sites and hominins is at least bracketed between these estimates and is older than currently accepted

    The origins and persistence of Homo floresiensis on Flores: biogeographical and ecological perspectives

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    The finding of archaeological evidence predating 1 Ma and a small hominin species (Homo floresiensis) on Flores, Indonesia, has stimulated much research on its origins and ancestry. Here we take a different approach and examine two key questions – 1) how did the ancestors of H. floresiensis reach Flores and 2) what are the prospects and difficulties of estimating the likelihood of hominin persistence for over 1 million years on a small island? With regard to the first question, on the basis of the biogeography we conclude that the mammalian, avian, and reptilian fauna on Flores arrived from a number of sources including Java, Sulawesi and Sahul. Many of the terrestrial taxa were able to float or swim (e.g. stegodons, giant tortoises and the Komodo dragon), while the rodents and hominins probably accidentally rafted from Sulawesi, following the prevailing currents. The precise route by which hominins arrived on Flores cannot at present be determined, although a route from South Asia through Indochina, Sulawesi and hence Flores is tentatively supported on the basis of zoogeography. With regards to the second question, we find the archaeological record equivocal. A basic energetics model shows that a greater number of small-bodied hominins could persist on Flores than larger-bodied hominins (whether H. floresiensis is a dwarfed species or a descendent of an early small-bodied ancestor is immaterial here), which may in part explain their apparent long-term success. Yet the frequent tsunamis and volcanic eruptions in the region would certainly have affected all the taxa on the island, and at least one turnover event is recorded, when Stegodon sondaari became extinct. The question of the likelihood of persistence may be unanswerable until we know much more about the biology of H. floresiensis