532 research outputs found
Characterization of Torque Teno Virus by In Vitro Infection of Gnotobiotic Pigs: Torque Teno Virus the Cause of PAS?
Viruses are important disease causing agents prevalent in all animal species. Understanding their characteristics and pathogenicity are crucial to control and prevent disease. Piglet Anemia Syndrome (PAS) is a neonatal anemia in piglets with no known cause. We began this project by looking at the possibility that porcine torque teno virus (TTV) plays a role in causing PAS disease syndrome. Chapter 1 characterizes genotype(s) of TTV identified in a continuous porcine alveolar macrophage cell line. Chapter 2 delineates preliminary in vivo challenge experiments with this TTV genotype.
The porcine TTVs are classified into two genogroups (g1-TTV and g2-TTV). Like other Anelloviruses genomic diversity is a hallmark of porcine TTVs. Porcine TTV was found in a porcine alveolar macrophage cell line (3D4/2) and sequenced for identification and classification (Chapter 1). The macrophage cell line was then used to infect gnotobiotic piglets in order to determine its infectious capabilities (Chapter 2). The CD4/31-origin TTV used for the in vivo infection experiment was found to have an 81 percent homology to a combined g1- and g2-TTV sequence indicating the possible presence of a hybrid TTV virus. On or before ten days after challenge infection, in gnotobiotic pigs were shown to be TTV DNA viremic. In the challenged piglets, neither gross nor histologic findings characteristic of TTV infection were observed. These experiments were performed with the goal of obtaining knowledge that could potentially lead to the development of vaccines and reduce the presence of PAS in pig populations.No embarg
Phylogenetic analysis of Turkey astroviruses reveals evidence of recombination.
Sequence data was obtained from the capsid (ORF-2) and the polymerase (ORF-lb) genes of 23 turkey astrovirus (TAstV) isolates collected from commercial turkey flocks around the United States between 2003 and 2004. A high level of genetic variation was observed among the isolates, particularly in the capsid gene, where nucleotide sequence identity among them was as low as 69%. Isolates collected on the same farm, on the same day, but from different houses could have as little as 72% identity between their capsid gene sequences when compared. Phylogenetic analysis of the capsid gene revealed no clear assortment by geographic region or isolation date. The polymerase gene was more conserved with between 86 and 99% nucleotide identity and did assort in a geographic manner. Based on differing topologies of the capsid and polymerase gene phylogenetic trees, TAstV appears to undergo recombination
One-year molecular survey of astrovirus infection in turkeys in Poland
The presence of turkey astrovirus (TAstV) was monitored in meat-type turkey flocks in Poland in 2008. Clinical samples (10 individual faecal swabs/flock) from 77 flocks aged 1-19Β weeks were collected from different regions of the country. RT-PCR experiments were performed for detection and molecular characterization of TAstV using four sets of primers within the RdRp gene (ORF1b). The prevalence of astrovirus was 34/77 (44.15%) in the flocks tested. TAstV type 2 was associated with 30 of 77 infections (38.9%), either alone or in mixed infections; TAstV type 1 was detected in 9 of 77 flocks (11.6%), either alone or in mixed infections; ANV was detected only in one flock (1.29%) by sequence analysis during this study. Phylogenetic analysis revealed genetic variability in the TAstV strains that were isolated. Some of Polish TAstV-2 strains were genetically related to the North American isolates; however, most of them formed a distinct subgroup of βEuropeanβ isolates, suggesting their separate origin or evolution. Additionally, due to the high variability of the TAstV sequences, the most suitable method for TAstV typing seems to be sequencing
Susceptibility of turkeys to pandemic-H1N1 virus by reproductive tract insemination
The current pandemic influenza A H1N1 2009 (pH1N1) was first recognized in humans with acute respiratory diseases in April 2009 in Mexico, in swine in Canada in June, 2009 with respiratory disease, and in turkeys in Chile in June 2009 with a severe drop in egg production. Several experimental studies attempted to reproduce the disease in turkeys, but failed to produce respiratory infection in turkeys using standard inoculation routes. We demonstrated that pH1N1 virus can infect the reproductive tract of turkey hens after experimental intrauterine inoculation, causing decreased egg production. This route of exposure is realistic in modern turkey production because turkey hens are handled once a week for intrauterine insemination in order to produce fertile eggs. This understanding of virus exposure provides an improved understanding of the pathogenesis of the disease and can improve poultry husbandry to prevent disease outbreaks
Recombination in Avian Gamma-Coronavirus Infectious Bronchitis Virus
Recombination in the family Coronaviridae has been well documented and is thought to be a contributing factor in the emergence and evolution of different coronaviral genotypes as well as different species of coronavirus. However, there are limited data available on the frequency and extent of recombination in coronaviruses in nature and particularly for the avian gamma-coronaviruses where only recently the emergence of a turkey coronavirus has been attributed solely to recombination. In this study, the full-length genomes of eight avian gamma-coronavirus infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) isolates were sequenced and along with other full-length IBV genomes available from GenBank were analyzed for recombination. Evidence of recombination was found in every sequence analyzed and was distributed throughout the entire genome. Areas that have the highest occurrence of recombination are located in regions of the genome that code for nonstructural proteins 2, 3 and 16, and the structural spike glycoprotein. The extent of the recombination observed, suggests that this may be one of the principal mechanisms for generating genetic and antigenic diversity within IBV. These data indicate that reticulate evolutionary change due to recombination in IBV, likely plays a major role in the origin and adaptation of the virus leading to new genetic types and strains of the virus
Metagenomic analysis of the turkey gut RNA virus community
Viral enteric disease is an ongoing economic burden to poultry producers worldwide, and despite considerable research, no single virus has emerged as a likely causative agent and target for prevention and control efforts. Historically, electron microscopy has been used to identify suspect viruses, with many small, round viruses eluding classification based solely on morphology. National and regional surveys using molecular diagnostics have revealed that suspect viruses continuously circulate in United States poultry, with many viruses appearing concomitantly and in healthy birds. High-throughput nucleic acid pyrosequencing is a powerful diagnostic technology capable of determining the full genomic repertoire present in a complex environmental sample. We utilized the Roche/454 Life Sciences GS-FLX platform to compile an RNA virus metagenome from turkey flocks experiencing enteric disease. This approach yielded numerous sequences homologous to viruses in the BLAST nr protein database, many of which have not been described in turkeys. Our analysis of this turkey gut RNA metagenome focuses in particular on the turkey-origin members of the Picornavirales, the Caliciviridae, and the turkey Picobirnaviruses
Pathobiology and innate immune responses of gallinaceous poultry to clade H5Nx highly pathogenic avian influenza virus infection
In the 2014-2015 Eurasian lineage clade H5 highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) outbreak in the U.S., backyard flocks with minor gallinaceous poultry and large commercial poultry (chickens and turkeys) operations were affected. The pathogenesis of the first H5N8 and reassortant H5N2 clade HPAI U.S. isolates was investigated in six gallinaceous species: chickens, Japanese quail, Bobwhite quail, Pearl guinea fowl, Chukar partridges, and Ring-necked pheasants. Both viruses caused 80-100% mortality in all species, except for H5N2 virus that caused 60% mortality in chickens. The surviving challenged birds remained uninfected based on lack of clinical disease and lack of seroconversion. Among the infected birds, chickens and Japanese quail in early clinical stages (asymptomatic and listless) lacked histopathologic findings. In contrast, birds of all species in later clinical stages (moribund and dead) had histopathologic lesions and systemic virus replication consistent with HPAI virus infection in gallinaceous poultry. These birds had widespread multifocal areas of necrosis, sometimes with heterophilic or lymphoplasmacytic inflammatory infiltrate, and viral antigen in parenchymal cells of most tissues. In general, lesions and antigen distribution were similar regardless of virus and species. However, endotheliotropism was the most striking difference among species, with only Pearl guinea fowl showing widespread replication of both viruses in endothelial cells of most tissues. The expression of IFN-Ξ³and IL-10 in Japanese quail, and IL-6 in chickens, were up-regulated in later clinical stages compared to asymptomatic birds
Identification and pathogenicity of a natural reassortant between a very virulent serotype 1 infectious bursal disease virus (IBDV) and a serotype 2 IBDV
AbstractInfectious bursal disease virus (IBDV) causes an economically important, immunosuppressive disease in chickens. There are two serotypes of the virus that contain a bi-segmented double-stranded RNA genome. In December 2008, the first very virulent (vv)IBDV was identified in California, USA and in 2009 we isolated reassortant viruses in two different locations. Genome segment A of these reassortants was typical of vvIBDV serotype 1 but genome segment B was most similar to IBDV serotype 2. The CA-K785 reassortant caused 20% mortality in chickens but no morbidity or mortality in commercial turkey poults despite being infectious. There have been previous reports of natural reassortants between vvIBDV and other serotype 1 strains, but a natural reassortant between IBDV serotypes 1 and 2 has not been described. The apparent reassorting of California vvIBDV with an endemic serotype 2 virus indicates a common host and suggests vvIBDV may have entered California earlier than originally thought
Efficacy of Two Licensed Avian Influenza H5 Vaccines Against Challenge with a 2015 U.S. H5N2 clade Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Virus in Domestic Ducks
Highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) clade viruses from the H5 goose/Guangdong lineage caused a major outbreak in poultry in the United States in 2015. Although the outbreak was controlled, vaccines were considered as an alternative control method, and new vaccines were approved and purchased by the U.S. Department of Agriculture National Veterinary Stockpile for emergency use. In this study, we evaluated the efficacy of two of these vaccines in protecting Pekin ducks (Anas platyrhynchos var. domestica) against challenge with a H5N2 HPAI poultry isolate. A recombinant alphavirus-based vaccine and an inactivated adjuvanted reverse genetics vaccine, both expressing the hemagglutinin gene of a U.S. H5 clade isolate (A/Gyrfalcon/Washington/41088-6/2014 H5N8), were used to immunize the ducks. The vaccines were given either as single vaccination at 2 days of age or in a prime-boost strategy at 2 and 15 days of age. At 32 days of age, all ducks were challenged with A/turkey/Minnesota/12582/15 H5N2 HPAI virus clade All ducks from the nonvaccinated challenge control group became infected and shed virus; one duck in this group presented mild ataxia, and a second duck died. No mortality or clinical signs were observed in vaccinated and challenged ducks, with the exception of one duck presenting with mild ataxia. Both vaccines, regardless of the vaccination strategy used, were immunogenic in ducks and reduced or prevented virus shedding after challenge. In conclusion, good protection against H5Nx infection was achieved in ducks vaccinated with the vaccines examined, which were homologous to the challenge virus, with prime-boost strategies conferring the best protection against infection.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
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