12,061 research outputs found

    Ichthyofaunal Diversification and Distribution in the Ozark Stream in Northcentral Arkansas

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    The distribution and diversity of the ichthyofauna of Arkansas are poorly known. This study is part of a continuing effort to elucidate the natural history of Arkansas. Big Creek is a relatively small, clear, cool-water stream in the Ozark Plateau of northcentral Arkansas. Big Creek and its tributaries drain into Lake Norfork, an impoundment on North Fork River. A total of 6,779 fish of 30 species was collected. Dominant pool species included Notropis boops, Fundulus catenatus, F. olivaceus, Labidesthes sicculus, and Campostoma anomalum; dominant riffle species included Etheostoma spectabile, E. caeruleum, Notropis boops, Fundulus catenatus, and Campostoma anomalum. The numerical standing crop ranged from 1.3 to 2.6 fish/m 2 in the pools and riffles, respectively. The relative uniformity of substrate and soil types throughout the watershed, and the absence of rooted aquatic plants, limited the diversity of species found. The concomitant reduction in competition and predation probably explains the relatively large numerical standing crop

    SBI Intervention: An Old Problem- A New Perspective

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    This research effort attempted to determine if SB/ intervention would change the perception of business problems by not only the business owner but also the student consultants. This focus further to encompassed firms that could be classified in either Stage I or Stage II of development. Even though there were no changes in perception by student consultants, and mixed results of whether stage development affected perceptual differences, strong support was given to the proposition that owners, overall, did change their perception of existing problems after SBI intervention

    Detector Efficiency Limits on Quantum Improvement

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    Although the National Institute of Standards and Technology has measured the intrinsic quantum efficiency of Si and InGaAs APD materials to be above 98 % by building an efficient compound detector, commercially available devices have efficiencies ranging between 15 % and 75 %. This means bandwidth, dark current, cost, and other factors are more important than quantum efficiency for existing applications. This paper systematically examines the generic detection process, lays out the considerations needed for designing detectors for non-classical applications, and identifies the ultimate physical limits on quantum efficiency.Comment: LaTeX, 7 pages, 3 figure

    George Jackson to James H. Meredith (Undated)

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    Disruption of glycerol metabolism by RNAi targeting of genes encoding glycerol kinase results in a range of phenotype severity in Drosophila.

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    In Drosophila, RNAi targeting of either dGyk or dGK can result in two alternative phenotypes: adult glycerol hypersensitivity or larval lethality. Here we compare these two phenotypes at the level of glycerol kinase (GK) phosphorylation activity, dGyk and dGK-RNA expression, and glycerol levels. We found both phenotypes exhibit reduced but similar levels of GK phosphorylation activity. Reduced RNA expression levels of dGyk and dGK corresponded with RNAi progeny that developed into glycerol hypersensitive adult flies. However, quantification of dGyk/dGK expression levels for the larval lethality phenotype revealed unexpected levels possibly due to a compensatory mechanism between dGyk and dGK or RNAi inhibition. The enzymatic role of glycerol kinase converts glycerol to glycerol 3-phosphate. As expected, elevated glycerol levels were observed in larvae that went on to develop into glycerol hypersensitive adults. Interestingly, larvae that died before eclosion revealed extremely low glycerol levels. Further characterization identified a wing phenotype that is enhanced by a dGpdh null mutation, indicating disrupted glycerol metabolism underlies the wing phenotype. In humans, glycerol kinase deficiency (GKD) exhibits a wide range of phenotypic variation with no obvious genotype-phenotype correlations. Additionally, disease severity often does not correlate with GK phosphorylation activity. It is intriguing that both human GKD patients and our GKD Drosophila model show a range of phenotype severity. Additionally, the lack of correlation between GK phosphorylation and dGyk/dGK-RNA expression with phenotypic severity suggests further study including understanding the alternative functions of the GK protein, could provide insights into the complex pathogenic mechanism observed in human GKD patients

    Some Factors Involved in the Manufacture of Brick Cheese

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    The flavor, quality and composition of market brick cheese varies greatly. Its moisture content often ranges from 37 to 43 per cent. The flavor may be similar to Limburger or it may even resemble that of Cheddar. Such a great variation in a specific food product tends toward disappointment for the consumer. It is believed that a more uniform standard of quality for this product is needed to materially increase its consumption. Therefore, a detailed study of some of the factors involved in the manufacture of brick cheese may help to improve the quality and aid in determining a satisfactory standard