48 research outputs found

    O contributo da expressão dramática para a promoção da cooperação e da interação

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    De acordo com Aguilar (2001) “O jogo é, para a criança, o seu meio privilegiado de expressão” (p. 21), assumindo este, um papel primordial no desenvolvimento da personalidade, tornando-o uma atividade singular de aprendizagem ativa, de interação, de comunicação e de cooperação. Assim, o jogo dramático é defendido por alguns autores como uma atividade que para além de impulsionar o desenvolvimento social da criança, favorece simultaneamente a linguagem, chegando a ser considerado por Read, um dos críticos de arte mais conceituados a nível internacional e criador do termo “Education Throug Art (1943), como “um dos melhores métodos educativos” (Read, citado em Sousa, 2003, p.20). Sendo o jogo dramático uma forma natural de expressão, facilitador do processo de cooperação e de interação, é objetivo deste projeto analisar qual o contributo que a Expressão Dramática poderá proporcionar no desenvolvimento da cooperação e da interação entre as crianças em idade pré-escolar. Para isso foi desenvolvido um projeto com 25 crianças em idade pré-escolar, de modo a dar resposta à questão de investigação colocada: Poderá a Expressão Dramática fomentar o desenvolvimento da cooperação e da interação? Esta investigação segue uma metodologia qualitativa, nomeadamente a investigação-ação, privilegiando-se a observação participante propriamente dita. Como instrumentos de recolha de dados contemplaremos as reflexões pessoais, as grelhas de avaliação e o registo fotográfico, sendo que a avaliação passará pela análise destes instrumentos. Podemos referir que, no que à comunicação e interação diz respeito, a implementação destas atividades veio proporcionar um apelo à interação e à comunicação das crianças, uma vez que este tipo de jogo evoca à cooperação e à interação entre os seus elementos. Torna-se assim possível concluir, que a implementação de atividades de jogo dramático favorece o desenvolvimento da cooperação e da interação

    Peripartum access to care in Mozambique: Opportunities for reducing maternal mortality

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    Women's health is prioritised in national health policies and strategies in Mozambique. However, only 34.1% of women start antenatal consultations before the 16th gestational week and attend at least 4 visits – the reported lack of easy access to health facilities contributing to late initiation of antenatal care. Data from the Mozambique National Audit Committee of maternal, perinatal, and neonatal deaths demonstrate institutional maternal mortality ratio increased from 81 deaths per 100 000 live births in 2016 to 84 in 2019, highlighting the need for greater surveillance and a vigorous response to this increase. In Mozambique, there are opportunities for improving access to and quality of peripartum care to reduce maternal morbidity and mortality. Research is needed to uncover the major causes of maternal mortality and morbidity, particularly the role of cardiovascular disease

    Redes enérgeticas en Argentina : Planificación territorial en un nuevo contexto regional

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    En la actualidad, el gobierno nacional plantea como objetivo prioritario mejorar y sostener el crecimiento de la producción estructurando un nuevo modelo de organización territorial y privilegiando en él la construcción de infraestructura de comunicación, transporte y energía para dar respuesta a la acumulación de déficits históricos y a la necesidad de nuevos desarrollos. Afrontando la complejidad de la planificación en un Estado federal, las particularidades de lo sectorial y el proceso emprendido de integración regional, en su concepción y desarrollo, el PET busca articular sistémicamente los Estados provinciales, las distintas oficinas de la administración nacional y los bloques conformados en el Cono Sur. Progresivamente, se incorporan nuevas temáticas y enfoques, entre ellas las que conciernen al espacio marítimo. Del vasto conjunto de propuestas e intervenciones en materia de infraestructura planteadas desde el Estado Nacional y priorizadas por los bloques regionales y las provincias, este trabajo se centra en aquellas que involucran la cuestión energética.Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educació

    Climate and Landuse Change Impacts on hydrological processes and soil erosion in a dry Mediterranean agro-forested catchment, southern Portugal

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    Climate change is expected to increase aridity in the Mediterranean rim of Europe, due to decreasing rainfall and increasing temperatures. This could lead to impacts on soil erosion, since the lower rainfall could nevertheless become concentrated in higher intensity events during the wet season, while the more arid conditions could reduce vegetation cover, also due to climate-induced land-use changes. In consequence, there is an interest in understanding how climate change will affect the interaction between the timing of extreme rainfall events, hydrological processes, vegetation growth, soil cover and soil erosion. To study this issue, the SWAT eco-hydrological model was applied to Guadalupe, an agro-forested catchment (446 ha) located close to the city of Évora, with a Mediterranean inland climate. The landcover is a mix of dispersed cork oak forests (“montado”), annual crops, and agroforesty regions where the cork oaks are associated with crops or pasture; this land cover is representative of the dry regions of southern Portugal and Spain. The catchment has been instrumented since 2011 with a hydrometric station (water discharge and suspended sediment concentration data) and a soil moisture measurement station. There is also observed data of actual evapotranspiration, LAI and biomass production (in pasture; from 1999 and 2008) and runoff data and sediment yield measured in six 16m2 plots. Water balance, vegetation growth, soil erosion and sediment yield in SWAT was calibrated with this dataset. This work will present the dataset, modeling process, results for impacts of climate and land-use change scenarios for vegetation growth, soil erosion and sediment export, considering the climate and socio-economic scenarios A1b and B1 (based on SRES storylines). Climate scenarios were created by statistical downscaling from Global Circulation Models (GCMs) for the period 2071-2100 (30 years). The reference period was 1971-2000 (30 years). The SWAT model was used to estimate long-term erosion rates for the reference period, as well as the role of extreme events, particularly those falling in the late autumn and early winter (when the soil cover is minimal); the model was then used to examine the impacts of changing temporal patterns of low vegetation cover and extreme events for erosion and sediment yield

    Redes enérgeticas en Argentina : Planificación territorial en un nuevo contexto regional

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    En la actualidad, el gobierno nacional plantea como objetivo prioritario mejorar y sostener el crecimiento de la producción estructurando un nuevo modelo de organización territorial y privilegiando en él la construcción de infraestructura de comunicación, transporte y energía para dar respuesta a la acumulación de déficits históricos y a la necesidad de nuevos desarrollos. Afrontando la complejidad de la planificación en un Estado federal, las particularidades de lo sectorial y el proceso emprendido de integración regional, en su concepción y desarrollo, el PET busca articular sistémicamente los Estados provinciales, las distintas oficinas de la administración nacional y los bloques conformados en el Cono Sur. Progresivamente, se incorporan nuevas temáticas y enfoques, entre ellas las que conciernen al espacio marítimo. Del vasto conjunto de propuestas e intervenciones en materia de infraestructura planteadas desde el Estado Nacional y priorizadas por los bloques regionales y las provincias, este trabajo se centra en aquellas que involucran la cuestión energética.Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educació

    Redes enérgeticas en Argentina : Planificación territorial en un nuevo contexto regional

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    En la actualidad, el gobierno nacional plantea como objetivo prioritario mejorar y sostener el crecimiento de la producción estructurando un nuevo modelo de organización territorial y privilegiando en él la construcción de infraestructura de comunicación, transporte y energía para dar respuesta a la acumulación de déficits históricos y a la necesidad de nuevos desarrollos. Afrontando la complejidad de la planificación en un Estado federal, las particularidades de lo sectorial y el proceso emprendido de integración regional, en su concepción y desarrollo, el PET busca articular sistémicamente los Estados provinciales, las distintas oficinas de la administración nacional y los bloques conformados en el Cono Sur. Progresivamente, se incorporan nuevas temáticas y enfoques, entre ellas las que conciernen al espacio marítimo. Del vasto conjunto de propuestas e intervenciones en materia de infraestructura planteadas desde el Estado Nacional y priorizadas por los bloques regionales y las provincias, este trabajo se centra en aquellas que involucran la cuestión energética.Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educació

    Impacts of climate change on erosion in humid and dry Mediterranean regions of Portugal

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    Soils in the Mediterranean regions of Europe are often vulnerable to soil erosion, due to a combination of annual plant cover cycles, centuries of human use, the concentration of rainstorms in a short period of the year, and other factors. Climate change could bring about a warmer and drier climate, limiting vegetation growth while bringing heavier storms during winter. This could eventually lead to higher risks of soil losses and the consequential problems of land degradation and desertification. Project ERLAND, which began in 2009, is assessing these risks for two Mediterranean research catchments in Portugal, with four main goals: (i) collect data to understand hydrological and erosion processes in representative catchments; (ii) use this data to parameterize the SWAT eco-hydrological and erosion model as accurately as possible; (iii) use future socio-economic scenarios to estimate both impacts on climate change and on future land-use practices; and (iv) apply the SWAT model for these scenarios and estimate the consequences for soil erosion rates. The Macieira catchment is in a wet Mediterranean climate region, with high rainfall (c. 1300 mm.y-1) but a distinct summer dry season; erosion processes are associated with periods of sparse cover in autumn in fields with a pasture-corn rotation, but also with forest plantations after clear-cutting and especially after forest fires. The occurrence of a forest fire inside the catchment in 2011 allowed an analysis of the role played by this kind of disturbances on soil erosion. Climate change could bring less erosive rainfall events, but an increase in fire frequency, and therefore a potential shift of erosion from agriculture to forest land-uses. The Guadalupe catchment has a dry Mediterranean climate (rainfall of c. 550 mm.y-1); erosion processes occur mostly in permanent crops (olive trees) and winter cereal fields. Climate change could bring a concentration of rainfall in winter, as well as an increase in the area with permanent crops, bringing additional exposure to erosion. This communication presents the overall concept and work performed in project ERLAND, including an assessment of the large impact of the fire in the wet catchment (Macieira) on soil erosion rates, where results indicate that soil losses after soil preparation for forest replanting might be equivalent, in long-term, to soil losses in agricultural fields. It also provides preliminary results for the impacts of climate change on soil erosion in the dry catchment (Guadalupe), which indicate a potential increase of soil loss rates by 2100 in the most vulnerable areas (winter cereal fields and olive groves) due to a higher concentration of rainfall in winter. The foreseen replacement of some winter cereals and pastures by sunflower cultivation for biofuel production could also lead to important changes in erosion rates

    Perinatal mortality in the municipality of Salvador, Northeastern Brazil: evolution from 2000 to 2009

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    OBJETIVO Analisar a evolução da mortalidade perinatal quanto à dimensão do problema e sua extensão. MÉTODOS Estudo descritivo de tendência temporal com 10.994 óbitos perinatais, de mães residentes em Salvador, BA, com idade gestacional ≥ 22 semanas, idade do recém-nascido até seis dias e 500 g ou mais de peso ao nascer, registrados de 2000 a 2009. Utilizaram-se dados do Sistema de Informações de Nascidos Vivos e do Sistema de Informações sobre Mortalidade do sitio eletrônico do Datasus/Ministério da Saúde. Calcularam-se taxas de mortalidade perinatal e fetal/1.000 nascimentos e neonatal precoce/1.000 nascidos vivos. Aplicaram-se: teste Qui-quadrado de Pearson para diferenças em proporções, teste de sequências ( runs ), cálculo de médias móveis e coeficiente de determinação linear (R 2 ) para análise de tendência. Utilizou-se a classificação de Wigglesworth para causas de morte. RESULTADOS A taxa de mortalidade perinatal mostrou tendência decrescente, sendo reduzida em 42,0% no período (de 33,1 (2000) para 19,2 (2009)), com maior contribuição da taxa neonatal precoce (-56,3%). A mortalidade fetal representou grande proporção (61,9%) da taxa de mortalidade perinatal em 2009. A classificação dos óbitos apontou como causas mais frequentes de óbito perinatal: asfixia intraparto (8,8/1.000), imaturidade (7,1/1.000) e malformações congênitas (1,3/1.000). CONCLUSÕES Mesmo em declínio, a taxa de mortalidade perinatal continua elevada e o predomínio recente da mortalidade fetal indica mudança no perfil de causas e impacto nas ações de prevenção. A consulta pré-natal de qualidade com controle de riscos e melhoria da assistência ao parto pode reduzir a ocorrência de causas evitáveis.OBJETIVO Analizar la evolución de la mortalidad perinatal con relación a la dimensión del problema y su extensión. MÉTODOS Estudio descriptivo de tendencia temporal con 10.994 óbitos perinatales, de madres residentes en Salvador, BA, con edad de gestación ≥ 22 semanas, edad del recién nacido de máximo 6 días y más de 500 grs de peso al nacer, registrados de 2000 a 2009. Se utilizaron datos del Sistema de Informaciones de Nacidos Vivos y del Sistema de Informaciones de Mortalidad de la página electrónica del Datasus/Ministerio de la Salud. Se calcularon las tasas de mortalidad perinatal y fetal/1.000 nacimientos y neonatal precoz/1.000 nacidos vivos. Se aplicaron: prueba de Chi-cuadrado de Pearson para diferencias en proporciones, prueba de secuencias (runs), cálculo de promedios móviles y coeficiente de determinación linear (R2) para análisis de tendencia. Se utilizó la clasificación de Wigglesworth para causas de muerte. RESULTADOS La tasa de mortalidad perinatal mostró tendencia decreciente, reduciendo 42,0% en el período (de 33,1 (2000) para 19,2 (2009)), con mayor contribución de tasa neonatal precoz (-56,3%). La mortalidad fetal representó gran proporción (61,9%) de la tasa de mortalidad perinatal en 2009. La clasificación de los óbitos apuntó como causas más frecuentes de óbito perinatal: asfixia durante el parto (8,8/1.000), inmadurez (7,1/1.000) y malformaciones congénitas (1,3/1.000). CONCLUSIONES A pesar de estar disminuyendo, la tasa de mortalidad perinatal continua elevada y el predominio reciente de la mortalidad fetal indica cambio en el perfil de causas e impacto en las acciones de prevención. La consulta pre-natal de calidad con control de riesgos y mejoría de la asistencia en el parto pueden reducir la ocurrencia de causas evitables.OBJECTIVE To describe and analyze the evolution of perinatal mortality with regards the scale and extent of the problem. METHODS A descriptive time trend study with 10,994 perinatal deaths to mothers living in Salvador, Bahia, Northeastern Brazil, with a gestational age of ≥ 22 weeks, newborn age of up to six days and birth weight of 500 grams or more, recorded from 2000 to 2009. Data from the Information Systems on Live Births and Mortality of DATASUS/Ministry of Health available on the website were used. Rates of perinatal and fetal mortality per 1,000 births and early neonatal mortality per 1,000 live births were calculated. The Pearson’s Qui-square test for differences in proportions, sequence (runs) test, the calculation of moving averages and linear coefficient of determination (R 2 ) were used for trend analysis. The Wigglesworth classification of causes of death was used. RESULTS The rates of perinatal mortality showed a decreasing trend, of -42.0% in the period (from 33.1 (2000) to 19.2 (2009)), with a greater share of rates of neonatal mortality (-56.3%). Fetal mortality accounted for a large proportion (61.9%) of rates of perinatal mortality in 2009. The classification of deaths showed the following most frequent causes of perinatal deaths: intrapartum asphyxia (8.8/1,000), immaturity (7.1/1,000) and congenital malformations (1.3/1,000). CONCLUSIONS :Perinatal mortality remains high despite the downward trend, and the predominance of fetal mortality indicates recent changes in the profile of causes of death and impact on prevention activities. The quality of prenatal care with risk control and improving care during the delivery may reduce the occurrence of preventable causes of death

    National policies and care provision in pregnancy and childbirth for twins in Eastern and Southern Africa: A mixed-methods multi-country study

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    Background: High-risk pregnancies, such as twin pregnancies, deserve particular attention as mortality is very high in this group. With a view to inform policy and national guidelines development for the Sustainable Development Goals, we reviewed national training materials, guidelines, and policies underpinning the provision of care in relation to twin pregnancies and assessed care provided to twins in 8 Eastern and Southern African countries: Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, and Zimbabwe. Methods and findings: We located policies and guidelines by reviewing national repositories and by contacting experts to systematically map country-level maternal and newborn training materials, guidelines, and policies. We extracted recommendations for care for twins spanning ante-, intra-, and postpartum care that typically should be offered during twin pregnancies and childbirth. We compared care provided for mothers of twins to that provided for mothers of singletons during the ante-, intra-, and postpartum period and computed neonatal mortality rates using the most recent Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS) data for each country. There was a paucity of guidance on care specifically for twin or multiple pregnancies: None of the countries provided clear guidance on additional number of antenatal care visits or specific antenatal content, while 7 of the 8 countries recommended twins to be delivered in a comprehensive emergency obstetric and neonatal care facility. These results were mirrored by DHS results of 73,462 live births (of which 1,360 were twin) indicating that twin pregnancies did not receive more frequent or intensified antenatal care. The percentage of twin deliveries in hospitals varied from 25.3% in Mozambique to 63.0% in Kenya, and women with twin deliveries were between 5 and 27 percentage points more likely to deliver in hospitals compared to women with singleton live births; this difference was significant in 5 of the 8 countries (t test p \u3c 0.05). The percentage of twin deliveries by cesarean section varied from 9% in Mozambique to 36% in Rwanda. The newborn mortality rate among twins, adjusted for maternal age and parity, was 4.6 to 7.2 times higher for twins compared to singletons in all 8 countries. Conclusions: Despite the limited sample size and the limited number of clinically relevant services evaluated, our study provided evidence that mothers of twins receive insufficient care and that mortality in twin newborns is very high in Eastern and Southern Africa. Most countries have insufficient guidelines for the care of twins. While our data do not allow us to make a causal link between insufficient guidelines and insufficient care, they call for an assessment and reconceptualisation of policies to reduce the unacceptably high mortality in twins in Eastern and Southern Africa

    Impacts of climate and land use changes on the hydrological and erosive response of a humid and dry Mediterranean catchment

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    The impacts of climate and land use changes on streamflow and sediment export were evaluated for a humid (São Lourenço) and a dry (Guadalupe) Mediterranean catchment, using the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) model. SWAT was able to produce viable streamflow and sediment export simulations for both catchments, which provided a baseline for investigating climate and land use changes under the A1B and B1 emission scenarios for the period between 2071 and 2100. Compared to the baseline period (1971-2000), climate change scenarios forecasted a decrease in annual precipitation in both catchments (humid, both scenarios: -12%; dry, both scenarios: -8%), but with strong increases during winter. Land use changes followed a socio-economic storyline in which traditional agriculture was replaced by more profitable land uses, i.e. corn and commercial forestry at the humid site and sunflower at the dry site. Climate changes led to a decrease of streamflow in both catchments (humid, both scenarios: -13%; dry, A1B: -14%; B1: -18%), mostly as a consequence of the projected decrease in rainfall. Land use changes led to small increases in flow discharge, but a higher increase was observed for the dry site under scenario A1B (humid, A1B: +0.3%; B1: +1%; dry, A1B: +6%; B1: +0.3%). The combination of climate and land use scenarios was mostly dominated by the climatic response, since a decrease in streamflow was observed for both catchments (humid, A1B: -13%; B1: -12%; dry, A1B: -8%; B1: -18%). Regarding the erosive response, clear differences were observed between catchments mostly due to differences in both the present-day and forecasted vegetation types. Climate scenarios led to a decrease in sediment export at the humid catchment (A1B: -11%; B1: -9%) and to an increase at the dry catchment (A1B: +24%; B1: +22%) in the first case due to the predominant vegetation type (vineyards and maritime pine) providing year-round cover, while in the second, due to annual crops (wheat and pasture) exposing soils during winter. For land use scenarios, the same contrast occurred between catchments (humid, A1B: -18%; B1: -10%; dry, A1B: +257%; B1: +9%) due to the expansion of permanent cover vegetation in one case and annual crops in the other. Climate and land use changes had off-setting effects on sediment export at the humid catchment (A1B: -29%; B1: -22%), as a result of reduced precipitation and cultivation of more soil-protective crops. A different response was observed for the dry catchment (A1B: +222%; B1: +5%), as the increase in sediment export associated with the cultivation of highly erosion-prone crops was not aggravated by the higher rainfall amounts forecasted for winter months. The results of the present study highlight that indirect impacts of climate change, like land use changes, might be similar or more severe than direct impacts