48 research outputs found

    Application of Hyphenated Techniques in Speciation Analysis of Arsenic, Antimony, and Thallium

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    Due to the fact that metals and metalloids have a strong impact on the environment, the methods of their determination and speciation have received special attention in recent years. Arsenic, antimony, and thallium are important examples of such toxic elements. Their speciation is especially important in the environmental and biomedical fields because of their toxicity, bioavailability, and reactivity. Recently, speciation analytics has been playing a unique role in the studies of biogeochemical cycles of chemical compounds, determination of toxicity and ecotoxicity of selected elements, quality control of food products, control of medicines and pharmaceutical products, technological process control, research on the impact of technological installation on the environment, examination of occupational exposure, and clinical analysis. Conventional methods are usually labor intensive, time consuming, and susceptible to interferences. The hyphenated techniques, in which separation method is coupled with multidimensional detectors, have become useful alternatives. The main advantages of those techniques consist in extremely low detection and quantification limits, insignificant interference, influence as well as high precision and repeatability of the determinations. In view of their importance, the present work overviews and discusses different hyphenated techniques used for arsenic, antimony, and thallium species analysis, in different clinical, environmental and food matrices

    First record and DNA barcodes of the invasive blue-coloured spiny-cheek crayfish Faxonius limosus (Rafinesque, 1817) (Decapoda: Cambaridae)

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    This contribution presents first record of a blue colour morph of spiny-cheek crayfish, Faxonius limosus (Rafinesque, 1817). Two unusually coloured individuals were caught in Poland, in two different locations, separated from each other by approximately 500 km and belonging to different river catchments (Oder and Vistula), within the range of the species occurrence in Europe. Taxonomic identification of collected crayfish has been confirmed by the standard DNA barcoding procedure. Although blue coloured forms of crayfish have been previously described within the Cambaridae family, collected individuals are the first records of blue colouration within F. limosus. It is recommended to supplement identification keys with a new colour form of the species, which, while characteristic dark red bands are not clear, may cause mistakes in recognition of exotic, aquarium as well as native species

    Pharmacotherapy of depression in palliative patients

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    Introduction: Depression often affects people suffering from serious illnesses, including oncological and palliative patients. It reduces their quality of life and worsens their prognosis. This is why it is so important to properly treat depression in palliative patients. Material and Methods: The information provided was collected as a result of analysis of various articles and textbooks on development, diagnosis and treatment, as well as prevention of depression in terminally ill patients using Google Scholar and PubMed databases. Results: The results show that the most common drug in therapy for palliative patients with depression are the sluggish serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs). SSRIs inhibit serotonin transporter reducing serotonin reuptake. This raises the level of neurotransmitter - serotonin - in the synaptic cleft. They are well tolerated and have fewer side effects than older antidepressants (tricyclic antidepressants and monoamine oxidase inhibitors). Tricyclic antidepressants may relieve neuropathic pain and they are also beneficial for patients with insomnia. Mirtazapine in addition to antidepressant effects also causes increasing appetite, reducing nausea and sedative effect. In cancer-diagnosed patients particular attention should be paid to side effects such as nausea and vomiting that may occur in patients undergoing radiotherapy and chemotherapy using SSRIs or TCAs. SSRI therapy have a good safety profile and also interacts less frequently, while atypical antipsychotics may reduce the discomforts of taking chemotherapy. An alternative method of treating depression is the use of psychostimulants such as methylphenidate. Another way to treat depression is psychotherapy. Conclusions: There are several options for treating depression in palliative patients. It is important to pay attention to the side effects of prescribed medicines. Nevertheless, the best results are obtained by combining pharmacotherapy with psychotherapy

    The problem of anemia in elderly patients

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    Introduction and purpose:  As healthcare develops, life expectancy increases. This makes anemia of the elderly an increasingly common problem. The appearance of this disease is influenced by many factors related to the aging process of the organism. The purpose of this study is to review information about the different mechanisms of anemia development in the elderly and to present the associated difficulties in medical practice. Description of the state of knowledge: Many different factors can affect the process of anemia. The causes of this disorder include chronic inflammatory diseases, cancer and nutritional deficiencies. Endocrine status is also important. The chronic inflammatory process may induce haemolysis and lead to the increased synthesis of hepcidin, which by blocking the activity of ferroportin leads to a decrease in the level of iron ions in the blood. Deficiency anemia often results from reduced appetite, inadequate quality of meals, chronic inflammation or taking medications without consulting a doctor. The consequence is a reduced level of iron and vitamin B12 and folic acid, which play a role in erythropoiesis. The hormones that play a significant role in the process of making red blood cells include erythropoietin, testosterone and thyroid hormones. Summary:  Anemia is a common problem among geriatric patients and one of the factors contributing to the increase in mortality in this age group. In medical care it is difficult to distinguish which symptoms are pathological and which are related to the natural aging process, overlapping symptoms of many diseases and related diagnostic problems. Diagnostics is a particular challenge due to the multi-morbidity, which is associated with taking many drugs with different mechanisms of action and side effects.  Keywords: anemia; aging; comorbidity; nutrient-deficiency anemia; inflammatio

    Anxiety disorders pharmacological and non-pharmacological methods of therapy

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    Introduction and purpose: Anxiety disorders are a heterogeneous cluster of common mental health disorders typically characterized by hyperarousal, excessive fear and worry. Unfortunately, a large portion of the world's population does not have access to traditional mental health care, this is influenced by the paucity of available psychiatric services, particularly in many low- and middle-income countries. This article will discuss how patients suffering from depression or anxiety disorders turn to non-pharmacological and unconventional interventions such as exercise, yoga, meditation, aromatherapy or music therapy. The aim of study: The purpose of this literature review was to assemble and analyse the available data about anxiety disorders. Material and method: Standard criteria were used to review the literature data. The search of articles in Pubmed database was carried out using following keywords: Anxiety disorders; depression; mental illness; alternative treatment methods. Description of the State of Knowledge: Pathologically increased anxiety is found not only in anxiety disorders per se, but also in most other types of mental illness. The first-line methods are pharmacotherapy and cognitive-behavioral therapy. Of particular interest is the use of physical activity and exercise in the treatment of anxiety disorders. This treatment is inexpensive and has few undesired effects. Exercises such as yoga, meditation, tai chi or qi gong are becoming more and more popular. Summary: Anxiety disorders can now be treated effectively. Current research focuses on individualized forms. We hope that even more effective methods of therapy will be developed than those currently available. Keywords: Anxiety disorders; depression; mental illness; alternative treatment methods

    Ischemic stroke as a rare cause of seizures in a newborn – case report

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    Background: Identifying etiology of seizures is the primary clinical objective in the management of neonatal seizures (NS). About 85 % of NS cases occurr as a consequence of a specific, identifiable etiology. Causes of symptomatic NS can be broadly categorized as: hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy, electrolyte or metabolic disturbances, CNS or systemic infections, developmental defects and acquired structural brain lesions, including hemorrhagic or ischemic stroke. Ischemic stroke is characterized as a sudden focal or generalized brain function disruption, whose symptoms tend to last longer than 24 hours (or cause death) and have no other reason but a vascular one. The reported annual incidence is estimated at one per 4000 live births for neonates. The aim of this case report is to present diagnostic difficulties in case of ischemic stroke in apparently healthy neonate. This case concerns a patient – a full-term male newborn, who was in a good condition in the first 3 days after birth. At the beginning of the 4th day of life 3 episodes of right-sided clonic seizures with right-sided nystagmus occurred and which was the reason for admitting the patient to the Department of Neonate and Infant Pathology. Shortly after arrival the seizures appeared again. Laboratory tests showed slightly lowered glucose level and elevated serum concentration of lactic acid. The ultrasound examination of the head revealed a small right-sided subependymal cyst. The patient’s condition was deteriorating, with recurring righ-sided clonic and tonic seizures accompanied by apnea and desaturation that required resuscitation efforts. Because of worsening state of the patient, CT scan was performed. The CT examination revealed a hypodensic area in the left parietal region and cerebral edema, which indicated a possible ischemic stroke. Conclusions: The absence of visible pathologies in the ultrasound examination of the head does not necessarily indicate a lack of CSN abnormalities. More precise imaging tests are needed to identify the cause of NS

    Metallo-Beta-Lactamases: NDM

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    New Delhi, an enzyme belonging to the Metallo-beta-lactamases and Carbapenemases group, is most commonly found in Klebsiella pneumoniae and Escherichia coli. It determines these bacteria resistance to the majority of known antibiotics. NDM-1 was discovered in 2008 in a man treated in New Delhi for E. coli infection. Since the first appearance, 17 subtypes of this enzyme have been discovered. Its occurrence has been reported in Europe (Great Britain, France, Belgium - where even a national alert has been issued) as well as in the United States and in Africa. Most cases of New Delhi enzyme bacterial infections are reported in India or in people who have traveled to this country. There is no treatment method described so far. Therapy is based on antibiotic susceptibility test results. Colistin shows the highest effectiveness against NDM. There are also tests suggesting that Isomargololone and Nimbolide may be effective in most cases of NDM infection

    Hsp-27 Expression in Invasive Ductal Breast Carcinoma

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    The aim of this study was to determine the intensity of Hsp-27 protein expression in fibrocystic breast changes (FC) and invasive ductal breast carcinoma (IDC) and to examine its impact on patients’ clinico-pathological characteristics and overall survival. Immunohistochemical reactions were conducted on archival samples of 20 cases of FC and 101 cases of IDC treated in the years 1999-2002. Nuclear-cytoplasmic Hsp-27 expression was observed in 92 (92.1%) of the examined cases of IDC and all the cases of FC. Significantly higher Hsp-27 expression was observed in G2 (p<0.01) and G3 cases (p<0.0001) as compared to FC. HER-2 positive cases had higher Hsp-27 expression (p=0.0153), than HER-2 negative cases. Our research showed that Hsp-27 could have a impact on tumour malignancy. Moreover, the positive correlation between expression of Hsp-27 and HER-2 positive cases was demonstrated

    Guess who? Taxonomic problems in the genus Eiseniella revisited by integrated approach

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    Eiseniella neapolitana is a semi-aquatic, diploid earthworm that for many years was related to the cosmopolitan species Eiseniella tetraedra and even considered a subspecies of it. Norealidys andaluciana was described in Spain and is usually synonymized with E. neapolitana. We collected 69 specimens from Italy, Spain, and Cyprus and studied fve molecular markers (COI, 16S, 28S, 12S, and ND1) and their morphology to solve this taxonomic problem. Phylogenetic analyses reveal the possible existence of two separate genera confounded under the name Eiseniella, but the study of more molecular markers and species of the genus would be necessary to confrm this. Therefore, the synonymy between Eiseniella and Norealidys is maintained. Various genetic analyses, including species delimitation, confrm the separation between E. neapolitana and E. andaluciana (=N. andaluciana) and excluded that E. neapolitana is a subspecies of E. tetraedra. The resemblance in external appearance despite clear genetic diferences of the three species could be explained by convergent adaptation to the aquatic habitat. Despite the expected low haplotype diversity based on the 28S gene, we found a surprisingly high variability in the E. andaluciana (=N. andaluciana) population in Spain. However, its stable predicted secondary structure and its high content of G+C reject the presence of a pseudogene