205 research outputs found


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    Honesty is deemed as crucial ground for ethical behaviour in various respects. The aim of this paper is to explore to what extent and in what ways the individual value honest signifies in the organisations of Baltic States and Russia and to draw some managerial implications on the basis of our findings. The subjects of study had different cultural background (Estonians from Estonia, Russians from Russia, Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia) and they were asked to rank their own terminal and instrumental values, including the value honest as well as to speculate how their co-workers would rank the same list of values. Consequently, there were two lists of terminal and instrumental values for every respondent and the following analysis focuses on the comparisons of the importance, impact of other values and socio-demographic characteristics (i.e. gender, age, organisational position, and country of residence). One of the most important findings of our study is that the assessment of peer’s value honest tells the most how important honest is for the focal person. Results reveal also the role of some other personal values as well as the country of residence in respect with the importance of value honest.ethical behaviour, honesty, personal values

    Happy to Be a Boss? Cultural Moderators of Relationships Between Supervisory Responsibility and Job Satisfaction

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    This paper addresses whether supervisory responsibility is a challenging job demand in the Job Demands-Resources (JD-R) model in different cultural contexts. We investigate how job satisfaction responds to a supervisory role with job control and selected cultural dimensions using a cross-cultural dataset of 14 countries with more than 43,000 adults using ordered logit regression models. We find that a supervisory role enhances job satisfaction and appears to be a challenging job demand. However, no studied cultural dimension, masculinity, power distance, individualism, or uncertainty avoidance, increases job satisfaction derived from this kind of responsibility. Our study indicates that there might be stereotypical assumptions about cultural dimensions concerning the job satisfaction of supervisors

    The impact of low intensity specific and nonspecific strength-endurance training on submaximal work capacity in trained male rowers

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    The aim of the current study was to compare the effects of general strength endurance and specific strength endurance training cycle to rowing performance in highly trained male rowers. Twelve international and national level male rowers (21.25±1.76 years; height 188.3±4.92 cm; body mass 84.07±5.61 kg; training experience 7.38±2.70 years) took part in this investigation. The first group (n=6) performed low intensity strength endurance trainings using rowing ergometer for specific exercises (Specific group; S), and the second group (n=6) trained for strength endurance without rowing ergometer (Gymgroup; G). The experimental period lasted for four weeks. Stepwise incremental test was performed on the Concept II rowing ergometer (Morrisville, USA) before the first training week. After incremental ergometer test, subjects performed a constant 95% of Pa max test until exhaustion. This test was done 24 hours after incremental test and was performed before Week 1 and after Week 4. The stroke rates of the 95% Pa max test were not significantly different (p>0.05) between the two groups during both testing sessions. Despite the fact that both groups improved their 95% Pa max test results, no significant differences between the groups were found (p>0.05). However, test result was significantly improved only in G group (from 362±108 to 416.5±133 s), while no significant changes were observed in 95% Pa max test result in S group (from 372.8±132.3 to 442.3±153.1 s). No other significant differences were observed either between the two groups or between the two testing sessions (p>0.05). In conclusion, a 4 week non-specific strength endurance training program has an advantage over the specific strength endurance training on rowing ergometer in developing aerobic capacity in male rowers

    Protsessipõhise juhtimise arendamine SIA DAW Baltica Eesti filiaalis

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    Sur la légitimité d'une méthode de Fourier = О применимости метода Фурье

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    Importance of customer feedback and asking for it on the example of iDeal Group AS

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    Consumption of service of Tartu Farmers Union

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    Bakalaureusetöö Maamajandusliku ettevõtluse ja finantsjuhtimise õppekavalBakalaureusetöö eesmärgiks on analüüsida Tartumaa Põllumeeste Liidu poolt pakutavate kaupade ja teenuste tarbimist liidu liikmete poolt aastatel 2013-2014 erinevate näitajate põhjal. Töös püstitati järgmised eesmärgid: selgitada välja pakutavad teenused; töötada välja uurimiseks võimalikud meetodid; koostada ankeet andmete kogumiseks; viia läbi tarbimise uuring 2013-2014 aasta kohta Tartumaa Põllumeeste Liidu liikmete seas; analüüsida saadud tulemusi; teha ettepanekuid teenuste ja kaupade tarbimise suurendamiseks. Töös kasutati võrdlusuuringut, milles võrreldakse erineva suurusega ettevõtete andmeid ning koondandmeid. 02-18.02.2015 vahemikul Waide motellis infopäevadel läbi viidud küsitlusele vastas 260st liikmest 45. 49% vastanutest kuulub suurusgruppi 101-400 ha, mis on põllumajanduse mõistes keskmise suurusega ettevõte. 42% kõigist vastanutest on liige olnud 11-20 aastat. Kõige staažikamad on ettevõtted suurusega 401-1000 ha. Enamus üle 21 aasta liikmeks olnutest on asutajaliikmed. 67% liidu liikmetest tegeleb taimekasvatusega, 9% loomakasvatusega ning 24% on segatootjad. 51% vastanuist soovib laiendada oma ettevõtet. Kõige olulisemaks kasuks, mida saadakse liidu liikmeks olekul on 56 % vastanute arvates info. 56% liikmetest ostab liidu vahendusel kemikaale ja taimekaitsevahendeid. Liidu poolt korraldavatel infopäevadel ja koolitustel osalevad liikmed aktiivselt. 60 % liidu liikmetest ostab liidu vahendusel konsulendi nõustamisteenust. Üldine liikmete hinnang liidu tööle oli hea. Tulemustest võib veel järeldada, et mida suurem on ettevõte seda vähem osaletakse liidu tegevustes ning tarbitakse vähem liidu poolt pakutavaid teenuseid ja kaupu. Saadud andmete põhjal tegi töö autor ettepanekud Tartumaa Põllumeeste Liidu juhatusele liidu liikmete tarbimise tõstmiseks.The purpose of this bachelor’s thesis is to analyze the consumption of goods and services by the members of Tartu Farmers Union on the basis of different indicators between the years of 2013 and 2014. Following objectives were set in the thesis: to identify services offered; to develop possible methods for a study; draw up a questionnaire for data collection; to carry out a study amongst the members of Tartu Farmers Union regarding the consumption of services; analyze the results; make suggestions to increase the consumption of the goods and services. A comparative study was used in the thesis that compares the data of different sized organizations to aggregated data. During the Unions information days in Waide motel held from 2nd to the 18th of February 2015, 45 of the 260 members of the Tartu Farmers Union answered the poll. 49 percent of the participants belong to a medium sized organization in agricultural terms (101-400 hectars). 42 percent of all participants have been members for 11-20 years. Organizations with the most seniority have 401-1000 hectars. Most of the members that have been in the union over 21 years are also the founding members. 67% of the members grow plants, 9%livestock, and 24% both livestock and plants. 51% of the participants wish to expand their company. For 56% of the participants most important benefit of being a member of Tartu Farmers Union is the information. 56% buys chemicals and plant protection products through the union. Members actively participate in the Unions information days and trainings. 60% of the participants buy a consultant service through the Union. General opinion of the Unions work was positive. It’s also possible to conclude from the results, that the bigger the company, the smaller the involvement in the events and consuming the products and services provided by the union. Author of this work, based on the data collected, has made suggestions to the Tartu Farmers Unions board to increase the consumption of the members

    Readers’ comments as the factor on journalist’s work

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    Readers’ comments as the factor on journalist’s work. Keywords: readers’ comments, user-generated content, participatory journalism, citizen journalism, interactivity. The objects of study of the current Bachelor’s thesis were ten journalists from four Estonian publications (postimees.ee, epl.ee, ohtuleht.ee, delfi.ee) with who semi-structured interviews were carried out. The method of analysis of the empirical material was unstandardized content analysis. Questions asked during the interview were divided into subgroups of research questions and the method of horizontal analysis (case-by-case analysis) was used in order to monitor the responses of each respondent during the entire interview. Readers’ comments have not been previously studied from journalists’ perspective in Estonia and also elsewhere in the world this problematic area has been addressed only recently, thus it was the right time to start studying this area in greater detail also in Estonia. The current thesis searched for answers to three questions: how journalists perceive the impact of readers’ comments in their work, how the functioning of the readers’ comments impacts journalists in complying with the code of ethics and what journalists can do in order to protect their articles and sources in readers’ comments? The current thesis aimed at studying the factor that the journalists perceive in readers’ comments in their work. To specify the aforementioned, whether journalists see readers’ comments as disadvantageous or beneficial, whether readers’ comments helps to develop new ideas, facilitate journalists’ work and to what degree journalists start communicating with the online article commentators who have addressed them. In a situation where journalism is regulated in democratic society by the Constitution and the agreed journalists’ code of ethics, one of the aims of the current thesis was to study whether the functioning of readers’ comments could place the journalist in a situation that contradicts clauses 1.4, 1.5, 3.3 and 3.4 of the journalists’ code of ethics and the corresponding ethical and moral values. In addition to the above, attention was drawn on what journalists could do in order to protect their article and source in readers’ comments and what is the impact of the readers’ comments on the author of the article and thereby on the journalistic content of the publications. Journalists see the beneficial side of readers’ comments, however, in most cases they do not use it, rather it is used for identifying spelling mistakes, finding pieces of information and additional information, getting material for a new article, however, in case of the latter not in the first priority. The disadvantage of readers’ comments lies above all for journalists who address delicate issues in the sources who do not want the reader’s comments to be available next to the article and thus refusing to be interviewed for the article. Additionally, another disadvantage was seen in the fact that reading the comments written with regard to their articles may bring about moral harm to the author of the article. Unlike the research results from the United States of America, Estonian journalists are more modest when reading the comments written with regard to their articles. However, there are not any major differences in responding to the readers’ comments. In most cases no response is submitted to the comments. The dilemma raised in the interview brought four journalists into contradiction with the clauses of the journalists’ code of ethics under consideration and the values representing these. The current thesis does not state why, however, it proposes possible reasons: the extent of responsibility is not perceived in readers’ comments, it is not clear for the journalists whether the readers’ comments is an area of responsibility of the publication, lack of professional education, etc. Journalists do not see the possibility of protecting their arguments in readers’ comments or protecting their source, but rather providing beforehand psychological counselling to the source or deleting the comments are seen as possibilities for protection. In summary, both the respective studies carried out in the United States as well as the current thesis show that the readers’ comments may serve as a useful tool for the journalists and thereby have positive impact on the creation of journalistic content. The study carried out with journalists from 11 European countries demonstrated that 60% of the respondents agreed that journalism benefits significantly from starting to communicate with readers. (O’Sullivan and Heinonen 2008, via Steensen 2011).http://tartu.ester.ee/record=b2612131~S1*es

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