38 research outputs found

    Sense of a stone

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    Sense of a Stone investigates what the story behind the stone in Kullervo´s Curse painting is. More particularly to create a narration to the stone. Who is this stone? What does it have to say? To properly understand the stone, this thesis examines the stone within these contexts: as an art-object, a nature-object, and a stone-being. Only when all these aspects come together and are interpreted as a whole, the stone´s story can be told. The literature review focuses on analysing and interpreting material to find the story of the stone in context of history, symbolism, geology, the painting, painter and his process of making the painting. These interpretations of the aesthetical and cultural value of the stone, cannot give a comprehensive understanding of it. This is because it is also a stone-being, and as such it requires a first-hand experience to learn from the stone. On four separate visits over a two year period, I engaged with the stone. The practice was guided by somaesthetics, where the body serves as a central tool in the fieldwork research. The process and interactions resulted in various forms of output such as field notes, drawings, and photographs. The practice and outputs thereof, intuitive or not, determined the path of the practice-based research process. The findings of the research generate a form of knowledge that only becomes known after interpretation. Then, in turn, this added knowledge provides further context for future practice affecting the outcomes thereof. Thus the process becomes a form of dialogue between the artist and the stone. Nevertheless, each work can only become truly meaningful and understood in correlation with each other as a whole and within the context of the overall research. Therefore, it is understood that Sense of a Stone does not aim to create an object of art but rather is art as experience. This master´s thesis is a documentation of the process which aspires to create a new narrative for the stone.Sense of a Stone pyrkii löytämään tarinan Kullervon kirous maalauksen kivelle. Tutkimus kysyy, mikä on tämä kivi ja mitä sillä on kerrottavana. Kiveä on tarkasteltava monesta eri lähtökohdasta, kuten taideobjektina, luontokappaleena ja luontoyksilönä. Kun nämä näkökohdat yhdistetään ja tulkitaan kokonaisuudeksi, on mahdollista luoda kivelle oma tarina. Kirjallisuuskatsauksessa aineistoa analysoidaan ja tulkitaan historiallisessa, geologisessa ja symbolisessa kontekstissa. Analyysissa huomioidaan myös itse maalaus, taiteilija ja maalauksen tekoprosessi. Edellä mainitut kulttuuriset ja esteettiset analyysit eivät anna kattavaa ymmärrystä ilman henkilökohtaista kokemusta. Kivi on huomioitava elävänä luontokappaleena kuuntelemalla mitä sillä on sanottavana. Kahden vuoden aikana tein neljä tutkimusmatkaa kiven luokse. Työkaluna oli pääasiassa oma keho somaestetiikkaa mukaillen. Prosessin ja vuorovaikutusten tuloksena syntyi muistiinpanoja, piirroksia ja valokuvia. Projektin työstäminen ja sen tulokset ovat osaltaan intuitiivisia. Ne ovat vaikuttaneet tutkimusprosessin suuntaan ja havainnot ovat muuttuneet tiedoksi vasta tulkinnan jälkeen. Sense of a Stone muuttuu ajan myötä vuoropuheluksi taiteilijan ja kiven välillä. Merkitys ja ymmärretyksi tuleminen voidaan saavuttaa, kun käsitellään tutkimuksen tuloksia kokonaisuutena. Sense of a Stone ei pyri luomaan taideobjekteja, vaan se on immateriaalinen kokemus taiteen kontekstissa. Tämä opinnäytetyö on dokumentaatio prosessista, jonka tulos on kiven tarina

    The diffusion of consensual unions in Finland in the 1970s

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    Elektrofysiologian uutuudet nopeiden rytmihäiriöiden diagnosoinnissa ja hoidossa

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    Vertaisarvioitu. Teema : lastenkardiologia. English summaryPeer reviewe

    Clinical experience of magnetic resonance imaging in patients with cardiac pacing devices : unrestricted patient population

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    Background Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in patients with cardiac pacing devices has become available despite previously being considered absolutely contraindicated. However, most institutional safety protocols have included several limitations on patient selection, leaving MRI unavailable for many patients. Purpose To evaluate the first 1000 MRI examinations conducted on patients with cardiac pacing devices at Helsinki University Hospital for any potential safety hazards and also to evaluate the long-term functionality of the safety protocol in "real-life" clinical practice. Material and Methods A total of 1000 clinically indicated MRI scans were performed with a 1.5-T MRI scanner according to the safety protocol. The following information was collected from the electronic medical record (EMR): patients' date of birth; sex; pacing device generator model; date of MRI scan; date of the latest pacing device generator implantation; and the body region scanned. The EMR of these patients was checked and especially searched for any pacing device related safety hazards or adverse outcomes during or after the MRI scan. Results Only one potentially dangerous adverse event was noted in our study group. In addition, patients with abandoned leads, temporary pacing devices, and newly implanted pacing device generators were scanned successfully and safely. Conclusion MRI scans can be performed safely in patients with cardiac pacing devices if the dedicated safety protocol is followed.Peer reviewe

    Raskaan liikenteen taukopaikat Uudenmaan ELY-keskuksen alueella : Kysynnän ja tarjonnan analyysi sekä mahdollisia yhteistoimintamalleja

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    Selvityksen tavoitteena oli tuottaa kokonaiskuva raskaan liikenteen taukopaikkojen nykytilanteesta, kehittämistarpeista, kysynnästä ja tarjonnasta Uudenmaan ELY-keskuksen alueella sekä kartoittaa esimerkkejä tauko- ja levähdysalueiden toimintamalleista Suomessa ja muualla. Tavoitteena oli tuottaa tietoa kehittämistoimenpiteiden suuntaamiselle ja eri sidosryhmien välisen yhteistoiminnan kehittämiselle. Selvitys toteutettiin kesäkuun ja joulukuun 2015 välisenä aikana. Hankkeessa toteutettiin taukopaikkojen raskaan liikenteen käyttäjälaskenta ja kapasiteetin inventointi elokuussa 2015. Laskenta suoritettiin sekä päivällä että yöllä. Inventoiduista valtion taukopaikoista on tehty myös levähdysaluekortit, joissa on esitetty taukopaikkojen ominaisuustietoja. Taukopaikkojen kysyntää arvioitiin lisäksi selvittämällä suurimmista kaupungeista etelän suuntaan lähtevien kuljetusten ajo- ja lepoaikojen perusteella määritellyt (4½ h ja 9 h) taukovyöhykkeet Uudenmaan ELY-keskuksen alueella. Taukopaikkojen kysynnän kehittymistä arvioitiin vertailemalla käyttäjälaskennan tuloksia aiemmin tehdyn käyttäjälaskennan tuloksiin. Kysynnän kehittymistä tulevaisuudessa arvioitiin Uudenmaan 4. vaihemaakuntakaavan kehityskuvavaihtoehtoa varten tehdyn liikenne-ennusteen perusteella. Kysynnän ja kehittämismahdollisuuksien (tauko- ja levähdysalueiden ominaisuudet) perusteella valittiin ne taukopaikat, joilla on eniten kehittämistarvetta ja -mahdollisuuksia. Nämä kehittämiskohteet priorisoitiin hankkeessa kehitetyllä priorisointimenetelmällä. Uusien taukopaikkojen likimääräinen tarve laskettiin taukopaikkojen kapasiteetin ja yön keskimääräisen käyttöasteen perusteella. Uusien alueiden tarvetta ja toteuttamismahdollisuuksia arvioitiin olemassa olevien suunnitelmien ja kysynnän perusteella. Raportin viimeisessä luvussa esitetään tutkimustuloksista pääteltyjä jatkotoimenpidetarpeita

    Airborne dual-wavelength waveform LiDAR improves species classification accuracy of boreal broadleaved and coniferous trees

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    Funding Information: This study was conducted on course FOR-254 ‘Advanced Forest Inventory and Management Project’ at the University of Helsinki. Plots IM and OG were measured by students and assistants on course FOR110B with the kind permission of Prof. Pauline Stenberg. Dr. Pekka Kaitaniemi provided phenological observations during LiDAR campaigns, and support by Dr. Antti Uotila was crucial in finding aspen, alder and larch samples in Hyytiälä. The LiDAR and field data in 2013 were collected and processed with funding from the Academy of Finland and Metsämiesten säätiö. Other work by made possible by the University of Helsinki. Publisher Copyright: © 2022, Finnish Society of Forest Science. All rights reserved.Tree species identification constitutes a bottleneck in remote sensing applications. Waveform LiDAR has been shown to offer potential over discrete-return observations, and we assessed if the combination of two-wavelength waveform data can lead to further improvements. A total of 2532 trees representing seven living and dead conifer and deciduous species classes found in Hyytiälä forests in southern Finland were included in the experiments. LiDAR data was acquired by two single-wavelength sensors. The 1064-nm and 1550-nm data were radiometrically corrected to enable range-normalization using the radar equation. Pulses were traced through the canopy, and by applying 3D crown models, the return waveforms were assigned to individual trees. Crown models and a terrain model enabled a further split of the waveforms to strata representing the crown, understory and ground segments. Different geometric and radiometric waveform attributes were extracted per return pulse and aggregated to tree-level mean and standard deviation features. We analyzed the effect of tree size on the features, the correlation between features and the between-species differences of the waveform features. Feature importance for species classification was derived using F-test and the Random Forest algorithm. Classification tests showed significant improvement in overall accuracy (74→83% with 7 classes, 88→91% with 4 classes) when the 1064-nm and 1550-nm features were merged. Most features were not invariant to tree size, and the dependencies differed between species and LiDAR wavelength. The differences were likely driven by factors such as bark reflectance, height growth induced structural changes near the treetop as well as foliage density in old trees.Peer reviewe

    Comparison of microalgae and rapeseed meal as supplementary protein in the grass silage based nutrition of dairy cows

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    Two experiments were conducted to evaluate microalgae as a protein supplement in the nutrition of lactating dairy cows in relation to unsupplemented and rapeseed meal supplemented diets. In both experiments multiparous Finnish Ayrshire cows were fed separately fixed amount of cereal-sugar beet pulp based concentrate (11 kg/d in Exp. 1 and 12 kg/d in Exp. 2), and grass silage ad libitum. In Exp. 1, six cows (212 days in milk; DIM) were used in a replicated 3 × 3 Latin square. Diets were supplemented isonitrogenously with rapeseed meal (pelleted rapeseed supplement, RSS), mixture of Spirulina platensis and Chlorella vulgaris microalgae (1:1 on dry matter (DM) basis; ALG) or a mixture of RSS and ALG (1:1 on crude protein (CP) basis; RSS-ALG). In Exp. 2, four intact cows and four rumen cannulated cows (190 DIM) were used in a replicated 4 × 4 Latin square. Treatments consisted of basal diet without protein supplement (NEG) or supplemented similarly as in Exp. 1 with the exception of RSS-ALG and ALG containing only S. platensis. Protein supplementation increased fibre and N digestibility but did not affect dry matter intake (DMI) or milk yield. The substitution of rapeseed by microalgae did not affect total DMI or milk yield in neither of the experiments, but changed the quality of DMI in Exp.2 by linearly decreasing concentrate:forage ratio of the diet due to poorer palatability of microalgae. The efficiency of N utilisation (NUE) in milk production varied from moderate (Exp. 1) to high (Exp. 2), and in Exp. 2 was decreased by both protein supplementation and microalgae inclusion in the diet. Protein supplementation or microalgae inclusion in the diet did not affect ruminal pH or major volatile fatty acids in Exp. 2, but both increased ruminal NH3-N concentration. There was likely a shortage of N for rumen microbes on NEG in Exp. 2 as indicated by low milk urea N and increased microbial N flow on protein supplemented diets. In both experiments, only minor differences were observed in plasma metabolites when microalgae substituted rapeseed. Even though arterial histidine concentrations were high, arterial histidine and carnosine concentrations (Exp. 1 and 2) and milk protein yields (Exp. 2) decreased by microalgae inclusion suggesting that histidine supply may become suboptimal on microalgae supplemented diets. Experiments demonstrated the suitability of microalgae as protein supplement for dairy cows, however, the protein value of microalgae is likely slightly lower than that of rapeseed meal.Two experiments were conducted to evaluate microalgae as a protein supplement in the nutrition of lactating dairy cows in relation to unsupplemented and rapeseed meal supplemented diets. In both experiments multiparous Finnish Ayrshire cows were fed separately fixed amount of cereal-sugar beet pulp based concentrate (11 kg/d in Exp. 1 and 12 kg/d in Exp. 2), and grass silage ad libitum. In Exp. 1, six cows (212 days in milk; DIM) were used in a replicated 3 × 3 Latin square. Diets were supplemented isonitrogenously with rapeseed meal (pelleted rapeseed supplement, RSS), mixture of Spirulina platensis and Chlorella vulgaris microalgae (1:1 on dry matter (DM) basis; ALG) or a mixture of RSS and ALG (1:1 on crude protein (CP) basis; RSS-ALG). In Exp. 2, four intact cows and four rumen cannulated cows (190 DIM) were used in a replicated 4 × 4 Latin square. Treatments consisted of basal diet without protein supplement (NEG) or supplemented similarly as in Exp. 1 with the exception of RSS-ALG and ALG containing only S. platensis. Protein supplementation increased fibre and N digestibility but did not affect dry matter intake (DMI) or milk yield. The substitution of rapeseed by microalgae did not affect total DMI or milk yield in neither of the experiments, but changed the quality of DMI in Exp.2 by linearly decreasing concentrate:forage ratio of the diet due to poorer palatability of microalgae. The efficiency of N utilisation (NUE) in milk production varied from moderate (Exp. 1) to high (Exp. 2), and in Exp. 2 was decreased by both protein supplementation and microalgae inclusion in the diet. Protein supplementation or microalgae inclusion in the diet did not affect ruminal pH or major volatile fatty acids in Exp. 2, but both increased ruminal NH3-N concentration. There was likely a shortage of N for rumen microbes on NEG in Exp. 2 as indicated by low milk urea N and increased microbial N flow on protein supplemented diets. In both experiments, only minor differences were observed in plasma metabolites when microalgae substituted rapeseed. Even though arterial histidine concentrations were high, arterial histidine and carnosine concentrations (Exp. 1 and 2) and milk protein yields (Exp. 2) decreased by microalgae inclusion suggesting that histidine supply may become suboptimal on microalgae supplemented diets. Experiments demonstrated the suitability of microalgae as protein supplement for dairy cows, however, the protein value of microalgae is likely slightly lower than that of rapeseed meal.Peer reviewe

    Influenza virus infections from 0 to 2 years of age: A birth cohort study

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    Background/purpose: Influenza vaccine has been recommended in Finland since2007 for all children of 6e35 months of age and in 2009 for those 6 months against pandemicinfluenza. We investigated the incidence of influenza and vaccine effectiveness in a birthcohort of children in 2008e2011.Methods: We followed 923 children from birth to 2 years of age for respiratory tract infections.A nasal swab sample for PCR for influenza A and B viruses was taken at the onset of acute respiratoryinfections. Samples were collected either at the study clinic or at home by parents.Vaccination data was retrieved from the health registries.Results: Vaccination coverage of children aged 6e23 months was 22e47% against seasonalinfluenza and 80% against the A(H1N1)pdm09 virus in the pandemic season 2009e2010. During3 influenza seasons, 1607 nasal swab samples were collected. Influenza was confirmed in 56(6.1%) of 923 children (16 A(H1N1), 14 A(H3N2), and 26 B viruses). The incidence of influenzawas 5.1% in 2008e2009, 2.7% in 2009e2010, and 5.0% in 2010e2011. Effectiveness of the adjuvantedvaccine against the pandemic influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 was 97% (95% confidence interval,76e100%). Three children with influenza were hospitalized.Conclusion: The yearly incidence of seasonal influenza was 5% in this cohort of very young childrenwith variable influenza vaccine coverage. Adjuvanted vaccine against the pandemic influenzawas highly effective. Both seasonal and pandemic influenza cases were mostly nonsevere.</p

    Rovaniemen maalaiskunnan marjasatoinventointi.

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