7 research outputs found

    History, present and challenges of estimating additive variance

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    Evolucijske promjene vrste, varijabilnost između jedinki i mehanizam nasljeđivanja između roditelja i potomaka od davnih dana interesiraju znanstvenike. Veliki utjecaj na ta pitanja nosi aditivna varijanca. Ona se prenosi s generacije na generaciju, a utječu na sličnost između roditelja i potomaka. Nosi većinu genetske varijance, a povećava se s razinom inbridinga. Također utvrđeno je kako se tijekom vremena epistatska varijanca može pretvoriti u aditivnu varijancu pomoću koje procjenjujemo heritabilitet. Heritabilitet je najviše izmjerena i diskutirana mjera kvantitativne genetike. Određuje brzinu razvoja fenotipa kao odgovora na selekciju, bila ona prirodna ili umjetna. Kod procjena heritabiliteta, problem stvara epigenetika i nedostajući heritabilitet koji još nije do kraja istražen. Aditivna varijanca kao i heritabilitet predstavljaju pitanja kojima se bavi kvantitativna genetika. Ona se bazira na modelu u kojem mnogi geni utječu na kompleksna svojstva, te dodaje važnost i negenetskim faktorima. U današnje vrijeme za njena izražavanja koriste se QTL-ovi i SNP-ovi., za koje su neophodna jaka računala koja imaju sposobnost obrade velikih podataka u isto vrijeme. Cilj ovog rada bio je predočiti razvoj procjene aditivnih varijanti kroz povijest sve do danas, te probleme s kojima su se susreli znanstvenici tijekom procjene.Evolutionary changes of species, variability between the individuals and the mechanism of legacy between parents and descendants of ancient times interest scientists. Big influence on these issues carries an additive variance. It is passed from generation to generation and affects the similarity between parents and descendants. It carries most of the genetic variance, increasing with the level of inbriding. It has also been found that over time the epistatic variance can be transformed into an additive variant. By using it we estimate heritability. Heritability is most likely a discrete measure of quantitative genetics. It determines the speed of phenotype development as a response to the selection, whether it is natural or artificial. In assessing heritability, the problem creates epigenetics and phantom heritability that has not yet been fully explored. Additive variance as well as heritability are quantified genetic issues. It is based on a model in which many genes affect complex features, adding importance to non-neglecting factors. Nowadays, QTLs and SNPs are used for its expression. Which requires strong computers that have the ability to process large data at the same time. The aim of this paper was to establish the development of estimates of additive variations through history to date and the problems encountered by scientists during the evaluation

    History, present and challenges of estimating additive variance

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    Evolucijske promjene vrste, varijabilnost između jedinki i mehanizam nasljeđivanja između roditelja i potomaka od davnih dana interesiraju znanstvenike. Veliki utjecaj na ta pitanja nosi aditivna varijanca. Ona se prenosi s generacije na generaciju, a utječu na sličnost između roditelja i potomaka. Nosi većinu genetske varijance, a povećava se s razinom inbridinga. Također utvrđeno je kako se tijekom vremena epistatska varijanca može pretvoriti u aditivnu varijancu pomoću koje procjenjujemo heritabilitet. Heritabilitet je najviše izmjerena i diskutirana mjera kvantitativne genetike. Određuje brzinu razvoja fenotipa kao odgovora na selekciju, bila ona prirodna ili umjetna. Kod procjena heritabiliteta, problem stvara epigenetika i nedostajući heritabilitet koji još nije do kraja istražen. Aditivna varijanca kao i heritabilitet predstavljaju pitanja kojima se bavi kvantitativna genetika. Ona se bazira na modelu u kojem mnogi geni utječu na kompleksna svojstva, te dodaje važnost i negenetskim faktorima. U današnje vrijeme za njena izražavanja koriste se QTL-ovi i SNP-ovi., za koje su neophodna jaka računala koja imaju sposobnost obrade velikih podataka u isto vrijeme. Cilj ovog rada bio je predočiti razvoj procjene aditivnih varijanti kroz povijest sve do danas, te probleme s kojima su se susreli znanstvenici tijekom procjene.Evolutionary changes of species, variability between the individuals and the mechanism of legacy between parents and descendants of ancient times interest scientists. Big influence on these issues carries an additive variance. It is passed from generation to generation and affects the similarity between parents and descendants. It carries most of the genetic variance, increasing with the level of inbriding. It has also been found that over time the epistatic variance can be transformed into an additive variant. By using it we estimate heritability. Heritability is most likely a discrete measure of quantitative genetics. It determines the speed of phenotype development as a response to the selection, whether it is natural or artificial. In assessing heritability, the problem creates epigenetics and phantom heritability that has not yet been fully explored. Additive variance as well as heritability are quantified genetic issues. It is based on a model in which many genes affect complex features, adding importance to non-neglecting factors. Nowadays, QTLs and SNPs are used for its expression. Which requires strong computers that have the ability to process large data at the same time. The aim of this paper was to establish the development of estimates of additive variations through history to date and the problems encountered by scientists during the evaluation

    Sex estimation by the patterns of lip impressions (cheiloscopy) – an analysis of a Croatian sample and a scoping review

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    Aim: To determine whether there is sexual dimorphism of lip prints’ morphological features in the Croatian population and to provide a scoping review for the accuracy of sex estimation on lip prints. Methods: The study on the Croatian population included 88 male and 88 female (median age 25, range 18 - 50) participants. Lip prints were analyzed by quadrant, and then the predominant pattern on the entire lip was observed. A systematic search of the relevant bibliographical databases was conducted, including Medline, Scopus, Web of Science Core Collection (WoSCC), and Cinahl (October 23rd, 2020). OpenGrey, Open Science Framework, and Science.gov databases were searched for grey literature. Findings were reported in the narrative form in accordance with the PRISMA Extension for Scoping Reviews (PRISMA-ScR) checklist. A total of 80 studies were included. Results: The study of sexual dimorphism of lip prints in the Croatian population showed that there were no statistically significant differences between males and females; and when all quadrants were considered together (χ2 = 3.625, P = 0.459), sex could be estimated for only 55.7% of persons. Twenty-nine studies (36.3%) did not find differences between males and females, and 34 (42.5%) found sexual dimorphism only in some of the lip parts and some quadrants. The assessment of examined studies showed that only six studies met all quality criteria. Conclusion: There is no forensically significant sexual dimorphism in lip prints in the Croatian population. The scoping review showed that sex estimation using lip prints should not be used as evidence in court as the present methodology is not reliable and the potential rate of error is unknown

    Comparison of DNA isolation methods from different forensic samples

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    Uvod: Uspješna izolacija DNA je osnova forenzičnog profiliranja. DNA se može izolirati iz različitih uzoraka izuzetih s mjesta zločina, kao npr. iz krvi, sline, epitelne stanice, sjemena itd. Za odabir prikladne metode za izolaciju DNA potrebno je uzeti u obzir mnoge čimbenike obzirom da svaka metoda ima svoje prednosti i nedostatke. Metode izolacije podijeljene su u dvije glavne skupine: izolacija DNA pomoću otpala i izolacija DNA pomoću čvrstih nosača. Izolacija DNA Chelex metodom i pomoću QIAamp Investigator Kita su metode izolacije DNA pomoću čvrstih nosača. Materijali i metode: Analizirano je šest bioloških uzoraka humanog podrijetla prikupljenih od 3 donora. Ekstrakcija DNA izvršena je pomoću 2 različite metode koristeći Chelex protokol za izolaciju te komercijalni protokol QIAamp Investigator Kit. Izolirana DNA umnožena je PCR reakcijom, a rezultati su vizualizirani nakon elektroforeze u agaroznom gelu pomoću UV transiluminatora. Rezultati i rasprava: DNA je uspješno izolirana iz svih uzoraka pomoću obje ispitivane metode izolacije. Uzorci kojima nije dodana destilirana voda u PCR mix pokazali su veći intenzitet fluorescencije „bendova“ nakon elektroforeze na agaroznom gelu. Chelex metoda je isplativija i vremenski učinkovitija, dok se QIAamp Investigator Kit pokazao učinkovitijim pri uklanjanju PCR inhibitora. Zaključak: Obje metode su se pokazale uspješnima za izolaciju DNA iz bioloških uzoraka koji se često mogu pronaći prilikom istraživanja mjesta događaja. Uzorci DNA izolirani Chelex metodom rezultirali su većim intenzitetom fluorescencije „bendova“ nakon elektroforeze na agaroznom gelu u usporedbi s onima koji su izolirani QIAamp Investigator Kitom, što ukazuje na veću koncentraciju DNA.Introduction: Succesful isolation of DNA is the basis for forensic DNA profiling. DNA can be obtained from variety of biological samples collected at the crime scene; such as blood, saliva, epithelial cells, semen etc. Choosing a suitable method for DNA extraction requires consideration of many factors, since every method has its advantages and limitations. Those methods are divided into two main groups; namely solution- based DNA extraction methods and solid-phase DNA extraction methods. The Chelex® 100 and the QIAamp®Investigator Kit protocols are the examples of the latter. Materials and methods: Six biological samples of human origin collected from three different donors were analyzed. In order to investigate their efficiency DNA isolation was performed using two different protocols: Chelex and the QIAamp Investigator Kit protocol. The isolated DNA was amplified by PCR reaction, and the results were visualized after gel agarose electrophoresis using a UV transilluminator. Results and Discussion: DNA was successfully extracted from all samples tested using both Chelex and the QIAamp Investigator Kit extraction protocols. Samples to which no distilled water was added to the PCR mix showed a higher fluorescence intensity of the sample "bands" after agarose gel electrophoresis. Chelex method is more cost and time- effective but less effective in removal of PCR inhibitors compared to QIAamp Investigator kit isolation). Conclusion: Both methods are effective in isolating DNA from biological samples commonly found at the crime scene. The DNA samples extracted with Chelex method showed higher fluorescence intensity of "bands" after gel electrophoresis in comparison to those extracted using QIAamp Investigator Kit, indicating higher DNA concentration

    History, present and challenges of estimating additive variance

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    Evolucijske promjene vrste, varijabilnost između jedinki i mehanizam nasljeđivanja između roditelja i potomaka od davnih dana interesiraju znanstvenike. Veliki utjecaj na ta pitanja nosi aditivna varijanca. Ona se prenosi s generacije na generaciju, a utječu na sličnost između roditelja i potomaka. Nosi većinu genetske varijance, a povećava se s razinom inbridinga. Također utvrđeno je kako se tijekom vremena epistatska varijanca može pretvoriti u aditivnu varijancu pomoću koje procjenjujemo heritabilitet. Heritabilitet je najviše izmjerena i diskutirana mjera kvantitativne genetike. Određuje brzinu razvoja fenotipa kao odgovora na selekciju, bila ona prirodna ili umjetna. Kod procjena heritabiliteta, problem stvara epigenetika i nedostajući heritabilitet koji još nije do kraja istražen. Aditivna varijanca kao i heritabilitet predstavljaju pitanja kojima se bavi kvantitativna genetika. Ona se bazira na modelu u kojem mnogi geni utječu na kompleksna svojstva, te dodaje važnost i negenetskim faktorima. U današnje vrijeme za njena izražavanja koriste se QTL-ovi i SNP-ovi., za koje su neophodna jaka računala koja imaju sposobnost obrade velikih podataka u isto vrijeme. Cilj ovog rada bio je predočiti razvoj procjene aditivnih varijanti kroz povijest sve do danas, te probleme s kojima su se susreli znanstvenici tijekom procjene.Evolutionary changes of species, variability between the individuals and the mechanism of legacy between parents and descendants of ancient times interest scientists. Big influence on these issues carries an additive variance. It is passed from generation to generation and affects the similarity between parents and descendants. It carries most of the genetic variance, increasing with the level of inbriding. It has also been found that over time the epistatic variance can be transformed into an additive variant. By using it we estimate heritability. Heritability is most likely a discrete measure of quantitative genetics. It determines the speed of phenotype development as a response to the selection, whether it is natural or artificial. In assessing heritability, the problem creates epigenetics and phantom heritability that has not yet been fully explored. Additive variance as well as heritability are quantified genetic issues. It is based on a model in which many genes affect complex features, adding importance to non-neglecting factors. Nowadays, QTLs and SNPs are used for its expression. Which requires strong computers that have the ability to process large data at the same time. The aim of this paper was to establish the development of estimates of additive variations through history to date and the problems encountered by scientists during the evaluation

    Comparison of DNA isolation methods from different forensic samples

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    Uvod: Uspješna izolacija DNA je osnova forenzičnog profiliranja. DNA se može izolirati iz različitih uzoraka izuzetih s mjesta zločina, kao npr. iz krvi, sline, epitelne stanice, sjemena itd. Za odabir prikladne metode za izolaciju DNA potrebno je uzeti u obzir mnoge čimbenike obzirom da svaka metoda ima svoje prednosti i nedostatke. Metode izolacije podijeljene su u dvije glavne skupine: izolacija DNA pomoću otpala i izolacija DNA pomoću čvrstih nosača. Izolacija DNA Chelex metodom i pomoću QIAamp Investigator Kita su metode izolacije DNA pomoću čvrstih nosača. Materijali i metode: Analizirano je šest bioloških uzoraka humanog podrijetla prikupljenih od 3 donora. Ekstrakcija DNA izvršena je pomoću 2 različite metode koristeći Chelex protokol za izolaciju te komercijalni protokol QIAamp Investigator Kit. Izolirana DNA umnožena je PCR reakcijom, a rezultati su vizualizirani nakon elektroforeze u agaroznom gelu pomoću UV transiluminatora. Rezultati i rasprava: DNA je uspješno izolirana iz svih uzoraka pomoću obje ispitivane metode izolacije. Uzorci kojima nije dodana destilirana voda u PCR mix pokazali su veći intenzitet fluorescencije „bendova“ nakon elektroforeze na agaroznom gelu. Chelex metoda je isplativija i vremenski učinkovitija, dok se QIAamp Investigator Kit pokazao učinkovitijim pri uklanjanju PCR inhibitora. Zaključak: Obje metode su se pokazale uspješnima za izolaciju DNA iz bioloških uzoraka koji se često mogu pronaći prilikom istraživanja mjesta događaja. Uzorci DNA izolirani Chelex metodom rezultirali su većim intenzitetom fluorescencije „bendova“ nakon elektroforeze na agaroznom gelu u usporedbi s onima koji su izolirani QIAamp Investigator Kitom, što ukazuje na veću koncentraciju DNA.Introduction: Succesful isolation of DNA is the basis for forensic DNA profiling. DNA can be obtained from variety of biological samples collected at the crime scene; such as blood, saliva, epithelial cells, semen etc. Choosing a suitable method for DNA extraction requires consideration of many factors, since every method has its advantages and limitations. Those methods are divided into two main groups; namely solution- based DNA extraction methods and solid-phase DNA extraction methods. The Chelex® 100 and the QIAamp®Investigator Kit protocols are the examples of the latter. Materials and methods: Six biological samples of human origin collected from three different donors were analyzed. In order to investigate their efficiency DNA isolation was performed using two different protocols: Chelex and the QIAamp Investigator Kit protocol. The isolated DNA was amplified by PCR reaction, and the results were visualized after gel agarose electrophoresis using a UV transilluminator. Results and Discussion: DNA was successfully extracted from all samples tested using both Chelex and the QIAamp Investigator Kit extraction protocols. Samples to which no distilled water was added to the PCR mix showed a higher fluorescence intensity of the sample "bands" after agarose gel electrophoresis. Chelex method is more cost and time- effective but less effective in removal of PCR inhibitors compared to QIAamp Investigator kit isolation). Conclusion: Both methods are effective in isolating DNA from biological samples commonly found at the crime scene. The DNA samples extracted with Chelex method showed higher fluorescence intensity of "bands" after gel electrophoresis in comparison to those extracted using QIAamp Investigator Kit, indicating higher DNA concentration

    Comparison of DNA isolation methods from different forensic samples

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    Uvod: Uspješna izolacija DNA je osnova forenzičnog profiliranja. DNA se može izolirati iz različitih uzoraka izuzetih s mjesta zločina, kao npr. iz krvi, sline, epitelne stanice, sjemena itd. Za odabir prikladne metode za izolaciju DNA potrebno je uzeti u obzir mnoge čimbenike obzirom da svaka metoda ima svoje prednosti i nedostatke. Metode izolacije podijeljene su u dvije glavne skupine: izolacija DNA pomoću otpala i izolacija DNA pomoću čvrstih nosača. Izolacija DNA Chelex metodom i pomoću QIAamp Investigator Kita su metode izolacije DNA pomoću čvrstih nosača. Materijali i metode: Analizirano je šest bioloških uzoraka humanog podrijetla prikupljenih od 3 donora. Ekstrakcija DNA izvršena je pomoću 2 različite metode koristeći Chelex protokol za izolaciju te komercijalni protokol QIAamp Investigator Kit. Izolirana DNA umnožena je PCR reakcijom, a rezultati su vizualizirani nakon elektroforeze u agaroznom gelu pomoću UV transiluminatora. Rezultati i rasprava: DNA je uspješno izolirana iz svih uzoraka pomoću obje ispitivane metode izolacije. Uzorci kojima nije dodana destilirana voda u PCR mix pokazali su veći intenzitet fluorescencije „bendova“ nakon elektroforeze na agaroznom gelu. Chelex metoda je isplativija i vremenski učinkovitija, dok se QIAamp Investigator Kit pokazao učinkovitijim pri uklanjanju PCR inhibitora. Zaključak: Obje metode su se pokazale uspješnima za izolaciju DNA iz bioloških uzoraka koji se često mogu pronaći prilikom istraživanja mjesta događaja. Uzorci DNA izolirani Chelex metodom rezultirali su većim intenzitetom fluorescencije „bendova“ nakon elektroforeze na agaroznom gelu u usporedbi s onima koji su izolirani QIAamp Investigator Kitom, što ukazuje na veću koncentraciju DNA.Introduction: Succesful isolation of DNA is the basis for forensic DNA profiling. DNA can be obtained from variety of biological samples collected at the crime scene; such as blood, saliva, epithelial cells, semen etc. Choosing a suitable method for DNA extraction requires consideration of many factors, since every method has its advantages and limitations. Those methods are divided into two main groups; namely solution- based DNA extraction methods and solid-phase DNA extraction methods. The Chelex® 100 and the QIAamp®Investigator Kit protocols are the examples of the latter. Materials and methods: Six biological samples of human origin collected from three different donors were analyzed. In order to investigate their efficiency DNA isolation was performed using two different protocols: Chelex and the QIAamp Investigator Kit protocol. The isolated DNA was amplified by PCR reaction, and the results were visualized after gel agarose electrophoresis using a UV transilluminator. Results and Discussion: DNA was successfully extracted from all samples tested using both Chelex and the QIAamp Investigator Kit extraction protocols. Samples to which no distilled water was added to the PCR mix showed a higher fluorescence intensity of the sample "bands" after agarose gel electrophoresis. Chelex method is more cost and time- effective but less effective in removal of PCR inhibitors compared to QIAamp Investigator kit isolation). Conclusion: Both methods are effective in isolating DNA from biological samples commonly found at the crime scene. The DNA samples extracted with Chelex method showed higher fluorescence intensity of "bands" after gel electrophoresis in comparison to those extracted using QIAamp Investigator Kit, indicating higher DNA concentration