189 research outputs found

    Energetske smjernice prema niskougljičnom gospodarstvu

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    U ovom diplomskom radu objašnjeni su pojmovi energetske učinkovitosti i obnovljivih izvora energije, niskougljičnog razvoja u građevinarstvu, industriji, transportu i energetici radi bolje kompetitivnosti, smanjenja emisija stakleničkih plinova, jače povezanosti i održivog razvoja regija Centralne Europe. Na početku su navedene osnovne informacije, te strateški prioriteti i ciljevi Interreg srednjoeuropskog programa, te okolišni socijalni i gospodarski indikatori za mjerenje tranzicije prema niskougljičnom razvoju. Nadalje su navedeni detaljni okviri za izradu strategije niskougljičnog razvoja i smanjenja emisija stakleničkih plinova u RH za periode do 2020. i 2050. godine po sektorima, te njihove planirane provedbe. Na posljetku su prikazane međunarodne obveze i kronološki osvrti na konferencije o klimatskim promjenama od Kyota preko Ria do Dohe i Pariza.This thesis explains the concepts of energy efficiency and renewable energy sources concerning low-carbon development in construction, industry, transport and energy production for higher competitiveness, lower greenhouse gas emissions, better connection and sustainable growth in the regions of Central Europe. First and foremost basic information is stated along with strategic priorities and goals of the Interreg Central Europe Cooperation Programme and environmental social and economical indicators for measuring the transition towards low-carbon development. Furthermore, detailed framework is explained for the conception of low-carbon development strategies and the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in Croatia for the 2020. and 2050. periods per sector along with their planned execution. Finally an overview of international obligations is shown along with a cronological review of climate change conferences form Kyoto and Rio to Doha and Paris

    Invaliden des Unabhängigkeitskrieges und ihre Wahrnehmung des eigenen Gesellschaftsstatus

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    Rad se bavi položajem invalida Domovinskog rata u društvu iz njihove perspektive. U uvodnom je dijelu predstavljena pravna legislativa i odnos društva prema invalidima Domovinskog rata. U istraživanju provedenom u studenom 2007. godine sudjelovalo je 17 branitelja iz Domovinskog rata kojima je utvrđen status hrvatskoga ratnog vojnog invalida. Ispitani su metodom polustrukturiranog intervjua. Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrditi njihova mišljenja i iskustva o vlastitu položaju u društvu. Kao važne za društveni položaj invalida Domovinskog rata, rezultati istraživanja pokazali su nekoliko kategorija: stigmatizaciju, medijsko stereotipiziranje, nezadovoljstvo sustavom braniteljske skrbi, nezadovoljavajuće zakonodavno i političko stanje i nezadovoljavajući društveni položaj te potrebu za društvenom participacijom. Zaštitni činitelji kao pomoć u svakodnevnom životu izraženi su u pet kategorija: obitelj i prijatelji kao zaštitni faktor, samopoštovanje kao obrambeni mehanizam, osjećaj korisnosti, pozitivan tretman i poštovanje u širem društvu, dok su svoju sliku budućnosti ispitanici izrazili u tri kategorije: nejasna slika budućnosti, očuvanje zdravlja i pomoć suborcima. Može se zaključiti da su invalidi Domovinskog rata nezadovoljni svojim položajem u društvu te da žele sudjelovati u njemu kao aktivni sudionici procesa. Naglašavaju važnost poštivanja ljudskoga dostojanstva i važnost socijalne podrške. Budućnost vide u vlastitoj solidarnosti te potrebi rada na rehabilitaciji i očuvanju zdravlja.This study deals with the status of disabled veterans of the Croatian Homeland War from their own perspective. In its introduction we can find the legislative considering the population of war veterans, and the way society treats them – the disabled veterans in particular. In the qualitative research, which was conducted in November 2007, 17 veterans who have the status of disabled veterans of the Croatian Homeland War participated. The method used was a half-structured interview. The aim of the research was to get insight into the disabled veterans\u27 personal experiences and attitudes that are related to their opinions and experiences in connection with their social status. The research results have shown that a number of categories are of importance for their status in society: stigmatisation, stereotypisation through media, dissatisfaction with the system of care for the population of Homeland War veterans, unsatisfactory legislative and political condition, generally bad social status, and the need for active social participation. The protective factors that help war veterans in their everyday lives were grouped by them into five categories: family and friends as protective factors, self- -respect as a defence mechanism, feeling useful, positive treatment and respect from society in general. They expressed their vision of the future in three categories: blurred image of the future, making an effort to preserve health and helping fellow-soldiers. Generally, we can conclude that disabled war veterans are unsatisfied with their status in society, and that they want to actively participate in its processes. They stress the importance of the respect of human dignity and the importance of social support. They see their own future through solidarity among themselves and in making an effort towards rehabilitation and health preservation.Die vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit den Invaliden des kroatischen Unabhängigkeitskrieges und der gesellschaftlichen Lage, die sie aus eigener Sicht betrachtet einnehmen. Im Einführungsteil wird der Leser mit der diesbezüglich bestehenden Rechtslage und der Einstellung der Gesellschaft bekannt gemacht. An einer qualitativen Untersuchung im November 2007 nahmen 17 ehemalige Soldaten teil, die im kroatischen Unabhängigkeitskrieg gekämpft hatten und denen der Status von Kriegsinvaliden zuerkannt worden war. Die Untersuchungsteilnehmer wurden im Rahmen eines semistrukturierten Interviews befragt mit dem Ziel, Einblick in die persönlichen Erfahrungen und Einstellungen der Kriegsinvaliden bezüglich ihrer gesellschaftlichen Position zu gewähren. Als Ausschlag gebende Kategorien, die den gesellschaftlichen Status der Kriegsinvaliden bestimmen, erwiesen sich folgende Umstände: Stigmatisierung der Invaliden, Stereotypisierung in den Medien, Unzufriedenheit über das System der Gesundheitsfürsorge, unbefriedigende Rechtsgrundlage sowie politische Lage „zur Regelung des gesellschaftlichen Status”, unbefriedigende gesellschaftliche Stellung sowie Bedürfnis nach gesellschaftlicher Beteiligung. Als Faktoren, die das Zurechtfinden im Alltag erleichtern, wurden folgende fünf Kategorien genannt: Familie und Freunde als Rückhalt und Schutzfaktor; Selbstrespekt als Mechanismus zur Selbstverteidigung; das Gefühl, nützlich zu sein; positive Behandlung und Respekt im weiteren gesellschaftlichen Umfeld. Im Hinblick auf die Zukunft wiederum seien folgende Kategorien Ausschlag gebend: Ungewissheit, Gesundheitsfürsorge und Hilfeleistungen für ehemalige Waffenbrüder. Aufgrund der Ergebnisse kann man schließen, dass die Invaliden des kroatischen Unabhängigkeitskriegs mit ihrem sozialen Status unzufrieden sind und aktiv am gesellschaftlichen Geschehen teilnehmen wollen. Die Umfrageteilnehmer unterstreichen, wie wichtig die Achtung der menschlichen Würde und soziale Unterstützung seien. Als richtungweisend für die eigene Zukunft sehen sie Solidarität mit den einstigen Waffenbrüdern, eine angemessene gesundheitliche Fürsorge und Bemühungen um die eigene Rehabilitation

    Automatic identification of causal knowledge and causal graphs in technical systems of process ventilators

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    U ovom radu je dan pristup automatskog računarskog identificiranja uzročnog znanja i uzročnih grafova putem monitoringa vibracija i temperatura postrojenja procesnih ventilatora velikih snaga i velikih brzina vrtnje. Predstavljena je metoda Granger-ove uzročne analize uzročnih veza mjernih parametara vibracija i temperature. Ova metoda poboljšava dijagnostiku procesnih ventilatora zbog identifikacije uzročnih zakonitosti parametara vibracija i temperatura u dijagramskom obliku. Nakon računanja i crtanja uzročnog grafa za vibracije i temperature, računa se uzročna gustoća, kao mjera dinamičke složenosti sustava. Numeričke vrijednosti uzročne gustoće se uzimaju kao indikatori sustavnog "zdravlja" procesnih ventilatora.This research paper presents the approach of automated computerized identification of causal knowledge and causal graphs using monitoring of vibrations and temperatures of sliding bearings of high-power and high-speed process ventilators. Method of Granger causal connectivity analysis of vibration and temperature parameters is presented. This method improves diagnostics of process ventilators because of identification of causal relations and links of vibrations and temperatures in graph form. After computing and plotting causal graphs for vibrations and temperatures, causal density is computed as a measure of dynamical complexity of system. Numerical values of causal density are taken as indicators of systems "health" of process ventilators

    Neverbalna komunikacija

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    U radu se analiziraju temeljne odrednice, mjesto i uloga neformalnog obrazovanja i cjeloživotnog učenja u kontekstu razvoja i pojedinaca i širih društvenih kolektiviteta (skupina). Preferira se značaj i uloga menadžmenta u tim procesima, što je i temeljni cilj ovog rada. Suvremena kretanja u svim segmentima rada i djelovanja nameću potrebu permanentnog educiranja iz različitih oblasti društvenog življenja i poslovanja kako bi se postalo/opstalo konkurentnim na suvremenom tržištu. S tim u vezi, opća je teza kako u tom procesu menadžment ima presudnu važnost i utjecaj jer značajno doprinosi uspostavi sustava neformalnog obrazovanja u Bosni i Hercegovini i jer omogućava uspostavu organiziranog i kvalitetnog sustava neformalnog obrazovanja koji će omogućiti permanentno profesionalno osposobljavanje zaposlenika kako bi mogli odgovoriti na moderne zahtjeve tržišta rada. Ovo je danas jedna od glavnih konkurentskih prednosti država s takvim sustavom.This paper analyzes the basic determinants, the place and role of non-formal education and lifelong learning in the context of development, of both individuals and a larger social collectivity (group). The significance and the role of management in these processes are very much preferred, which is the fundamental objective of this paper. The recent developments in all aspects of work, lead to the need of permanent education in various fields of social life and work, in order to become / stay competitive in today’s market. The general thesis is that in the process, the management has a crucial importance and impact, as it significantly contributes to the establishment of the system of informal education in Bosnia and Herzegovina, since it allows the establishment of an organized and high quality system of informal education that would allow permanent professional training of employees, who would be able to respond to the modern requirements of the labor market. This is now one of the main competitive advantages of the countries with this kind of system

    Geological potential of antimony, bauxite, fluorite, and magnesite of the Central Dinarides (Bosnia and Herzegovina): exploration and exploitation perspective

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    This paper presents the critical raw materials (CRM) potential of antimony, bauxite, fluorite, and magnesite deposits in Bosnia and Herzegovina, discusses their metallogeny and joint geological features, and explains the methodology of the InvestRM application and evaluation criteria for the selected commodities in the following steps: (1) preparation of the geological data templates, (2) evaluation and verification of the geological data, (3) ranking of deposits according to the geological data relating to quality and quantity, and (4) identification of the 10+ perspective deposits. Existing geological datasets show the existence of significant potential in primary CRM such as bauxite (56 Mt), magnesite (4 Mt), and antimony (0.2 Mt) in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH). The geological settings of BiH provide favourable metallogenetic conditions primarily for bauxite and magnesite deposits but also for antimony within polymetallic deposits, while fluorspar is rather rare. Our methodology described herein led to the selection of the following fourteen deposits for further geological prospection and investment: the polymetallic antimony deposits Čemernica and Podhrusanj, antimony fields Srebrenica and Rupice; magnesite fields Kladanj, Banja Luka, Teslić and Novi Šeher and bauxite regions Vlasenica-Srebrenica, Grmeč Mountain deposits in Una-Sana region and South Bosnia regions from Posušje to Trebinje. A basic economic calculation based on the world producer ranking and a self-sustainability and economic contribution assessment shows that further investments in geological exploration and mining of antimony, magnesite, and bauxite CRM could place BiH on the list of important producers of these commodities in Europe

    Rational improvement of shallow landslides in high plasticity clay formations

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    Prikazana je analiza baze podataka plitkih klizišta nastalih u glinama visoke plastičnosti i metodologija njihove sanacije primjenom drenažnog sustava i gabionskih zidova. Prema površini klizanja te odnosu širine i duljine klizne plohe analizirana klizišta mogu biti “odroni” ili “klizišta” s jednom međuzonom. Statističkom obradom i analizom troškova sanacije opravdava se prethodna podjela. Primijenjeni pristup omogućava odabir racionalnih rješenja sanacije klizišta i odrona.The analysis of the data base consisting of shallow landslides formed in high plasticity clay formations is presented, and the methodology of their remedy by means of drainage systems and gabion walls is described. Taking into account the area affected by landslide and considering the width to length relationship of the slip plane, the analyzed landslides can be classified as "rockfalls" or "landslides", with one intermediary zone. The above classification is based on statistical processing and analysis of landslide improvement costs. This approach enables selection of rational solutions on the rockfall and landslide improvement projects

    Neue Funde der Spätbronzezeit aus Nordbosnien

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    U radu su predstavljeni dosad neobjavljeni brončani nalazi s prostora sjeverne Bosne. Prikazani predmeti potječu iz različitih konteksta i datiraju u razdoblje između stupnjeva Ha A1 i Ha B3 odnosno u vrijeme između 13. i 9. st. pr. Kr. Kako bi se novi nalazi kulturno i kronološki mogli bolje svrstati i razumjeti, u radu je kao prvo dat opći pregled brončanih formi iz promatrane regije koji je podijeljen prema najvažnijim izvorima (naselja, grobovi, ostave i pojedinačni nalazi). Nalazi iz vremena starije faze kulture polja sa žarama (Ha A1) jasno naglašavaju usku povezanost sjeverobosanskog prostora s formama zastupljenim u Karpatskoj kotlini. Jasan prekid s ovom tipološkom i trgovinsko-tehnološkom mrežom može se konstatirati krajem 10. i u 9. st. pr. Kr. kada se pojavljuje niz regionalnih i lokalnih formi. Polazeći od velikog broja pronađenih kalupa, može se pretpostaviti kako je većina novih brončanih formi proizvedena u domaćim radionicama. U vezi s kontekstom deponiranja pojedinih brončanih predmeta, kako u vrijeme starije tako i u mlađoj i kasnoj fazi kulture polja sa žarama, uočljiva je tendencija da se među pojedinačnim predmetima uglavnom nalaze šuplje sjekire i ostalo oružje (mačevi, vrhovi koplja), dok je nakit poznat prije svega iz grobnih nalaza.Die Arbeit befasst sich mit den bislang nicht publizierten Bronzefunden aus dem Raum Nordbosniens. Die prasentierten Objekte stammen aus den unterschiedlichen Fundkontexten und datieren in die Zeit zwischen Ha A1 und Ha B3 bzw. zwischen dem 13. und dem 9. Jh. v Chr. Um die neuen Funde besser einordnen zu konnen, wird zunachst ein allgemeiner Uberblick der in der betreffenden Region auftretenden Bronzeformen je nach Quellengattung (Siedlung, Grab, Depot– und Einzelfunde) gegeben. Die Funde der alteren Urnenfelderzeit (Ha A1) unterstreichen die starke Anbindung des nordbosnischen Raumes an die Formenwelt des Karpatenbeckens. Ein deutlicher Abbruch mit diesem typologischen und technologischen Netzwerk lasst sich erst mit dem spaten 10. und dem 9. Jh. v. Chr. feststellen, als viele neue regionale und lokale Formen auftreten. Ausgehend von den zahlreichen Gussformen ist anzunehmen, dass die neuen Bronzetypen wahrscheinlich in den heimischen Werkstatten produziert wurden. Im Hinblick auf den Deponierungskontext ist es auffallig, dass die allermeisten Einzelfunde, sowohl in der alteren als auch in der spaten Urnenfelderzeit, Tullenbeile und Waffen (Schwerter, Lanzenspitzen) sind, wahrend Schmuckformen bislang hauptsachlich aus Grabern bekannt sind


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    U radu se analiziraju temeljne odrednice, mjesto i uloga neformalnog obrazovanja i cjeloživotnog učenja u kontekstu razvoja i pojedinaca i širih društvenih kolektiviteta (skupina). Preferira se značaj i uloga menadžmenta u tim procesima, što je i temeljni cilj ovog rada. Suvremena kretanja u svim segmentima rada i djelovanja nameću potrebu permanentnog educiranja iz različitih oblasti društvenog življenja i poslovanja kako bi se postalo/opstalo konkurentnim na suvremenom tržištu. S tim u vezi, opća je teza kako u tom procesu menadžment ima presudnu važnost i utjecaj jer značajno doprinosi uspostavi sustava neformalnog obrazovanja u Bosni i Hercegovini i jer omogućava uspostavu organiziranog i kvalitetnog sustava neformalnog obrazovanja koji će omogućiti permanentno profesionalno osposobljavanje zaposlenika kako bi mogli odgovoriti na moderne zahtjeve tržišta rada. Ovo je danas jedna od glavnih konkurentskih prednosti država s takvim sustavom.This paper analyzes the basic determinants, the place and role of non-formal education and lifelong learning in the context of development, of both individuals and a larger social collectivity (group). The significance and the role of management in these processes are very much preferred, which is the fundamental objective of this paper. The recent developments in all aspects of work, lead to the need of permanent education in various fields of social life and work, in order to become / stay competitive in today’s market. The general thesis is that in the process, the management has a crucial importance and impact, as it significantly contributes to the establishment of the system of informal education in Bosnia and Herzegovina, since it allows the establishment of an organized and high quality system of informal education that would allow permanent professional training of employees, who would be able to respond to the modern requirements of the labor market. This is now one of the main competitive advantages of the countries with this kind of system