956 research outputs found

    Memory and cognition in schizophrenia.

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    Episodic memory deficits are consistently documented as a core aspect of cognitive dysfunction in schizophrenia patients, present from the onset of the illness and strongly associated with functional disability. Over the past decade, research using approaches from experimental cognitive neuroscience revealed disproportionate episodic memory impairments in schizophrenia (Sz) under high cognitive demand relational encoding conditions and relatively unimpaired performance under item-specific encoding conditions. These specific deficits in component processes of episodic memory reflect impaired activation and connectivity within specific elements of frontal-medial temporal lobe circuits, with a central role for the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC), relatively intact function of ventrolateral prefrontal cortex and variable results in the hippocampus. We propose that memory deficits can be understood within the broader context of cognitive deficits in Sz, where impaired DLPFC-related cognitive control has a broad impact across multiple cognitive domains. The therapeutic implications of these findings are discussed

    Editorial: Modern technology in peripheral health care in developing countries

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    No Abstract Available East African Medical Journal Vol.81(6) 2004: 277-27

    Role of laboratory services in health care: The present status in Eastern Africa and recommendations for the future

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    Click on the link to view the editorialEast African Medical Journal, May 199

    Prevalence of anaemia in patients attending an outpatient clinic in Western Rift valley in Kenya during a low malaria season

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    Objective: To assess the prevalence of anaemia in outpatients attending a rural health clinic in an area of seasonal malaria, during the low transmission season. Methods: Haemoglobin estimation and blood slide examination for malaria parasites were performed on 280 consecutive patients attending outpatient curative services at Entasopia Health Centre, Kajiado District, Kenya, between April-May 1996. Anaemia was defined according to World Health Organisation guidelines for age, sex and pregnancy status. Results: In all groups except adult males, more than half of the patients tested had haemoglobin values below the lower reference limits, suggesting that anaemia is widely present in this population even during the low malaria season. Only 5% of patients were positive for Plasmodium fakiparum malaria. Peripheral blood film examination suggested iron deficiency as the major cause of anaemia. Conclusions: Further studies to define the underlying causes of anaemia and to develop community strategies to prevent anaemia are required. The association between fever and anaemia and the use of pallor to diagnose anaemia, are discussed.East African Medical Journal, May 1999, 251-25

    Generalized Painleve-Gullstrand descriptions of Kerr-Newman black holes

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    Generalized Painleve-Gullstrand metrics are explicitly constructed for the Kerr-Newman family of charged rotating black holes. These descriptions are free of all coordinate singularities; moreover, unlike the Doran and other proposed metrics, an extra tunable function is introduced to ensure all variables in the metrics remain real for all values of the mass M, charge Q, angular momentum aM, and cosmological constant \Lambda > - 3/(a^2). To describe fermions in Kerr-Newman spacetimes, the stronger requirement of non-singular vierbein one-forms at the horizon(s) is imposed and coordinate singularities are eliminated by local Lorentz boosts. Other known vierbein fields of Kerr-Newman black holes are analysed and discussed; and it is revealed that some of these descriptions are actually not related by physical Lorentz transformations to the original Kerr-Newman expression in Boyer-Lindquist coordinates - which is the reason complex components appear (for certain ranges of the radial coordinate) in these metrics. As an application of our constructions the correct effective Hawking temperature for Kerr black holes is derived with the method of Parikh and Wilczek.Comment: 5 pages; extended to include application to derivation of Hawking radiation for Kerr black holes with Parikh-Wilczek metho

    Foot Bone in Vivo: Its Center of Mass and Centroid of Shape

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    This paper studies foot bone geometrical shape and its mass distribution and establishes an assessment method of bone strength. Using spiral CT scanning, with an accuracy of sub-millimeter, we analyze the data of 384 pieces of foot bones in vivo and investigate the relationship between the bone's external shape and internal structure. This analysis is explored on the bases of the bone's center of mass and its centroid of shape. We observe the phenomenon of superposition of center of mass and centroid of shape fairly precisely, indicating a possible appearance of biomechanical organism. We investigate two aspects of the geometrical shape, (i) distance between compact bone's centroid of shape and that of the bone and (ii) the mean radius of the same density bone issue relative to the bone's centroid of shape. These quantities are used to interpret the influence of different physical exercises imposed on bone strength, thereby contributing to an alternate assessment technique to bone strength.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figure

    "Slash and Clear", a Community-Based Vector Control Method to Reduce Onchocerciasis Transmission by Simulium sirbanum in Maridi, South Sudan: A Prospective Study

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    Background: High ongoing Onchocerca volvulus transmission was recently documented in Maridi County, South Sudan. To complement community-directed treatment with ivermectin (CDTI) as the main onchocerciasis control strategy, we initiated a community-based vector control method “slash and clear” at the Maridi dam, a Simulium damnosum s.l. breeding site, to reduce O. volvulus transmission. Methods: Simulium damnosum s.l. biting rates were collected before and during the twenty months following the “slash and clear” intervention using the human landing catches. Black flies were dissected to measure parity rates before and twelve months after the intervention. Larvae and pupae of S. damnosum s.l. were collected from the dam for morphological and chromosomal characterization to identify the cytospecies involved. Results: Biting rates of S. damnosum s.l. close to the Maridi dam spillway decreased by >90% post-“slash and clear” for more than six months. Twelve months after the “slash and clear” intervention, the reduction in biting rates was still at <50% (p = 0.0007). Parity rates reduced from 13% pre-“slash and clear” (November 2019) to 5.6% post-“slash and clear” (November 2020). Larvae collected from the dam were identified as Simulium sirbanum. Conclusion: The “slash and clear” method was found to be an effective and cheap community-based method to reduce black fly biting rates caused by S. sirbanum. When repeated at least annually together with a high CDTI coverage, this intervention has the potential to considerably accelerate onchocerciasis elimination

    Higher media multi-tasking activity is associated with smaller gray-matter density in the anterior cingulate cortex

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    Media multitasking, or the concurrent consumption of multiple media forms, is increasingly prevalent in today’s society and has been associated with negative psychosocial and cognitive impacts. Individuals who engage in heavier media-multitasking are found to perform worse on cognitive control tasks and exhibit more socio-emotional difficulties. However, the neural processes associated with media multi-tasking remain unexplored. The present study investigated relationships between media multitasking activity and brain structure. Research has demonstrated that brain structure can be altered upon prolonged exposure to novel environments and experience. Thus, we expected differential engagements in media multitasking to correlate with brain structure variability. This was confirmed via Voxel-Based Morphometry (VBM) analyses: Individuals with higher Media Multitasking Index (MMI) scores had smaller gray matter density in the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC). Functional connectivity between this ACC region and the precuneus was negatively associated with MMI. Our findings suggest a possible structural correlate for the observed decreased cognitive control performance and socio-emotional regulation in heavy media-multitaskers. While the cross-sectional nature of our study does not allow us to specify the direction of causality, our results brought to light novel associations between individual media multitasking behaviors and ACC structure differences

    Bio-nanotechnology application in wastewater treatment

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    The nanoparticles have received high interest in the field of medicine and water purification, however, the nanomaterials produced by chemical and physical methods are considered hazardous, expensive, and leave behind harmful substances to the environment. This chapter aimed to focus on green-synthesized nanoparticles and their medical applications. Moreover, the chapter highlighted the applicability of the metallic nanoparticles (MNPs) in the inactivation of microbial cells due to their high surface and small particle size. Modifying nanomaterials produced by green-methods is safe, inexpensive, and easy. Therefore, the control and modification of nanoparticles and their properties were also discussed