66 research outputs found

    Expresión corporal y autoestima en niños y niñas de educación primaria

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    En la presente monografía se explica, sobre la importancia de la expresión corporal, y su influencia en la autoestima, de los niños y niñas de educación primaria; es importante distinguir, a la expresión corporal, no solo como parte de la educación física, sino en la relación que tiene con la autoestima, la desvalorización en una de estas variables, repercute en la otra siendo; la lectura de la autoestima, imprescindible para trabajar y mejorar ambas variables, dicha labor debe iniciarse en la infancia y particularmente en la escuela primaria, por lo tanto es importante distinguir en los niños y niñas, su expresión corporal, y como puede cambiar positiva o negativamente en la autoestima, en la construcción de su identidad personal. Planteamos como pregunta de investigación monográfica, si ¿Existe relación importante entre la expresión corporal y la autoestima en niños y niñas de educación primaria?

    Análisis comparativo de la capacidad de endeudamiento, antes y durante la COVID-19, en el sector alimentos, periodos: 2018 al 2021

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    La presente investigación se realizó con la finalidad de analizar comparativamente la capacidad de endeudamiento, antes y durante la COVID-19, en el sector alimentos, periodos: 2018 al 2021; la metodología es de enfoque cuantitativo, de tipo descriptivo comparativo y diseño no experimental, con la aplicación del análisis documental y la ficha de análisis como técnica e instrumento de recolección de datos, por medio de un muestreo de tipo no probabilístico por conveniencia. La población estuvo compuesta por 480 estados financieros trimestrales, adquiriendo como muestra 96 estados financieros trimestrales. La observación de 5 indicadores de endeudamiento y el posterior análisis estadístico de estos, mostraron resultados con una significancia de 0,117 (>0,05) en el endeudamiento del activo; 0,043 (0,05) en la concentración de pasivos a corto plazo; 0,069 (>0,05) en la concentración de endeudamiento financiero; y 0,797 (>0,05) en el índice de cobertura de intereses. Concluyendo, que Alicorp S.A.A., Laive S.A. y Leche Gloria S.A. contaban con mayor capacidad de endeudamiento en los años previos a la pandemia, pero que dichas diferencias entre periodos no son significativas

    Plataforma LMS Canvas y su contribución con la motivación para el aprendizaje de los estudiantes del curso de Proyectos Interdisciplinarios del área de Humanidades de una universidad privada de Lima durante el semestre 2020-I

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    El presente trabajo de investigación tiene como objetivo describir de qué manera contribuye el uso de la plataforma LMS Canvas a la motivación para el aprendizaje en el curso de Proyectos Interdisciplinarios del Área de Humanidades de una universidad privada de Lima durante el semestre 2020-I. La metodología empleada desarrolla el enfoque cualitativo, el alcance es descriptivo y el diseño fenomenológico, contando con una población de 120 estudiantes, que se encontraban distribuidos en 6 aulas de 30 estudiantes cada una. Pertenecientes a la facultad de Ingeniería de la misma institución educativa, siendo de muestreo no probabilístico y por conveniencia tomando como muestra a 30 estudiantes como unidades de análisis aplicando dos instrumentos para el recojo de información: una guía de observación y una entrevista semiestructurada en profundidad. Los resultados mostraron que el uso de la plataforma LMS Canvas, no contribuye a la motivación intrínseca para el aprendizaje a causa del desconocimiento sobre las especificaciones de la plataforma. Sin embargo, se pudo verificar la presencia de la motivación extrínseca de los estudiantes, cuando el docente impulsa el uso de las herramientas y actividades de la LMS. Se concluye que la plataforma LMS Canvas contribuye a la motivación extrínseca del aprendizaje de los estudiantes. Siendo necesario capacitar a los usuarios, tanto docentes y estudiantes, sobre las diferentes herramientas y actividades de la plataforma para la contribución de la motivación para el aprendizaje.This paper aimed to describe how the use of the LMS Canvas platform contributes to learning motivation in students of interdisciplinary projects’subject of Humanities area of a private university in Lima. The research’s approach is qualitative, the scope is descriptive with a phenomenological design, having a population of 120 students, who were distributed in 6 classrooms of 30 students each. All of them students of various faculties of Engineering of the same private university, being a non- probabilistic and convenient sample taken 30 students as units of analysis, as well as sampling units, applying the following gathering techniques: observation guide and deep semi structured interview. The study concluded that the use of Canvas LMS platform does not contribute by itself in the intrinsic motivation for learning. It was possible to verify in the observed simple sample, that the extrinsic motivation of the students was led by the teacher in some activities during the class. In this sense, it is confirmed the importance of training and promoting the use of the different tools of the LMS Canvas platform in the users: teachers and students. Since these are not accessing, nor using all the resources offered by the LMS Canvas to promote learning.Escuela de Postgrad

    Percepção de graduandos de enfermagem sobre a Aprendizagem Baseada em Problemas

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    Aim: to reveal the students' perception about the problem-based learning. Method: this is a qualitative study carried out with 16 nursing undergraduates from a public university in the Southern Region of Brazil. Data were collected through individual interviews and submitted to content analysis. Results: three categories were identified: Awakening, researching and exchanging experience; Facilitating interpersonal relationships and the relation between theory and practice and lack of time to develop method. The students revealed that the problem-based learning method is a positive stimulus, because it enables the profitable relationship between students and tutors, correlating practice-theory. However, one of the greatest difficulties indicated about this method is the lack of time to develop it. Conclusion: the students perceived the method as an important and effective strategy in the teaching and learning processes.Objetivo: revelar la comprensión de los graduandos sobre el método de aprendizaje basado en problemas. Método: estudio cualitativo realizado con 16 graduandos de enfermería de una universidad pública de la Región Sur de Brasil. Los datos fueron recolectados por medio de entrevistas individuales y analizados por análisis de contenido. Resultados: se identificó tres categorías: despertando, investigando e intercambiando experiencia, facilitando la relación interpersonal y la relación entre teoría-práctica y la falta de tiempo para desarrollar el método. Los estudiantes revelaron que el método de aprendizaje basado en problemas es un estímulo positivo, porque proporciona una relación productiva entre estudiantes y tutores, correlacionando la práctica y teoría, pero una de las mayores dificultades del método es la falta de tiempo para desarrollarlo. Conclusión: los estudiantes comprendieron el método como una estrategia importante y efectiva en los procesos de enseñanza y aprendizaje.Objetivo: revelar a percepção de graduandos sobre o método de Aprendizagem Baseada em Problemas. Método: estudo qualitativo realizado com 16 graduandos de enfermagem de uma universidade pública da Região Sul do Brasil. Os dados foram coletados por entrevistas individuais e submetidos à Análise de Conteúdo. Resultados: identificaram-se três categorias: despertando, pesquisando e trocando experiência; facilitando o relacionamento interpessoal e relação teoria e prática e falta de tempo para desenvolver o método. Os estudantes revelaram que o método de aprendizagem baseada em problemas é um estímulo positivo, pois facilita a relação profícua entre estudantes e tutores, correlacionando prática e teoria, porém, uma das maiores dificuldades indicada nesse método, é a falta de tempo para desenvolvê-lo. Conclusão: os estudantes perceberam o método como uma estratégia importante e efetiva nos processos de ensino e aprendizagem

    Discovery and physical characterization as the first response to a potential asteroid collision: The case of 2023 DZ2

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    Near-Earth asteroids (NEAs) that may evolve into impactors deserve detailed threat assessment studies. Early physical characterization of a would-be impactor may help in optimizing impact mitigation plans. We first detected NEA 2023~DZ2_{2} on 27--February--2023. After that, it was found to have a Minimum Orbit Intersection Distance (MOID) with Earth of 0.00005~au as well as an unusually high initial probability of becoming a near-term (in 2026) impactor. We aim to perform a rapid but consistent dynamical and physical characterization of 2023~DZ2_{2} as an example of a key response to mitigate the consequences of a potential impact. We use a multi-pronged approach, drawing from various methods (observational/computational) and techniques (spectroscopy/photometry from multiple instruments), and bringing the data together to perform a rapid and robust threat assessment.} The visible reflectance spectrum of 2023~DZ2_{2} is consistent with that of an X-type asteroid. Light curves of this object obtained on two different nights give a rotation period PP=6.2743±\pm0.0005 min with an amplitude AA=0.57±\pm0.14~mag. We confirm that although its MOID is among the smallest known, 2023~DZ2_{2} will not impact Earth in the foreseeable future as a result of secular near-resonant behaviour. Our investigation shows that coordinated observation and interpretation of disparate data provides a robust approach from discovery to threat assessment when a virtual impactor is identified. We prove that critical information can be obtained within a few days after the announcement of the potential impactor.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysics, 15 page

    Deletions in VANGL1 are a risk factor for antibody-mediated kidney disease

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    We identify an intronic deletion in VANGL1 that predisposes to renal injury in high risk populations through a kidney-intrinsic process. Half of all SLE patients develop nephritis, yet the predisposing mechanisms to kidney damage remain poorly understood. There is limited evidence of genetic contribution to specific organ involvement in SLE.(1,2) We identify a large deletion in intron 7 of Van Gogh Like 1 (VANGL1), which associates with nephritis in SLE patients. The same deletion occurs at increased frequency in an indigenous population (Tiwi Islanders) with 10-fold higher rates of kidney disease compared with non-indigenous populations. Vangl1 hemizygosity in mice results in spontaneous IgA and IgG deposition within the glomerular mesangium in the absence of autoimmune nephritis. Serum transfer into B cell-deficient Vangl1(+/-) mice results in mesangial IgG deposition indicating that Ig deposits occur in a kidney-intrinsic fashion in the absence of Vangl1. These results suggest that Vangl1 acts in the kidney to prevent Ig deposits and its deficiency may trigger nephritis in individuals with SLE

    Causal Modeling Using Network Ensemble Simulations of Genetic and Gene Expression Data Predicts Genes Involved in Rheumatoid Arthritis

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    Tumor necrosis factor α (TNF-α) is a key regulator of inflammation and rheumatoid arthritis (RA). TNF-α blocker therapies can be very effective for a substantial number of patients, but fail to work in one third of patients who show no or minimal response. It is therefore necessary to discover new molecular intervention points involved in TNF-α blocker treatment of rheumatoid arthritis patients. We describe a data analysis strategy for predicting gene expression measures that are critical for rheumatoid arthritis using a combination of comprehensive genotyping, whole blood gene expression profiles and the component clinical measures of the arthritis Disease Activity Score 28 (DAS28) score. Two separate network ensembles, each comprised of 1024 networks, were built from molecular measures from subjects before and 14 weeks after treatment with TNF-α blocker. The network ensemble built from pre-treated data captures TNF-α dependent mechanistic information, while the ensemble built from data collected under TNF-α blocker treatment captures TNF-α independent mechanisms. In silico simulations of targeted, personalized perturbations of gene expression measures from both network ensembles identify transcripts in three broad categories. Firstly, 22 transcripts are identified to have new roles in modulating the DAS28 score; secondly, there are 6 transcripts that could be alternative targets to TNF-α blocker therapies, including CD86 - a component of the signaling axis targeted by Abatacept (CTLA4-Ig), and finally, 59 transcripts that are predicted to modulate the count of tender or swollen joints but not sufficiently enough to have a significant impact on DAS28

    Apophis planetary defense campaign

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    We describe results of a planetary defense exercise conducted during the close approach to Earth by the near-Earth asteroid (99942) Apophis during 2020 December–2021 March. The planetary defense community has been conducting observational campaigns since 2017 to test the operational readiness of the global planetary defense capabilities. These community-led global exercises were carried out with the support of NASA's Planetary Defense Coordination Office and the International Asteroid Warning Network. The Apophis campaign is the third in our series of planetary defense exercises. The goal of this campaign was to recover, track, and characterize Apophis as a potential impactor to exercise the planetary defense system including observations, hypothetical risk assessment and risk prediction, and hazard communication. Based on the campaign results, we present lessons learned about our ability to observe and model a potential impactor. Data products derived from astrometric observations were available for inclusion in our risk assessment model almost immediately, allowing real-time updates to the impact probability calculation and possible impact locations. An early NEOWISE diameter measurement provided a significant improvement in the uncertainty on the range of hypothetical impact outcomes. The availability of different characterization methods such as photometry, spectroscopy, and radar provided robustness to our ability to assess the potential impact risk

    PDRs4All III: JWST's NIR spectroscopic view of the Orion Bar

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    (Abridged) We investigate the impact of radiative feedback from massive stars on their natal cloud and focus on the transition from the HII region to the atomic PDR (crossing the ionisation front (IF)), and the subsequent transition to the molecular PDR (crossing the dissociation front (DF)). We use high-resolution near-IR integral field spectroscopic data from NIRSpec on JWST to observe the Orion Bar PDR as part of the PDRs4All JWST Early Release Science Program. The NIRSpec data reveal a forest of lines including, but not limited to, HeI, HI, and CI recombination lines, ionic lines, OI and NI fluorescence lines, Aromatic Infrared Bands (AIBs including aromatic CH, aliphatic CH, and their CD counterparts), CO2 ice, pure rotational and ro-vibrational lines from H2, and ro-vibrational lines HD, CO, and CH+, most of them detected for the first time towards a PDR. Their spatial distribution resolves the H and He ionisation structure in the Huygens region, gives insight into the geometry of the Bar, and confirms the large-scale stratification of PDRs. We observe numerous smaller scale structures whose typical size decreases with distance from Ori C and IR lines from CI, if solely arising from radiative recombination and cascade, reveal very high gas temperatures consistent with the hot irradiated surface of small-scale dense clumps deep inside the PDR. The H2 lines reveal multiple, prominent filaments which exhibit different characteristics. This leaves the impression of a "terraced" transition from the predominantly atomic surface region to the CO-rich molecular zone deeper in. This study showcases the discovery space created by JWST to further our understanding of the impact radiation from young stars has on their natal molecular cloud and proto-planetary disk, which touches on star- and planet formation as well as galaxy evolution.Comment: 52 pages, 30 figures, submitted to A&