19 research outputs found

    Structural and Functional Characterization of the Interaction of Snapin with the Dopamine Transporter: Differential Modulation of Psychostimulant Actions

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    International audienceThe importance of dopamine (DA) neurotransmission is emphasized by its direct implication in several neurological and psychiatric disorders. The DA transporter (DAT), target of psychostimulant drugs, is the key protein that regulates spatial and temporal activity of DA in the synaptic cleft via the rapid reuptake of DA into the presynaptic terminal. There is strong evidence suggesting that DAT-interacting proteins may have a role in its function and regulation. Performing a two-hybrid screening, we identified snapin, a SNARE-associated protein implicated in synaptic transmission, as a new binding partner of the carboxyl terminal of DAT. Our data show that snapin is a direct partner and regulator of DAT. First, we determined the domains required for this interaction in both proteins and characterized the DAT-snapin interface by generating a 3D model. Using different approaches, we demonstrated that (i) snapin is expressed in vivo in dopaminergic neurons along with DAT; (ii) both proteins colocalize in cultured cells and brain and, (iii) DAT and snapin are present in the same protein complex. Moreover, by functional studies we showed that snapin produces a significant decrease in DAT uptake activity. Finally, snapin downregulation in mice produces an increase in DAT levels and transport activity, hence increasing DA concentration and locomotor response to amphetamine. In conclusion, snapin/DAT interaction represents a direct link between exocytotic and reuptake mechanisms and is a potential target for DA transmission modulation

    The SLC6 transporters: perspectives on structure, functions, regulation, and models for transporter dysfunction

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    The human SLC6 family is composed of approximately 20 structurally related symporters (co-transporters) that use the transmembrane electrochemical gradient to actively import their substrates into cells. Approximately half of the substrates of these transporters are amino acids, with others transporting biogenic amines and/or closely related compounds, such as nutrients and compatible osmolytes. In this short review, five leaders in the field discuss a number of currently important research themes that involve SLC6 transporters, highlighting the integrative role they play across a wide spectrum of different functions. The first essay, by Gary Rudnick, describes the molecular mechanism of their coupled transport which is being progressively better understood based on new crystal structures, functional studies, and modeling. Next, the question of multiple levels of transporter regulation is discussed by Reinhard Krämer, in the context of osmoregulation and stress response by the related bacterial betaine transporter BetP. The role of selected members of the human SLC6 family that function as nutrient amino acid transporters is then reviewed by François Verrey. He discusses how some of these transporters mediate the active uptake of (essential) amino acids into epithelial cells of the gut and the kidney tubule to support systemic amino acid requirements, whereas others are expressed in specific cells to support their specialized metabolism and/or growth. The most extensively studied members of the human SLC6 family are neurotransmitter reuptake transporters, many of which are important drug targets for the treatment of neuropsychiatric disorders. Randy Blakely discusses the role of posttranscriptional modifications of these proteins in regulating transporter subcellular localization and activity state. Finally, Dennis Murphy reviews how natural gene variants and mouse genetic models display consistent behavioral alterations that relate to altered extracellular neurotransmitter levels