47 research outputs found

    Ligand binding to a G protein–coupled receptor captured in a mass spectrometer

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    Copyright © 2017 The Authors, some rights reserved. G protein (heterotrimeric guanine nucleotide–binding protein)–coupled receptors belong to the largest family of membrane-embedded cell surface proteins and are involved in a diverse array of physiological processes. Despite progress in the mass spectrometry of membrane protein complexes, G protein–coupled receptors have remained intractable because of their low yield and instability after extraction from cell membranes. We established conditions in the mass spectrometer that preserve noncovalent ligand binding to the human purinergic receptor P2Y1. Results established differing affinities for nucleotides and the drug MRS2500 and link antagonist binding with the absence of receptor phosphorylation. Overall, therefore, our results are consistent with drug binding, preventing the conformational changes that facilitate downstream signaling. More generally, we highlight opportunities for mass spectrometry to probe effects of ligand binding on G protein–coupled receptors

    Examining the Heterogeneous Genome Content of Multipartite Viruses BMV and CCMV by Native Mass Spectrometry

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    Since the concept was first introduced by Brian Chait and co-workers in 1991, mass spectrometry of proteins and protein complexes under non-denaturing conditions (native MS) has strongly developed, through parallel advances in instrumentation, sample preparation, and data analysis tools. However, the success rate of native MS analysis, particularly in heterogeneous mega-Dalton (MDa) protein complexes, still strongly depends on careful instrument modification. Here, we further explore these boundaries in native mass spectrometry, analyzing two related endogenous multipartite viruses: the Brome Mosaic Virus (BMV) and the Cowpea Chlorotic Mottle Virus (CCMV). Both CCMV and BMV are approximately 4.6 megadalton (MDa) in mass, of which approximately 1 MDA originates from the genomic content of the virion. Both viruses are produced as mixtures of three particles carrying different segments of the genome, varying by approximately 0.1 MDA in mass (~2%). This mixture of particles poses a challenging analytical problem for high-resolution native MS analysis, given the large mass scales involved. We attempt to unravel the particle heterogeneity using both Q-TOF and Orbitrap mass spectrometers extensively modified for analysis of very large assemblies. We show that manipulation of the charging behavior can provide assistance in assigning the correct charge states. Despite their challenging size and heterogeneity, we obtained native mass spectra with resolved series of charge states for both BMV and CCMV, demonstrating that native MS of endogenous multipartite virions is feasible. [Figure: see text] ELECTRONIC SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: The online version of this article (doi:10.1007/s13361-016-1348-6) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users

    The feeding tube of cyst nematodes: characterisation of protein exclusion

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    Plant parasitic nematodes comprise several groups; the most economically damaging of these are the sedentary endoparasites. Sedentary endoparasitic nematodes are obligate biotrophs and modify host root tissue, using a suite of effector proteins, to create a feeding site that is their sole source of nutrition. They feed by withdrawing host cell assimilate from the feeding site though a structure known as the feeding tube. The function, composition and molecular characteristics of feeding tubes are poorly characterised. It is hypothesised that the feeding tube facilitates uptake of host cell assimilate by acting as a molecular sieve. Several studies, using molecular mass as the sole indicator of protein size, have given contradictory results about the exclusion limits of the cyst nematode feeding tube. In this study we propose a method to predict protein size, based on protein database coordinates in silico. We tested the validity of these predictions using travelling wave ion mobility spectrometry--mass spectrometry, where predictions and measured values were within approximately 6%. We used the predictions, coupled with mass spectrometry, analytical ultracentrifugation and protein electrophoresis, to resolve previous conflicts and define the exclusion characteristics of the cyst nematode feeding tube. Heterogeneity was tested in the liquid, solid and gas phase to provide a comprehensive evaluation of three proteins of particular interest to feeding tube size exclusion, GFP, mRFP and Dual PI. The data and procedures described here could be applied to the design of plant expressed defence compounds intended for uptake into cyst nematodes. We also highlight the need to assess protein heterogeneity when creating novel fusion proteins

    Mass spectrometry guided structural biology.

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    With the convergence of breakthroughs in structural biology, specifically breaking the resolution barriers in cryo-electron microscopy and with continuing developments in crystallography, novel interfaces with other biophysical methods are emerging. Here we consider how mass spectrometry can inform these techniques by providing unambiguous definition of subunit stoichiometry. Moreover recent developments that increase mass spectral resolution enable molecular details to be ascribed to unassigned density within high-resolution maps of membrane and soluble protein complexes. Importantly we also show how developments in mass spectrometry can define optimal solution conditions to guide downstream structure determination, particularly of challenging biomolecules that refuse to crystallise

    Negative Ions Enhance Survival of Membrane Protein Complexes

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    Membrane protein complexes are commonly introduced to the mass spectrometer solubilized in detergent micelles. The collisional activation used to remove the detergent, however, often causes protein unfolding and dissociation. As in the case for soluble proteins, electrospray in the positive ion mode is most commonly used for the study of membrane proteins. Here we show several distinct advantages of employing the negative ion mode. Negative polarity can yield lower average charge states for membrane proteins solubilized in saccharide detergents, with enhanced peak resolution and reduced adduct formation. Most importantly, we demonstrate that negative ion mode electrospray ionization (ESI) minimizes subunit dissociation in the gas phase, allowing access to biologically relevant oligomeric states. Together, these properties mean that intact membrane protein ions can be generated in a greater range of solubilizing detergents. The formation of negative ions, therefore, greatly expands the possibilities of using mass spectrometry on this intractable class of protein

    Negative Ions Enhance Survival of Membrane Protein Complexes

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    Membrane protein complexes are commonly introduced to the mass spectrometer solubilized in detergent micelles. The collisional activation used to remove the detergent, however, often causes protein unfolding and dissociation. As in the case for soluble proteins, electrospray in the positive ion mode is most commonly used for the study of membrane proteins. Here we show several distinct advantages of employing the negative ion mode. Negative polarity can yield lower average charge states for membrane proteins solubilized in saccharide detergents, with enhanced peak resolution and reduced adduct formation. Most importantly, we demonstrate that negative ion mode electrospray ionization (ESI) minimizes subunit dissociation in the gas phase, allowing access to biologically relevant oligomeric states. Together, these properties mean that intact membrane protein ions can be generated in a greater range of solubilizing detergents. The formation of negative ions, therefore, greatly expands the possibilities of using mass spectrometry on this intractable class of protein

    A combined computational and structural model of the full-length human prolactin receptor

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    The prolactin receptor is an archetype member of the class I cytokine receptor family, comprising receptors with fundamental functions in biology as well as key drug targets. Structurally, each of these receptors represent an intriguing diversity, providing an exceptionally challenging target for structural biology. Here, we access the molecular architecture of the monomeric human prolactin receptor by combining experimental and computational efforts. We solve the NMR structure of its transmembrane domain in micelles and collect structural data on overlapping fragments of the receptor with small-angle X-ray scattering, native mass spectrometry and NMR spectroscopy. Along with previously published data, these are integrated by molecular modelling to generate a full receptor structure. The result provides the first full view of a class I cytokine receptor, exemplifying the architecture of more than 40 different receptor chains, and reveals that the extracellular domain is merely the tip of a molecular iceberg

    Bifurcated binding of the OmpF receptor underpins import of the bacteriocin colicin N into Escherichia coli

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    Colicins are Escherichia coli–specific bacteriocins that translocate across the outer bacterial membrane by a poorly understood mechanism. Group A colicins typically parasitize the proton-motive force–linked Tol system in the inner membrane via porins after first binding an outer membrane protein receptor. Recent studies have suggested that the pore-forming group A colicin N (ColN) instead uses lipopolysaccharide as a receptor. Contrary to this prevailing view, using diffusion-precipitation assays, native state MS, isothermal titration calorimetry, single-channel conductance measurements in planar lipid bilayers, and in vivo fluorescence imaging, we demonstrate here that ColN uses OmpF both as its receptor and translocator. This dual function is achieved by ColN having multiple distinct OmpF-binding sites, one located within its central globular domain and another within its disordered N terminus. We observed that the ColN globular domain associates with the extracellular surface of OmpF and that lipopolysaccharide (LPS) enhances this binding. Approximately 90 amino acids of ColN then translocate through the porin, enabling the ColN N terminus to localize within the lumen of an OmpF subunit from the periplasmic side of the membrane, a binding mode reminiscent of that observed for the nuclease colicin E9. We conclude that bifurcated engagement of porins is intrinsic to the import mechanism of group A colicins