190 research outputs found

    Age-related delay in information accrual for faces: Evidence from a parametric, single-trial EEG approach

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    Background: In this study, we quantified age-related changes in the time-course of face processing by means of an innovative single-trial ERP approach. Unlike analyses used in previous studies, our approach does not rely on peak measurements and can provide a more sensitive measure of processing delays. Young and old adults (mean ages 22 and 70 years) performed a non-speeded discrimination task between two faces. The phase spectrum of these faces was manipulated parametrically to create pictures that ranged between pure noise (0% phase information) and the undistorted signal (100% phase information), with five intermediate steps. Results: Behavioural 75% correct thresholds were on average lower, and maximum accuracy was higher, in younger than older observers. ERPs from each subject were entered into a single-trial general linear regression model to identify variations in neural activity statistically associated with changes in image structure. The earliest age-related ERP differences occurred in the time window of the N170. Older observers had a significantly stronger N170 in response to noise, but this age difference decreased with increasing phase information. Overall, manipulating image phase information had a greater effect on ERPs from younger observers, which was quantified using a hierarchical modelling approach. Importantly, visual activity was modulated by the same stimulus parameters in younger and older subjects. The fit of the model, indexed by R2, was computed at multiple post-stimulus time points. The time-course of the R2 function showed a significantly slower processing in older observers starting around 120 ms after stimulus onset. This age-related delay increased over time to reach a maximum around 190 ms, at which latency younger observers had around 50 ms time lead over older observers. Conclusion: Using a component-free ERP analysis that provides a precise timing of the visual system sensitivity to image structure, the current study demonstrates that older observers accumulate face information more slowly than younger subjects. Additionally, the N170 appears to be less face-sensitive in older observers

    Effectiveness of cidofovir intralesional treatment in recurrent respiratory papillomatosis

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    To present the results of recurrent respiratory papillomatosis (RRP) treatment with surgical excision and adjuvant anti-viral cidofovir intralesional use and to examine the correlation between the cidofovir effectiveness and the patient previous history of multiple larynx procedures, age, extension of lesion and dose. 32 patients with laryngeal papillomas were treated with cidofovir in our Department between I.2009 and I.2011. The number of previous RRP debulking procedures ranged from 1 to 100. The intensity of papillomatosis differed from one anatomic site and moderate growth to four or five localizations with heavy extension. The number of injections per patient varied from 1 to 7, and the total volume of 5 mg/ml solution varied from 2 to 33 ml. The injections were combined with laser debulking of the lesions. In disperse papillomata, the injections were administered in particular anatomical sites in 4–6 weeks intervals, in massive lesions injections were repeated in the same anatomical site in 2–4 weeks. Complete remission was observed in 18 out of 32 patients. 13 patients showed remission in a place of cidofovir injection. One patient did not react to the drug. In four patients, new changes in injection places appeared. In two patients, hepatic toxic side effects were observed. Intralesional cidofovir injection has been shown to be an effective and safe therapy for laryngeal papillomatosis and should be considered in those patients who experienced disease relapse

    Seasonal variation of water uptake of a Quercus suber tree in Central Portugal

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    Hydraulic redistribution (HR) is the phenomenon where plant roots transfer water between soil horizons of different water potential. When dry soil is a stronger sink for water loss from the plant than transpiration, water absorbed by roots in wetter soil horizons is transferred toward, and exuded into dry soil via flow reversals through the roots. Reverse flow is a good marker of HR and can serve as a useful tool to study it over the long-term. Seasonal variation of water uptake of a Quercus suber tree was studied from late winter through autumn 2003 at Rio Frio near Lisbon, Portugal. Sap flow was measured in five small shallow roots (diameter of 3–4 cm), 1 to 2 m from the tree trunk and in four azimuths and at different xylem depths at the trunk base, using the heat field deformation method (HFD). The pattern of sap flow differed among lateral roots as soil dried with constant positive flow in three roots and reverse flow in two other roots during the night when transpiration ceased. Rain modified the pattern of flow in these two roots by eliminating reverse flow and substantially increasing water uptake for transpiration during the day. The increase in water uptake in three other roots following rain was not so substantial. In addition, the flux in individual roots was correlated to different degrees with the flux at different radial depths and azimuthal directions in trunk xylem. The flow in outer trunk xylem seemed to be mostly consistent with water movement from surface soil horizons, whereas deep roots seemed to supply water to the whole cross-section of sapwood. When water flow substantially decreased in shallow lateral roots and the outer stem xylem during drought, water flow in the inner sapwood was maintained, presumably due to its direct connection to deep roots. Results also suggest the importance of the sap flow sensor placement, in relation to sinker roots, as to whether lateral roots might be found to exhibit reverse flow during drought. This study is consistent with the dimorphic rooting habit of Quercus suber trees in which deep roots access groundwater to supply superficial roots and the whole tree, when shallow soil layers were dry

    Tempo and Mode in Evolution of Transcriptional Regulation

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    Perennial questions of evolutionary biology can be applied to gene regulatory systems using the abundance of experimental data addressing gene regulation in a comparative context. What is the tempo (frequency, rate) and mode (way, mechanism) of transcriptional regulatory evolution? Here we synthesize the results of 230 experiments performed on insects and nematodes in which regulatory DNA from one species was used to drive gene expression in another species. General principles of regulatory evolution emerge. Gene regulatory evolution is widespread and accumulates with genetic divergence in both insects and nematodes. Divergence in cis is more common than divergence in trans. Coevolution between cis and trans shows a particular increase over greater evolutionary timespans, especially in sex-specific gene regulation. Despite these generalities, the evolution of gene regulation is gene- and taxon-specific. The congruence of these conclusions with evidence from other types of experiments suggests that general principles are discoverable, and a unified view of the tempo and mode of regulatory evolution may be achievable

    A genetic cause of Alzheimer disease: mechanistic insights from Down syndrome

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    Down syndrome, caused by an extra copy of chromosome 21, is associated with a greatly increased risk of early onset Alzheimer disease. It is thought that this risk is conferred by the presence of three copies of the gene encoding amyloid precursor protein (APP), an Alzheimer risk factor, although the possession of extra copies of other chromosome 21 genes may also play a role. Further study of the mechanisms underlying the development of Alzheimer disease in Down syndrome could provide insights into the mechanisms that cause dementia in the general population

    Antenatal treatment in two Dutch families with pyridoxine-dependent seizures

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    Contains fulltext : 88199.pdf (publisher's version ) (Closed access)Incidental reports suggest that antenatal treatment of pyridoxine dependent seizures (PDS) may improve neurodevelopmental outcome of affected patients. Two families with PDS are reported, both with two affected siblings. Antenatal treatment with pyridoxine was instituted during the second pregnancy in each family (50 and 60 mg daily from 3 and 10 weeks of gestation, respectively). Perinatal characteristics and neurodevelopmental outcome at 4 (Family A) and 12 (Family B) years of age were compared between the untreated and treated child within each family. Meconium-stained amniotic fluid was present in both first pregnancies and abnormal foetal movements were noticed in one. In the treated infants, pregnancy and birth were uncomplicated. In family A, postnatal pyridoxine supplementation prevented neonatal seizures. Both children in family A were hypotonic and started walking after 2 years of age; both had white matter changes on MRI, and the first child was treated for squint. IQ was 73 and 98 in the antenatally untreated and treated child, respectively. The second child in family B developed seizures on the seventh day, because pyridoxine maintenance therapy had not been instituted after birth. Seizures responded rapidly to pyridoxine supplementation. MRI showed large ventricles and a mega cisterna magna. IQ was 80 and 106 in the antenatally untreated and treated child respectively. Both children had normal motor development. These results suggest that antenatal pyridoxine supplementation may be effective in preventing intrauterine seizures, decreasing the risk of complicated birth and improving neurodevelopmental outcome in PDS.1 maart 201

    Company-level family policies: Who has access to it and what are some of its outcomes

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    Despite the increase in number of studies that examine the cross-national variation in the policy configuration that allow a better work-family integration, very few look beyond the national levels. It is also crucial to examine occupational level welfare since companies may restrict or expand the existing national level regulations, defining the “final availability” workers actual have towards various arrangements. In addition, companies may provide various additional arrangements through occupational policies which are not set out in the national level agreements that are crucial in addressing reconciliation needs of workers. This chapter examines what types of arrangements are provided at the company level to address work-family demands of workers. It further provides a synthesis of studies that examine both national level contexts and individual level characteristics that explain who gets access to company level family-friendly policies, which is linked to the possible outcomes of these policies