62 research outputs found

    Resolution in Solving Graph Problems

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    International audienceResolution is a proof-search method for proving unsatisfia-bility problems. Various refinements have been proposed to improve the efficiency of this method. However, when we try to prove some graph properties, it seems that none of the refinements have an efficiency comparable with traditional graph traversal algorithms. In this paper we propose a way of encoding some graph problems as resolution. We define a selection function and a new subsumption rule to avoid redundancies while solving such problems

    Towards Erlang Verification by Term Rewriting

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    The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-14125-1_7This paper presents a transformational approach to the verification of Erlang programs. We define a stepwise transformation from (first-order) Erlang programs to (non-deterministic) term rewrite systems that compute an overapproximation of the original Erlang program. In this way, existing techniques for term rewriting become available. Furthermore, one can use narrowing as a symbolic execution extension of rewriting in order to design a verification technique. We illustrate our approach with some examples, including a deadlock analysis of a simple Erlang program.Vidal Oriola, GF. (2013). Towards Erlang Verification by Term Rewriting. En Logic-Based Program Synthesis and Transformation. Springer. 109-126. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-14125-1_7S109126Albert, E., Arenas, P., Gómez-Zamalloa, M.: Symbolic Execution of Concurrent Objects in CLP. In: Russo, C., Zhou, N.-F. (eds.) PADL 2012. LNCS, vol. 7149, pp. 123–137. Springer, Heidelberg (2012)Albert, E., Vidal, G.: The narrowing-driven approach to functional logic program specialization. New Generation Computing 20(1), 3–26 (2002)Joe, A., Robert, V., Williams, M.: Concurrent programming in ERLANG. Prentice Hall (1993)Arts, T., Earle, C.B., Derrick, J.: Development of a verified Erlang program for resource locking. STTT 5(2–3), 205–220 (2004)Baader, F., Nipkow, T.: Term Rewriting and All That. Cambridge University Press (1998)Caballero, R., Martin-Martin, E., Riesco, A., Tamarit, S.: A Declarative Debugger for Sequential Erlang Programs. In: Veanes, M., Viganò, L. (eds.) TAP 2013. LNCS, vol. 7942, pp. 96–114. Springer, Heidelberg (2013)Claessen, K., Svensson, H.: A semantics for distributed Erlang. In: Sagonas, K.F., Armstrong, J. (eds.). In: Proc. of the 2005 ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Erlang, pp. 78–87. ACM (2005)Earle, C.B.: Symbolic program execution using the Erlang verification tool. In: Alpuente, M. (eds.) Proc. of the 9th International Workshop on Functional and Logic Programming (WFLP 2000), pp. 42–55 (2000)Felleisen, M., Friedman, D.P., Kohlbecker, E.E., Duba, B.F.: A syntactic theory of sequential control. Theor. Comput. Sci. 52, 205–237 (1987)Fredlund, L.-A., Svensson, H.: McErlang: a model checker for a distributed functional programming language. In: Hinze, R., Ramsey, N. (eds). In: Proc. of ICFP 2007, pp. 125–136. ACM (2007)Giesl, J., Arts, T.: Verification of Erlang Processes by Dependency Pairs. Appl. Algebra Eng. Commun. Comput. 12(1/2), 39–72 (2001)Hanus, M. (ed.): Curry: An integrated functional logic language (vers. 0.8.3) (2012), http://www.curry-language.orgHuch, F.: Verification of Erlang Programs using Abstract Interpretation and Model Checking. In: Rémi, D., Lee, P. (eds.) Proc. of ICFP 1999, pp. 261–272. ACM (1999)J.-M., H.: Canonical forms and unification. In: Bibel, W., Kowalski, R. (eds.) 5th Conference on Automated Deduction Les Arcs. LNCS, pp. 318–334. Springer, Heidelberg (1980)Leucker, M., Noll, T.: Rewriting Logic as a Framework for Generic Verification Tools. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 36, 121–137 (2000)Meseguer, J.: Conditioned Rewriting Logic as a United Model of Concurrency. Theor. Comput. Sci. 96(1), 73–155 (1992)Neuhäußer, M.R., Noll, T.: Abstraction and Model Checking of Core Erlang Programs in Maude. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 176(4), 147–163 (2007)Nishida, N., Vidal, G.: A finite representation of the narrowing space. In: Proc. of the 23th International Symposium on Logic-Based Program Synthesis and Transformation (LOPSTR 2013). Technical Report TR-11-13, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, pp. 113–128 (To appear in Springer LNCS, 2013). http://users.dsic.upv.es/~gvidal/Noll, T.: A Rewriting Logic Implementation of Erlang. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 44(2), 206–224 (2001)Noll, T.: Equational Abstractions for Model Checking Erlang Programs. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 118, 145–162 (2005)Noll, T.G., Fredlund, L., Gurov, D.: The Erlang Verification Tool. In: Margaria, T., Yi, W. (eds.) TACAS 2001. LNCS, vol. 2031, pp. 582–586. Springer, Heidelberg (2001)Roy, C.K.: Thomas Noll, Banani Roy, and James R. Cordy. Towards automatic verification of Erlang programs by pi-calculus translation. In: Feeley,M., Trinder, P.W. (eds.) Proc. of the 2006 ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Erlang, pp. 38–50. ACM (2006)Slagle, J.R.: Automated theorem-proving for theories with simplifiers, commutativity and associativity. Journal of the ACM 21(4), 622–642 (1974)Svensson, H., Fredlund, L.-A.: A more accurate semantics for distributed Erlang. In: Thompson, S.J., Fredlund. L.-A., (eds.) Proceedings of the 2007 ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Erlang, pp. 43–54. ACM (2007)Vidal, G.: Closed symbolic execution for verifying program termination. In: Proc. of the 12th IEEE International Working Conference on Source Code Analysis and Manipulation (SCAM 2012), pp. 34–43. IEEE (2012)Visser, W., Havelund, K., Brat, G.P., Park, S., Lerda, F.: Model checking programs. Autom. Softw. Eng. 10(2), 203–232 (2003

    Pennsylvania Folklife Vol. 29, No. 3

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    • Shuler Family Correspondence • Vestiges of the Markley Family • 30 Years of the Kutztown Folk Festival: A Photo Essay • The Rural Village • Father of the Fraternity: Christopher Schlegel and Rosicrucianism • A Lexical Comparison of Two Sister Languages: Pennsylvania German and Yiddish • Aldes un Neieshttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/pafolklifemag/1087/thumbnail.jp

    From Boolean Equalities to Constraints

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    Although functional as well as logic languages use equality to discriminate between logically different cases, the operational meaning of equality is different in such languages. Functional languages reduce equational expressions to their Boolean values, True or False, logic languages use unification to check the validity only and fail otherwise. Consequently, the language Curry, which amalgamates functional and logic programming features, offers two kinds of equational expressions so that the programmer has to distinguish between these uses. We show that this distinction can be avoided by providing an analysis and transformation method that automatically selects the appropriate operation. Without this distinction in source programs, the language design can be simplified and the execution of programs can be optimized. As a consequence, we show that one kind of equational expressions is sufficient and unification is nothing else than an optimization of Boolean equality

    A Finite Representation of the Narrowing Space

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    The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-14125-1_4Narrowing basically extends rewriting by allowing free variables in terms and by replacing matching with unification. As a consequence, the search space of narrowing becomes usually infinite, as in logic programming. In this paper, we introduce the use of some operators that allow one to always produce a finite data structure that still represents all the narrowing derivations. Furthermore, we extract from this data structure a novel, compact equational representation of the (possibly infinite) answers computed by narrowing for a given initial term. Both the finite data structure and the equational representation of the computed answers might be useful in a number of areas, like program comprehension, static analysis, program transformation, etc.Nishida, N.; Vidal, G. (2013). A Finite Representation of the Narrowing Space. En Logic-Based Program Synthesis and Transformation. Springer. 54-71. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-14125-1_4S5471Albert, E., Vidal, G.: The Narrowing-Driven Approach to Functional Logic Program Specialization. New Generation Computing 20(1), 3–26 (2002)Alpuente, M., Falaschi, M., Vidal, G.: Partial Evaluation of Functional Logic Programs. ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems 20(4), 768–844 (1998)Alpuente, M., Falaschi, M., Vidal, G.: Compositional Analysis for Equational Horn Programs. In: Rodríguez-Artalejo, M., Levi, G. (eds.) ALP 1994. LNCS, vol. 850, pp. 77–94. Springer, Heidelberg (1994)Antoy, S., Ariola, Z.: Narrowing the Narrowing Space. In: Hartel, P.H., Kuchen, H. (eds.) PLILP 1997. LNCS, vol. 1292, pp. 1–15. Springer, Heidelberg (1997)Arts, T., Giesl, J.: Termination of term rewriting using dependency pairs. Theoretical Computer Science 236(1–2), 133–178 (2000)Arts, T., Zantema, H.: Termination of Logic Programs Using Semantic Unification. In: Proietti, M. (ed.) LOPSTR 1995. LNCS, vol. 1048, pp. 219–233. Springer, Heidelberg (1996)Baader, F., Nipkow, T.: Term Rewriting and All That. Cambridge University Press (1998)Bae, K., Escobar, S., Meseguer, J.: Abstract Logical Model Checking of Infinite-State Systems Using Narrowing. In: Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Rewriting Techniques and Applications. LIPIcs, vol. 21, pp. 81–96. Schloss Dagstuhl - Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik (2013)De Schreye, D., Glück, R., Jørgensen, J., Leuschel, M., Martens, B., Sørensen, M.: Conjunctive partial deduction: foundations, control, algorihtms, and experiments. Journal of Logic Programming 41(2&3), 231–277 (1999)Escobar, S., Meadows, C., Meseguer, J.: A rewriting-based inference system for the NRL Protocol Analyzer and its meta-logical properties. Theoretical Computer Science 367(1–2), 162–202 (2006)Escobar, S., Meseguer, J.: Symbolic Model Checking of Infinite-State Systems Using Narrowing. In: Baader, F. (ed.) RTA 2007. LNCS, vol. 4533, pp. 153–168. 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Springer, Heidelberg (1989)Meseguer, J., Thati, P.: Symbolic Reachability Analysis Using Narrowing and its Application to Verification of Cryptographic Protocols. Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 117, 153–182 (2005)Middeldorp, A., Okui, S.: A Deterministic Lazy Narrowing Calculus. Journal of Symbolic Computation 25(6), 733–757 (1998)Nishida, N., Sakai, M., Sakabe, T.: Generation of Inverse Computation Programs of Constructor Term Rewriting Systems. IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems J88–D–I(8), 1171–1183 (2005) (in Japanese)Nishida, N., Sakai, M., Sakabe, T.: Partial Inversion of Constructor Term Rewriting Systems. In: Giesl, J. (ed.) RTA 2005. LNCS, vol. 3467, pp. 264–278. Springer, Heidelberg (2005)Nishida, N., Vidal, G.: Program inversion for tail recursive functions. In: Schmidt-Schauß, M. (ed.) Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Rewriting Techniques and Applications. LIPIcs, vol. 10, pp. 283–298. Schloss Dagstuhl - Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik (2011)Nishida, N., Vidal, G.: Computing More Specific Versions of Conditional Rewriting Systems. In: Albert, E. (ed.) LOPSTR 2012. LNCS, vol. 7844, pp. 137–154. Springer, Heidelberg (2013)Nutt, W., Réty, P., Smolka, G.: Basic Narrowing Revisited. Journal of Symbolic Computation 7(3/4), 295–317 (1989)Ohlebusch, E.: Advanced Topics in Term Rewriting. Springer, London, UK (2002)Palamidessi, C.: Algebraic Properties of Idempotent Substitutions. In: Paterson, M. (ed.) ICALP 1990. LNCS, vol. 443, pp. 386–399. Springer, Heidelberg (1990)Ramos, J.G., Silva, J., Vidal, G.: Fast Narrowing-Driven Partial Evaluation for Inductively Sequential Systems. In: Danvy, O., Pierce, B.C. (eds.) Proceedings of the 10th ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Functional Programming, pp. 228–239. ACM Press (2005)Slagle, J.R.: Automated theorem-proving for theories with simplifiers, commutativity and associativity. Journal of the ACM 21(4), 622–642 (1974

    The abrupt onset of the modern South Asian Monsoon winds

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    The South Asian Monson (SAM) is one of the most intense climatic elements yet its initiation and variations are not well established. Dating the deposits of SAM wind-driven currents in IODP cores from the Maldives yields an age of 12. 9 Ma indicating an abrupt SAM onset, over a short period of 300 kyrs. This coincided with the Indian Ocean Oxygen Minimum Zone expansion as revealed by geochemical tracers and the onset of upwelling reflected by the sediment's content of particulate organic matter. A weaker 'proto-monsoon' existed between 12.9 and 25 Ma, as mirrored by the sedimentary signature of dust influx. Abrupt SAM initiation favors a strong influence of climate in addition to the tectonic control, and we propose that the post Miocene Climate Optimum cooling, together with increased continentalization and establishment of the bipolar ocean circulation, i.e. the beginning of the modern world, shifted the monsoon over a threshold towards the modern system

    A two million year record of low-latitude aridity linked to continental weathering from the Maldives

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    Indian-Asian monsoon has oscillated between warm/wet interglacial periods and cool/dry glacial periods with periodicities closely linked to variations in Earth’s orbital parameters. However, processes that control wet versus dry, i.e. aridity cyclical periods on the orbital time-scale in the low latitudes of the Indian-Asian continent remain poorly understood because records over millions of years are scarce. The sedimentary record from International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) Expedition 359 provides a well-preserved, high-resolution, continuous archive of lithogenic input from the Maldives reflecting on low-latitude aridity cycles. Variability within the lithogenic component of sedimentary deposits of the Maldives results from changes in monsoon-controlled sedimentary sources. Here, we present X-ray fluorescence (XRF) core-scanning results from IODP Site U1467 for the past two million years, allowing full investigation of orbital periodicities. We specifically use the Fe/K as a terrestrial climate proxy reflecting on wet versus dry conditions in the source areas of the Indian-Asian landmass, or from further afield. The Fe/K record shows orbitally forced cycles reflecting on changes in the relative importance of aeolian (stronger winter monsoon) during glacial periods versus fluvial supply (stronger summer monsoon) during interglacial periods. For our chronology, we tuned the Fe/K cycles to precessional insolation changes, linking Fe/K maxima/minima to insolation minima/maxima with zero phase lag. Wavelet and spectral analyses of the Fe/K record show increased dominance of the 100 kyr cycles after the Mid Pleistocene Transition (MPT) at 1.25 Ma in tandem with the global ice volume benthic δ 18 O data (LR04 record). In contrast to the LR04 record, the Fe/K profile resolves 100-kyr-like cycles around the 130 kyr frequency band in the interval from 1.25 to 2 million years. These 100-kyr-like cycles likely form by bundling of two or three obliquity cycles, indicating that low-latitude Indian-Asian climate variability reflects on increased tilt sensitivity to regional eccentricity insolation changes (pacing tilt cycles) prior to the MPT. The implication of appearance of the 100 kyr cycles in the LR04 and the Fe/K records since the MPT suggests strengthening of a climate link between the low and high latitudes during this period of climate transition. The Correction to this article has been published in Progress in Earth and Planetary Science 2019 6:21 - https://doi.org/10.1186/s40645-019-0259-

    DYX1C1 is required for axonemal dynein assembly and ciliary motility

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    DYX1C1 has been associated with dyslexia and neuronal migration in the developing neocortex. Unexpectedly, we found that deleting exons 2–4 of Dyx1c1 in mice caused a phenotype resembling primary ciliary dyskinesia (PCD), a disorder characterized by chronic airway disease, laterality defects and male infertility. This phenotype was confirmed independently in mice with a Dyx1c1 c.T2A start-codon mutation recovered from an N-ethyl-N-nitrosourea (ENU) mutagenesis screen. Morpholinos targeting dyx1c1 in zebrafish also caused laterality and ciliary motility defects. In humans, we identified recessive loss-of-function DYX1C1 mutations in 12 individuals with PCD. Ultrastructural and immunofluorescence analyses of DYX1C1-mutant motile cilia in mice and humans showed disruptions of outer and inner dynein arms (ODAs and IDAs, respectively). DYX1C1 localizes to the cytoplasm of respiratory epithelial cells, its interactome is enriched for molecular chaperones, and it interacts with the cytoplasmic ODA and IDA assembly factor DNAAF2 (KTU). Thus, we propose that DYX1C1 is a newly identified dynein axonemal assembly factor (DNAAF4)
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