518 research outputs found

    A multiplet table for Mn I (Adelman, Svatek, Van Winkler, Warren 1989): Documentation for the machine-readable version

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    The machine-readable version of the multiplet table, as it is currently being distributed from the Astronomical Data Center, is described. The computerized version of the table contains data on excitation potentials, J values, multiplet terms, intensities of the transitions, and multiplet numbers. Files ordered by multiplet and by wavelength are included in the distributed version

    Perguntas retóricas na entrevista política: um estudo de caso

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    The aim of this study is show how rethoric questions are asked by speakers. This research has as investigation corpus two interviews granted by politicians Luís Henrique and Salvador Zimbaldi to journalist Heródoto Barbeiro. The used method is the inductive, because, in this work, the starting-point is to analyse rethoric questions in selected corpus, in order to describe the contexts in which theses questions are asked. Based on the Interactive Sociolinguistics and Textual Linguistics presuppositions, this research is developed by the Speech Analysis (guided by ethnomethodology) technics. This article contains the following observations: 1) when interviewees ask a rethoric question, they intend to adapt themselves to interactive moment established by interviewer; 2) when interviewer ask this kind of question, he purposes to make some accusation for interviewees, with a view to control the interaction. We have concluded rethoric questions are based on pragmatic connection between a seeming question and an answer. Through this link, it happens a structural recomposition of adjacent pair, term used by Schegloff and Sacks (1973).A finalidade deste estudo é mostrar de que maneira as perguntas retóricas são formuladas pelos falantes. Utilizam-se como corpus duas entrevistas concedidas pelos políticos Luís Henrique e Salvador Zimbaldi ao jornalista Heródoto Barbeiro. O método empregado é o indutivo, porque, neste trabalho, adota-se como ponto de partida a análise das perguntas retóricas presentes no corpus, com o propósito de descrever os contextos nos quais essas perguntas são formuladas. A fundamentação teórica provém de postulados concernentes à Sociolingüística Interacional e à Lingüística Textual. Metodologicamente, a pesquisa deixa-se conduzir pela Análise da Conversação de caráter etnográfico. Este artigo contém as seguintes observações: 1) quando os entrevistados elaboram uma pergunta retórica, pretendem adaptar-se ao momento interativo estabelecido pelo entrevistador; 2) quando o entrevistador formula esse tipo de pergunta, objetiva dirigir alguma acusação aos entrevistados, a fim de manter o controle da interação. Pode-se concluir que as perguntas retóricas se baseiam no enlace pragmático entre uma aparente pergunta e uma resposta, união por meio da qual se institui uma recomposição estrutural do par adjacente, termo utilizado por Schegloff & Sacks (1973). Abstract: The aim of this study is show how rethoric questions are asked by speakers. This research has as investigation corpus two interviews granted by politicians Luís Henrique and Salvador Zimbaldi to journalist Heródoto Barbeiro. The used method is the inductive, because, in this work, the starting-point is to analyse rethoric questions in selected corpus, in order to describe the contexts in which theses questions are asked. Based on the Interactive Sociolinguistics and Textual Linguistics presuppositions, this research is developed by the Speech Analysis (guided by ethnomethodology) technics. This article contains the following observations: 1) when interviewees ask a rethoric question, they intend to adapt themselves to interactive moment established by interviewer; 2) when interviewer ask this kind of question, he purposes to make some accusation for interviewees, with a view to control the interaction. We have concluded rethoric questions are based on pragmatic connection between a seeming question and an answer. Through this link, it happens a structural recomposition of adjacent pair, term used by Schegloff and Sacks (1973). Keywords: Rethoric questions. Interview. Interaction


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    BMQ: Boston Medical Quarterly was published from 1950-1966 by the Boston University School of Medicine and the Massachusetts Memorial Hospitals. Pages 49-52, v17n2, provided courtesy of Howard Gotlieb Archival Research Center

    Further Developments on a Vibration-Free Helium-Hydrogen Sorption Cooler

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    In our continuous effort on the development of a passively precooled two-stage 4.5 K / 14.5 K helium-hydrogen sorption cooler, a number of important development steps were made. Firstly, an improved high-density activated carbon was used for the fabrication of four new sorption cells. Tests with these new cells showed that because of increased efficiency, the required passive radiator area for this cooler reduced by a factor of 1.3. Secondly, it was shown that this cooler architecture can easily be used to reach lower (or higher) temperatures. Without hardware changes, the cold temperature was reduced from 4.5 K to 3.1 K. Thirdly, long-term experiments were carried out on the cooler. In two separate periods of two and four months of continuous operation, no change at all was observed in the cooler performance. Fourthly, clogging effects were analyzed that occurred after a 15 months storage period of the cooler at 300 K. We concluded that hydrogen diffusion out of the stainless steel components should be prevented. Finally, a design of an integrated compact cooler chain was presented, which consists of a 50 K Stirling cooler and the helium-hydrogen sorption cooler. This package may be used in the future to test the sorption cooler technology in a zero-gravity environment

    Comparing initial-data sets for binary black holes

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    We compare the results of constructing binary black hole initial data with three different decompositions of the constraint equations of general relativity. For each decomposition we compute the initial data using a superposition of two Kerr-Schild black holes to fix the freely specifiable data. We find that these initial-data sets differ significantly, with the ADM energy varying by as much as 5% of the total mass. We find that all initial-data sets currently used for evolutions might contain unphysical gravitational radiation of the order of several percent of the total mass. This is comparable to the amount of gravitational-wave energy observed during the evolved collision. More astrophysically realistic initial data will require more careful choices of the freely specifiable data and boundary conditions for both the metric and extrinsic curvature. However, we find that the choice of extrinsic curvature affects the resulting data sets more strongly than the choice of conformal metric.Comment: 18 pages, 12 figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    HIPK2 and extrachromosomal histone H2B are separately recruited by Aurora-B for cytokinesis

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    Cytokinesis, the final phase of cell division, is necessary to form two distinct daughter cells with correct distribution of genomic and cytoplasmic materials. Its failure provokes genetically unstable states, such as tetraploidization and polyploidization, which can contribute to tumorigenesis. Aurora-B kinase controls multiple cytokinetic events, from chromosome condensation to abscission when the midbody is severed. We have previously shown that HIPK2, a kinase involved in DNA damage response and development, localizes at the midbody and contributes to abscission by phosphorylating extrachromosomal histone H2B at Ser14. Of relevance, HIPK2-defective cells do not phosphorylate H2B and do not successfully complete cytokinesis leading to accumulation of binucleated cells, chromosomal instability, and increased tumorigenicity. However, how HIPK2 and H2B are recruited to the midbody during cytokinesis is still unknown. Here, we show that regardless of their direct (H2B) and indirect (HIPK2) binding of chromosomal DNA, both H2B and HIPK2 localize at the midbody independently of nucleic acids. Instead, by using mitotic kinase-specific inhibitors in a spatio-temporal regulated manner, we found that Aurora-B kinase activity is required to recruit both HIPK2 and H2B to the midbody. Molecular characterization showed that Aurora-B directly binds and phosphorylates H2B at Ser32 while indirectly recruits HIPK2 through the central spindle components MgcRacGAP and PRC1. Thus, among different cytokinetic functions, Aurora-B separately recruits HIPK2 and H2B to the midbody and these activities contribute to faithful cytokinesis

    Extending the lifetime of 3D black hole computations with a new hyperbolic system of evolution equations

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    We present a new many-parameter family of hyperbolic representations of Einstein's equations, which we obtain by a straightforward generalization of previously known systems. We solve the resulting evolution equations numerically for a Schwarzschild black hole in three spatial dimensions, and find that the stability of the simulation is strongly dependent on the form of the equations (i.e. the choice of parameters of the hyperbolic system), independent of the numerics. For an appropriate range of parameters we can evolve a single 3D black hole to t600Mt \simeq 600 M -- 1300M1300 M, and are apparently limited by constraint-violating solutions of the evolution equations. We expect that our method should result in comparable times for evolutions of a binary black hole system.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figures, submitted to PR

    Correlating Remote Sensing Data with the Abundance of Pupae of the Dengue Virus Mosquito Vector, Aedes aegypti, in Central Mexico

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    Using a geographic transect in Central Mexico, with an elevation/climate gradient, but uniformity in socio-economic conditions among study sites, this study evaluates the applicability of three widely-used remote sensing (RS) products to link weather conditions with the local abundance of the dengue virus mosquito vector, Aedes aegypti (Ae. aegypti). Field-derived entomological measures included estimates for the percentage of premises with the presence of Ae. aegypti pupae and the abundance of Ae. aegypti pupae per premises. Data on mosquito abundance from field surveys were matched with RS data and analyzed for correlation. Daily daytime and nighttime land surface temperature (LST) values were obtained from Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS)/Aqua cloud-free images within the four weeks preceding the field survey. Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM)-estimated rainfall accumulation was calculated for the four weeks preceding the field survey. Elevation was estimated through a digital elevation model (DEM). Strong correlations were found between mosquito abundance and RS-derived night LST, elevation and rainfall along the elevation/climate gradient. These findings show that RS data can be used to predict Ae. aegypti abundance, but further studies are needed to define the climatic and socio-economic conditions under which the correlations observed herein can be assumed to apply