319 research outputs found

    Development of cavernous haemangioma following radical chemo-radiotherapy for nasopharyngeal carcinoma

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    Objective: We report an adult case of nasopharyngeal carcinoma treated with radical chemo-radiotherapy, with subsequent development of a histologically proved temporal cavernous haemangioma within the radiation field. Method: Case report and review of the current literature concerning radiation-induced, secondary, space-occupying lesions. Conclusion: The increasing role of radiotherapy in nasopharyngeal carcinoma treatment, together with improved patient survival, is likely to lead to radiation-induced, secondary, space-occupying lesions being encountered more frequently. We emphasise the need to be vigilant for this important but relatively rare complication, which has significant associated morbidity

    The impact of unscheduled gaps and iso-centre sequencing on the biologically effective dose in Gamma Knife radiosurgery.

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    PURPOSE: Establish the impact of iso-centre sequencing and unscheduled gaps in Gamma Knife® (GK) radiosurgery on the biologically effective dose (BED). METHODS: A BED model was used to study BED values on the prescription iso-surface of patients treated with GK Perfexion™ (Vestibular Schwannoma). The effect of a 15 min gap, simulated at varying points in the treatment delivery, and adjustments to the sequencing of iso-centre delivery, based on average dose-rate, was quantified in terms of the impact on BED. RESULTS: Depending on the position of the gap and the average dose-rate profiles, the mean BED values were decreased by 0.1% to 9.9% of the value in the original plan. A heuristic approach to iso-centre sequencing showed variations in BED of up to 14.2%, relative to the mean BED of the original sequence. CONCLUSIONS: The treatment variables, like the iso-centre sequence and unscheduled gaps, should be considered during GK radiosurgery treatments

    Biophysical Studies of the Membrane-Embedded and Cytoplasmic Forms of the Glucose-Specific Enzyme II of the E. coli Phosphotransferase System (PTS)

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    The glucose Enzyme II transporter complex of the Escherichia coli phosphotransferase system (PTS) exists in at least two physically distinct forms: a membrane-integrated dimeric form, and a cytoplasmic monomeric form, but little is known about the physical states of these enzyme forms. Six approaches were used to evaluate protein-protein and protein-lipid interactions in this system. Fluorescence energy transfer (FRET) using MBP-IIGlc-YFP and MBP-IIGlc-CFP revealed that the homodimeric Enzyme II complex in cell membranes is stable (FRET-) but can be dissociated and reassociated to the heterodimer only in the presence of Triton X100 (FRET+). The monomeric species could form a heterodimeric species (FRET+) by incubation and purification without detergent exposure. Formaldehyde cross linking studies, conducted both in vivo and in vitro, revealed that the dimeric MBP-IIGlc activity decreased dramatically with increasing formaldehyde concentrations due to both aggregation and activity loss, but that the monomeric MBP-IIGlc retained activity more effectively in response to the same formaldehyde treatments, and little or no aggregation was observed. Electron microscopy of MBP-IIGlc indicated that the dimeric form is larger than the monomeric form. Dynamic light scattering confirmed this conclusion and provided quantitation. NMR analyses provided strong evidence that the dimeric form is present primarily in a lipid bilayer while the monomeric form is present as micelles. Finally, lipid analyses of the different fractions revealed that the three lipid species (PE, PG and CL) are present in all fractions, but the monomeric micellar structure contains a higher percentage of anionic lipids (PG & CL) while the dimeric bilayer form has a higher percentage of zwitterion lipids (PE). Additionally, evidence for a minor dimeric micellar species, possibly an intermediate between the monomeric micellar and the dimeric bilayer forms, is presented. These results provide convincing evidence for interconvertible physical forms of Enzyme-IIGlc

    Optically-guided frameless linac-based radiosurgery for brain metastases: clinical experience

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    The purpose of this study was to describe our clinical experience using optically-guided linear accelerator (linac)-based frameless stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS) for the treatment of brain metastases. Sixty-five patients (204 lesions) were treated between 2005 and 2008 with frameless SRS using an optically-guided bite-block system. Patients had a median of 2 lesions (range, 1–13). Prescription dose ranged from 14 to 22 Gy (median, 18 Gy) and was given in a single fraction. Clinical and radiographic evaluation occurred every 2–4 months following treatment. At a median follow-up of 6.2 months, actuarial survival at 12 months was 40% [95% confidence interval (CI), 28–52). Of 135 lesions that were evaluable for local control (LC), 119 lesions (88%) did not show evidence of progression. Actuarial 12 month LC was 76% (95% CI, 66–86). Tumors ≤2 cm in size had a better 12 month LC rate (81% vs. 36%, P = 0.017) than those >2 cm. Adverse events occurred in three patients (5%). Optically-guided linac-based frameless SRS can produce clinical outcomes that compare favorably to frame-based techniques. As this technique is convenient to use and allows for the uncomplicated delivery of hypofractionated radiotherapy, frameless SRS will likely have an increasingly important role in the management of brain metastases

    A Family-Wide RT-PCR Assay for Detection of Paramyxoviruses and Application to a Large-Scale Surveillance Study

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    Family-wide molecular diagnostic assays are valuable tools for initial identification of viruses during outbreaks and to limit costs of surveillance studies. Recent discoveries of paramyxoviruses have called for such assay that is able to detect all known and unknown paramyxoviruses in one round of PCR amplification. We have developed a RT-PCR assay consisting of a single degenerate primer set, able to detect all members of the Paramyxoviridae family including all virus genera within the subfamilies Paramyxovirinae and Pneumovirinae. Primers anneal to domain III of the polymerase gene, with the 3′ end of the reverse primer annealing to the conserved motif GDNQ, which is proposed to be the active site for nucleotide polymerization. The assay was fully optimized and was shown to indeed detect all available paramyxoviruses tested. Clinical specimens from hospitalized patients that tested positive for known paramyxoviruses in conventional assays were also detected with the novel family-wide test. A high-throughput fluorescence-based RT-PCR version of the assay was developed for screening large numbers of specimens. A large number of samples collected from wild birds was tested, resulting in the detection of avian paramyxoviruses type 1 in both barnacle and white-fronted geese, and type 8 in barnacle geese. Avian metapneumovirus type C was found for the first time in Europe in mallards, greylag geese and common gulls. The single round family-wide RT-PCR assay described here is a useful tool for the detection of known and unknown paramyxoviruses, and screening of large sample collections from humans and animals

    Walking to work in Canada: health benefits, socio-economic characteristics and urban-regional variations

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>There is mounting concern over increasing rates of physical inactivity and overweight/obesity among children and adult in Canada. There is a clear link between the amount of walking a person does and his or her health. The purpose of this paper is to assess the health factors, socio-economic characteristics and urban-regional variations of walking to work among adults in Canada.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Data is drawn from two cycles of the Canadian Community Health Survey: 2001 and 2005. The study population is divided into three groups: non-walkers, lower-duration walkers and high-duration walkers. Logistic regression modeling tests the association between levels of walking and health related outcomes (diabetes, high blood pressure, stress, BMI, physical activity), socio-economic characteristics (sex, age, income, education) and place of residence (selected Census Metropolitan Areas).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In 2005, the presence of diabetes and high blood pressure was not associated with any form of walking. Adults within the normal weight range were more likely to be high-duration walkers. Females and younger people were more likely to be lower-duration walkers but less likely to be high-duration walkers. There was a strong association between SES (particularly relative disadvantage) and walking to work. In both 2001 and 2005, the conditions influencing walking to work were especially prevalent in Canada's largest city, Toronto, as well as in several small to medium sized urban areas including Halifax, Kingston, Hamilton, Regina, Calgary and Victoria.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>A number of strategies can be followed to increase levels of walking in Canada. It is clear that for many people walking to work is not possible. However, strategies can be developed to encourage adults to incorporate walking into their daily work and commuting routines. These include mass transit walking and workplace walking programs.</p

    Eu-Social Science: The Role of Internet Social Networks in the Collection of Bee Biodiversity Data

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    Background Monitoring change in species diversity, community composition and phenology is vital to assess the impacts of anthropogenic activity and natural change. However, monitoring by trained scientists is time consuming and expensive. Methodology/Principal Findings Using social networks, we assess whether it is possible to obtain accurate data on bee distribution across the UK from photographic records submitted by untrained members of the public, and if these data are in sufficient quantity for ecological studies. We used Flickr and Facebook as social networks and Flickr for the storage of photographs and associated data on date, time and location linked to them. Within six weeks, the number of pictures uploaded to the Flickr BeeID group exceeded 200. Geographic coverage was excellent; the distribution of photographs covered most of the British Isles, from the south coast of England to the Highlands of Scotland. However, only 59% of photographs were properly uploaded according to instructions, with vital information such as ‘tags’ or location information missing from the remainder. Nevertheless, this incorporation of information on location of photographs was much higher than general usage on Flickr (∼13%), indicating the need for dedicated projects to collect spatial ecological data. Furthermore, we found identification of bees is not possible from all photographs, especially those excluding lower abdomen detail. This suggests that giving details regarding specific anatomical features to include on photographs would be useful to maximise success. Conclusions/Significance The study demonstrates the power of social network sites to generate public interest in a project and details the advantages of using a group within an existing popular social network site over a traditional (specifically-designed) web-based or paper-based submission process. Some advantages include the ability to network with other individuals or groups with similar interests, and thus increasing the size of the dataset and participation in the project

    An investigation into the depth of penetration of low level laser therapy through the equine tendon in vivo

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    Low level laser therapy (LLLT) is frequently used in the treatment of wounds, soft tissue injury and in pain management. The exact penetration depth of LLLT in human tissue remains unspecified. Similar uncertainty regarding penetration depth arises in treating animals. This study was designed to test the hypothesis that transmission of LLLT in horses is increased by clipping the hair and/or by cleaning the area to be treated with alcohol, but is unaffected by coat colour. A LLLT probe (810 nm, 500 mW) was applied to the medial aspect of the superficial flexor tendon of seventeen equine forelimbs in vivo. A light sensor was applied to the lateral aspect, directly opposite the laser probe to measure the amount of light transmitted. Light transmission was not affected by individual horse, coat colour or leg. However, it was associated with leg condition (F = 4.42, p = 0.0032). Tendons clipped dry and clipped and cleaned with alcohol, were both associated with greater transmission of light than the unprepared state. Use of alcohol without clipping was not associated with an increase in light transmission. These results suggest that, when applying laser to a subcutaneous structure in the horse, the area should be clipped and cleaned beforehand