1,880 research outputs found

    Hot-headed peckers: thermographic changes during aggression among juvenile pheasants ( Phasianus colchicus )

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    In group-living vertebrates, dominance status often covaries with physiological measurements (e.g. glucocorticoid levels), but it is unclear how dominance is linked to dynamic changes in physiological state over a shorter, behavioural timescale. In this observational study, we recorded spontaneous aggression among captive juvenile pheasants ( Phasianus colchicus ) alongside infrared thermographic measurements of their external temperature, a non-invasive technique previously used to examine stress responses in non-social contexts, where peripheral blood is redirected towards the body core. We found low but highly significant repeatability in maximum head temperature, suggesting individually consistent thermal profiles, and some indication of lower head temperatures in more active behavioural states (e.g. walking compared to resting). These individual differences were partly associated with sex, females being cooler on average than males, but unrelated to body size. During pairwise aggressive encounters, we observed a non-monotonic temperature change, with head temperature dropping rapidly immediately prior to an attack and increasing rapidly afterwards, before returning to baseline levels. This nonlinear pattern was similar for birds in aggressor and recipient roles, but aggressors were slightly hotter on average. Our findings show that aggressive interactions induce rapid temperature changes in dominants and subordinates alike, and highlight infrared thermography as a promising tool for investigating the physiological basis of pecking orders in galliforms. This article is part of the theme issue ‘The centennial of the pecking order: current state and future prospects for the study of dominance hierarchies’.</jats:p

    Enhancement of the electronic contribution to the low temperature specific heat of Fe/Cr magnetic multilayer

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    We measured the low temperature specific heat of a sputtered (Fe23A˚/Cr12A˚)33(Fe_{23\AA}/Cr_{12\AA})_{33} magnetic multilayer, as well as separate 1000A˚1000\AA thick Fe and Cr films. Magnetoresistance and magnetization measurements on the multilayer demonstrated antiparallel coupling between the Fe layers. Using microcalorimeters made in our group, we measured the specific heat for 4<T<30K4<T<30 K and in magnetic fields up to 8T8 T for the multilayer. The low temperature electronic specific heat coefficient of the multilayer in the temperature range 4<T<14K4<T<14 K is γML=8.4mJ/K2gat\gamma_{ML}=8.4 mJ/K^{2}g-at. This is significantly larger than that measured for the Fe or Cr films (5.4 and 3.5mJ/K2mol3.5 mJ/K^{2}mol respectively). No magnetic field dependence of γML\gamma_{ML} was observed up to 8T8 T. These results can be explained by a softening of the phonon modes observed in the same data and the presence of an Fe-Cr alloy phase at the interfaces.Comment: 20 pages, 5 figure

    Effect of base–acid properties of the mixtures of water with methanol on the solution enthalpy of selected cyclic ethers in this mixture at 298.15 K

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    The enthalpies of solution of cyclic ethers: 1,4- dioxane, 12-crown-4 and 18-crown-6 in the mixture of water and methanol have been measured within the whole mole fraction range at T = 298.15 K. Based on the obtained data, the effect of base–acid properties of water– methanol mixtures on the solution enthalpy of cyclic ethers in these mixtures has been analyzed. The solution enthalpy of cyclic ethers depends on acid properties of water– methanol mixtures in the range of high and medium water contents in the mixture. Based on the analysis performed, it can be assumed that in the mixtures of high methanol contents, cyclic ethe

    Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors in the treatment of generalized anxiety disorder

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    Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors have proven efficacy in the treatment of panic disorder, obsessive–compulsive disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder and social anxiety disorder. Accumulating data shows that selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor treatment can also be efficacious in patients with generalized anxiety disorder. This review summarizes the findings of randomized controlled trials of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor treatment for generalized anxiety disorder, examines the strengths and weaknesses of other therapeutic approaches and considers potential new treatments for patients with this chronic and disabling anxiety disorder

    Risk factors for accommodative esotropia among hypermetropic children

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    PURPOSE. Identification of risk factors for accommodative esotropia may help to determine which children with hyperopia may benefit from early spectacle correction or preventive therapy. METHODS. Participants in the family history study were 95 consecutive patients, aged 18 to 60 months, with accommodative esotropia. Participants in the binocular sensory function study were a subgroup of 41 children enrolled in the family history study within 1 month of onset, while the esodeviation was still intermittent. Participants in the hypermetropia study were 345 consecutive patients, ages 12 months to 8 years, with refractive error of ϩ2.00 D or greater and no esodeviation before age 12 months. RESULTS. In the family history study, 23% of children with accommodative esotropia had an affected first-degree relative, and 91% had at least one affected relative. In the binocular sensory function study, random-dot stereoacuity was abnormal in 41% of children, whereas an abnormal motion VEP, Worth 4-dot, or positive 4-PD base-out prism responses were present in 4% or less of the children. In the hypermetropia study, patients with a mean spherical equivalent of Ͻ ϩ3.00 D and significant anisometropia had a 7.8-fold increased risk for accommodative esotropia over nonanisometropic patients. CONCLUSIONS. A positive family history, subnormal random-dot stereopsis, and hypermetropic anisometropia each pose a significant risk for the development of accommodative esotropia. Assessment of these risk factors in conjunction with refractive screening should help to identify those children who are most likely to benefit from early spectacle correction or preventive treatment. (Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2005;46:526 -529

    Relationship building in Vietnamese English written business communication: A systemic functional analysis,

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    English has a long history in Vietnam and in the last two decades, particularly for business communication, it has developed with an unprecedented speed. Despite this ascendancy, there is an absence of research regarding English in Vietnamese business correspondence. The current study is an in-depth investigation of this with a particular focus on the written features of English, reflecting the importance of written documents in this context. This research was framed within the theoretical perspectives of Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL). 303 business texts from various business sectors composed by Vietnamese writers were collected. They were then analysed with regard to four SFL variables: speech functions, mood, modality and terms of address to establish the nature of the interpersonal written features developing within Vietnam. The findings of the study indicate that the writers employed several linguistic strategies (e.g., using Vietnamese kinship terms and Vietnamese lexis) and non-linguistic strategies (e.g., using emoticons and written giggling) to establish a close relationship with their interactants. Relationship building was also reflected in the employment of politeness strategies to achieve positive politeness effect. These results suggest that SFL is a useful theoretical framework and analytical tool to uncover how English is employed in different socio-cultural contexts to enact social meaning-making processes

    Risk scoring models for trade credit in small and medium enterprises

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    Trade credit refers to providing goods and services on a deferred payment basis. Commercial credit management is a matter of great importance for most small and medium enterprises (SMEs), since it represents a significant portion of their assets. Commercial lending involves assuming some credit risk due to exposure to default. Thus, the management of trade credit and payment delays is strongly related to the liquidation and bankruptcy of enterprises. In this paper we study the relationship between trade credit management and the level of risk in SMEs. Despite its relevance for most SMEs, this problem has not been sufficiently analyzed in the existing literature. After a brief review of existing literature, we use a large database of enterprises to analyze data and propose a multivariate decision-tree model which aims at explaining the level of risk as a function of several variables, both of financial and non-financial nature. Decision trees replace the equation in parametric regression models with a set of rules. This feature is an important aid for the decision process of risk experts, as it allows them to reduce time and then the economic cost of their decisions

    Quantifying the Performance of Individual Players in a Team Activity

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    Teamwork is a fundamental aspect of many human activities, from business to art and from sports to science. Recent research suggest that team work is of crucial importance to cutting-edge scientific research, but little is known about how teamwork leads to greater creativity. Indeed, for many team activities, it is not even clear how to assign credit to individual team members. Remarkably, at least in the context of sports, there is usually a broad consensus on who are the top performers and on what qualifies as an outstanding performance.In order to determine how individual features can be quantified, and as a test bed for other team-based human activities, we analyze the performance of players in the European Cup 2008 soccer tournament. We develop a network approach that provides a powerful quantification of the contributions of individual players and of overall team performance.We hypothesize that generalizations of our approach could be useful in other contexts where quantification of the contributions of individual team members is important

    Critical structure factors of bilinear fields in O(N)-vector models

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    We compute the two-point correlation functions of general quadratic operators in the high-temperature phase of the three-dimensional O(N) vector model by using field-theoretical methods. In particular, we study the small- and large-momentum behavior of the corresponding scaling functions, and give general interpolation formulae based on a dispersive approach. Moreover, we determine the crossover exponent ϕT\phi_T associated with the traceless tensorial quadratic field, by computing and analyzing its six-loop perturbative expansion in fixed dimension. We find: ϕT=1.184(12)\phi_T=1.184(12), ϕT=1.271(21)\phi_T=1.271(21), and ϕT=1.40(4)\phi_T=1.40(4) for N=2,3,5N=2,3,5 respectively.Comment: 27 page