290 research outputs found

    Sediment Production from Forest Roads with Wheel Ruts

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    Artificial rainfall was applied to two sets of paired plots 30.5 m long by 1.52 m wide, each set on a different soil type. One plot in each set contained a wheel rut while the other did not. Measurements of water and sediment yield on rutted plots showed sediment production declined with cumulative runoff while unrutted plots did not show a significant sediment depletion. This difference was a result of concentrated flow versus sheet flow

    The Influence Of William Adam's Pedagogy In Teaching Methods Of His Second-Generation Students

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    Professor William Adam taught trumpet at the Indiana University Jacobs School of Music for 42 years from 1946-1988. His reputation lies among the most influential trumpet teachers of the last century. His students openly speak of the overwhelming influence Adam had not only on their trumpet playing, but also on other aspects of their lives. Important characteristics of Adam’s pedagogy include enhancement of the student’s positive self-image, allowing musical thoughts to develop the student’s physical aspects, and the teacher consistently modeling a beautiful musical product in lessons. “First-generation” Adam students studied directly with Adam, and many of them have extensive performing and teaching careers. These three characteristics are important in their teaching studios. First-generation Adam students consistently instill these ideals in a second generation of Adam students. The efficacy of Adam’s pedagogy is strong enough that his influence is evident not only in his direct students’ teaching, but also in the teaching studios of second-generation Adam students. This evidence demonstrates that Adam’s pedagogy is a viable way to teach

    Auto-Oxidation of Ethers

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    Linear scleroderma as a rare cause of enophthalmos: a case report

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    © 2007 Fernando et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Licens

    Development and preliminary validation of a Greek-language outpatient satisfaction questionnaire with principal components and multi-trait analyses

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    BACKGROUND: In the recent years there is a growing interest in Greece concerning the measurement of the satisfaction of patients who are visiting the outpatient clinics of National Health System (NHS) general acute hospitals. The aim of this study is therefore to develop a patient satisfaction questionnaire and provide its preliminary validation. METHODS: A questionnaire in Greek has been developed by literature review, researchers' on the spot observation and interviews. Pretesting has been followed by telephone surveys in two short-term general NHS hospitals in Macedonia, Greece. A proportional stratified random sample of 285 subjects and a second random sample of 100 outpatients, drawn on March 2004, have been employed for the analysis. These have resulted in scale creation via Principal Components Analysis and psychometric testing for internal consistency, test-retest and interrater reliability as well as construct validity. RESULTS: Four summated scales have emerged regarding the pure outpatient component of the patients' visits, namely medical examination, hospital environment, comfort and appointment time. Cronbach's alpha coefficients and Pearson, Spearman and intraclass correlations indicate a high degree of scale reliability and validity. Two other scales -lab appointment time and lab experience- capture the apparently distinct yet complementary visitor experience related to the radiographic and laboratory tests. Psychometric tests are equally promising, however, some discriminant validity differences lack statistical significance. CONCLUSION: The instrument appears to be reliable and valid regarding the pure outpatient experience, whereas more research employing larger samples is required in order to establish the apparent psychometric properties of the complementary radiographic and laboratory-testing process, which is only relevant to about 25% of the subjects analysed here

    Initiation of T cell signaling by CD45 segregation at 'close contacts'.

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    It has been proposed that the local segregation of kinases and the tyrosine phosphatase CD45 underpins T cell antigen receptor (TCR) triggering, but how such segregation occurs and whether it can initiate signaling is unclear. Using structural and biophysical analysis, we show that the extracellular region of CD45 is rigid and extends beyond the distance spanned by TCR-ligand complexes, implying that sites of TCR-ligand engagement would sterically exclude CD45. We also show that the formation of 'close contacts', new structures characterized by spontaneous CD45 and kinase segregation at the submicron-scale, initiates signaling even when TCR ligands are absent. Our work reveals the structural basis for, and the potent signaling effects of, local CD45 and kinase segregation. TCR ligands have the potential to heighten signaling simply by holding receptors in close contacts.The authors thank R.A. Cornall, M.L. Dustin and P.A. van der Merwe for comments on the manuscript and S. Ikemizu for useful discussions about the structure. We also thank W. Lu and T. Walter for technical support with protein expression and crystallization, the staff at Diamond Light Source beamlines I02, I03 and I04-1 (proposal mx10627) and European Synchrotron Radiation Facility beamlines ID23EH1 and ID23EH2 for assistance at the synchrotrons, G. Sutton for assistance with MALS experiments, and M. Fritzsche for advice on the calcium analysis. This work was funded by the Wellcome Trust (098274/Z/12/Z to S.J.D.; 090532/Z/09/Z to R.J.C.G.; 090708/Z/09/Z to D.K.), the UK Medical Research Council (G0700232 to A.R.A.), the Royal Society (UF120277 to S.F.L.) and Cancer Research UK (C20724/A14414 to C.S.; C375/A10976 to E.Y.J.). The Oxford Division of Structural Biology is part of the Wellcome Trust Centre for Human Genetics, Wellcome Trust Core Award Grant Number 090532/Z/09/Z. We acknowledge financial support from Instruct, an ESFRI Landmark Project. The OPIC electron microscopy facility was funded by a Wellcome Trust JIF award (060208/Z/00/Z).This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Nature Publishing Group via https://doi.org/10.1038/ni.339

    Emergency Portacaval Shunt Versus Rescue Portacaval Shunt in a Randomized Controlled Trial of Emergency Treatment of Acutely Bleeding Esophageal Varices in Cirrhosis—Part 3

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    Emergency treatment of bleeding esophageal varices in cirrhosis is of singular importance because of the high mortality rate. Emergency portacaval shunt is rarely used today because of the belief, unsubstantiated by long-term randomized trials, that it causes frequent portal-systemic encephalopathy and liver failure. Consequently, portacaval shunt has been relegated solely to salvage therapy when endoscopic and pharmacologic therapies have failed. Question: Is the regimen of endoscopic sclerotherapy with rescue portacaval shunt for failure to control bleeding varices superior to emergency portacaval shunt? A unique opportunity to answer this question was provided by a randomized controlled trial of endoscopic sclerotherapy versus emergency portacaval shunt conducted from 1988 to 2005. Unselected consecutive cirrhotic patients with acute bleeding esophageal varices were randomized to endoscopic sclerotherapy (n = 106) or emergency portacaval shunt (n = 105). Diagnostic workup was completed and treatment was initiated within 8 h. Failure of endoscopic sclerotherapy was defined by strict criteria and treated by rescue portacaval shunt (n = 50) whenever possible. Ninety-six percent of patients had more than 10 years of follow-up or until death. Comparison of emergency portacaval shunt and endoscopic sclerotherapy followed by rescue portacaval shunt showed the following differences in measurements of outcomes: (1) survival after 5 years (72% versus 22%), 10 years (46% versus 16%), and 15 years (46% versus 0%); (2) median post-shunt survival (6.18 versus 1.99 years); (3) mean requirements of packed red blood cell units (17.85 versus 27.80); (4) incidence of recurrent portal-systemic encephalopathy (15% versus 43%); (5) 5-year change in Child’s class showing improvement (59% versus 19%) or worsening (8% versus 44%); (6) mean quality of life points in which lower is better (13.89 versus 27.89); and (7) mean cost of care per year (39,200versus39,200 versus 216,700). These differences were highly significant in favor of emergency portacaval shunt (all p < 0.001). Emergency portacaval shunt was strikingly superior to endoscopic sclerotherapy as well as to the combination of endoscopic sclerotherapy and rescue portacaval shunt in regard to all outcome measures, specifically bleeding control, survival, incidence of portal-systemic encephalopathy, improvement in liver function, quality of life, and cost of care. These results strongly support the use of emergency portacaval shunt as the first line of emergency treatment of bleeding esophageal varices in cirrhosis

    Protocol of a Randomized Controlled Trial of Culturally Sensitive Interventions to Improve African Americans' and Non-African Americans' Early, Shared, and Informed Consideration of Live Kidney Transplantation: The talking about Live Kidney Donation (TALK) study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Live kidney transplantation (LKT) is underutilized, particularly among ethnic/racial minorities. The effectiveness of culturally sensitive educational and behavioral interventions to encourage patients' early, shared (with family and health care providers) and informed consideration of LKT and ameliorate disparities in consideration of LKT is unknown.</p> <p>Methods/Design</p> <p>We report the protocol of the Talking About Live Kidney Donation (TALK) Study, a two-phase study utilizing qualitative and quantitative research methods to design and test culturally sensitive interventions to improve patients' shared and informed consideration of LKT. Study Phase 1 involved the evidence-based development of culturally sensitive written and audiovisual educational materials as well as a social worker intervention to encourage patients' engagement in shared and informed consideration of LKT. In Study Phase 2, we are currently conducting a randomized controlled trial in which participants with progressing chronic kidney disease receive: 1) usual care by their nephrologists, 2) usual care plus the educational materials, or 3) usual care plus the educational materials and the social worker intervention. The primary outcome of the randomized controlled trial will include patients' self-reported rates of consideration of LKT (including family discussions of LKT, patient-physician discussions of LKT, and identification of an LKT donor). We will also assess differences in rates of consideration of LKT among African Americans and non-African Americans.</p> <p>Discussion</p> <p>The TALK Study rigorously developed and is currently testing the effectiveness of culturally sensitive interventions to improve patients' and families' consideration of LKT. Results from TALK will provide needed evidence on ways to enhance consideration of this optimal treatment for patients with end stage renal disease.</p> <p>Trial Registration</p> <p>ClinicalTrials.gov number, <a href="http://www.clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT00932334">NCT00932334</a></p

    A Model for the Interplay of Receptor Recycling and Receptor-Mediated Contact in T Cells

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    Orientation of organelles inside T cells (TC) toward antigen-presenting cells (APC) ensures that the immune response is properly directed, but the orientation mechanisms remain largely unknown. Structural dynamics of TC are coupled to dynamics of T-cell receptor (TCR), which recognizes antigen on the APC surface. Engagement of the TCR triggers its internalization followed by delayed polarized recycling to the plasma membrane through the submembrane recycling compartment (RC), which organelle shares intracellular location with the TC effector apparatus. TCR engagement also triggers TC-APC interface expansion enabling further receptor engagement. To analyze the interplay of the cell-cell contact and receptor dynamics, we constructed a new numerical model. The new model displays the experimentally observed selective stabilization of the contact initiated next to the RC, and only transient formation of contact diametrically opposed to the RC. In the general case wherein the TC-APC contact is initiated in an arbitrary orientation to the RC, the modeling predicts that the contact dynamics and receptor recycling can interact, resulting effectively in migration of the contact to the TC surface domain adjacent to the submembrane RC. Using three-dimensional live-cell confocal microscopy, we obtain data consistent with this unexpected behavior. We conclude that a TC can stabilize its contact with an APC by aligning it with the polarized intracellular traffic of TCR. The results also suggest that the orientation of TC organelles, such as the RC and the effector apparatus, toward the APC can be achieved without any intracellular translocation of the organelles
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