360 research outputs found

    Laser spectroscopy of hyperfine structure in highly-charged ions: a test of QED at high fields

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    An overview is presented of laser spectroscopy experiments with cold, trapped, highly-charged ions, which will be performed at the HITRAP facility at GSI in Darmstadt (Germany). These high-resolution measurements of ground state hyperfine splittings will be three orders of magnitude more precise than previous measurements. Moreover, from a comparison of measurements of the hyperfine splittings in hydrogen- and lithium-like ions of the same isotope, QED effects at high electromagnetic fields can be determined within a few percent. Several candidate ions suited for these laser spectroscopy studies are presented.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figure, 1 table. accepted for Canadian Journal of Physics (2006

    Estimating the nuclear level density with the Monte Carlo shell model

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    A method for making realistic estimates of the density of levels in even-even nuclei is presented making use of the Monte Carlo shell model (MCSM). The procedure follows three basic steps: (1) computation of the thermal energy with the MCSM, (2) evaluation of the partition function by integrating the thermal energy, and (3) evaluating the level density by performing the inverse Laplace transform of the partition function using Maximum Entropy reconstruction techniques. It is found that results obtained with schematic interactions, which do not have a sign problem in the MCSM, compare well with realistic shell-model interactions provided an important isospin dependence is accounted for.Comment: 14 pages, 3 postscript figures. Latex with RevTex. Submitted as a rapid communication to Phys. Rev.

    Spectrum Generating Conformal and Quasiconformal U-Duality Groups, Supergravity and Spherical Vectors

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    After reviewing the algebraic structures that underlie the geometries of N=2 Maxwell-Einstein supergravity theories (MESGT) in five and four dimensions with symmetric scalar manifolds, we give a unified realization of their three dimensional U-duality groups as spectrum generating quasiconformal groups. They are F_{4(4)}, E_{6(2)}, E_{7(-5)}, E_{8(-24)} and SO(n+2,4). Our formulation is covariant with respect to U-duality symmetry groups of corresponding five dimensional supergravity theories, which are SL(3,R), SL(3,C), SU*(6), E_{6(6)} and SO(n-1,1)X SO(1,1), respectively. We determine the spherical vectors of quasiconformal realizations of all these groups twisted by a unitary character. We also give their quadratic Casimir operators and determine their values. Our work lays the algebraic groundwork for constructing the unitary representations of these groups induced by their geometric quasiconformal actions, which include the quaternionic discrete series. For rank 2 cases, SU(2,1) and G_{2(2)}, corresponding to simple N=2 supergravity in four and five dimensions, this program was carried out in arXiv:0707.1669. We also discuss the corresponding algebraic structures underlying symmetries of matter coupled N=4 and N>4 supergravity theories. They lead to quasiconformal realizations of split real forms of U-duality groups as a straightforward extension of the quaternionic real forms.Comment: Section 4 is split with the addition of a subsection on quadratic Casimir operators; references added; typos corrected. Latex file; 53 page

    Do preferences and beliefs in dilemma games exhibit complementarity?

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    Blanco et. al. (2014) show in a novel experiment the presence of intrinsic interactions between the preferences and the beliefs of participants in social dilemma games. They discuss the identification of three effects, and we claim that two of them are inherently of non-classical nature. Here, we discuss qualitatively how a model based on complementarity between preferences and beliefs in a Hilbert space can give an structural explanation to two of the three effects the authors observe, and the third one can be incorporated into the model as a classical correlation between the observations in two subspaces. Quantitative formalization of the model and proper fit to the experimental observation will be done in the near future, as we have been given recent access to the original dataset

    The Bohm Interpretation of Quantum Cosmology

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    I make a review on the aplications of the Bohm-De Broglie interpretation of quantum mechanics to quantum cosmology. In the framework of minisuperspaces models, I show how quantum cosmological effects in Bohm's view can avoid the initial singularity, isotropize the Universe, and even be a cause for the present observed acceleration of the Universe. In the general case, we enumerate the possible structures of quantum space and time.Comment: 28 pages, 1 figure, contribution to the James Cushing festschrift to appear in Foundations of Physic

    Revisiting the S-matrix approach to the open superstring low energy effective lagrangian

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    The conventional S-matrix approach to the (tree level) open string low energy effective lagrangian assumes that, in order to obtain all its bosonic αN{\alpha'}^N order terms, it is necessary to know the open string (tree level) (N+2)(N+2)-point amplitude of massless bosons, at least expanded at that order in α\alpha'. In this work we clarify that the previous claim is indeed valid for the bosonic open string, but for the supersymmetric one the situation is much more better than that: there are constraints in the kinematical bosonic terms of the amplitude (probably due to Spacetime Supersymmetry) such that a much lower open superstring nn-point amplitude is needed to find all the αN{\alpha'}^N order terms. In this `revisited' S-matrix approach we have checked that, at least up to α4{\alpha'}^4 order, using these kinematical constraints and only the known open superstring 4-point amplitude, it is possible to determine all the bosonic terms of the low energy effective lagrangian. The sort of results that we obtain seem to agree completely with the ones achieved by the method of BPS configurations, proposed about ten years ago. By means of the KLT relations, our results can be mapped to the NS-NS sector of the low energy effective lagrangian of the type II string theories implying that there one can also find kinematical constraints in the NN-point amplitudes and that important informations can be inferred, at least up to α4{\alpha'}^4 order, by only using the (tree level) 4-point amplitude.Comment: 34 pages, 3 figure, Submitted on Aug 4, 2012, Published on Oct 15, 201

    On Locality in Quantum General Relativity and Quantum Gravity

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    The physical concept of locality is first analyzed in the special relativistic quantum regime, and compared with that of microcausality and the local commutativity of quantum fields. Its extrapolation to quantum general relativity on quantum bundles over curved spacetime is then described. It is shown that the resulting formulation of quantum-geometric locality based on the concept of local quantum frame incorporating a fundamental length embodies the key geometric and topological aspects of this concept. Taken in conjunction with the strong equivalence principle and the path-integral formulation of quantum propagation, quantum-geometric locality leads in a natural manner to the formulation of quantum-geometric propagation in curved spacetime. Its extrapolation to geometric quantum gravity formulated over quantum spacetime is described and analyzed.Comment: Mac-Word file translated to postscript for submission. The author may be reached at: [email protected] To appear in Found. Phys. vol. 27, 199

    Model Analysis of Time Reversal Symmetry Test in the Caltech Fe-57 Gamma-Transition Experiment

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    The CALTECH gamma-transition experiment testing time reversal symmetry via the E2/M1 mulipole mixing ratio of the 122 keV gamma-line in Fe-57 has already been performed in 1977. Extending an earlier analysis in terms of an effective one-body potential, this experiment is now analyzed in terms of effective one boson exchange T-odd P-even nucleon nucleon potentials. Within the model space considered for the Fe-57 nucleus no contribution from isovector rho-type exchange is possible. The bound on the coupling strength phi_A from effective short range axial-vector type exchange induced by the experimental bound on sin(eta) leads to phi_A < 10^{-2}.Comment: 5 pages, RevTex 3.

    Effects of T- and P-odd weak nucleon interaction in nuclei: renormalizations due to residual strong interaction, matrix elements between compound states and their correlations with P-violating matrix elements

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    Manifestations of P-,T-odd weak interaction between nucleons in nucleus are considered. Renormalization of this interaction due to residual strong interaction is studied. Mean squared matrix elements of P-,T-odd weak interaction between compound states are calculated. Correlators between P-,T-odd and P-odd, T-even weak interaction matrix elements between compound states are considered and estimates for these quantities are obtained.Comment: Submitted to Phys. Rev. C; 21 pages, REVTEX 3, no figure