1,546 research outputs found

    Toward an International Fourth Amendment: Rethinking Searches and Seizures Abroad After Verdugo-Urquidez

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    Should the Fourth Amendment reach abroad to protect noncitizens when United States law enforcement agents conduct searches and seizures in a foreign state? The courts have assumed this to be a closed question since 1990, when the Supreme Court, in a broadly worded plurality opinion by Chief Justice Rehnquist, asserted that the Amendment protects only citizens and other members of the national community. However, as this Article points out, the Chief Justice\u27s plurality opinion in United States v. Verdugo-Urquidez did not represent the judgment of a majority of the Court and therefore does not foreclose continued consideration of the scope of the Fourth Amendment abroad. This Article addresses the principal questions that the Verdugo decision and subsequent scholarship have left unresolved: Does the Fourth Amendment\u27s command that searches and seizures be reasonable apply to searches of noncitizens abroad? And if so, what does it mean for a search to be reasonable in a foreign state? The author argues that the alternatives proposed by the Supreme Court in Verdugo--either confining the Amendment to the water\u27s edge or applying it in full force whenever the United States acts abroad--do not take proper account of the transnational nature of extraterritorial searches. The author proposes instead that any determination of the reasonableness of foreign searches take into account their transnational nature by reconciling United States search-and-seizure standards with either international law or the laws of the states with which the United States acts jointly abroad

    The Effect of Hydrocolloids in Control of Water Retention in Coating Systems

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    The purpose of this study was to observe how three hydrocolloids (Kelgin Q series, Procoat 150, and Dow 650) function in their control of water retention in clay systems. The water retention values were measured on a modified Warren tester. It was found that the three hydrocolloids are viscosity modifiers. However, their control of water retention is not due to their effect on viscosity, but rather, to their good water holding capabilities. Therefore, viscosity is not the primary parameter in control of water retention when using these hydrocolloids

    Predict ephemeral and perennial range quantity and quality during normal grazing season

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    The author has identified the following significant results. Collection and update of resource inventory data has historically been a difficult, time consuming task. Accurate resource data is necessary as a basis for wise management decisions made by a resource management agency such as the Bureau of Land Management. Black and white and color infrared composites of ERTS satellite imagery at 1:1,000,000 and enlarged scales can be used as data gathering tools. No investment in expensive sophisticated equipment is necessary. A photointerpreter can map boundaries of soils, plant communities, levels of forage production, areas revegetated by man, and areas burned by wildlife directly from satellite imagery. The ERTS system of producing and distributing imagery must be improved greatly before satellite imagery can be useful to the resource manager

    Landowner Reports of Deer Hunter Damage in Arkansas

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    Damage to property from deer hunters, though usually not discovered immediately, is a problem for many Arkansans. A questionnaire survey was mailed to 3,773 rural landowners in Arkansas to determine the type and cost of damage suffered from hunters. Thirty-five percent reported minor problems, and 15% reported severe damage from hunters. The most common problems caused by hunters were fence cutting (33%), severe littering (16%), road damage (13%), crop damage (10%), cattle shot (8%), gates left open (6%), and trespassing (6%). Eighty-three (5%) of the landowners reported damage costs of 500ormore;onesustaineda500 or more; one sustained a 15,000 loss. Total state-wide losses are estimated at almost $15 million per year. Solutions lie in cultivating a stewardship position among landowners and a stronger ethic of respect among hunters. Mandatory hunter education programs can help instill hunter ethics, while posting laws can provide the administrative mechanism to control access and exposure

    Real Property

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    Real Property

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    Factors Affecting Annual Deer Harvest in Arkansas

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    An understanding of general forces affecting annual harvest is essential to the management of white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus). A predictive model based on such factors would be valuable to managers. The relationship between 27 different variables and annual, legal deer harvest in Arkansas was evaluated for 1957-1986. Variables most affecting harvest were soybean acreage, hay acreage, number of days in the deer season, rain during the deer season, and total state timber production, total state pulpwood production, and deer harvest 2 years prior. Because significant autocorrelation and heteroscedasticity were present in the variables, log-linear, first differencing and non-linear quasi-Newton regression methods were used in addition to ordinary least squares. First differencing removed autocorrelation and heteroscedasticity, but fit was not acceptable (R2 = 0.710). Non-linear estimation of first differenced log transformed variables provided an acceptably high R2 (0.896) with high significance of the individual parameter estimators. Factors associated with habitat quality 2 years prior most affected present-year deer harvest

    A LANDSAT study of ephemeral and perennial rangeland vegetation and soils

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    The author has identified the following significant results. Several methods of computer processing were applied to LANDSAT data for mapping vegetation characteristics of perennial rangeland in Montana and ephemeral rangeland in Arizona. The choice of optimal processing technique was dependent on prescribed mapping and site condition. Single channel level slicing and ratioing of channels were used for simple enhancement. Predictive models for mapping percent vegetation cover based on data from field spectra and LANDSAT data were generated by multiple linear regression of six unique LANDSAT spectral ratios. Ratio gating logic and maximum likelihood classification were applied successfully to recognize plant communities in Montana. Maximum likelihood classification did little to improve recognition of terrain features when compared to a single channel density slice in sparsely vegetated Arizona. LANDSAT was found to be more sensitive to differences between plant communities based on percentages of vigorous vegetation than to actual physical or spectral differences among plant species

    Searching for Radio Pulsars in 3EG Sources at Urumqi Observatory

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    Since mid-2005, a pulsar searching system has been operating at 18 cm on the 25-m radio telescope of Urumqi Observatory. Test observations on known pulsars show that the system can perform the intended task. The prospect of using this system to observe 3EG sources and other target searching tasks is discussed.Comment: a training project about MSc thesi

    Favourable outcomes for the first 10 years of kidney and pancreas transplantation at Wits Donald Gordon Medical Centre, Johannesburg, South Africa

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    Background. It is important for centres participating in transplantation in South Africa (SA) to audit their outcomes. Wits Donald Gordon Medical Centre (WDGMC), Johannesburg, SA, opened a transplant unit in 2004. The first 10 years of kidney and pancreas transplantation were reviewed to determine outcomes in respect of recipient and graft survival.Methods. A retrospective review was conducted of all kidney-alone and simultaneous kidney-pancreas (SKP) transplants performed at WDGMC from 1 January 2004 to 31 December 2013, with follow-up to 31 December 2014 to ensure at least 1 year of survival data. Information was accessed using the transplant registers and clinical records in the transplant clinic at WDGMC. The Kaplan-Meier method was used to estimate 1-, 5- and 10-year recipient and graft survival rates for primary (first graft) kidney-alone and SKP transplants.Results. The overall 10-year recipient and graft survival rates were 80.4% and 66.8%, respectively, for kidney-alone transplantation. In the kidney-alone group, children tended towards better recipient and graft survival compared with adults, but this was not statistically significant. In adults, recipient survival was significantly better for living than deceased donor type. Recipient and graft survival were significantly lower in black Africans than in the white (largest proportion in the sample) reference group. For SKP transplants, the 10-year recipient survival rate was 84.7%, while kidney and pancreas graft survival rates were 73.1% and 43.2%, respectively.Conclusion. Outcomes of the first 10 years of kidney and pancreas transplantation at WDGMC compare favourably with local and international survival data