9 research outputs found

    WHO systematic review of maternal morbidity and mortality: the prevalence of severe acute maternal morbidity (near miss)

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    AIM: To determine the prevalence of severe acute maternal morbidity (SAMM) worldwide (near miss). METHOD: Systematic review of all available data. The methodology followed a pre-defined protocol, an extensive search strategy of 10 electronic databases as well as other sources. Articles were evaluated according to specified inclusion criteria. Data were extracted using data extraction instrument which collects additional information on the quality of reporting including definitions and identification of cases. Data were entered into a specially constructed database and tabulated using SAS statistical management and analysis software. RESULTS: A total of 30 studies are included in the systematic review. Designs are mainly cross-sectional and 24 were conducted in hospital settings, mostly teaching hospitals. Fourteen studies report on a defined SAMM condition while the remainder use a response to an event such as admission to intensive care unit as a proxy for SAMM. Criteria for identification of cases vary widely across studies. Prevalences vary between 0.80% – 8.23% in studies that use disease-specific criteria while the range is 0.38% – 1.09% in the group that use organ-system based criteria and included unselected group of women. Rates are within the range of 0.01% and 2.99% in studies using management-based criteria. It is not possible to pool data together to provide summary estimates or comparisons between different settings due to variations in case-identification criteria. Nevertheless, there seems to be an inverse trend in prevalence with development status of a country. CONCLUSION: There is a clear need to set uniform criteria to classify patients as SAMM. This standardisation could be made for similar settings separately. An organ-system dysfunction/failure approach is the most epidemiologically sound as it is least open to bias, and thus could permit developing summary estimates

    Evaluation of the complexity of postoperative care following breast and gynecologic cancer surgery

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    The purpose of this study was to evaluate the complexity of postoperative care required by women who had undergone breast or gynecologic cancer surgery, using the Therapeutic Intervention Scoring System-28. An observational, longitudinal study was carried out on 83 women admitted postoperatively to the Intensive Care Unit of the Center for Women's Integrated Healthcare. The results of this study show that women diagnosed with gynecologic cancer had a significantly higher mean Therapeutic Intervention Scoring System-28 score compared with women who had been diagnosed with breast cancer (P =.01). Women who underwent gynecologic surgery had a significantly higher mean Therapeutic Intervention Scoring System-28 score than women who had breast surgery (P=.03). Most of the activities performed by staff during the postoperative intensive care unit period involved only basic care procedures. Only advanced age and hypertension were related to death during the postoperative period. In conclusion, from the nursing standpoint, the complexity of care required in the intensive care unit during the postoperative period was moderate. Women aged 80 years or older were at the highest risk of death during this period.29649950

    Morte materna declarada e o relacionamento de sistemas de informações em saúde Declared maternal death and the linkage between health information systems

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    OBJETIVO: Descrever as características da mortalidade materna segundo Sistema de Informação sobre Mortalidade em relação a dados correspondentes a esses registros em outros sistemas. MÉTODOS: Estudo descritivo, com utilização dos dois sistemas de informações de dados vitais e do sistema hospitalar, para as 26 capitais estaduais e o Distrito Federal do Brasil, em 2002. Inicialmente foram calculadas as razões de mortalidade materna e obtidas informações das mortes maternas declaradas. A partir dessas mortes relacionou-se probabilisticamente o Sistema de Informação sobre Mortalidade com o Sistema de Informações sobre Nascidos Vivos e com o Sistema de Informações Hospitalares, utilizando-se o programa "Reclink II", com estratégia de blocagem em múltiplos passos. Para os registros pareados, foram detalhados os diagnósticos e procedimentos hospitalares aproximados pelos critérios mais conhecidos de morbidade materna grave. RESULTADOS: Foram registradas 339 mortes maternas em 2002, com razões de mortalidade materna oficial e ajustada, respectivamente, de 46,4 e 64,9 (mortes por 100.000 nascidos vivos). No relacionamento com os dados do sistema de nascidos vivos, foi possível localizar 46,5% das mortes maternas e, com o de informações hospitalares, localizaram-se 55,2% das mortes. O diagnóstico de internação mais freqüente foi o de infecção (13,9%), e o procedimento com maior percentagem (39,0%) foi o de admissão à UTI. CONCLUSÕES: Foi baixa a percentagem de relacionamento entre os registros das três fontes estudadas. Nenhuma das possíveis falhas e/ou impossibilidade de relacionamento apontadas, isoladamente ou em conjunto, podem explicar esse baixo percentual.<br>OBJECTIVE: To describe the characteristics of maternal mortality according to the Mortality Information System in relation to the data corresponding to these records that are in other systems. METHODS: This was a descriptive study using two information systems on vital data and another on the hospital system, for the 26 state capitals and the Federal District of Brazil, in 2002. Initially, the maternal mortality ratios were calculated and information on declared maternal deaths were obtained. From these data, the Mortality Information System was probabilistically linked with the Live Birth Information System and the Hospital Information System, using the "Reclink II" software, with a multiple-step blocking strategy. For paired records, the diagnoses and hospital procedures brought together by the best-known criteria for severe maternal morbidity were detailed. RESULTS: A total of 339 maternal deaths were recorded in 2002. The official and adjusted maternal mortality ratios were, respectively, 46.4 and 64.9 (deaths per 100,000 live births). By correlating with data from the live birth system, 46.5% of the maternal deaths could be located; and from the hospital information, 55.2%. The most frequent admission diagnosis was infection (13.9%) and the most frequent procedure was intensive care unit admission (39.0%). CONCLUSIONS: There were low percentage linkages between the records from the three sources studied. However, the possible failures and/or impossibilities in the linkages indicated may separately or jointly explain these low percentages

    Sistemas de informação em saúde e monitoramento de morbidade materna grave e mortalidade materna Health information systems and surveillance of severe maternal morbidity and maternal mortality

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    Nas últimas décadas, nos países desenvolvidos houve queda acentuada da mortalidade materna, enquanto nos países em desenvolvimento a queda foi pequena ou não ocorreu. De qualquer forma, como o óbito materno, em termos absolutos, é pouco freqüente, os eventos mórbidos maternos graves tornaram-se o foco das atenções, por representarem "eventos sentinela" ao óbito. No Brasil a principal fonte de informações em saúde é o Ministério da Saúde, através de seu sistema chamado DATASUS. A utilização dessas informações rotineiras, disponíveis nos diversos sistemas de informação públicos de saúde pode ser útil não apenas para o mapeamento diagnóstico de morbidade grave e mortalidade materna, mas também para seu monitoramento contínuo e prospectivo, criando um sistema de alerta ou de vigilância que permita, quando ativado, desencadear intervenções terapêuticas ou preventivas para evitar a ocorrência do óbito materno, constituindo uma inovação e um desafio a ser testado em futuro próximo.<br>During the last decades there was a huge decrease of maternal mortality in developed countries, while in developing countries the decrease was small or did not happen at all. Nevertheless, because maternal death is less common in absolute frequency, severe maternal morbid events became the focus of attention because these are "lookout events" preceding death. In Brazil, the main source for health information is the Ministry of Health, through its system called DATASUS. The use of this available routine information by several public health information systems could be useful not only to determine severe maternal morbidity and mortality, but also for prospective and continuous monitoring. This could potentially create a surveillance system allowing, when activated, the implementation of preventive and/or therapeutic interventions to avoid maternal death. It could be an innovative and challenging method to be tested in a near future

    Horace's Ars Poetica and the Marvellous

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