133 research outputs found

    The role of the pathologist in tissue banking: European Consensus Expert Group Report

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    Human tissue biobanking encompasses a wide range of activities and study designs and is critical for application of a wide range of new technologies (-“omics”) to the discovery of molecular patterns of disease and for implementation of novel biomarkers into clinical trials. Pathology is the cornerstone of hospital-based tissue biobanking. Pathologists not only provide essential information identifying the specimen but also make decisions on what should be biobanked, making sure that the timing of all operations is consistent with both the requirements of clinical diagnosis and the optimal preservation of biological products. This document summarizes the conclusions of a Pathology Expert Group Meeting within the European Biological and Biomolecular Research Infrastructure (BBMRI) Program. These recommendations are aimed at providing guidance for pathologists as well as for institutions hosting biobanks on how to better integrate and support pathological activities within the framework of biobanks that fulfill international standards

    Exploring the potential of phone call data to characterize the relationship between social network and travel behavior

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    [EN] Social network contacts have significant influence on individual travel behavior. However, transport models rarely consider social interaction. One of the reasons is the difficulty to properly model social influence based on the limited data available. Non-conventional, passively collected data sources, such as Twitter, Facebook or mobile phones, provide large amounts of data containing both social interaction and spatiotemporal information. The analysis of such data opens an opportunity to better understand the influence of social networks on travel behavior. The main objective of this paper is to examine the relationship between travel behavior and social networks using mobile phone data. A huge dataset containing billions of registers has been used for this study. The paper analyzes the nature of co-location events and frequent locations shared by social network contacts, aiming not only to provide understanding on why users share certain locations, but also to quantify the degree in which the different types of locations are shared. Locations have been classified as frequent (home, work and other) and non-frequent. A novel approach to identify co-location events based on the intersection of users' mobility models has been proposed. Results show that other locations different from home and work are frequently associated to social interaction. Additionally, the importance of non-frequent locations in co-location events is shown. Finally, the potential application of the data analysis results to improve activity-based transport models and assess transport policies is discussed.The authors would like to thank the anonymous reviewers for their valuable comments and suggestions to improve the quality of the paper. The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Union Seventh Framework Programme FP7/2007-2013 under grant agreement no 318367 (EUNOIA project) and no 611307 (INSIGHT project). The work of ML has been funded under the PD/004/2013 project, from the Conselleria de Educacion, Cultura y Universidades of the Government of the Balearic Islands and from the European Social Fund through the Balearic Islands ESF operational program for 2013-2017.Picornell Tronch, M.; Ruiz Sánchez, T.; Lenormand, M.; Ramasco, JJ.; Dubernet, T.; Frías-Martínez, E. (2015). Exploring the potential of phone call data to characterize the relationship between social network and travel behavior. Transportation. 42(4):647-668. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11116-015-9594-1S647668424Ahas, R., Aasa, A., Silm, S., Tiru, M.: Daily rhythms of suburban commuters’ movements in the tallinn metropolitan area: case study with mobile positioning data. Transp. Res. Part C 18, 45–54 (2010)Arentze, T.,Timmermans, H. J.: social networks, social interactions and activity-travel behavior: a framework for micro-simulation. Paper presented at the 85th annual meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D. C., Jan 2006 (2006)Arentze, T., Timmermans, H.: Social networks, social interactions, and activity-travel behavior: a framework for microsimulation. Environ. Plan. 35, 1012–1027 (2008)Axhausen, K.W.: Social networks and travel: some hypotheses. In: Donaghy, K.P., Poppelreuter, S., Rudinger, G. (eds.) Social Aspects of Sustainable Transport: Transatlantic Perspectives, pp. 90–108. Ashgate, Aldershot (2005)Bagrow, J.P., Lin, Y.-R.: Mesoscopic structure and social aspects of human mobility. PLoS One 7(5), 1–11 (2012)Bar-Gera, H.: Evaluation of a cellular phone-based system for measurements of traffic speeds and travel times: a case study from israel. Transp. Res. Part C 15(2007), 380–391 (2007)Becker, R.A., Cáceres, R., Hanson, K., Loh, J.M., Urbanek, S., Varshavsky, A., Volinsky, C.: A tale of one city: using cellular network data for urban planning. Pervasive Comput. IEEE 10(4), 18–26 (2011)Brockmann, D., Hufnagel, L., Geisel, T.: The scaling laws of human travel. Nature 439, 462 (2006)Caceres, N., Wideberg, J.P., Benitez, F.G.: Deriving origin–destination data from a mobile phone network. IET Intell. Transp. Syst. 1(1), 5–26 (2007)Caceres, N., Wideberg, J.P., Benitez, F.G.: Review of traffic data estimations extracted from cellular networks. IET Intell. Transp. Syst. 2(3), 179–192 (2008)Caceres, N., Romero, L.M., Benitez, F.G., Castillo, J.M.D.: Traffic flow estimation models using cellular phone data. IEEE Trans. Intell. Transp. Syst. 13(3), 1430–1441 (2012)Calabrese, F., Pereira, F. C., Lorenzo, G. D., Liu, L., Ratti, C.: The geography of taste: analyzing cell-phone mobility and social events. In: Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing (2010)Calabrese, F., Smoreda, Z., Blondel, V.D., Ratti, C.: Interplay between telecommunications and face-to-face interactions: a study using mobile phone data. PLoS One 6(7), e20814 (2011a). doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0020814Calabrese, F., Lorenzo, G.D., Liu, L., Ratti, C.: Estimating origin-destination flows using mobile phone location data. Pervasive Comput. IEEE 10(4), 36–44 (2011b)Carrasco, J.A., Miller, E.J.: Exploring the propensity to perform social activities: social networks approach. Transportation 33, 463–480 (2006)Carrasco, J.A., Hogan, B., Wellman, B., Miller, E.J.: Collecting social network data to study social activity-travel behaviour: an egocentric approach. Environ. Plan. B 35(6), 961–980 (2008a)Carrasco, J.A., Hogan B., Wellman B., Miller E. J.: Agency in social activity and ICT interactions: The role of social networks in time and space, Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie (J. Eco. Soc. Geogr.), 99(5), 562–583 (2008b)Carrasco, J.A., Miller, E.J., Wellman, B.: How far and with whom do people socialize? Empirical evidence about the distance between social network members. Transp. Res. Rec. 2076, 114–122 (2008b)Carrasco, J.A., Miller, E.J.: The social dimension in action: a multilevel, personal networks model of social activity frequency. Transp. Res. Part A 43(1), 90–104 (2009)Chen, C., Mei, Y.: Does distance still matter in facilitating social ties? The roles of mobility patterns and the built environment. Presented at 93rd TRB annual meeting (2014)Cho E., Myers S.A., Leskovek J.: Friendship and mobility: user movement in location-based social networks. In: KDD ‘11 Proceedings of the 17th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, 1082–1090 (2011)Clifton, K.J.: The social context of travel behavior. In: Zmud, J., et al. (eds.) Transport Survey Methods: Best Practice for Decision Making, pp. 441–448. Emerald Press, London (2013)Do T., Gatica-Perez D.: Contextual conditional models for smartphone-based human mobility prediction. In: Proceedings ACM International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing, Pittsburgh, Sept (2012)Doyle, J., Hung, P., Kelly, D., Mcloone, S., Farrell, R.: Utilising mobile phone billing records for travel mode discovery. ISSC 2011, Trinity College Dublin, June (2011)Dubernet, T., Axhausen K. W.: Solution concepts for the simulation of household-level joint descision making in multi-agent travel simulation tools, paper presented at the 14th Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC), Ascona (2014)Dugundji, E., Walker, J.: Discrete choice with social and spatial network interdependencies: an empirical example using mixed GEV models with field and “panel” effects. Transp. Res. Rec. 1921, 70–78 (2005)Eagle, N., Pentland, A., Lazer, D.: Inferring social network structure using mobile phone data. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. (PNAS) 106(36), 15274–15278 (2009)González, M.C., Hidalgo, C.A., Barabási, A.-L.: Understanding individual human mobility patterns. Nature 453(2008), 779–782 (2008)Gould, J.: Cell phone enabled travel surveys: the medium moves the message. In: Zmud, J., et al. (eds.) Transport Survey Methods: Best Practice for Decision Making, pp. 51–70. Emerald Press, Bingley (2013)Habib, K.N., Carrasco, J.A.: Investigating the role of social networks in start time and duration of activities: a trivariate simultaneous econometric model. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board 2230, 1–8 (2011)Hackney, Jeremy K., Kay W. Axhausen: An agent model of social network and travel behavior interdependence. Paper presented at the 11th international conference on Travel Behaviour Research, Kyoto, Aug (2006)Hackney, J., Marchal, F.: A model for coupling multi-agent social interactions and traffic simulation, in: TRB 2009 annual meeting (2009)Hackney, J., Marchal, F.: A coupled multi-agent microsimulation of social interactions and transportation behavior. Transp. Res. Part A 45, 296–309 (2011)Horni, A.: Destination choice modeling of discretionary activities in transport microsimulations, Ph.D. Thesis, ETH Zurich, Zurich (2013)Isaacman, S.,Becker, R., Caceres, R., Kobourov, S., Martonosi, M., Rowland, J., Varshavsky, A.: Identifying important places in people’s lives from cellular network data. In: Procedings International Conference on Pervasive Computing, San Francisco, June (2011)Lane, N.D., Miluzzo, E., Lu, H., Peebles, D., Choudhury, T., Campbell, A.T.: A survey of mobile phone sensing. Commun. Mag. IEEE 48(9), 140–150 (2010)Lazer, D., Pentland, A., Adamic, L., Aral, S., Barabasi, A.-L., Brewer, D., Christakis, N., Contractor, N., Fowler, J., Gutmann, M., Jebara, T., King, G., Macy, M., Roy, D., Van Alstyne, M.: Computational Social Science. Science 323, 721 (2009)Ma, H., Ronald, N., Arentze, T.A., Timmermans, H.J.P.: New credit mechanism for semicooperative agent-mediated joint activity-travel scheduling. Transp. Res. Rec. 2230, 104–110 (2011)Ma, H., Arentze, T. A., Timmermans, H. J. P.: Incorporating selfishness and altruism into dynamic joint activity-travel scheduling. Paper presented at the 13th international conference on Travel Behaviour Research (IATBR), Toronto, July (2012)Marchal, F., Nagel, K.: Allowed cooperative agents in a microsimulation to share information with each other about activity locations and about other agents, in order to optimize trip chains (2006)Molin, E.J.E., Arentze, T.A., Timmermans, H.J.P.: Social activities and travel demands : a model-based analysis of social-network data. Transp. Res. Rec. 2082, 168–175 (2007)Moore, J., Carrasco, J.A., Tudela, A.: Exploring the links between personal networks, time use, and the spatial distribution of social contacts. Transportation 40(4), 773–788 (2013)Onnela, J.-P., Saramaki, J., Hyvonen, J., Szabo, G., Lazer, D., et al.: Structure and tie strengths in mobile communication networks. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 104, 7332–7336 (2007)Páez, A., Scott, D.M.: Social influence on travel behavior: a simulation example of the decision to telecommute. Environ. Plan. A 39(3), 647–665 (2007)Phithakkitnukoon, S., Calabrese, F., Smoreda, Z., Ratti, C.: Out of sight out of mind: how our mobile social network changes during migration. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Social Computing, pp. 515–520. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (2011)Phithakkitnukoon, S., Smoreda, Z., Olivier, P.: Socio-geography of human mobility: a study using longitudinal mobile phone data. PLoS One 7(6), e39253 (2012). doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0039253Ronald, N.A., Arentze, T.A., Timmermans, H.J.P.: Modeling social interactions between individuals for joint activity scheduling. Transp. Res. Part B 46, 276–290 (2012a)Ronald, N.A., Dignum, V., Jonker, C., Arentze, T.A., Timmermans, H.J.P.: On the engineering of agent-based simulations of social activities with social networks. Inf. Softw. Technol. 54(6), 625–638 (2012b)Rose, G.: Mobile phones as traffic probes: practices, prospects and issues. Transp. Rev. 26(3), 275–291 (2006)Sharmeen, F., Arentze, T., Timmermans, H.: A multilevel path analysis of social network dynamics and the mutual interdependencies between face-to-face and ICT modes of social interaction in the context of life-cycle events. In: Roorda, M.J., Miller, E.J. (eds.) Travel Behaviour Research: Current Foundations, Future Prospects, pp. 411–432. Lulu Press, Toronto (2013)Sharmeen, F., Arentze, T.A., Timmermans, H.J.P.: Dynamics of face-to-face social interaction frequency: role of accessibility, urbanization, changes in geographical distance and path dependence. J. Transp. Geogr. 34, 211–220 (2014)Silm, S., Ahas, R.: The seasonal variability of population in estonian municipalities. Environ. Plan. A 42, 2527–2546 (2010)Silvis, J., Niemeier, D., D’Souza, R.: Social networks and travel behavior: report from an integrated travel diary. Paper presented at the 11th international conference on Travel Behaviour Research, Kyoto, Aug (2006)Sobolevsky, S., Szell, M., Campari, R., Couronné, T., Smoreda, Z., et al.: Delineating geographical regions with networks of human interactions in an extensive set of countries. PLoS One 8(12), e81707 (2013)Sohn, K., Kim, D.: Dynamic origin–destination flow estimation using cellular communication system. IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol. 57(5), 2703–2713 (2008)Song, C., Koren, T., Wang, P., Barabási, A.-L.: Modelling the scaling properties of human mobility. Nat. Phys. 6(2010), 818–823 (2010a)Song, C., Qu, Z., Blumm, N., Barabási, L.-L.: Limits of predictability in human mobility. Science 327(5968), 1018–1021 (2010b)Steenbruggen, J., Borzacchiello, M.T., Nijkamp, P., Scholten, H.: Mobile phone data from gsm networks for traffic parameter and urban spatial pattern assessment: A review of applications and opportunities. GeoJournal 78, 223–243 (2011). doi: 10.1007/s10708-011-9413-yVan den Berg, P., Arentze, T., Timmermans, H.J.P.: A path analysis of social networks, telecommunication and social activity–travel patterns. Transp. Res. Part C 26(2013), 256–268 (2013)Wang, H., Calabrese, F., Lorenzo, G. D., Ratti, C.: Transportation mode inference from anonymized and aggregated mobile phone call detail records. In: 13th international IEEE annual conference on intelligent transportation systems, 318–323 (2010)White, J. and Wells, I.: Extracting origin destination information from mobile phone data. Road transport information and Control, 19–21 Mar (2002)Yim, Y.: The state of cellular probes. California PATH Working Paper, UCB-ITS-PRR-2003-25 (2003)Ythier, J., Walker, J.L., Bierlaire, M.: The influence of social contacts and communication use on travel behavior: a smartphone-based study. In: Transportation Research Board annual meeting (2013

    Identification of a Putative Crf Splice Variant and Generation of Recombinant Antibodies for the Specific Detection of Aspergillus fumigatus

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    BACKGROUND: Aspergillus fumigatus is a common airborne fungal pathogen for humans. It frequently causes an invasive aspergillosis (IA) in immunocompromised patients with poor prognosis. Potent antifungal drugs are very expensive and cause serious adverse effects. Their correct application requires an early and specific diagnosis of IA, which is still not properly achievable. This work aims to a specific detection of A. fumigatus by immunofluorescence and the generation of recombinant antibodies for the detection of A. fumigatus by ELISA. RESULTS: The A. fumigatus antigen Crf2 was isolated from a human patient with proven IA. It is a novel variant of a group of surface proteins (Crf1, Asp f9, Asp f16) which belong to the glycosylhydrolase family. Single chain fragment variables (scFvs) were obtained by phage display from a human naive antibody gene library and an immune antibody gene library generated from a macaque immunized with recombinant Crf2. Two different selection strategies were performed and shown to influence the selection of scFvs recognizing the Crf2 antigen in its native conformation. Using these antibodies, Crf2 was localized in growing hyphae of A. fumigatus but not in spores. In addition, the antibodies allowed differentiation between A. fumigatus and related Aspergillus species or Candida albicans by immunofluorescence microscopy. The scFv antibody clones were further characterized for their affinity, the nature of their epitope, their serum stability and their detection limit of Crf2 in human serum. CONCLUSION: Crf2 and the corresponding recombinant antibodies offer a novel approach for the early diagnostics of IA caused by A. fumigatus

    Genome-wide survey and analysis of microsatellites in nematodes, with a focus on the plant-parasitic species Meloidogyne incognita

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Microsatellites are the most popular source of molecular markers for studying population genetic variation in eukaryotes. However, few data are currently available about their genomic distribution and abundance across the phylum Nematoda. The recent completion of the genomes of several nematode species, including <it>Meloidogyne incognita</it>, a major agricultural pest worldwide, now opens the way for a comparative survey and analysis of microsatellites in these organisms.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Using MsatFinder, the total numbers of 1-6 bp perfect microsatellites detected in the complete genomes of five nematode species (<it>Brugia malayi</it>, <it>Caenorhabditis elegans</it>, <it>M. hapla</it>, <it>M. incognita</it>, <it>Pristionchus pacificus</it>) ranged from 2,842 to 61,547, and covered from 0.09 to 1.20% of the nematode genomes. Under our search criteria, the most common repeat motifs for each length class varied according to the different nematode species considered, with no obvious relation to the AT-richness of their genomes. Overall, (AT)<sub><it>n</it></sub>, (AG)<sub><it>n </it></sub>and (CT)<sub><it>n </it></sub>were the three most frequent dinucleotide microsatellite motifs found in the five genomes considered. Except for two motifs in <it>P. pacificus</it>, all the most frequent trinucleotide motifs were AT-rich, with (AAT)<sub><it>n </it></sub>and (ATT)<sub><it>n </it></sub>being the only common to the five nematode species. A particular attention was paid to the microsatellite content of the plant-parasitic species <it>M. incognita</it>. In this species, a repertoire of 4,880 microsatellite loci was identified, from which 2,183 appeared suitable to design markers for population genetic studies. Interestingly, 1,094 microsatellites were identified in 801 predicted protein-coding regions, 99% of them being trinucleotides. When compared against the InterPro domain database, 497 of these CDS were successfully annotated, and further assigned to Gene Ontology terms.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Contrasted patterns of microsatellite abundance and diversity were characterized in five nematode genomes, even in the case of two closely related <it>Meloidogyne </it>species. 2,245 di- to hexanucleotide loci were identified in the genome of <it>M. incognita</it>, providing adequate material for the future development of a wide range of microsatellite markers in this major plant parasite.</p

    Web-Based, Participant-Driven Studies Yield Novel Genetic Associations for Common Traits

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    Despite the recent rapid growth in genome-wide data, much of human variation remains entirely unexplained. A significant challenge in the pursuit of the genetic basis for variation in common human traits is the efficient, coordinated collection of genotype and phenotype data. We have developed a novel research framework that facilitates the parallel study of a wide assortment of traits within a single cohort. The approach takes advantage of the interactivity of the Web both to gather data and to present genetic information to research participants, while taking care to correct for the population structure inherent to this study design. Here we report initial results from a participant-driven study of 22 traits. Replications of associations (in the genes OCA2, HERC2, SLC45A2, SLC24A4, IRF4, TYR, TYRP1, ASIP, and MC1R) for hair color, eye color, and freckling validate the Web-based, self-reporting paradigm. The identification of novel associations for hair morphology (rs17646946, near TCHH; rs7349332, near WNT10A; and rs1556547, near OFCC1), freckling (rs2153271, in BNC2), the ability to smell the methanethiol produced after eating asparagus (rs4481887, near OR2M7), and photic sneeze reflex (rs10427255, near ZEB2, and rs11856995, near NR2F2) illustrates the power of the approach

    A Customer Perspective on Product Eliminations: How the Removal of Products Affects Customers and Business Relationships

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    Regardless of the apparent need for product eliminations, many managers hesitate to act as they fear deleterious effects on customer satisfaction and loyalty. Other managers do carry out product eliminations, but often fail to consider the consequences for customers and business relationships. Given the relevance and problems of product eliminations, research on this topic in general and on the consequences for customers and business relationships in particular is surprisingly scarce. Therefore, this empirical study explores how and to what extent the elimination of a product negatively affects customers and business relationships. Results indicate that eliminating a product may result in severe economic and psychological costs to customers, thereby seriously decreasing customer satisfaction and loyalty. This paper also shows that these costs are not exogenous in nature. Instead, depending on the characteristics of the eliminated product these costs are found to be more or less strongly driven by a company’s behavior when implementing the elimination at the customer interface

    Finding Single Copy Genes Out of Sequenced Genomes for Multilocus Phylogenetics in Non-Model Fungi

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    Historically, fungal multigene phylogenies have been reconstructed based on a small number of commonly used genes. The availability of complete fungal genomes has given rise to a new wave of model organisms that provide large number of genes potentially useful for building robust gene genealogies. Unfortunately, cross-utilization of these resources to study phylogenetic relationships in the vast majority of non-model fungi (i.e. “orphan” species) remains an unexamined question. To address this problem, we developed a method coupled with a program named “PHYLORPH” (PHYLogenetic markers for ORPHans). The method screens fungal genomic databases (107 fungal genomes fully sequenced) for single copy genes that might be easily transferable and well suited for studies at low taxonomic levels (for example, in species complexes) in non-model fungal species. To maximize the chance to target genes with informative regions, PHYLORPH displays a graphical evaluation system based on the estimation of nucleotide divergence relative to substitution type. The usefulness of this approach was tested by developing markers in four non-model groups of fungal pathogens. For each pathogen considered, 7 to 40% of the 10–15 best candidate genes proposed by PHYLORPH yielded sequencing success. Levels of polymorphism of these genes were compared with those obtained for some genes traditionally used to build fungal phylogenies (e.g. nuclear rDNA, β-tubulin, γ-actin, Elongation factor EF-1α). These genes were ranked among the best-performing ones and resolved accurately taxa relationships in each of the four non-model groups of fungi considered. We envision that PHYLORPH will constitute a useful tool for obtaining new and accurate phylogenetic markers to resolve relationships between closely related non-model fungal species

    Sea Urchins Predation Facilitates Coral Invasion in a Marine Reserve

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    Macroalgae is the dominant trophic group on Mediterranean infralittoral rocky bottoms, whereas zooxanthellate corals are extremely rare. However, in recent years, the invasive coral Oculina patagonica appears to be increasing its abundance through unknown means. Here we examine the pattern of variation of this species at a marine reserve between 2002 and 2010 and contribute to the understanding of the mechanisms that allow its current increase. Because indirect interactions between species can play a relevant role in the establishment of species, a parallel assessment of the sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus, the main herbivorous invertebrate in this habitat and thus a key species, was conducted. O. patagonica has shown a 3-fold increase in abundance over the last 8 years and has become the most abundant invertebrate in the shallow waters of the marine reserve, matching some dominant erect macroalgae in abundance. High recruitment played an important role in this increasing coral abundance. The results from this study provide compelling evidence that the increase in sea urchin abundance may be one of the main drivers of the observed increase in coral abundance. Sea urchins overgraze macroalgae and create barren patches in the space-limited macroalgal community that subsequently facilitate coral recruitment. This study indicates that trophic interactions contributed to the success of an invasive coral in the Mediterranean because sea urchins grazing activity indirectly facilitated expansion of the coral. Current coral abundance at the marine reserve has ended the monopolization of algae in rocky infralittoral assemblages, an event that could greatly modify both the underwater seascape and the sources of primary production in the ecosystem

    Telomeric Trans-Silencing in Drosophila melanogaster: Tissue Specificity, Development and Functional Interactions between Non-Homologous Telomeres

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    BACKGROUND: The study of P element repression in Drosophila melanogaster led to the discovery of the telomeric Trans-Silencing Effect (TSE), a homology-dependent repression mechanism by which a P-transgene inserted in subtelomeric heterochromatin (Telomeric Associated Sequences, "TAS") has the capacity to repress in trans, in the female germline, a homologous P-lacZ transgene located in euchromatin. TSE can show variegation in ovaries, displays a maternal effect as well as an epigenetic transmission through meiosis and involves heterochromatin and RNA silencing pathways. PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Here, we analyze phenotypic and genetic properties of TSE. We report that TSE does not occur in the soma at the adult stage, but appears restricted to the female germline. It is detectable during development at the third instar larvae where it presents the same tissue specificity and maternal effect as in adults. Transgenes located in TAS at the telomeres of the main chromosomes can be silencers which in each case show the maternal effect. Silencers located at non-homologous telomeres functionally interact since they stimulate each other via the maternally-transmitted component. All germinally-expressed euchromatic transgenes tested, located on all major chromosomes, were found to be repressed by a telomeric silencer: thus we detected no TSE escaper. The presence of the euchromatic target transgene is not necessary to establish the maternal inheritance of TSE, responsible for its epigenetic behavior. A single telomeric silencer locus can simultaneously repress two P-lacZ targets located on different chromosomal arms. CONCLUSIONS AND SIGNIFICANCE: Therefore TSE appears to be a widespread phenomenon which can involve different telomeres and work across the genome. It can explain the P cytotype establishment by telomeric P elements in natural Drosophila populations

    Multiple star systems in the Orion nebula

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final fersion is available from EDP Sciences via the DOI in this record.This work presents an interferometric study of the massive-binary fraction in the Orion Trapezium cluster with the recently comissioned GRAVITY instrument. We observed a total of 16 stars of mainly OB spectral type. We find three previously unknown companions for θ1 Ori B, θ2 Ori B, and θ2 Ori C. We determined a separation for the previously suspected companion of NU Ori. We confirm four companions for θ1 Ori A, θ1 Ori C, θ1 Ori D, and θ2 Ori A, all with substantially improved astrometry and photometric mass estimates. We refined the orbit of the eccentric high-mass binary θ1 Ori C and we are able to derive a new orbit for θ1 Ori D. We find a system mass of 21.7 M⊙ and a period of 53 days. Together with other previously detected companions seen in spectroscopy or direct imaging, eleven of the 16 high-mass stars are multiple systems. We obtain a total number of 22 companions with separations up to 600 AU. The companion fraction of the early B and O stars in our sample is about two, significantly higher than in earlier studies of mostly OB associations. The separation distribution hints toward a bimodality. Such a bimodality has been previously found in A stars, but rarely in OB binaries, which up to this point have been assumed to be mostly compact with a tail of wider companions. We also do not find a substantial population of equal-mass binaries. The observed distribution of mass ratios declines steeply with mass, and like the direct star counts, indicates that our companions follow a standard power law initial mass function. Again, this is in contrast to earlier findings of flat mass ratio distributions in OB associations. We excluded collision as a dominant formation mechanism but find no clear preference for core accretion or competitive accretion.Marie Skłodowska-Curie Grant AgreementFCT-PortugalERC Starting Gran
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