3,044 research outputs found

    z+: Neutron cross section separation from wide-angle uniaxial polarization analysis from wide-angle uniaxial polarization analysis

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    We introduce a simple method to extract the nuclear coherent and isotope incoherent, spin incoherent, and magnetic neutron scattering cross section components from powder scattering data measured using a single neutron beam polarization direction and a position-sensitive detector with large out-of-plane coverage. The method draws inspiration from polarized small-angle neutron scattering and contrasts with conventional so-called “ xyz” polarization analysis on wide-angle instruments, which requires measurements with three orthogonal polarization directions. The viability of the method is demonstrated on both simulated and experimental data for the classical “spin ice” system Ho2Ti2O7, the latter from the linear energy transfer direct geometry spectrometer at the International Science Information Service facility. The cross section components can be reproduced with good fidelity by either fitting the out-of-plane angle dependence around a Debye–Scherrer cone or grouping the data by angle and performing a matrix inversion. The limitations of the method and its practical uses are discussed

    Multiple endocytic pathways of G protein-coupled receptors delineated by GIT1 sensitivity.

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    Recently, we identified a GTPase-activating protein for the ADP ribosylation factor family of small GTP-binding proteins that we call GIT1. This protein initially was identified as an interacting partner for the G protein-coupled receptor kinases, and its overexpression was found to affect signaling and internalization of the prototypical beta(2)-adrenergic receptor. Here, we report that GIT1 overexpression regulates internalization of numerous, but not all, G protein-coupled receptors. The specificity of the GIT1 effect is not related to the type of G protein to which a receptor couples, but rather to the endocytic route it uses. GIT1 only affects the function of G protein-coupled receptors that are internalized through the clathrin-coated pit pathway in a beta-arrestin- and dynamin-sensitive manner. Furthermore, the GIT1 effect is not limited to G protein-coupled receptors because overexpression of this protein also affects internalization of the epidermal growth factor receptor. However, constitutive agonist-independent internalization is not regulated by GIT1, because transferrin uptake is not affected by GIT1 overexpression. Thus, GIT1 is a protein involved in regulating the function of signaling receptors internalized through the clathrin pathway and can be used as a diagnostic tool for defining the endocytic pathway of a receptor

    A preliminary study of the effect of closed incision management with negative pressure wound therapy over high-risk incisions

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    Background Certain postoperative wounds are recognised to be associated with more complications than others and may be termed high-risk. Wound healing can be particularly challenging following high-energy trauma where wound necrosis and infection rates are high. Surgical incision for joint arthrodesis can also be considered high-risk as it requires extensive and invasive surgery and postoperative distal limb swelling and wound dehiscence are common. Recent human literature has investigated the use of negative pressure wound therapy (NPWT) over high-risk closed surgical incisions and beneficial effects have been noted including decreased drainage, decreased dehiscence and decreased infection rates. In a randomised, controlled study twenty cases undergoing distal limb high-energy fracture stabilisation or arthrodesis were randomised to NPWT or control groups. All cases had a modified Robert-Jones dressing applied for 72 h postoperatively and NPWT was applied for 24 h in the NPWT group. Morphometric assessment of limb circumference was performed at six sites preoperatively, 24 and 72 h postoperatively. Wound discharge was assessed at 24 and 72 h. Postoperative analgesia protocol was standardised and a Glasgow Composite Measure Pain Score (GCPS) carried out at 24, 48 and 72 h. Complications were noted and differences between groups were assessed. Results Percentage change in limb circumference between preoperative and 24 and 72 h postoperative measurements was significantly less at all sites for the NPWT group with exception of the joint proximal to the surgical site and the centre of the operated bone at 72 h. Median discharge score was lower in the NPWT group than the control group at 24 h. No significant differences in GCPS or complication rates were noted. Conclusions Digital swelling and wound discharge were reduced when NPWT was employed for closed incision management. Larger studies are required to evaluate whether this will result in reduced discomfort and complication rates postoperatively

    Sharp upturn of life expectancy in the Netherlands: effect of more health care for the elderly?

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    During the 1980s and 1990s life expectancy at birth has risen only slowly in the Netherlands. In 2002, however, the rise in life expectancy suddenly accelerated. We studied the possible causes of this remarkable development. Mortality data by age, gender and cause of death were analyzed using life table methods and age-period-cohort modeling. Trends in determinants of mortality (including health care delivery) were compared with trends in mortality. Two-thirds of the increase in life expectancy at birth since 2002 were due to declines in mortality among those aged 65 and over. Declines in mortality reflected a period rather than a cohort effect, and were seen for a wide range of causes of death. Favorable changes in mortality determinants coinciding with the acceleration of mortality decline were mainly seen within the health care system. Health care expenditure rose rapidly after 2001, and was accompanied by a sharp rise of specialist visits, drug prescriptions, hospital admissions and surgical procedures among the elderly. A decline of deaths following non-treatment decisions suggests a change towards more active treatment of elderly patients. Our findings are consistent with the idea that the sharp upturn of life expectancy in the Netherlands was at least partly due to a sharp increase in health care for the elderly, and has been facilitated by a relaxation of budgetary constraints in the health care system

    Simultaneous non-negative matrix factorization for multiple large scale gene expression datasets in toxicology

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    Non-negative matrix factorization is a useful tool for reducing the dimension of large datasets. This work considers simultaneous non-negative matrix factorization of multiple sources of data. In particular, we perform the first study that involves more than two datasets. We discuss the algorithmic issues required to convert the approach into a practical computational tool and apply the technique to new gene expression data quantifying the molecular changes in four tissue types due to different dosages of an experimental panPPAR agonist in mouse. This study is of interest in toxicology because, whilst PPARs form potential therapeutic targets for diabetes, it is known that they can induce serious side-effects. Our results show that the practical simultaneous non-negative matrix factorization developed here can add value to the data analysis. In particular, we find that factorizing the data as a single object allows us to distinguish between the four tissue types, but does not correctly reproduce the known dosage level groups. Applying our new approach, which treats the four tissue types as providing distinct, but related, datasets, we find that the dosage level groups are respected. The new algorithm then provides separate gene list orderings that can be studied for each tissue type, and compared with the ordering arising from the single factorization. We find that many of our conclusions can be corroborated with known biological behaviour, and others offer new insights into the toxicological effects. Overall, the algorithm shows promise for early detection of toxicity in the drug discovery process

    Gender-Related Differences in the Prevalence of Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors and their Correlates in Urban Tanzania.

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    \ud Urban areas in Africa suffer a serious problem with dual burden of infectious diseases and emerging chronic diseases such as cardiovascular diseases (CVD) and diabetes which pose a serious threat to population health and health care resources. However in East Africa, there is limited literature in this research area. The objective of this study was to examine the prevalence of cardiovascular disease risk factors and their correlates among adults in Temeke, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Results of this study will help inform future research and potential preventive and therapeutic interventions against such chronic diseases. The study design was a cross sectional epidemiological study. A total of 209 participants aged between 44 and 66 years were included in the study. A structured questionnaire was used to evaluate socioeconomic and lifestyle characteristics. Blood samples were collected and analyzed to measure lipid profile and fasting glucose levels. Cardiovascular risk factors were defined using World Health Organization criteria. The age-adjusted prevalence of obesity (BMI > or = 30) was 13% and 35%, among men and women (p = 0.0003), respectively. The prevalence of abdominal obesity was 11% and 58% (p < 0.0001), and high WHR (men: >0.9, women: >0.85) was 51% and 73% (p = 0.002) for men and women respectively. Women had 4.3 times greater odds of obesity (95% CI: 1.9-10.1), 14.2-fold increased odds for abdominal adiposity (95% CI: 5.8-34.6), and 2.8 times greater odds of high waist-hip-ratio (95% CI: 1.4-5.7), compared to men. Women had more than three-fold greater odds of having metabolic syndrome (p = 0.001) compared to male counterparts, including abdominal obesity, low HDL-cholesterol, and high fasting blood glucose components. In contrast, female participants had 50% lower odds of having hypertension, compared to men (95%CI: 0.3-1.0). Among men, BMI and waist circumference were significantly correlated with blood pressure, triglycerides, total, LDL-, and HDL-cholesterol (BMI only), and fasting glucose; in contrast, only blood pressure was positively associated with BMI and waist circumference in women. The prevalence of CVD risk factors was high in this population, particularly among women. Health promotion, primary prevention, and health screening strategies are needed to reduce the burden of cardiovascular disease in Tanzania.\u

    Has education lost sight of children?

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    The reflections presented in this chapter are informed by clinical and personal experiences of school education in the UK. There are many challenges for children and young people in the modern education system and for the professionals who support them. In the UK, there are significant gaps between the highly selective education provided to those who pay privately for it and to the majority of those educated in the state-funded system. Though literacy rates have improved around the world, many children, particularly boys, do not finish their education for reasons such as boredom, behavioural difficulties or because education does not ‘pay’. Violence, bullying, and sexual harassment are issues faced by many children in schools and there are disturbing trends of excluding children who present with behavioural problems at school whose origins are not explored. Excluded children are then educated with other children who may also have multiple problems which often just make the situation worse. The experience of clinicians suggests that school-related mental health problems are increasing in severity. Are mental health services dealing with the consequences of an education system that is not meeting children’s needs? An education system that is testing- and performance-based may not be serving many children well if it is driving important decisions about them at increasingly younger ages. Labelling of children and setting them on educational career paths can occur well before they reach secondary schools, limiting potential very early on in their developmental trajectory. Furthermore, the emphasis at school on testing may come at the expense of creativity and other forms of intelligence, which are also valuable and important. Meanwhile the employment marketplace requires people with widely different skills, with an emphasis on innovation, creativity, and problem solving. Is education losing sight of the children it is educating

    The utility of c-Met as a diagnostic tissue biomarker in primary colorectal cancer

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    The transmembrane protein, c-Met, is thought to be overexpressed and activated in colorectal cancer (CRC). This study explored its potential as a diagnostic tissue biomarker for CRC in a large human CRC tissue collection obtained from a randomized clinical trial. Tissue microarrays of matched normal colorectal epithelium and primary cancer were prepared from specimens obtained from 280 patients recruited to the MRC CLASICC trial (ISRCTN 74883561) and interrogated using immunohistochemistry for c-Met expression. The distribution and intensity of immunopositivity was graded using a validated, semi-quantifiable score, and differences in median scores analysed using the Wilcoxon signed-rank test. A receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve was plotted to measure the diagnostic accuracy of c-Met as a biomarker in CRC. Epithelial cell membrane expression of c-Met differed significantly between CRC and normal colorectal tissue: median 12.00 (Interquartile range (IQR) 6-15) versus median 6.00 (IQR 2.70-12.00) respectively (P = <.0001). ROC-AUC analysis of c-Met expression yielded a CRC diagnostic probability of 0.66 (95% CI: 0.61 to 0.70; P < .0001). A score of ≥14.50 showed high specificity at 85.32% (95% CI 80.33%-89.45%) but sensitivity of only 30.92% (CI 25.37%-36.90%). Thus c-Met is consistently overexpressed in human CRC as compared to normal colorectal epithelium tissue. c-Met expression may have a role in diagnosis and prognostication if combined with other biomarkers