222 research outputs found

    Selecting and implementing overview methods: implications from five exemplar overviews

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    This is the final version of the article. Available from BioMed Central via the DOI in this record.Background Overviews of systematic reviews are an increasingly popular method of evidence synthesis; there is a lack of clear guidance for completing overviews and a number of methodological challenges. At the UK Cochrane Symposium 2016, methodological challenges of five overviews were explored. Using data from these five overviews, practical implications to support methodological decision making of authors writing protocols for future overviews are proposed. Methods Methods, and their justification, from the five exemplar overviews were tabulated and compared with areas of debate identified within current literature. Key methodological challenges and implications for development of overview protocols were generated and synthesised into a list, discussed and refined until there was consensus. Results Methodological features of three Cochrane overviews, one overview of diagnostic test accuracy and one mixed methods overview have been summarised. Methods of selection of reviews and data extraction were similar. Either the AMSTAR or ROBIS tool was used to assess quality of included reviews. The GRADE approach was most commonly used to assess quality of evidence within the reviews. Eight key methodological challenges were identified from the exemplar overviews. There was good agreement between our findings and emerging areas of debate within a recent published synthesis. Implications for development of protocols for future overviews were identified. Conclusions Overviews are a relatively new methodological innovation, and there are currently substantial variations in the methodological approaches used within different overviews. There are considerable methodological challenges for which optimal solutions are not necessarily yet known. Lessons learnt from five exemplar overviews highlight a number of methodological decisions which may be beneficial to consider during the development of an overview protocol.The overview conducted by Pollock [19] was supported by a project grant from the Chief Scientist Office of the Scottish Government. The overview conducted by McClurg [21] was supported by a project grant by the Physiotherapy Research Foundation. The overview by Hunt [22] was supported as part of doctoral programme funding by the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Collaboration for Leadership in Applied Health Research and Care South West Peninsula (PenCLAHRC). The overview conducted by Estcourt [20] was supported by an NIHR Cochrane Programme Grant for the Safe and Appropriate Use of Blood Components. The overview conducted by Brunton [23] was commissioned by the Department of Health as part of an ongoing programme of work on health policy research synthesis. Alex Pollock is employed by the Nursing, Midwifery and Allied Health Professions (NMAHP) Research Unit, which is supported by the Chief Scientist Office of the Scottish Government. Pauline Campbell is supported by the Chief Nurses Office of the Scottish Government

    The first biosimilar approved for the treatment of osteoporosis

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    To demonstrate the clinical comparability between RGB-10 (a biosimilar teriparatide) and the originator, a comparative pharmacokinetic trial was conducted. The study was successful in establishing bioequivalence. Marketing authorisation for RGB-10 (Terrosa®) was granted by the European Medicines Agency in 2017.Teriparatide, the first bone anabolic agent, is the biologically active fragment of human parathyroid hormone. The imminent patent expiry of the originator will open the door for biosimilars to enter the osteology market, thereby improving access to a highly effective, yet prohibitively expensive therapy.Subsequent to establishing comparability on the quality and non-clinical levels between RGB-10, a biosimilar teriparatide, and its reference product (Forsteo®), a randomised, double-blind, 2-way cross-over comparative study (duration: four days) was conducted in 54 healthy women (ages: 18 to 55 years) to demonstrate the pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic (PK/PD) equivalence and comparable safety of these products. Extents of exposure (AUC0-tlast) and peak exposure (Cmax), as measured by means of ELISA, were evaluated as co-primary PK endpoints, and serum calcium levels, as measured using standard automated techniques, were assessed for PD effects. Safety was monitored throughout the study.The 94.12% CIs for the ratio of the test to the reference treatments, used due to the two-stage design (85.20-98.60% and 85.51-99.52% for AUC0-tlast and Cmax, respectively), fell within the 80.00-125.00% acceptance range. The calcium PD parameters were essentially identical with geometric mean ratios (GMRs) of 99.93% and 99.87% for AUC and Cmax, respectively. Analysis of the safety data did not reveal any differences between RGB-10 and its reference.Based on the high level of similarity in the preclinical data and the results of this clinical study, marketing authorisation for RGB-10 (Terrosa®) was granted by the European Medicines Agency (EMA) in 2017

    Business opportunities analysis using GIS: the retail distribution sector

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    [EN] The retail distribution sector is facing a difficult time as the current landscape is characterized by ever-increasing competition. In these conditions, the search for an appropriate location strategy has the potential to become a differentiating and competitive factor. Although, in theory, an increasing level of importance is placed on geography because of its key role in understanding the success of a business, this is not the case in practice. For this reason, the process outlined in this paper has been specifically developed to detect new business locations. The methodology consists of a range of analyzes with Geographical Information Systems (GISs) from a marketing point of view. This new approach is called geomarketing. First, geodemand and geocompetition are located on two separate digital maps using spatial and non-spatial databases. Second, a third map is obtained by matching this information with the demand not dealt with properly by the current commercial offer. Third, the Kernel density allows users to visualize results, thus facilitating decision-making by managers, regardless of their professional background. The advantage of this methodology is the capacity of GIS to handle large amounts of information, both spatial and non-spatial. A practical application is performed in Murcia (Spain) with 100 supermarkets and data at a city block level, which is the highest possible level of detail. This detection process can be used in any commercial distribution company, so it can be generalized and considered a global solution for retailers.Roig Tierno, H.; Baviera-Puig, A.; Buitrago Vera, JM. (2013). Business opportunities analysis using GIS: the retail distribution sector. Global Business Perspectives. 1(3):226-238. doi:10.1007/s40196-013-0015-6S22623813Alarcón, S. (2011). The trade credit in the Spanish agrofood industry. Mediterranean Journal of Economics, Agriculture and Environment (New Medit), 10(2), 51–57.Alcaide, J. C., Calero, R., & Hernández, R. (2012). Geomarketing. Marketing territorial para vender y fidelizar más. Madrid: ESIC.Applebaum, W., & Cohen, S. B. (1961). The dynamics of store trading areas and market equilibrium. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 51(1), 73–101.Baviera-Puig, A., Buitrago-Vera, J. M., Escriba, C., & Clemente, J. S. (2009). Geomarketing: Aplicación de los sistemas de información geográfica al marketing. Paper presented at the Octava Conferencia Iberoamericana en Sistemas, Cibernética e Informática, Orlando, FL.Baviera-Puig, A., Buitrago-Vera, J. M., & Mas-Verdú, F. (2012). Trade areas and knowledge-intensive services: The case of a technology centre. Management Decision, 50(8), 1412–1424.Baviera-Puig, A., Buitrago-Vera, J. M., & Rodríguez-Barrio, J. E. (2013). Un modelo de geomarketing para la localización de supermercados: Diseño y aplicación práctica. Documentos de Trabajo de la Cátedra Fundación Ramón Areces de Distribución Comercial (DOCFRADIS), 1, 1–27.Berumen, S. A., & Llamazares, F. (2007). La utilidad los métodos de decisión multicriterio (como el AHP) en un entorno de competitividad creciente. Cuadernos de administración, 20(34), 65–87.Birkin, M., Clarke, G., & Clarke, M. (2002). Retail geography and intelligent network planning. Chichester: Wiley.Chasco, C. (2003). El geomarketing y la distribución commercial. Investigación y Márketing, 79, 6–13.Chen, R. J. C. (2007). Significance and variety of geographic information system (GIS) applications in retail, hospitality, tourism, and consumer services. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 14, 247–248.Church, R. L. (2002). Geographical information systems and location science. Computers and Operations Research, 29, 541–562.Church, R. L., & Murray, A. T. (2009). Business site selection, location analysis and GIS. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.Clarke, G. (1998). 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    Intensive care unit course of infants and children after cranial vault reconstruction for craniosynostosis

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Craniosynostosis (CSS) results from the premature closure of one or more cranial sutures, leading to deformed calvaria at birth. It is a common finding in children with an incidence of one in 2000 births. Surgery is required in order to release the synostotic constraint and promote normal calvaria growth. Cranial vault remodeling is the surgical approach to CSS repair at our institution and it involves excision of the frontal, parietal, and occipital bones. The purpose of this article is to describe the post-operative course of infants and children admitted to our PICU after undergoing cranial vault remodeling for primary CSS.</p> <p>Findings</p> <p>Complete data was available for analyses in only 82 patients, 44 males (M) and 38 females (F); M: F ratio was 1:1.2. Patients (pts) age in months (mo) ranged from 2 mo to 132 mo, mean 18.2 ±-24.9 mo and weights (wt) ranged from 4.7 kg to 31.4 kg, mean 10.24 ± 5.5 Kg.. Duration of surgery (DOS) ranged from 70 minutes to 573 minutes mean 331.6 ± 89.0 minutes. No significant correlation exist between duration of surgery, suture category, patient's age or use of blood products (P > 0.05). IOP blood loss was higher in older pts (P < 0.05) and it correlates with body temperature in the PICU (P < .0001). Post-op use of FFP correlated with intra-operative PRBC transfusion (P < 0.0001). More PRBC was transfused within 12 hrs-24 hrs in PICU compared to other time periods (P < 0.05). LOS in PICU was < 3 days in 68% and > 3 days in 32%. Pts with fever had prolonged LOS (P < 0. 05); re-intubation rate was 2.4% and MVD were 1.83 days. Repeat operation for poor cosmetic results occurred in 9.7% of pts.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Post-op morbidities from increased use of blood products can be minimized if cranial vault remodeling is done at a younger age in patients with primary CSS. PICU length of stay is determined in part by post-op pyrexia and it can be reduced if extensive evaluations of post-op fever are avoided.</p

    The effect of gamma irradiation on the structural properties of olivine

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    Gamma irradiation studies of (Mg0.905Fe0.095)2SiO4 olivine were performed using X-ray fluorescence method, X-ray diffraction, Raman and Mössbauer spectroscopy. The absorbed doses were 300, 600 and 1000 Gy. Small irradiation doses cause an increase of lattice vibrations and small deformation of both M1 and M2 octahedron. The observed effect is similar to the results expose to high temperature. However, the small deformation takes place only in unit cell of Olivine’s structure

    Small but crucial : the novel small heat shock protein Hsp21 mediates stress adaptation and virulence in Candida albicans

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    Cardiac magnetic resonance imaging-indeterminate/negative cardiac sarcoidosis revealed by 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose-positron emission tomography: two case reports and a review of the literature

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    Abstract Background Sarcoidosis is an inflammatory disorder of immune dysregulation characterized by non-caseating granulomas that can affect any organ. Cardiac sarcoidosis is an under-recognized entity that has a heterogeneous presentation and may occur independently or with any severity of systemic disease. Diagnosing cardiac sarcoidosis remains problematic with endomyocardial biopsies associated with a high risk of complications. Several diagnostic algorithms are currently available that rely on histopathology or clinical and radiological measures. The dominant mode of diagnostic imaging to date for cardiac sarcoidosis has been cardiac magnetic resonance imaging with gadolinium enhancement. Case presentations We report the cases of two adult patients: case 1, a 50-year-old white man who presented with severe congestive cardiac failure; and case 2, a 37-year-old white woman who presented with complete heart block. Both patients had a background of untreated pulmonary sarcoidosis. Cardiac magnetic resonance imaging did not show evidence of sarcoidosis in either patient and both proceeded to 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose-positron emission tomography scans that were highly suggestive of cardiac sarcoidosis. Both patients were systemically immunosuppressed with orally administered prednisone and methotrexate and had subsequent improvement by clinical and nuclear medicine imaging measures. Conclusions Current consensus guidelines recommend all patients with sarcoidosis undergo screening for occult cardiac disease, with thorough history and examination, electrocardiogram, and transthoracic echocardiogram. If any abnormalities are detected, advanced cardiac imaging should follow. While cardiac magnetic resonance imaging identifies the majority of cardiac sarcoidosis, early disease may not be detected. These cases demonstrate 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose-positron emission tomography is warranted following an indeterminate or normal cardiac magnetic resonance imaging if clinical suspicion remains high. Unidentified and untreated cardiac sarcoidosis risks significant morbidity and mortality, but early detection can facilitate disease-modifying immunosuppression and cardiac-specific interventions

    A phase I and II study of 2-weekly irinotecan with capecitabine in advanced gastroesophageal adenocarcinoma

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    We investigated 2-weekly intravenous irinotecan combined with oral capecitabine in patients with advanced gastroesophageal adenocarcinoma. In phase I, doses were escalated in chemotherapy naïve or pretreated patients to establish maximum tolerated doses (MTD). In phase II, patients were treated at MTD as first-line therapy with the primary end point of RECIST response. Dose levels in phase I were as follows: Level 1: irinotecan 150 mg m−2 on day 1; capecitabine 850 mg m−2 12-hourly on days 1–9. Level 2: as level 1 but capecitabine 1000 mg m−2. Level 3: as level 2 but irinotecan 180 mg m−2. Level 4: as level 3 but capecitabine 1250 mg m−2. In phase I, 21 patients were entered. Maximum tolerated dose was level 3. Dose-limiting toxicities were lethargy, diarrhoea, vomiting and mucositis. In phase II, 31 patients were entered at level 3. During the first six cycles, 13 of these patients underwent dose reduction and three patients stopped treatment for toxicity. A further six patients stopped for progressive disease. The commonest grade 3–4 toxicities were lethargy (20%), diarrhoea (17%), nausea (10%) and anorexia (10%). There were no treatment-related deaths. The response rate was 32% (95% CI 16–52%). Median overall survival was 10 months. This regimen is active in gastroesophageal adenocarcinoma. However, using the MTD defined in phase I, fewer than 50% patients tolerated six cycles without modification in phase II; therefore, modification of these doses is recommended for further study