29 research outputs found

    Predicting Important Residues and Interaction Pathways in Proteins Using Gaussian Network Model: Binding and Stability of HLA Proteins

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    A statistical thermodynamics approach is proposed to determine structurally and functionally important residues in native proteins that are involved in energy exchange with a ligand and other residues along an interaction pathway. The structure-function relationships, ligand binding and allosteric activities of ten structures of HLA Class I proteins of the immune system are studied by the Gaussian Network Model. Five of these models are associated with inflammatory rheumatic disease and the remaining five are properly functioning. In the Gaussian Network Model, the protein structures are modeled as an elastic network where the inter-residue interactions are harmonic. Important residues and the interaction pathways in the proteins are identified by focusing on the largest eigenvalue of the residue interaction matrix. Predicted important residues match those known from previous experimental and clinical work. Graph perturbation is used to determine the response of the important residues along the interaction pathway. Differences in response patterns of the two sets of proteins are identified and their relations to disease are discussed

    Protein misfolding and dysregulated protein homeostasis in autoinflammatory diseases and beyond.

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    Cells have a number of mechanisms to maintain protein homeostasis, including proteasome-mediated degradation of ubiquitinated proteins and autophagy, a regulated process of ‘self-eating’ where the contents of entire organelles can be recycled for other uses. The unfolded protein response prevents protein overload in the secretory pathway. In the past decade, it has become clear that these fundamental cellular processes also help contain inflammation though degrading pro-inflammatory protein complexes such as the NLRP3 inflammasome. Signaling pathways such as the UPR can also be co-opted by toll-like receptor and mitochondrial reactive oxygen species signaling to induce inflammatory responses. Mutations that alter key inflammatory proteins, such as NLRP3 or TNFR1, can overcome normal protein homeostasis mechanisms, resulting in autoinflammatory diseases. Conversely, Mendelian defects in the proteasome cause protein accumulation, which can trigger interferon-dependent autoinflammatory disease. In non-Mendelian inflammatory diseases, polymorphisms in genes affecting the UPR or autophagy pathways can contribute to disease, and in diseases not formerly considered inflammatory such as neurodegenerative conditions and type 2 diabetes, there is increasing evidence that cell intrinsic or environmental alterations in protein homeostasis may contribute to pathogenesis

    Misfolding of HLA-B27 as a result of its B pocket suggests a novel mechanism for its role in susceptibility to spondyloarthropathies.

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    The MHC class I protein HLA-B27 is strongly associated with susceptibility to spondyloarthropathies and can cause arthritis when expressed in rats and mice, implying a direct role in disease pathogenesis. A prominent hypothesis to explain this role suggests that the unique peptide binding specificity of HLA-B27 confers an ability to present arthritogenic peptides. The B pocket, a region of the peptide binding groove that is an important determinant of allele-specific peptide binding, is thought to be critical for arthritogenicity. However, this hypothesis remains unproven. We show that in addition to its role in peptide selection, the B pocket causes a portion of the pool of assembling HLA-B27 heavy chains in the endoplasmic reticulum to misfold, resulting in their degradation in the cytosol. The misfolding phenotype is corrected by replacing the HLA-B27 B pocket with one from HLA-A2. Our results suggest an alternative to the arthritogenic peptide hypothesis. Misfolding and its consequences, rather than allele-specific peptide presentation, may underlie the strong link between the HLA-B27 B pocket and susceptibility to spondyloarthropathies

    The Oxidative Folding and Misfolding of Human Leukocyte Antigen-B27

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    The major histocompatibility complex class I molecule human leukocyte antigen (HLA)-B27 is strongly associated with a group of inflammatory arthritic disorders known as the spondyloarthropathies. Many autoimmune diseases exhibit associations with major histocompatibility complex molecules encoded within the class II locus with defined immune responses either mediated by T or B-lymphocytes. Despite the association being known for over 30 years, no defined immune response and target autoantigens have been characterized for the spondyloarthropathies. Thus, the mechanism and role of HLA-B27 in disease pathogenesis remains undetermined. One hypothesis that has recently received much attention has focused around the enhanced propensity for HLA-B27 to misfold and the increased tendency of the heavy chain to dimerize. The misfolding of HLA-B27 has been associated with its redox status and this is postulated to be involved in disease development. Here we discuss the impact of the redox status on HLA-B27 biosynthesis and function. Antioxid. Redox Signal. 15, 669-684

    Etiopathogenic role of HLA-B27 alleles in ankylosing spondylitis

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    HLA-B27 is the major genetic susceptibility factor for ankylosing spondylitis (AS). However, its precise role in the pathogenesis of AS still remains unclear, even though its gene has been cloned and sequenced, and its crystallographic structure has been defined. Arthritogenic peptide and molecular mimicry hypotheses propose mechanisms related to an antigen-presenting function of HLA-B27 to be responsible for disease development. However, peculiar aspects of its immunobiology, such as its misfolding and heavy chain dimerization raise the possibility of involvement of pathogenic mechanisms unrelated to its physiological function. Moreover, HLA-B27 is not a single allele, but a family of 31 different alleles, named HLA-B*2701 to HLA-B*2727. Studies worldwide indicate that the relatively common alleles (subtypes) HLA-B*2705, B*2704, and B*2702 are strongly associated with AS, whereas HLA-B*2706 which is prevalent in South-east Asia and HLA-B*2709 which is prevalent on the Italian island of Sardinia, seem to lack such an association. The distinction between the disease-associated subtypes and those that are not associated, may provide clues to the actual role of HLA-B27 in disease pathogenesis. B*2706 differs from B*2704 by only two residues, and B*2709 differs from B*2705 by only one residue. Moreover, both B*2706 and B*2709 bind an endogenous peptide (derived from vasoactive intestinal peptide type 1 receptor) and also an exogenous peptide (latent membrane protein 2 of Epstein-Barr virus) but in two drastically diverse conformations. These recent X-ray diffraction studies of individual peptides in the context of different HLA-B27 alleles broaden our perception of the possible pathogenetic role of this molecule in the development of AS and related spondyloarthopathies. In summary, the pathogenetic role of HLA-B27 in AS seem to be quite heterogenous, and cannot be explained by a single mechanism, and new ideas have been raised based on the aberrant immunobiologic features of HLA-B27. ©Asia Pacific League of Associations for Rheumatology

    Disease-associated polymorphisms in ERAP1 do not alter endoplasmic reticulum stress in patients with ankylosing spondylitis

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    The mechanism by which human leukocyte antigen B27 (HLA-B27) contributes to ankylosing spondylitis (AS) remains unclear. Genetic studies demonstrate that association with and interaction between polymorphisms of endoplasmic reticulum aminopeptidase 1 (ERAP1) and HLA-B27 influence the risk of AS. It has been hypothesised that ERAP1-mediated HLA-B27 misfolding increases endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress, driving an interleukin (IL) 23-dependent, pro-inflammatory immune response. We tested the hypothesis that AS-risk ERAP1 variants increase ER-stress and concomitant pro-inflammatory cytokine production in HLA-B27 but not HLA-B27 AS patients or controls. Forty-nine AS cases and 22 healthy controls were grouped according to HLA-B27 status and AS-associated ERAP1 rs30187 genotypes: HLA-B27ERAP1risk, HLA-B27ERAP1protective, HLA-B27ERAP1risk and HLA-B27ERAP1protective. Expression levels of ER-stress markers GRP78 (8kDa glucose-regulated protein), CHOP (CEBP-homologous protein) and inflammatory cytokines were determined in peripheral blood mononuclear cell and ileal biopsies. We found no differences in ER-stress gene expression between HLA-B27 and HLA-B27 cases or healthy controls, or between cases or controls stratified by carriage of ERAP1 risk or protective alleles in the presence or absence of HLA-B27. No differences were observed between expression of IL17A or TNF (tumour necrosis factor) in HLA-B27ERAP1risk, HLA-B27ERAP1protective and HLA-B27ERAP1protective cases. These data demonstrate that aberrant ERAP1 activity and HLA-B27 carriage does not alter ER-stress levels in AS, suggesting that ERAP1 and HLA-B27 may influence disease susceptibility through other mechanisms