7,524 research outputs found

    Bino Dark Matter and Big Bang Nucleosynthesis in the Constrained E6SSM with Massless Inert Singlinos

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    We discuss a new variant of the E6 inspired supersymmetric standard model (E6SSM) in which the two inert singlinos are exactly massless and the dark matter candidate has a dominant bino component. A successful relic density is achieved via a novel mechanism in which the bino scatters inelastically into heavier inert Higgsinos during the time of thermal freeze-out. The two massless inert singlinos contribute to the effective number of neutrino species at the time of Big Bang Nucleosynthesis, where the precise contribution depends on the mass of the Z' which keeps them in equilibrium. For example for mZ' > 1300 GeV we find Neff \approx 3.2, where the smallness of the additional contribution is due to entropy dilution. We study a few benchmark points in the constrained E6SSM with massless inert singlinos to illustrate this new scenario.Comment: 24 pages, revised for publication in JHE

    What is it Like to Be a Landfill?: A Fictocritical Guide to the Department of Discard Culture, Compassionate Phenomenology, and Surrealist Ethnography

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    This thesis is a fictocritical text framed as A Guide to the Department of Discard Culture — a speculative institute dedicated to interrogating discard phenomena as a subject of cultural analysis. This thesis argues that contemporary human-object relations constitute an emergent ontological crisis, and concludes by calling for an ethics of matter. The author’s film, Solid Waste, is described as critically positioned as surrealist ethnography. Using compassionate phenomenology to contemplate the relationship between civilization and waste, subjects like clutter, compulsive hoarding, and overconsumption are examined using humanist, posthumanist, and Eastern mystical theories. Because complex problems require complex methods, a transdisciplinary approach is positioned to research in both the field and lab, where two primary questions guide this inquiry: How can the perception of waste matter be shifted? And, What is it like to be a landfill? The conclusion offers a letter to humanity on behalf on an anthropomorphic landfill

    The adaptation of a 360° camera utilising an alternate light source (ALS) for the detection of biological fluids at crime scenes.

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    One of the most important and commonly encountered evidence types that can be recovered at crime scenes are biological fluids. Due to the ephemeral nature of biological fluids and the valuable DNA that they can contain, it is fundamental that these are documented extensively and recovered rapidly. Locating and identifying biological fluids can prove a challenging task but can aid in reconstructing a sequence of events. Alternate light sources (ALS) offer powerful non-invasive methods for locating and enhancing biological fluids utilising different wavelengths of light. Current methods for locating biological fluids using ALS's may be time consuming, as they often require close range searching of potentially large crime scenes. Subsequent documentation using digital cameras and alternate light sources can increase the investigation time and due to the cameras low dynamic range, photographs can appear under or over exposed. This study presents a technique, which allows the simultaneous detection and visualisation of semen and saliva utilising a SceneCam 360° camera (Spheron VR AG), which was adapted to integrate a blue Crime Lite XL (Foster+Freeman). This technique was investigated using different volumes of semen and saliva, on porous and non-porous substrates, and the ability to detect these at incremental distances from the substrate. Substrate type and colour had a significant effect on the detection of the biological fluid, with limited fluid detection on darker substrates. The unique real-time High Dynamic range (HDR) ability of the SceneCam significantly enhanced the detection of biological fluids where background fluorescence masked target fluorescence. These preliminary results are presented as a proof of concept for combining 360° photography using HDR and an ALS for the detection of biological stains, within a scene, in real time, whilst conveying spatial relationships of staining to other evidence. This technique presents the opportunity to presumptively screen a crime scene for biological fluids and will facilitate simultaneous location and visualisation of biological evidence

    Note: A versatile mass spectrometer chamber for molecular beam and temperature programmed desorption experiments

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    A dual purpose mass spectrometer chamber capable of performing molecular beam scattering (MBS) and temperature programmed desorption (TPD) is detailed. Two simple features of this design allow it to perform these techniques. First, the diameter of entrance aperture to the mass spectrometer can be varied to maximize signal for TPD or to maximize angular resolution for MBS. Second, the mass spectrometer chamber can be radially translated so that it can be positioned close to the sample to maximize signal or far from the sample to maximize angular resolution. The performance of this system is described and compares well with systems designed for only one of these techniques

    Increasing the accessibility and impact of justice-related student and practitioner research

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    Much good quality research by pre-doctoral students and case-work focused practitioners remains unpublished. However, their findings could contribute to the evidence base underpinning science and practice within international justice system contexts. There are two main challenges to making findings accessible: reaching all criminal justice stakeholders, and encouraging collaborative efforts in research addressing ‘real world’ problems. This article presents the rationale for a new, open access repository. The aim is to share good quality pre-doctoral and practitioner criminal justice research across traditional disciplinary and international borders. Such a repository should be easy to use, well maintained and sustainable. Its reach, value and impact also need to be measurable. We present the major considerations relating to the operation and workflow of such a repository, and outline the potential value, benefits and limitations. Our research suggests that the proposed repository could foster interdisciplinary and collaborative work to benefit global justice systems and societies

    On hypercharge flux and exotics in F-theory GUTs

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    We study SU(5) Grand Unified Theories within a local framework in F-theory with multiple extra U(1) symmetries arising from a small monodromy group. The use of hypercharge flux for doublet-triplet splitting implies massless exotics in the spectrum that are protected from obtaining a mass by the U(1) symmetries. We find that lifting the exotics by giving vacuum expectation values to some GUT singlets spontaneously breaks all the U(1) symmetries which implies that proton decay operators are induced. If we impose an additional R-parity symmetry by hand we find all the exotics can be lifted while proton decay operators are still forbidden. These models can retain the gauge coupling unification accuracy of the MSSM at 1-loop. For models where the generations are distributed across multiple curves we also present a motivation for the quark-lepton mass splittings at the GUT scale based on a Froggatt-Nielsen approach to flavour.Comment: 38 pages; v2: emphasised possibility of avoiding exotics in models without a global E8 structure, added ref, journal versio

    Time-Resolved Imaging Reveals Heterogeneous Landscapes of Nanomolar Ca(2+) in Neurons and Astroglia

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    Maintaining low intracellular calcium is essential to the functioning of brain cells, yet the phenomenology and mechanisms involved remain an enigma. We have advanced a two-photon excitation time-resolved imaging technique, which exploits high sensitivity of the OGB-1 fluorescence lifetime to nanomolar Ca(2+) concentration ([Ca(2+)]) and enables a high data acquisition rate in situ. The [Ca(2+)] readout is not affected by dye concentration, light scattering, photobleaching, micro-viscosity, temperature, or the main known concomitants of cellular activity. In quiescent tissue, standard whole-cell configuration has little effect on resting [Ca(2+)] inside neuronal dendrites or inside astroglia dye-filled via gap junctions. Mapping basal [Ca(2+)] in neurons and astrocytes with submicron resolution unveils heterogeneous concentration landscapes that depend on age and preceding activity. The rich information content represented by such landscapes in acute slices and in vivo promises to unveil the hitherto unexplored, potentially fundamental aspects of brain cell physiology. VIDEO ABSTRACT

    Wavefunctions and the Point of E8 in F-theory

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    In F-theory GUTs interactions between fields are typically localised at points of enhanced symmetry in the internal dimensions implying that the coefficient of the associated operator can be studied using a local wavefunctions overlap calculation. Some F-theory SU(5) GUT theories may exhibit a maximum symmetry enhancement at a point to E8, and in this case all the operators of the theory can be associated to the same point. We take initial steps towards the study of operators in such theories. We calculate wavefunctions and their overlaps around a general point of enhancement and establish constraints on the local form of the fluxes. We then apply the general results to a simple model at a point of E8 enhancement and calculate some example operators such as Yukawa couplings and dimension-five couplings that can lead to proton decay.Comment: 46 page
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