1,234 research outputs found

    Deflection of a Viscoelastic Cantilever under a Uniform Surface Stress: Applications to Static-mode Microcantilever Sensors Undergoing Adsorption

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    The equation governing the curvature of a viscoelastic microcantilever beam loaded with a uniform surface stress is derived. The present model is applicable to static-mode microcantilever sensors made with a rigid polymer, such as SU-8. An analytical solution to the differential equation governing the curvature is given for a specific surface stress representing adsorption of analyte onto the viscoelastic beam’s surface. The solution for the bending of the microcantilever shows that, in many cases, the use of Stoney’s equation to analyze stress-induced deflection of viscoelastic microcantilevers (in the present case due to surface analyte adsorption) can lead to poor predictions of the beam’s response. It is shown that using a viscoelastic substrate can greatly increase sensitivity (due to a lower modulus), but at the cost of a longer response time due to viscoelasticcreep in the microcantilever. In addition, the effects of a coating on the cantilever are considered. By defining effective moduli for the coated-beam case, the analytical solution for the uncoated case can still be used. It is found that, unlike the case of a silicon microcantilever, the stress in the coating due to bending of a polymer cantilever can be significant, especially for metalcoatings. The theoretical results presented here can also be used to extract time-domain viscoelasticproperties of the polymermaterial from beam response data

    Competitiedrang op de werkvloer

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    Recent onderzoek laat zien dat vrouwen minder snel voor een competitieve omgeving kiezen dan mannen, en soms ook minder goed presteren onder competitie. In een veldexperiment zijn de gevolgen hiervan voor gedrag op de werkvloer onderzocht. Teamsamenstelling blijkt cruciaal

    Dedicated Doctors: Public and Private Provision of Health Care with Altruistic Physicians

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    Physicians are supposed to serve patients' interests, but some are more inclined to do so than others. This paper studies how the system of health care provision affects the allocation of patients to physicians when physicians differ in altruism. We show that allowing for private provision of health care, parallel to (free) treatment in a National Health Service, benefits all patients. It enables rich patients to obtain higher quality treatment in the private sector. Because the altruistic physicians infer that in their absence, NHS patients receive lower treatment quality than private sector patients, they optimally decide to work in the NHS. Hence, after allowing for private provision, the remaining (relatively poor) NHS patients are more likely to receive the superior treatment provided by altruistic physicians. We also show, however, that allowing physicians to moonlight, i.e. to operate in both the NHS and the private sector simultaneously, nullifies part of these beneficial effects for the poorest patients

    The Effect of Job Satisfaction on Job Search: Not just whether, but also where

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    Using survey data of public sector employees in the Netherlands, this paper shows that workers' satisfaction with various job domains not only affects whether but also where workers search for another job. An intuitive pattern emerges. Workers try to leave their current employer when their job search is instigated by dissatisfaction with an organisation-specific job domain, like management. Conversely, more job-specific problems, like a lack of autonomy, lead workers to opt for another position within their current organisation. Dissatisfaction with job domains which may have an industry-specific component, such as job duties, drives workers out of their industry. These findings suggest that on-the-job experience provides workers with information about the quality of their own job as well as of other jobs in their organisation and industry

    Guided atom laser : a new tool for guided atom optics

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    We present a guided atom laser. A Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) is created in a crossed hybrid magnetic and an elongated optical trap, which acts as a matterwave guide. Atoms are extracted from the BEC by radio frequency (rf) outcoupling and then guided in the horizontal optical matterwave guide. This method allows to control the acceleration of the beam and to achieve large de Broglie wavelength. We also measure the longitudinal energy of the guided atom laser using atom optical elements based on a blue light barrier

    Generalized Model of Resonant Polymer-Coated Microcantilevers in Viscous Liquid Media

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    Expressions describing the resonant frequency and quality factor of a dynamically driven, polymer-coated microcantilever in a viscous liquid medium have been obtained. These generalized formulas are used to describe the effects the operational medium and the viscoelastic coating have on the device sensitivity when used in liquid-phase chemical sensing applications. Shifts in the resonant frequency are normally assumed proportional to the mass of sorbed analyte in the sensing layer. However, the expression for the frequency shift derived in this work indicates that the frequency shift is also dependent on changes in the sensing layer’s loss and storage moduli, changes in the moment of inertia, and changes in the medium of operation’s viscosity and density. Not accounting for these factors will lead to incorrect analyte concentration predictions. The derived expressions are shown to reduce to well-known formulas found in the literature for the case of an uncoated cantilever in a viscous liquid medium and the case of a coated cantilever in air or in a vacuum. The theoretical results presented are then compared to available chemical sensor data in aqueous and viscous solutions

    Regulatory T cells in melanoma revisited by a computational clustering of FOXP3+ T cell subpopulations

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    CD4+ T cells that express the transcription factor FOXP3 (FOXP3+ T cells) are commonly regarded as immunosuppressive regulatory T cells (Treg). FOXP3+ T cells are reported to be increased in tumour-bearing patients or animals, and considered to suppress anti-tumour immunity, but the evidence is often contradictory. In addition, accumulating evidence indicates that FOXP3 is induced by antigenic stimulation, and that some non-Treg FOXP3+ T cells, especially memory-phenotype FOXP3low cells, produce proinflammatory cytokines. Accordingly, the subclassification of FOXP3+ T cells is fundamental for revealing the significance of FOXP3+ T cells in tumour immunity, but the arbitrariness and complexity of manual gating have complicated the issue. Here we report a computational method to automatically identify and classify FOXP3+ T cells into subsets using clustering algorithms. By analysing flow cytometric data of melanoma patients, the proposed method showed that the FOXP3+ subpopulation that had relatively high FOXP3, CD45RO, and CD25 expressions was increased in melanoma patients, whereas manual gating did not produce significant results on the FOXP3+ subpopulations. Interestingly, the computationally-identified FOXP3+ subpopulation included not only classical FOXP3high Treg but also memory-phenotype FOXP3low cells by manual gating. Furthermore, the proposed method successfully analysed an independent dataset, showing that the same FOXP3+ subpopulation was increased in melanoma patients, validating the method. Collectively, the proposed method successfully captured an important feature of melanoma without relying on the existing criteria of FOXP3+ T cells, revealing a hidden association between the T cell profile and melanoma, and providing new insights into FOXP3+ T cells and Treg

    On baryogenesis from dark matter annihilation

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    We study in detail the conditions to generate the baryon asymmetry of the universe from the annihilation of dark matter. This scenario requires a low energy mechanism for thermal baryogenesis, hence we first discuss some of these mechanisms together with the specific constraints due to the connection with the dark matter sector. Then we show that, contrary to what stated in previous studies, it is possible to generate the cosmological asymmetry without adding a light sterile dark sector, both in models with violation and with conservation of B-L. In addition, one of the models we propose yields some connection to neutrino masses.Comment: 30 pages, 9 artistic figures. V2 minor changes, matches published version in JCA

    Cantilever-based Resonant Gas Sensors with Integrated Recesses for Localized Sensing Layer Deposition

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    This work presents mass-sensitive hammerhead resonators with integrated recesses as a gas-phase chemical microsensor platform. Recesses are etched into the head region of the resonator to locally deposit chemically sensitive polymers by ink-jet printing. This permits the sensing films to be confined to areas that (a) are most effective in detecting mass loading and (b) are not strained during the in-plane vibrations of the resonator. As a result of the second point, even 5-ÎĽm thick polymer coatings on resonators with a 9-12 ÎĽm silicon thickness barely affect the Q-factor in air. This translates into higher frequency stability and ultimately higher sensor resolution compared to uniformly coated devices

    Detection and Quantification of Multi-Analyte Mixtures Using a Single Sensor and Multi-Stage Data-Weighted RLSE

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    This work reports the development and experimental verification of a sensor signal processing technique for online identification and quantification of aqueous mixtures of benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, xylenes (BTEX) and 1, 2, 4-trimethylbenzene (TMB) at ppb concentrations using time-dependent frequency responses from a single polymer-coated shear-horizontal surface acoustic wave sensor. Signal processing based on multi-stage exponentially weighted recursive leastsquares estimation (EW-RLSE) is utilized for estimating the concentrations of the analytes in the mixture that are most likely to have produced a given sensor response. The initial stages of EW-RLSE are used to eliminate analyte(s) that are erroneously identified as present in the mixture; the final stage of EW-RLSE with the corresponding sensor response model representing the analyte(s) present in the mixture is used to obtain a more accurate quantification result of the analyte(s). The success of this method in identifying and quantifying analytes in real-time with high accuracy using the response of just a single sensor device demonstrates an effective, simpler, lower-cost alternative to a sensor array that includes the advantage of not requiring a complex training protocol
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