23,714 research outputs found

    Synthesis, Structure, and Ferromagnetism of a New Oxygen Defect Pyrochlore System Lu2V2O_{7-x} (x = 0.40-0.65)

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    A new fcc oxygen defect pyrochlore structure system Lu2V2O_{7-x} with x = 0.40 to 0.65 was synthesized from the known fcc ferromagnetic semiconductor pyrochlore compound Lu2V2O7 which can be written as Lu2V2O6O' with two inequivalent oxygen sites O and O'. Rietveld x-ray diffraction refinements showed significant Lu-V antisite disorder for x >= 0.5. The lattice parameter versus x (including x = 0) shows a distinct maximum at x ~ 0.4. We propose that these observations can be explained if the oxygen defects are on the O' sublattice of the structure. The magnetic susceptibility versus temperature exhibits Curie-Weiss behavior above 150 K for all x, with a Curie constant C that increases with x as expected in an ionic model. However, the magnetization measurements also show that the (ferromagnetic) Weiss temperature theta and the ferromagnetic ordering temperature T_C both strongly decrease with increasing x instead of increasing as expected from C(x). The T_C decreases from 73 K for x = 0 to 21 K for x = 0.65. Furthermore, the saturation moment at a field of 5.5 T at 5 K is nearly independent of x, with the value expected for a fixed spin 1/2 per V. The latter three observations suggest that Lu2V2O_{7-x} may contain localized spin 1/2 vanadium moments in a metallic background that is induced by oxygen defect doping, instead of being a semiconductor as suggested by the C(x) dependence.Comment: 9 pages including 7 figures, 3 table

    Explicit tracking of uncertainty increases the power of quantitative rule-of-thumb reasoning in cell biology

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    "Back-of-the-envelope" or "rule-of-thumb" calculations involving rough estimates of quantities play a central scientific role in developing intuition about the structure and behaviour of physical systems, for example in so-called `Fermi problems' in the physical sciences. Such calculations can be used to powerfully and quantitatively reason about biological systems, particularly at the interface between physics and biology. However, substantial uncertainties are often associated with values in cell biology, and performing calculations without taking this uncertainty into account may limit the extent to which results can be interpreted for a given problem. We present a means to facilitate such calculations where uncertainties are explicitly tracked through the line of reasoning, and introduce a `probabilistic calculator' called Caladis, a web tool freely available at www.caladis.org, designed to perform this tracking. This approach allows users to perform more statistically robust calculations in cell biology despite having uncertain values, and to identify which quantities need to be measured more precisely in order to make confident statements, facilitating efficient experimental design. We illustrate the use of our tool for tracking uncertainty in several example biological calculations, showing that the results yield powerful and interpretable statistics on the quantities of interest. We also demonstrate that the outcomes of calculations may differ from point estimates when uncertainty is accurately tracked. An integral link between Caladis and the Bionumbers repository of biological quantities further facilitates the straightforward location, selection, and use of a wealth of experimental data in cell biological calculations.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figure

    Spontaneous Raman scattering for simultaneous measurements of in-cylinder species

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    A technique for multi-species mole fraction measurement in internal combustion engines is described. The technique is based on the spontaneous Raman scattering. It can simultaneously provide the mole fractions of several species of N-2, O-2, H2O, CO2 and fuel. Using the system, simultaneous measurement of air/fuel ratio and burnt residual gas are carried out during the mixture process in a Controlled Auto Ignition (CAI) combustion engine. The accuracy and consistency of the measured results were confirmed by the measured air fuel ratio using an exhaust gas analyzer and independently calculated mole fraction values. Measurement of species mole fractions during combustion process has also been demonstrated. It shows that the SRS can provide valuable data on this process in a CAI combustion engine

    HD66051: the first eclipsing binary hosting an early-type magnetic star

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    Early-type magnetic stars are rarely found in close binary systems. No such objects were known in eclipsing binaries prior to this study. Here we investigated the eclipsing, spectroscopic double-lined binary HD66051, which exhibits out-of-eclipse photometric variations suggestive of surface brightness inhomogeneities typical of early-type magnetic stars. Using a new set of high-resolution spectropolarimetric observations, we discovered a weak magnetic field on the primary and found intrinsic, element-dependent variability in its spectral lines. The magnetic field structure of the primary is dominated by a nearly axisymmetric dipolar component with a polar field strength Bd600B_{\rm d}\approx600 G and an inclination with respect to the rotation axis of βd=13o\beta_{\rm d}=13^{\rm o}. A weaker quadrupolar component is also likely to be present. We combined the radial velocity measurements derived from our spectra with archival optical photometry to determine fundamental masses (3.16 and 1.75 MM_\odot) and radii (2.78 and 1.39 RR_\odot) with a 1-3% precision. We also obtained a refined estimate of the effective temperatures (13000 and 9000 K) and studied chemical abundances for both components with the help of disentangled spectra. We demonstrate that the primary component of HD66051 is a typical late-B magnetic chemically peculiar star with a non-uniform surface chemical abundance distribution. It is not an HgMn-type star as suggested by recent studies. The secondary is a metallic-line star showing neither a strong, global magnetic field nor intrinsic spectral variability. Fundamental parameters provided by our work for this interesting system open unique possibilities for probing interior structure, studying atomic diffusion, and constraining binary star evolution.Comment: 14 pages, 15 figures; accepted for publication in MNRA

    Aetiological role of viral and bacterial infections in acute adult lower respiratory tract infection (LRTI) in primary care.

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    BACKGROUND: Lower respiratory tract infections (LRTI) are a common reason for consulting general practitioners (GPs). In most cases the aetiology is unknown, yet most result in an antibiotic prescription. The aetiology of LRTI was investigated in a prospective controlled study. METHODS: Eighty adults presenting to GPs with acute LRTI were recruited together with 49 controls over 12 months. Throat swabs, nasal aspirates (patients and controls), and sputum (patients) were obtained and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) assays were used to detect Streptococcus pneumoniae, Mycoplasma pneumoniae, Chlamydia pneumoniae, Legionella pneumophila, influenza viruses (AH1, AH3 and B), parainfluenza viruses 1-3, coronaviruses, respiratory syncytial virus, adenoviruses, rhinoviruses, and enteroviruses. Standard sputum bacteriology was also performed. Outcome was recorded at a follow up visit. RESULTS: Potential pathogens were identified in 55 patients with LRTI (69%) and seven controls (14%; p<0.0001). The identification rate was 63% (viruses) and 26% (bacteria) for patients and 12% (p<0.0001) and 6% (p = 0.013), respectively, for controls. The most common organisms identified in the patients were rhinoviruses (33%), influenza viruses (24%), and Streptococcus pneumoniae (19%) compared with 2% (p<0.001), 6% (p = 0.013), and 4% (p = 0.034), respectively, in controls. Multiple pathogens were identified in 18 of the 80 LRTI patients (22.5%) and in two of the 49 controls (4%; p = 0.011). Atypical organisms were rarely identified. Cases with bacterial aetiology were clinically indistinguishable from those with viral aetiology. CONCLUSION: Patients presenting to GPs with acute adult LRTI predominantly have a viral illness which is most commonly caused by rhinoviruses and influenza viruses

    Evidence for very strong electron-phonon coupling in YBa_{2}Cu_{3}O_{6}

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    From the observed oxygen-isotope shift of the mid-infrared two-magnon absorption peak of YBa2_{2}Cu3_{3}O6_{6}, we evaluate the oxygen-isotope effect on the in-plane antiferromagnetic exchange energy JJ. The exchange energy JJ in YBa2_{2}Cu3_{3}O6_{6} is found to decrease by about 0.9% upon replacing 16^{16}O by 18^{18}O, which is slightly larger than that (0.6%) in La2_{2}CuO4_{4}. From the oxygen-isotope effects, we determine the lower limit of the polaron binding energy, which is about 1.7 eV for YBa2_{2}Cu3_{3}O6_{6} and 1.5 eV for La2_{2}CuO4_{4}, in quantitative agreement with angle-resolved photoemission data, optical conductivity data, and the parameter-free theoretical estimate. The large polaron binding energies in the insulating parent compounds suggest that electron-phonon coupling should also be strong in doped superconducting cuprates and may play an essential role in high-temperature superconductivity.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figur

    Hyperoxia and hypoxia in pregnancy: simple experimental manipulation alters the incidence of cleft lip and palate in CL/Fr mice.

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    This paper describes alterations in the incidence of cleft lip and palate in CL/Fr mice subsequent to experimental manipulation of maternal respiratory oxygen levels during a critical period of pregnancy. Only a few previous studies have shown that the incidence of some "genetically determined" malformations in mammals can be decreased by environmental procedures. In addition to demonstrating a decreased incidence of cleft lip and palate subsequent to maternal hyperoxia on gestational days 10 and 11 in a genetically susceptible strain, the results of the present study show that hypoxia at this time increases the incidence of cleft lip and palate

    Functional specialization of the yeast Rho1 GTP exchange factors

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    Rho GTPases are regulated in complex spatiotemporal patterns that may be dependent, in part at least, on the multiplicity of their GTP exchange factors (GEFs). Here, we examine the extent of and basis for functional specialization of the Rom2 and Tus1 GEFs that activate the yeast Rho1 GTPase, the ortholog of mammalian RhoA. First, we find that these GEFs selectively activate different Rho1-effector branches. Second, the synthetic genetic networks around ROM2 and TUS1 confirm very different global in vivo roles for these GEFs. Third, the GEFs are not functionally interchangeable: Tus1 cannot replace the essential role of Rom2, even when overexpressed. Fourth, we find that Rom2 and Tus1 localize differently: Rom2 to the growing bud surface and to the bud neck at cytokinesis; Tus1 only to the bud neck but in a distinct pattern. Finally, we find that these GEFs are dependent on different protein co-factors: Rom2 function and localization is largely dependent on Ack1, a SEL1 domain containing protein; Tus1 function and localization is largely dependent on the Tus1-interacting protein Ypl066w (which we name Rgl1). We have revealed a surprising level of diversity among the Rho1 GEFs that contributes another level of complexity to the spatiotemporal control of Rho1

    Systematic review of psychological approaches to the management of neuropsychiatric symptoms of dementia

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    Objective: The authors systematically reviewed the literature on psychological approaches to treating the neuropsychiatric symptoms of dementia.Method: Reports of studies that examined effects of any therapy derived from a psychological approach that satisfied prespecified criteria were reviewed. Data were extracted, the quality of each study was rated, and an overall rating was given to each study by using the Oxford Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine criteria.Results: A total of 1,632 studies were identified, and 162 satisfied the inclusion criteria for the review. Specific types of psychoeducation for caregivers about managing neuropsychiatric symptoms were effective treatments whose benefits lasted for months, but other caregiver interventions were not. Behavioral management techniques that are centered on individual patients' behavior or on caregiver behavior had similar benefits, as did cognitive stimulation. Music therapy and Snoezelen, and possibly sensory stimulation, were useful during the treatment session but had no longer-term effects; interventions that changed the visual environment looked promising, but more research is needed.Conclusions: Only behavior management therapies, specific types of caregiver and residential care staff education, and possibly cognitive stimulation appear to have lasting effectiveness for the management of dementia-associated neuropsychiatric symptoms. Lack of evidence regarding other therapies is not evidence of lack of efficacy. Conclusions are limited because of the paucity of high-quality research ( only nine level-1 studies were identified). More high-quality investigation is needed