13 research outputs found

    Die symbolische Bedeutung der Halbinsel Krim fĂŒr Russland

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    Die im 18. Jahrhundert vom Zarenreich aus machtpolitischen Überlegungen eroberte Halbinsel Krim ist in der Zeit danach fĂŒr viele Russen ein besonderer Ort geworden, der nicht mehr als fremd, sondern als russisch empfunden wird – und das bis heute, wie die gegenwĂ€rtige Zustimmung des ĂŒberwiegenden Teils der russischen Bevölkerung zur Annexion der Halbinsel im MĂ€rz 2014 durch Moskau unterstreicht. Der Krim wird aufgrund der Tatsache, dass sie von zahllosen Literaten besungen wurde und als Ort der klassischen Tauris gilt, große kulturelle Bedeutung zugeschrieben. Sie ist zugleich ein militĂ€rischer Erinnerungsort und gilt als Ausgangspunkt der Christianisierung der Kiewer Rus. Der ehemaligen Titularnation der muslimischen Krimtataren wurde und wird hingegen mit Misstrauen begegnet

    Geschichte der Krim: Iphigenie und Putin auf Tauris

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    The book surveys the history of the Crimea from ancient times to the present, reflecting both the latest research and the author’s own recent findings. In the context of recent developments in the Crimea and what most legal experts regard as Russia’s illegal annexation of the Crimean Peninsula, the study examines the historical background for today’s conflict.Die Ende Februar 2014 beginnende sog. Krim-Krise endete mit der Annexion der völkerrechtlich zur Ukraine gehörenden Halbinsel durch die RusslĂ€ndische Föderation. Dieses Ereignis machte nicht zuletzt der deutschsprachigen Öffentlichkeit deutlich, dass die Halbinsel Krim mehr oder weniger immer noch eine terra incognita fĂŒr sie ist, ĂŒber deren Vergangenheit selbst historisch Interessierte nur wenig wissen. Mit großem Erstaunen wird seitdem u.a. gefragt, warum die Krim fĂŒr Russland eine so große Bedeutung hat, dass sie bereit ist, die Ächtung der Weltgemeinschaft und wirtschaftliche Sanktionen auf sich zunehmen. TatsĂ€chlich ist die 1783 annektierte Krim fĂŒr die ĂŒberwiegende Zahl der Russen ein hoch emotionalisierter, unverĂ€ußerlicher Teil Russlands. Deren Geschichte ist aber sehr viel Ă€lter - und ĂŒber die lĂ€ngste Zeit spielten Russen dort keine Rolle. Griechische Kolonisten, eurasische Reitervölker, Krimtataren und andere gestalteten vielmehr ihr Schicksal

    Geschichte der Krim: Iphigenie und Putin auf Tauris

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    The book surveys the history of the Crimea from ancient times to the present, reflecting both the latest research and the author’s own recent findings. In the context of recent developments in the Crimea and what most legal experts regard as Russia’s illegal annexation of the Crimean Peninsula, the study examines the historical background for today’s conflict.Die Ende Februar 2014 beginnende sog. Krim-Krise machte nicht zuletzt der deutschsprachigen Öffentlichkeit deutlich, dass die Halbinsel Krim noch eine terra incognita fĂŒr sie ist, ĂŒber deren Vergangenheit selbst historisch Interessierte nur wenig wissen. TatsĂ€chlich ist die 1783 annektierte Krim fĂŒr die ĂŒberwiegende Zahl der Russen ein hoch emotionalisierter, unverĂ€ußerlicher Teil Russlands. Die international renommierte Expertin Kerstin S. Jobst erzĂ€hlt die Geschichte der Krim in ihrer KomplexitĂ€t, in der Russen lange Zeit keine Rolle spielten, dafĂŒr aber griechische Kolonisten, eurasische Reitervölker, Krimtataren und andere das Schicksal der Halbinsel gestalteten

    Neuere Imperiumsforschung in der OsteuropÀischen Geschichte:: die Habsburgermonarchie, das RusslÀndische Reich und die Sowjetunion

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    Research on Empires in the historiography on Eastern Europe Since the 1990s, research in East European History has been deeply influenced by the concept of empire and reinvigorated by the growing interest in the complexities of the multinational and multi-confessional character of the area. It is the goal of this contribution not only to showcase the recent scholarship on the Habsburg Monarchy, the Russian Autocracy and the Soviet Union as empires, but also to address the most interesting questions that are currently pushing the field in new directions. All three cases reveal that neither the difference between maritime and continental empires, often overemphasized in earlier scholarship, nor the distinction between seemingly “modern” (Western) and “backward” (Eastern) empires can be sustained. The peculiarities of all three empires highlight rather the central question of to what extent these cases were empires at all, and of the development of the relationship between the national and imperial traits of the various states

    Geschichte der Krim

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    Diverse molecular causes of unsolved autosomal dominant tubulointerstitial kidney diseases

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    Autosomal Dominant Tubulointerstitial Kidney Disease (ADTKD) is caused by mutations in one of at least five genes and leads to kidney failure usually in mid adulthood. Throughout the literature, variable numbers of families have been reported, where no mutation can be found and therefore termed ADTKD-not otherwise specified. Here, we aim to clarify the genetic cause of their diseases in our ADTKD registry. Sequencing for all known ADTKD genes was performed, followed by SNaPshot minisequencing for the dupC (an additional cytosine within a stretch of seven cytosines) mutation of MUC1. A virtual panel containing 560 genes reported in the context of kidney disease (nephrome) and exome sequencing were then analyzed sequentially. Variants were validated and tested for segregation. In 29 of the 45 registry families, mutations in known ADTKD genes were found, mostly in MUC1. Sixteen families could then be termed ADTKD-not otherwise specified, of which nine showed diagnostic variants in the nephrome (four in COL4A5, two in INF2 and one each in COL4A4, PAX2, SALL1 and PKD2). In the other seven families, exome sequencing analysis yielded potential disease associated variants in novel candidate genes for ADTKD; evaluated by database analyses and genome-wide association studies. For the great majority of our ADTKD registry we were able to reach a molecular genetic diagnosis. However, a small number of families are indeed affected by diseases classically described as a glomerular entity. Thus, incomplete clinical phenotyping and atypical clinical presentation may have led to the classification of ADTKD. The identified novel candidate genes by exome sequencing will require further functional validation

    Krajobraz sakralny i mityczny. Krym w kontekƛcie wschodnioeuropejskim

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    The Crimean peninsula plays a decisive role as a mythical place both in literature(e.g. by Goethe, Pushkin, Mickiewicz) and in many (pre-)national contexts and narratives: in the early modern period, for instance, the Polish nobility had developed the idea of its Sarmatian ancestry, an ethnos which in antiquity settled in the Black Sea area and the peninsula. German-speaking intellectuals in the 19th century developed an “enthusiasm for the Crimean Goths”.They believed that they had discovered their ancestors in the Gothic Crimean inhabitants, who had been extinct since early modern times. But above all the National Socialists attempted to legitimize their political claims to the peninsula. The mythical and legendary narrations associated with the Crimea in Russian culture, however, were particularly effective: The alleged baptism of Grand Duke Vladimir in Chersones in 988, which is said to have brought Christianity to the Kievan Ruƛ, plays a central role here, as do the numerous writers who drew inspiration from the Crimea. These narratives were used also by Russian political agents to legitimize the annexation of the Crimea in 2014

    Geschichte der Krim: Iphigenie und Putin auf Tauris

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    The book surveys the history of the Crimea from ancient times to the present, reflecting both the latest research and the author’s own recent findings. In the context of recent developments in the Crimea and what most legal experts regard as Russia’s illegal annexation of the Crimean Peninsula, the study examines the historical background for today’s conflict