1,674 research outputs found

    Effects of transcranial static magnetic field stimulation over the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex on random number generation

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    OBJECTIVE: Focal application of transcranial static magnetic field stimulation (tSMS) is a neuromodulation technique, with predominantly inhibitory effects when applied to the motor, somatosensory or visual cortex. Whether this approach can also transiently interact with dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) function remains unclear. The suppression of habitual or competitive responses is one of the core executive functions linked to DLPFC function. This study aimed to assess the impact of tSMS on the prefrontal contributions to inhibitory control and response selection by means of a RNG task. METHODS: We applied 20 min of tSMS over the left DLPFC of healthy subjects, using a real/sham cross-over design, during performance of a RNG task. We used an index of randomness calculated with the measures of entropy and correlation to assess the impact of stimulation on DLPFC function. RESULTS: The randomness index of the sequences generated during the tSMS intervention was significantly higher compared to those produced in the sham condition. CONCLUSIONS: Our results indicate that application of tSMS transiently modulates specific functional brain networks in DLPFC, which indicate a potential use of tSMS for treatment of neuropsychiatric disorders. SIGNIFICANCE: This study provides evidence for the capacity of tSMS for modulating DLPFC function

    Maharam-type kernel representation for operators with a trigonometric domination

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    [EN] Consider a linear and continuous operator T between Banach function spaces. We prove that under certain requirements an integral inequality for T is equivalent to a factorization of T through a specific kernel operator: in other words, the operator T has what we call a Maharam-type kernel representation. In the case that the inequality provides a domination involving trigonometric functions, a special factorization through the Fourier operator is given. We apply this result to study the problem that motivates the paper: the approximation of functions in L2[0, 1] by means of trigonometric series whose Fourier coefficients are given by weighted trigonometric integrals.This research has been supported by MTM2016-77054-C2-1-P (Ministerio de Economia, Industria y Competitividad, Spain).Sánchez Pérez, EA. (2017). Maharam-type kernel representation for operators with a trigonometric domination. Aequationes Mathematicae. 91(6):1073-1091. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00010-017-0507-6S10731091916Calabuig, J.M., Delgado, O., Sánchez Pérez, E.A.: Generalized perfect spaces. Indag. Math. 19(3), 359–378 (2008)Calabuig, J.M., Delgado, O., Sánchez Pérez, E.A.: Factorizing operators on Banach function spaces through spaces of multiplication operators. J. Math. Anal. Appl. 364, 88–103 (2010)Delgado, O., Sánchez Pérez, E.A.: Strong factorizations between couples of operators on Banach function spaces. J. Convex Anal. 20(3), 599–616 (2013)Dodds, P.G., Huijsmans, C.B., de Pagter, B.: Characterizations of conditional expectation type operators. Pacific J. Math. 141(1), 55–77 (1990)Flores, J., Hernández, F.L., Tradacete, P.: Domination problems for strictly singular operators and other related classes. Positivity 15(4), 595–616 (2011). 2011Fremlin, D.H.: Tensor products of Banach lattices. Math. Ann. 211, 87–106 (1974)Hu, G.: Weighted norm inequalities for bilinear Fourier multiplier operators. Math. Ineq. Appl. 18(4), 1409–1425 (2015)Halmos, P., Sunder, V.: Bounded Integral Operators on L2 L^2 L 2 Spaces. Springer, Berlin (1978)Kantorovitch, L., Vulich, B.: Sur la représentation des opérations linéaires. Compositio Math. 5, 119–165 (1938)Kolwicz, P., Leśnik, K., Maligranda, L.: Pointwise multipliers of Calderón- Lozanovskii spaces. Math. Nachr. 286, 876–907 (2013)Kolwicz, P., Leśnik, K., Maligranda, L.: Pointwise products of some Banach function spaces and factorization. J. Funct. Anal. 266(2), 616–659 (2014)Kuo, W.-C., Labuschagne, C.C.A., Watson, B.A.: Conditional expectations on Riesz spaces. J. Math. Anal. Appl. 303, 509–521 (2005)Lindenstrauss, J., Tzafriri, L.: Classical Banach Spaces II. Springer, Berlin (1979)Maharam, D.: The representation of abstract integrals. Trans. Am. Math. Soc. 75, 154–184 (1953)Maharam, D.: On kernel representation of linear operators. Trans. Am. Math. Soc. 79, 229–255 (1955)Maligranda, L., Persson, L.E.: Generalized duality of some Banach function spaces. Indag. Math. 51, 323–338 (1989)Neugebauer, C.J.: Weighted norm inequalities for averaging operators of monotone functions. Publ. Mat. 35, 429–447 (1991)Okada, S., Ricker, W.J., Sánchez Pérez, E.A.: Optimal Domain and Integral Extension of Operators Acting in Function Spaces. Operator Theory: Adv. Appl., vol. 180. Birkhäuser, Basel (2008)Rota, G.C.: On the representation of averaging operators. Rend. Sem. Mat. Univ. Padova. 30, 52–64 (1960)Sánchez Pérez, E.A.: Factorization theorems for multiplication operators on Banach function spaces. Integr. Equ. Oper. Theory 80(1), 117–135 (2014)Schep, A.R.: Factorization of positive multilinear maps. Ill. J. Math. 28(4), 579–591 (1984)Schep, A.R.: Products and factors of Banach function spaces. Positivity 14(2), 301–319 (2010

    Métodos cualitativos a dos milenios de su surgimiento. Un acercamiento a las perspectivas educacional y salubrista.

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    With the general aim of identifying the qualitative methods that would facilitate a closer approach in the praxis to the educative and salubrista perspective, a scrutiny was realized with specialists from the inductive and deductive methods and logical historical. The selected qualitative methods that are analyzed are: observation, phenomenological, ethnographic, action research and biographical method. A comparative summary of the advantages known or not to be explored of each method for the educational field and for the health, from its emergence until the present according to bibliographical references, is presented. It reaffirms the need to go deeper into the use of qualitative methods in the field of health through the exploration and application of its potentialities. Con la finalidad general de identificar los métodos cualitativos que facilitarían un mayor acercamiento en la praxis a la perspectiva educacional y salubrista, se realizó un escrutinio con especialistas a partir de los métodos inductivo y deductivo e histórico lógico. Los métodos cualitativos seleccionados que se analizan son: la observación, el fenomenológico, el etnográfico, la investigación-acción y el método biográfico. Se expone un resumen comparativo de las ventajas conocidas o por explorar de cada método para el ámbito educacional y para la salud, desde su surgimiento hasta el presente según referencias bibliográficas. Se reafirma la necesidad de profundizar más en el uso de los métodos cualitativos en el ámbito de la  salud a través de la exploración y aplicación de sus potencialidades. 

    Thermal behaviour of the different parts of almond shells as waste biomass

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    The main aim of this study is to investigate the thermal behaviour of the different parts of almond shells produced in an almond industry as a waste biomass. For this purpose, several experiments have been conducted under laboratory conditions. After removing the mature almonds, the waste raw materials subject of this study were treated with distilled water (10 min) and separated in several parts. Taking into account their physical characteristics, they were: (a) complete shells: exocarp, mesocarp and endocarp without grinding (Sample C); (b) ground samples of complete shells, sieved under 0.2 mm (Sample M); (c) hard layers of the endocarp (Sample E); (d) internal layers of the endocarp (Sample I); and (e) mature drupes (Sample P) or skin, being constituted by the flexible part of green colour (fresh form) or yellow (after drying). The thermal behaviour of all these sample materials has been investigated using a laboratory furnace, with determination of ash contents and mass loss by progressive heating (120 min of holding time). Elemental and DTA-TG/DTG analyses of selected sample materials have been carried out. Although a complete study can be very complex, a first approach has been performed in this investigation. Results on thermal decomposition of this biomass waste have been presented to emphasize the main differences between sample materials of almond shells. These results have demonstrated the influence of several parameters, such as the particle size, and previous treatments in the thermal behaviour of the different parts of the almond shells, as showed in this investigation. Structural analysis of almond shells allowed to determine lignin, cellulose and hemicellulose. From the lignin content, it has been predicted the higher heating value (18.24 MJkg(-1)) of this waste as by-product of industrial interest. Other linear correlations to calculate this parameter have been applied with similar results in all these samples

    Efecto del modelo de enseñanza sobre la técnica individual de jugadores de fútbol sub-10

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    The aim of the study was to compare the effect of the teaching model on the improvement of individual technique in both legs of soccer players sub-10. We analyzed 12 players who made eight sessions with a traditional model and eight with an innovative model. It was measured: pass, control, driving and hitting the ball. The traditional model improves the pass and hit with the right and the ball driving with both feet, with significant differences (p <.05) in the right pass and the ball driving with both legs. In the innovative model improves the pass with dominant foot, linear driving with both feet and hitting the ball on goal with both feet, with significant differences in the driving of the ball with both legs (p <.05). For these reasons, the improvement of the individual technique of the players requires the use of traditional and innovative models.El objetivo del estudio fue comparar el efecto del modelo de enseñanza en la mejora de la técnica individual en ambas piernas de jugadores de fútbol sub-10. Se analizaron a 12 jugadores que realizaron ocho sesiones con un modelo tradicional y ocho con un modelo moderno. Se midió: pase, control, conducción y golpeo de balón. El modelo tradicional mejora el pase y golpeo con la derecha y la conducción de balón con ambos pies, con diferencias significativas (p<.05) en el pase con derecha y la conducción de balón con ambas piernas. En el modelo innovador mejora el pase con pie dominante, la conducción lineal con ambos pies y el golpeo de balón a portería con ambos pies, con diferencias significativas en la conducción de balón con ambas piernas (p<.05). Por estos motivos, la mejora de la técnica individual de los jugadores necesita de la utilización modelos tradicionales e innovador

    Tensor product representation of Kothe-Bochner spaces and their dual spaces

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    We provide a tensor product representation of Kothe-Bochner function spaces of vector valued integrable functions. As an application, we show that the dual space of a Kothe-Bochner function space can be understood as a space of operators satisfying a certain extension property. We apply our results in order to give an alternate representation of the dual of the Bochner spaces of p-integrable functions and to analyze some properties of the natural norms that are defined on the associated tensor products.First and third authors are supported by grant MTM201453009-P of the Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad (Spain). Second and fourth authors are supported by grant MTM2012-36740-C02-02 of the Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad (Spain).Calabuig, JM.; Jiménez Fernández, E.; Juan Blanco, MA.; Sánchez Pérez, EA. (2016). Tensor product representation of Kothe-Bochner spaces and their dual spaces. Positivity. 20(1):155-169. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11117-015-0347-3S155169201Bochner, S.: Integration von Funktionen, deren Werte die Elemente eines Vectorraumes sind. Fundamenta Mathematicae 20, 262–276 (1933)Calabuig, J.M., Delgado, O., Juan, M.A., Sánchez, E.A.: Pérez, On the Banach lattice structure of Lw1L^1_w L w 1 of a vector measure on a δ\delta δ -ring. Collect. Math. 65, 6567–85 (2014)Calabuig, J.M., Delgado, O., Sánchez Pérez, E.A.: Factorizing operators on Banach function spaces through spaces of multiplication operators. J. Math. Anal. Appl. 364(1), 88–103 (2010)Calabuig, J.M., Gregori, P., Sánchez, E.A.: Pérez, Radon-Nikodým derivatives for vector measures belonging to Köthe function spaces. J. Math. Anal. Appl. 348, 469–479 (2008)Cerdà, J., Hudzik, H., Mastyło, M.: Geometric properties of Köthe-Bochner spaces. Math. Proc. Cambridge Philos. Soc. 120(3), 521–533 (1996)Chakraborty, N.D., Basu, S.: Spaces of p-tensor integrable functions and related Banach space properties. Real Anal. Exchange 34, 87–104 (2008)Chakraborty, N.D., Basu, S.: Integration of vector-valued functions with respect to vector measures defined on δ\delta δ -rings. Ill. J. Math. 55(2), 495–508 (2011)Defant, A., Floret, K.: Tensor norms and operator ideals. North-Holland, Amsterdam (1993)Delgado, O., Juan, M.A.: Representation of Banach lattices as Lw1L^{1}_{w} L w 1 spaces of a vector measure defined on a δ\delta - δ - ring. Bull. Belgian Math. Soc. 19, 239–256 (2012)Diestel, J., Uhl, J.J.: Vector measures. Am. Math. Soc, Providence (1977)Dobrakov, I.: On integration in Banach spaces, VII. Czechoslovak Math. J. 38, 434–449 (1988)García-Raffi, L.M., Jefferies, B.: An application of bilinear integration to quantum scattering. J. Math. Anal. Appl. 415, 394–421 (2014)Gregori Huerta, P.: Espacios de medidas vectoriales. Thesis, Universidad de Valencia, ISBN:8437060591 (2005)Jefferies, B., Okada, S.: Bilinear integration in tensor products. Rocky Mt. J. Math. 28, 517–545 (1998)Lewis, D.R.: On integrability and summability in vector spaces. Ill. J. Math. 16, 294–307 (1972)Lin, P.-K.: Köthe-Bochner function spaces. Birkhauser, Boston (2004)Lindenstrauss, J., Tzafriri, L.: Classical Banach spaces II. Springer, Berlin (1979)Okada, S., Ricker, W.J., Sánchez Pérez, E.A.: Optimal Domains and integral extensions of operators acting in function spaces. Operator Theory Advances and Applications, vol. 180. Birkhäuser, Basel (2008)Pallu de La Barriére, R.: Integration of vector functions with respect to vector measures. Studia Univ. Babes-Bolyai Math. 43, 55–93 (1998)Rodríguez, J.: On integration of vector functions with respect to vector measures. Czechoslovak Math. J. 56, 805–825 (2006

    Disruption of the Lipid-Transporting LdMT-LdRos3 Complex in Leishmania donovani Affects Membrane Lipid Asymmetry but Not Host Cell Invasion

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    Maintenance and regulation of the asymmetric lipid distribution across eukaryotic plasma membranes is governed by the concerted action of specific membrane proteins controlling lipid movement across the bilayer. Here, we show that the miltefosine transporter (LdMT), a member of the P4-ATPase subfamily in Leishmania donovani, and the Cdc50-like protein LdRos3 form a stable complex that plays an essential role in maintaining phospholipid asymmetry in the parasite plasma membrane. Loss of either LdMT or LdRos3 abolishes ATP-dependent transport of NBD-labelled phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) and phosphatidylcholine from the outer to the inner plasma membrane leaflet and results in an increased cell surface exposure of endogenous PE. We also find that promastigotes of L. donovani lack any detectable amount of phosphatidylserine (PS) but retain their infectivity in THP-1-derived macrophages. Likewise, infectivity was unchanged for parasites without LdMT-LdRos3 complexes. We conclude that exposure of PS and PE to the exoplasmic leaflet is not crucial for the infectivity of L. donovani promastigotes

    Product factorability of integral bilinear operators on Banach function spaces

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    [EN] This paper deals with bilinear operators acting in pairs of Banach function spaces that factor through the pointwise product. We find similar situations in different contexts of the functional analysis, including abstract vector lattices¿orthosymmetric maps, C¿-algebras¿zero product preserving operators, and classical and harmonic analysis¿integral bilinear operators. Bringing together the ideas of these areas, we show new factorization theorems and characterizations by means of norm inequalities. The objective of the paper is to apply these tools to provide new descriptions of some classes of bilinear integral operators, and to obtain integral representations for abstract classes of bilinear maps satisfying certain domination properties.The first author was supported by TUBITAK-The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey, Grant No. 2211/E. The second author was supported by Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad (Spain) and FEDER, Grant MTM2016-77054-C2-1-P.Erdogan, E.; Sánchez Pérez, EA.; Gok, O. (2019). Product factorability of integral bilinear operators on Banach function spaces. Positivity. 23(3):671-696. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11117-018-0632-zS671696233Abramovich, Y.A., Kitover, A.K.: Inverses of Disjointness Preserving Operators. American Mathematical Society, Providence (2000)Abramovich, Y.A., Wickstead, A.W.: When each continuous operator is regular II. Indag. Math. (N.S.) 8(3), 281–294 (1997)Alaminos, J., Brešar, M., Extremera, J., Villena, A.R.: Maps preserving zero products. Studia Math. 193(2), 131–159 (2009)Alaminos, J., Brešar, M., Extremera, J., Villena, A.R.: On bilinear maps determined by rank one idempotents. Linear Algebra Appl. 432, 738–743 (2010)Alaminos, J., Extremera, J., Villena, A.R.: Orthogonality preserving linear maps on group algebras. Math. Proc. Camb. Philos. 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