1,764 research outputs found

    Wall-crossing of D4-D2-D0 and flop of the conifold

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    We discuss the wall-crossing of the BPS bound states of a non-compact holomorphic D4-brane with D2 and D0-branes on the conifold. We use the Kontsevich-Soibelman wall-crossing formula and analyze the BPS degeneracy in various chambers. In particular we obtain a relation between BPS degeneracies in two limiting attractor chambers related by a flop transition. Our result is consistent with known results and predicts BPS degeneracies in all chambers.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figures; v2: typos corrected; v3: minor changes, a reference added, version to be published in JHE

    Rotating BPS black holes in matter-coupled AdS(4) supergravity

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    Using the general recipe given in arXiv:0804.0009, where all timelike supersymmetric solutions of N=2, D=4 gauged supergravity coupled to abelian vector multiplets were classified, we construct genuine rotating supersymmetric black holes in AdS(4) with nonconstant scalar fields. This is done for the SU(1,1)/U(1) model with prepotential F=-iX^0X^1. In the static case, the black holes are uplifted to eleven dimensions, and generalize the solution found in hep-th/0105250 corresponding to membranes wrapping holomorphic curves in a Calabi-Yau five-fold. The constructed rotating black holes preserve one quarter of the supersymmetry, whereas their near-horizon geometry is one half BPS. Moreover, for constant scalars, we generalize (a supersymmetric subclass of) the Plebanski-Demianski solution of cosmological Einstein-Maxwell theory to an arbitrary number of vector multiplets. Remarkably, the latter turns out to be related to the dimensionally reduced gravitational Chern-Simons action.Comment: 23 pages, uses JHEP3.cl

    Instanton Corrected Non-Supersymmetric Attractors

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    We discuss non-supersymmetric attractors with an instanton correction in Type IIA string theory compactified on a Calabi-Yau three-fold at large volume. For a stable non-supersymmetric black hole, the attractor point must minimize the effective black hole potential. We study the supersymmetric as well as non-supersymmetric attractors for the D0-D4 system with instanton corrections. We show that in simple models, like the STU model, the flat directions of the mass matrix can be lifted by a suitable choice of the instanton parameters.Comment: Minor modifications, Corrected typos, 38 pages, 1 figur

    On the Stability of Non-Supersymmetric Quantum Attractors in String Theory

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    We study four dimensional non-supersymmetric attractors in type IIA string theory in the presence of sub-leading corrections to the prepotential. For a given Calabi-Yau manifold, the D0-D4 system admits an attractor point in the moduli space which is uniquely specified by the black hole charges. The perturbative corrections to the prepotential do not change the number of massless directions in the black hole effective potential. We further study non-supersymmetric D0-D6 black holes in the presence of sub-leading corrections. In this case the space of attractor points define a hypersurface in the moduli space.Comment: References Added, Typos Corrected, Appendix A.2 Reordere

    BPS dyons and Hesse flow

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    We revisit BPS solutions to classical N=2 low energy effective gauge theories. It is shown that the BPS equations can be solved in full generality by the introduction of a Hesse potential, a symplectic analog of the holomorphic prepotential. We explain how for non-spherically symmetric, non-mutually local solutions, the notion of attractor flow generalizes to gradient flow with respect to the Hesse potential. Furthermore we show that in general there is a non-trivial magnetic complement to this flow equation that is sourced by the momentum current in the solution.Comment: 25 pages, references adde

    Nernst branes in gauged supergravity

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    We study static black brane solutions in the context of N = 2 U(1) gauged supergravity in four dimensions. Using the formalism of first-order flow equations, we construct novel extremal black brane solutions including examples of Nernst branes, i.e. extremal black brane solutions with vanishing entropy density. We also discuss a class of non-extremal generalizations which is captured by the first-order formalism.Comment: 44 pages, 3 figures, v2: added appendix B and references, minor typographic changes, v3: added some clarifying remarks, version published in JHE

    Exact solutions for supersymmetric stationary black hole composites

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    Four dimensional N=2 supergravity has regular, stationary, asymptotically flat BPS solutions with intrinsic angular momentum, describing bound states of separate extremal black holes with mutually nonlocal charges. Though the existence and some properties of these solutions were established some time ago, fully explicit analytic solutions were lacking thus far. In this note, we fill this gap. We show in general that explicit solutions can be constructed whenever an explicit formula is known in the theory at hand for the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy of a single black hole as a function of its charges, and illustrate this with some simple examples. We also give an example of moduli-dependent black hole entropy.Comment: 13 pages, 1 figur

    Subtracted Geometry From Harrison Transformations

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    We consider the rotating non-extremal black hole of N=2 D=4 STU supergravity carrying three magnetic charges and one electric charge. We show that its subtracted geometry is obtained by applying a specific SO(4,4) Harrison transformation on the black hole. As previously noted, the resulting subtracted geometry is a solution of the N=2 S=T=U supergravity.Comment: 11 pages main text; total 24 pages; Latex file; v2 typos corrected + ref added; v3 results significantly strengthened, changes in section 3.1 and appendix C, version to appear in JHE

    Spinning Conformal Correlators

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    We develop the embedding formalism for conformal field theories, aimed at doing computations with symmetric traceless operators of arbitrary spin. We use an index-free notation where tensors are encoded by polynomials in auxiliary polarization vectors. The efficiency of the formalism is demonstrated by computing the tensor structures allowed in n-point conformal correlation functions of tensors operators. Constraints due to tensor conservation also take a simple form in this formalism. Finally, we obtain a perfect match between the number of independent tensor structures of conformal correlators in d dimensions and the number of independent structures in scattering amplitudes of spinning particles in (d+1)-dimensional Minkowski space.Comment: 46 pages, 3 figures; V2: references added; V3: tiny misprint corrected in (A.9
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