5,640 research outputs found

    Fast outflow of neutral and ionized gas from the radio galaxy 3C 293

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    We detect a fast outflow of neutral and ionized gas with velocities up to about 1000 km/s from the central region of radio galaxy 3C 293. With optical spectroscopy we locate the bulk of the ionized gas outflow at the position of a bright radio hot-spot in the inner radio jet, about 1 kpc east of the nucleus. Given the presence of large amounts of cold gas and the distorted morphology of the radio jet in this region, we argue that the ISM is pushed out by a severe interaction with the radio plasma. The similarity of the outflow of HI with the ionized gas outflow that we see at the position of the radio hot-spot suggests that despite the high energies involved in the jet-ISM interaction, part of the gas stays, or becomes again, neutral. In this paper we also present the detection of HI emission in three nearby companions of 3C 293.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures. Proceedings of the "Extra-planar Gas" conference, Dwingeloo, the Netherlands, June 7-11, 2004. To appear in ASP Conference Series, ed. R. Brau

    Photodissociation and the Morphology of HI in Galaxies

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    Young massive stars produce Far-UV photons which dissociate the molecular gas on the surfaces of their parent molecular clouds. Of the many dissociation products which result from this ``back-reaction'', atomic hydrogen \HI is one of the easiest to observe through its radio 21-cm hyperfine line emission. In this paper I first review the physics of this process and describe a simplified model which has been developed to permit an approximate computation of the column density of photodissociated \HI which appears on the surfaces of molecular clouds. I then review several features of the \HI morphology of galaxies on a variety of length scales and describe how photodissociation might account for some of these observations. Finally, I discuss several consequences which follow if this view of the origin of HI in galaxies continues to be successful.Comment: 18 pages, 7 figures in 8 files, invited review paper for the conference "Penetrating Bars Through Masks of Cosmic Dust: The Hubble Tuning Fork Strikes a New Note", South Africa, June 2004. Proceedings to be published by Kluwer, eds. D.L. Block, K.C. Freeman, I. Puerari, R. Groess, & E.K. Bloc

    DBI analysis of generalised permutation branes

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    We investigate D-branes on the product GxG of two group manifolds described as Wess-Zumino-Novikov-Witten models. When the levels of the two groups coincide, it is well known that there exist permutation D-branes which are twisted by the automorphism exchanging the two factors. When the levels are different, the D-brane charge group demands that there should be generalisations of these permutation D-branes, and a geometric construction for them was proposed in hep-th/0509153. We give further evidence for this proposal by showing that the generalised permutation D-branes satisfy the Dirac-Born-Infeld equations of motion for arbitrary compact, simply connected and simple Lie groups G.Comment: 19 pages, computation in section 3.5.1 corrected, conclusions unchange

    Light-like polygonal Wilson loops in 3d Chern-Simons and ABJM theory

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    We study light-like polygonal Wilson loops in three-dimensional Chern-Simons and ABJM theory to two-loop order. For both theories we demonstrate that the one-loop contribution to these correlators cancels. For pure Chern-Simons, we find that specific UV divergences arise from diagrams involving two cusps, implying the loss of finiteness and topological invariance at two-loop order. Studying those UV divergences we derive anomalous conformal Ward identities for n-cusped Wilson loops which restrict the finite part of the latter to conformally invariant functions. We also compute the four-cusp Wilson loop in ABJM theory to two-loop order and find that the result is remarkably similar to that of the corresponding Wilson loop in N=4 SYM. Finally, we speculate about the existence of a Wilson loop/scattering amplitude relation in ABJM theory.Comment: 37 pages, many figures; v2: references added, minor changes; v3: references added, sign error fixed and note adde

    From correlation functions to Wilson loops

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    We start with an n-point correlation function in a conformal gauge theory. We show that a special limit produces a polygonal Wilson loop with nn sides. The limit takes the nn points towards the vertices of a null polygonal Wilson loop such that successive distances xi,i+12→0x^2_{i,i+1} \to 0. This produces a fast moving particle that generates a "frame" for the Wilson loop. We explain in detail how the limit is approached, including some subtle effects from the propagation of a fast moving particle in the full interacting theory. We perform perturbative checks by doing explicit computations in N=4 super-Yang-Mills.Comment: 37 pages, 10 figures; typos corrected, references adde

    Muscle Fatigue Analysis Using OpenSim

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    In this research, attempts are made to conduct concrete muscle fatigue analysis of arbitrary motions on OpenSim, a digital human modeling platform. A plug-in is written on the base of a muscle fatigue model, which makes it possible to calculate the decline of force-output capability of each muscle along time. The plug-in is tested on a three-dimensional, 29 degree-of-freedom human model. Motion data is obtained by motion capturing during an arbitrary running at a speed of 3.96 m/s. Ten muscles are selected for concrete analysis. As a result, the force-output capability of these muscles reduced to 60%-70% after 10 minutes' running, on a general basis. Erector spinae, which loses 39.2% of its maximal capability, is found to be more fatigue-exposed than the others. The influence of subject attributes (fatigability) is evaluated and discussed

    Molecular hydrogen beyond the optical edge of an isolated spiral galaxy

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    We know little about the outermost portions of galaxies because there is little light coming from them. We do know that in many cases atomic hydrogen (HI) extends well beyond the optical radius \cite{Casertano91}. In the centers of galaxies, however, molecular hydrogen (H2) usually dominates by a large factor, raising the question of whether H2 is abundant also in the outer regions but hitherto unseen.Here we report the detection of emission from carbon monoxide (CO), the most abundant tracer of H2, beyond the optical radius of the nearby galaxy NGC 4414. The molecular clouds probably formed in the regions of relatively high HI column density and in the absence of spiral density waves. The relative strength of the lines from the two lowest rotational levels indicates that both the temperature and density of the H2 are quite low compared to conditions closer to the center. The inferred surface density of the molecular material continues the monotonic decrease from the inner regions. We conclude that while molecular clouds can form in the outer region of this galaxy, there is little mass associated with them.Comment: 3 Nature page

    N=1 SQCD-like theories with N_f massive flavors from AdS/CFT and beta functions

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    We study new supergravity solutions related to large-NcN_c N=1{\cal N}=1 supersymmetric gauge field theories with a large number NfN_f of massive flavors. We use a recently proposed framework based on configurations with NcN_c color D5 branes and a distribution of NfN_f flavor D5 branes, governed by a function NfS(r)N_f S(r). Although the system admits many solutions, under plausible physical assumptions the relevant solution is uniquely determined for each value of x≡Nf/Ncx\equiv N_f/N_c. In the IR region, the solution smoothly approaches the deformed Maldacena-N\'u\~nez solution. In the UV region it approaches a linear dilaton solution. For x<2x<2 the gauge coupling ÎČg\beta_g function computed holographically is negative definite, in the UV approaching the NSVZ ÎČ\beta function with anomalous dimension Îł0=−1/2\gamma_0= -1/2 (approaching −3/(32π2)(2Nc−Nf)g3-3/(32\pi^2)(2N_c-N_f)g^3)), and with ÎČg→−∞\beta_g \to-\infty in the IR. For x=2x=2, ÎČg\beta_g has a UV fixed point at strong coupling, suggesting the existence of an IR fixed point at a lower value of the coupling. We argue that the solutions with x>2x>2 describe a "Seiberg dual" picture where Nf−2NcN_f-2N_c flips sign.Comment: 18 pages, 10 figure

    Factors associated with alcohol reduction in harmful and hazardous drinkers following alcohol brief intervention in Scotland: a qualitative enquiry

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    Background: Alcohol Brief Intervention (ABI) uses a motivational counselling approach to support individuals to reduce excessive alcohol consumption. There is growing evidence on ABI’s use within various health care settings, although how they work and which components enhance success is largely unknown. This paper reports on the qualitative part of a mixed methods study. It explores enablers and barriers associated with alcohol reduction following an ABI. It focuses on alcohol’s place within participants’ lives and their personal perspectives on reducing consumption. There are a number of randomised controlled trials in this field though few ABI studies have addressed the experiences of hazardous/harmful drinkers. This study examines factors associated with alcohol reduction in harmful/hazardous drinkers following ABI. Methods: This qualitative study was underpinned by a realist evaluation approach and involved semistructured interviews with ten harmful or hazardous alcohol drinkers. Participants (n = 10) were from the intervention arm of a randomised controlled trial (n = 124). All had received ABI, a 20 min motivational counselling interview, six months previously, and had reduced their alcohol consumption. Interviews were recorded, transcribed verbatim and thematically analysed. Results: Participants described their views on alcohol, its’ place in their lives, their personal perspectives on reducing their consumption and future aspirations. Conclusions: The findings provide an insight into participants’ views on alcohol, ABI, and the barriers and enablers to change. Participants described a cost benefit analysis, with some conscious consideration of the advantages and disadvantages of reducing intake or abstaining from alcohol. Findings suggest that, whilst hospital admission can act as a catalyst, encouraging individuals to reflect on their alcohol consumption through ABI may consolidate this, turning this reflective moment into action. Sustainability may be enhanced by the presence of a ‘significant other’ who encourages and experiences benefit. In addition having a purpose or structure with activities linked to employment and/or social and leisure pursuits offers the potential to enhance and sustain reduced alcohol consumption. Trial registration: Trial registration number TRN NCT00982306 September 22nd 200

    Scaling laws near the conformal window of many-flavor QCD

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    We derive universal scaling laws for physical observables such as the critical temperature, the chiral condensate, and the pion decay constant as a function of the flavor number near the conformal window of many-flavor QCD in the chiral limit. We argue on general grounds that the associated critical exponents are all interrelated and can be determined from the critical exponent of the running gauge coupling at the Caswell-Banks-Zaks infrared fixed point. We illustrate our findings with the aid of nonperturbative functional Renormalization Group (RG) calculations and low-energy QCD models.Comment: 18 pages, 4 figures, references added and discussion expanded (matches JHEP version
