195 research outputs found

    Rare parasitic copepods (Siphonostomatoida: Lernanthropidae) from Egyptian Red Sea fishes

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    Silencing of the Rotavirus NSP4 Protein Decreases the Incidence of Biliary Atresia in Murine Model

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    Biliary atresia is a common disease in neonates which causes obstructive jaundice and progressive hepatic fibrosis. Our previous studies indicate that rotavirus infection is an initiator in the pathogenesis of experimental biliary atresia (BA) through the induction of increased nuclear factor-kappaB and abnormal activation of the osteopontin inflammation pathway. In the setting of rotavirus infection, rotavirus nonstructural protein 4 (NSP4) serves as an important immunogen, viral protein 7 (VP7) is necessary in rotavirus maturity and viral protein 4 (VP4) is a virulence determiner. The purpose of the current study is to clarify the roles of NSP4, VP7 and VP4 in the pathogenesis of experimental BA. Primary cultured extrahepatic biliary epithelia were infected with Rotavirus (mmu18006). Small interfering RNA targeting NSP4, VP7 or VP4 was transfected before rotavirus infection both in vitro and in vivo. We analyzed the incidence of BA, morphological change, morphogenesis of viral particles and viral mRNA and protein expression. The in vitro experiments showed NSP4 silencing decreased the levels of VP7 and VP4, reduced viral particles and decreased cytopathic effect. NSP4-positive cells had strongly positive expression of integrin subunit α2. Silencing of VP7 or VP4 partially decreased epithelial injury. Animal experiments indicated after NSP4 silencing, mouse pups had lower incidence of BA than after VP7 or VP4 silencing. However, 33.3% of VP4-silenced pups (N = 6) suffered BA and 50% of pups (N = 6) suffered biliary injury after VP7 silencing. Hepatic injury was decreased after NSP4 or VP4 silencing. Neither VP4 nor VP7 were detected in the biliary ducts after NSP4. All together, NSP4 silencing down-regulates VP7 and VP4, resulting in decreased incidence of BA

    Basin scale sources of siltation in a contaminated hydropower reservoir

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    Siltation and the loss of hydropower reservoir capacity is a global challenge with a predicted 26 % loss of storage at the global scale by 2050. Like in many other Latin American contexts, soil erosion constitutes one of the most significant water pollution problems in Chile with serious siltation consequences downstream. Identifying the sources and drivers affecting hydropower siltation and water pollution is a critical need to inform adaptation and mitigation strategies especially in the context of changing climate regimes e.g. rainfall patterns. We investigated, at basin scale, the main sources of sediments delivered to one of the largest hydropower reservoirs in South America using a spatio-temporal geochemical fingerprinting approach. Mining activities contributed equivalent to 9 % of total recent sediment deposited in the hydropower lake with notable concentrations of sediment-associated pollutants e.g. Cu and Mo in bed sediment between the mine tributary and the reservoir sediment column. Agricultural sources represented ca. 60 % of sediment input wherein livestock production and agriculture promoted the input of phosphorus to the lake. Evaluation of the lake sediment column against the tributary network showed that the tributary associated with both dominant anthropogenic activities (mining and agriculture) contributed substantially more sediment, but sources varied through time: mining activities have reduced in proportional contribution since dam construction and proportional inputs from agriculture have increased in recent years, mainly promoted by recent conversion of steep lands from native vegetation to agriculture. Siltation of major hydropower basins presents a global challenge exemplified by the Rapel basin. The specific challenges faced here highlight the urgent need for co-design of evidence-led, context-specific solutions that address the interplay of drivers both within and without the basin and its communities, enhancing the social acceptability of sediment management strategies to support the sustainability of clean, hydropower energy production

    Seroprevalencia de marcadores de infecciones transmisibles por vía transfusional en banco de sangre de Colombia

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    OBJETIVO: Determinar la seroprevalencia de marcadores de infecciones transmisibles por vía transfusional. MÉTODOS: Estudio transversal con fuente de información secundaria, basada en los resultados de pruebas biológicas en los donantes de un banco de sangre de Medellín, Colombia, de 2007 a 2010. Se determinó la seroprevalencia de los marcadores de infección y se compararon según sexo y tipo de donante a través de análisis de frecuencias, chi cuadrado, Fisher y razones de prevalencia. RESULTADOS: La población de base estuvo conformada por 65.535 donantes de los cuales, 3,3% presentaran al menos una prueba biológica positiva. El marcador más prevalente en las pruebas del banco de sangre fue sífilis (1,2%), seguido de tripanosomiasis (1,0%), virus de la hepatitis C (VHC) (0,6%), virus de la inmunodeficiencia humana (VIH) (0,5%) y virus de la hepatitis B (VHB) (0,2%). Con base en el laboratorio de referencia se halló una prevalencia de 0,6% para sífilis, 0,1% para VHB y 0% para VHC, VIH y Chagas. Se hallaron diferencias estadísticas en la prevalencia de VHB y sífilis según sexo y tipo de donante. CONCLUSIONES: Los resultados son coherentes con las prevalencias dadas por la Organización Panamericana de la Salud (OPS) y se pueden correlacionar con la prevalencia mundial de las infecciones transmisibles por via transfusional. Los resultados hallados en las pruebas del banco de sangre posibilitan la disminución del riesgo transfusional pero limitan la optimización de recursos al excluir donantes clasificados como falsos positivos

    The Genetics and Genomics of Virus Resistance in Maize

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    Viruses cause significant diseases on maize worldwide. Intensive agronomic practices, changes in vector distribution, and the introduction of vectors and viruses into new areas can result in emerging disease problems. Because deployment of resistant hybrids and cultivars is considered to be both economically viable and environmentally sustainable, genes and quantitative trait loci for most economically important virus diseases have been identified. Examination of multiple studies indicates the importance of regions of maize chromosomes 2, 3, 6, and 10 in virus resistance. An understanding of the molecular basis of virus resistance in maize is beginning to emerge, and two genes conferring resistance to sugarcane mosaic virus, Scmv1 and Scmv2, have been cloned and characterized. Recent studies provide hints of other pathways and genes critical to virus resistance in maize, but further work is required to determine the roles of these in virus susceptibility and resistance. This research will be facilitated by rapidly advancing technologies for functional analysis of genes in maize

    Catch-up growth following intra-uterine growth-restriction programmes an insulin-resistant phenotype in adipose tissue.

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    BACKGROUND: It is now widely accepted that the early-life nutritional environment is important in determining susceptibility to metabolic diseases. In particular, intra-uterine growth restriction followed by accelerated postnatal growth is associated with an increased risk of obesity, type-2 diabetes and other features of the metabolic syndrome. The mechanisms underlying these observations are not fully understood. AIM: Using a well-established maternal protein-restriction rodent model, our aim was to determine if exposure to mismatched nutrition in early-life programmes adipose tissue structure and function, and expression of key components of the insulin-signalling pathway. METHODS: Offspring of dams fed a low-protein (8%) diet during pregnancy were suckled by control (20%)-fed dams to drive catch-up growth. This 'recuperated' group was compared with offspring of dams fed a 20% protein diet during pregnancy and lactation (control group). Epididymal adipose tissue from 22-day and 3-month-old control and recuperated male rats was studied using histological analysis. Expression and phosphorylation of insulin-signalling proteins and gene expression were assessed by western blotting and reverse-transcriptase PCR, respectively. RESULTS: Recuperated offspring at both ages had larger adipocytes (P<0.001). Fasting serum glucose, insulin and leptin levels were comparable between groups but increased with age. Recuperated offspring had reduced expression of IRS-1 (P<0.01) and PI3K p110β (P<0.001) in adipose tissue. In adult recuperated rats, Akt phosphorylation (P<0.01) and protein levels of Akt-2 (P<0.01) were also reduced. Messenger RNA expression levels of these proteins were not different, indicating a post-transcriptional effect. CONCLUSION: Early-life nutrition programmes alterations in adipocyte cell size and impairs the protein expression of several insulin-signalling proteins through post-transcriptional mechanisms. These indices may represent early markers of insulin resistance and metabolic disease risk

    Stable Isotope Evidence for Dietary Overlap between Alien and Native Gastropods in Coastal Lakes of Northern KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa

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    Tarebia granifera (Lamarck, 1822) is originally from South-East Asia, but has been introduced and become invasive in many tropical and subtropical parts of the world. In South Africa, T. granifera is rapidly invading an increasing number of coastal lakes and estuaries, often reaching very high population densities and dominating shallow water benthic invertebrate assemblages. An assessment of the feeding dynamics of T. granifera has raised questions about potential ecological impacts, specifically in terms of its dietary overlap with native gastropods.A stable isotope mixing model was used together with gut content analysis to estimate the diet of T. granifera and native gastropod populations in three different coastal lakes. Population density, available biomass of food and salinity were measured along transects placed over T. granifera patches. An index of isotopic (stable isotopes) dietary overlap (IDO, %) aided in interpreting interactions between gastropods. The diet of T. granifera was variable, including contributions from microphytobenthos, filamentous algae (Cladophora sp.), detritus and sedimentary organic matter. IDO was significant (>60%) between T. granifera and each of the following gastropods: Haminoea natalensis (Krauss, 1848), Bulinus natalensis (Küster, 1841) and Melanoides tuberculata (Müller, 1774). However, food did not appear to be limiting. Salinity influenced gastropod spatial overlap. Tarebia granifera may only displace native gastropods, such as Assiminea cf. ovata (Krauss, 1848), under salinity conditions below 20. Ecosystem-level impacts are also discussed.The generalist diet of T. granifera may certainly contribute to its successful establishment. However, although competition for resources may take place under certain salinity conditions and if food is limiting, there appear to be other mechanisms at work, through which T. granifera displaces native gastropods. Complementary stable isotope and gut content analysis can provide helpful ecological insights, contributing to monitoring efforts and guiding further invasive species research

    Metagenomic analysis of viruses associated with maize lethal necrosis in Kenya

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    Background: Maize lethal necrosis is caused by a synergistic co-infection of Maize chlorotic mottle virus (MCMV) and a specific member of the Potyviridae, such as Sugarcane mosaic virus (SCMV), Wheat streak mosaic virus (WSMV) or Johnson grass mosaic virus (JGMV). Typical maize lethal necrosis symptoms include severe yellowing and leaf drying from the edges. In Kenya, we detected plants showing typical and atypical symptoms. Both groups of plants often tested negative for SCMV by ELISA. Methods: We used next-generation sequencing to identify viruses associated to maize lethal necrosis in Kenya through a metagenomics analysis. Symptomatic and asymptomatic leaf samples were collected from maize and sorghum representing sixteen counties. Results: Complete and partial genomes were assembled for MCMV, SCMV, Maize streak virus (MSV) and Maize yellow dwarf virus-RMV (MYDV-RMV). These four viruses (MCMV, SCMV, MSV and MYDV-RMV) were found together in 30 of 68 samples. A geographic analysis showed that these viruses are widely distributed in Kenya. Phylogenetic analyses of nucleotide sequences showed that MCMV, MYDV-RMV and MSV are similar to isolates from East Africa and other parts of the world. Single nucleotide polymorphism, nucleotide and polyprotein sequence alignments identified three genetically distinct groups of SCMV in Kenya. Variation mapped to sequences at the border of NIb and the coat protein. Partial genome sequences were obtained for other four potyviruses and one polerovirus. Conclusion: Our results uncover the complexity of the maize lethal necrosis epidemic in Kenya. MCMV, SCMV, MSV and MYDV-RMV are widely distributed and infect both maize and sorghum. SCMV population in Kenya is diverse and consists of numerous strains that are genetically different to isolates from other parts of the world. Several potyviruses, and possibly poleroviruses, are also involved

    Adaptive Evolution of the Lactose Utilization Network in Experimentally Evolved Populations of Escherichia coli

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    Adaptation to novel environments is often associated with changes in gene regulation. Nevertheless, few studies have been able both to identify the genetic basis of changes in regulation and to demonstrate why these changes are beneficial. To this end, we have focused on understanding both how and why the lactose utilization network has evolved in replicate populations of Escherichia coli. We found that lac operon regulation became strikingly variable, including changes in the mode of environmental response (bimodal, graded, and constitutive), sensitivity to inducer concentration, and maximum expression level. In addition, some classes of regulatory change were enriched in specific selective environments. Sequencing of evolved clones, combined with reconstruction of individual mutations in the ancestral background, identified mutations within the lac operon that recapitulate many of the evolved regulatory changes. These mutations conferred fitness benefits in environments containing lactose, indicating that the regulatory changes are adaptive. The same mutations conferred different fitness effects when present in an evolved clone, indicating that interactions between the lac operon and other evolved mutations also contribute to fitness. Similarly, changes in lac regulation not explained by lac operon mutations also point to important interactions with other evolved mutations. Together these results underline how dynamic regulatory interactions can be, in this case evolving through mutations both within and external to the canonical lactose utilization network
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