2,203 research outputs found

    Unsteady bipolar diffusion charging in aerosol neutralisers: A non-dimensional approach to predict charge distribution equilibrium behaviour

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    High total particle concentration and small particle size are common features of aerosols encountered in the field of aerosol-based nanotechnology that can potentially lead to non-equilibrium issues in the neutraliser upon SMPS characterisation, resulting in large errors in size distribution measurements. Experiments show that the commonly assumed n⋅tn⋅t product rule fails to predict equilibrium behaviour in aerosol neutralisers under these conditions, as it does not capture the influence of total particle concentration and particle size. The aim of this work is to provide an equilibrium indicator that identifies situations where equilibrium is not reached in the neutraliser as a function of residence time, ion generation rate, total particle concentration, and particle size. Bipolar diffusion charging equations are solved numerically in a one-dimensional model first, and a non-dimensional analysis of the results is carried out in order to map equilibrium behaviour as a function of two non-dimensional groups, the non-dimensional ion concentration, and the non-dimensional neutraliser residence time. Solving the three-dimensional form of the charging equations in the geometry of the neutraliser then enables one to find good agreement in terms of equilibrium behaviour between experiments and predictions from the non-dimensional model. The three-dimensional model captures the complexity of the physics of unsteady particle charging inside a neutraliser. This work then discusses this as a new approach to non-equilibrium behaviour prediction in neutralisers, providing a tool supplementing the n⋅t product rule that can be used in practice.The authors express their thanks to Cambustion ltd. for the loan of the TSI 3077A neutraliser. The project was supported by the EPSRC Cambridge NanoDTC, EP/G037221/1, the Cambridge Home EU Scholarship Scheme (CHESS Fund) and the Schiff Foundation Studentships.This is the final published version. It was first made available by Elsevier at http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0021850215000440#

    Automated Retinopathy of Prematurity Case Detection with Convolutional Neural Networks

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    Retinopathy of Prematurity (ROP) is an ocular disease observed in premature babies, considered one of the largest preventable causes of childhood blindness. Problematically, the visual indicators of ROP are not well understood and neonatal fundus images are usually of poor quality and resolution. We investigate two ways to aid clinicians in ROP detection using convolutional neural networks (CNN): (1) We fine-tune a pretrained GoogLeNet as a ROP detector and with small modifications also return an approximate Bayesian posterior over disease presence. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first completely automated ROP detection system. (2) To further aid grading, we train a second CNN to return novel feature map visualizations of pathologies, learned directly from the data. These feature maps highlight discriminative information, which we believe may be used by clinicians with our classifier to aid in screening

    Source localization of reaction-diffusion models for brain tumors

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    We propose a mathematically well-founded approach for locating the source (initial state) of density functions evolved within a nonlinear reaction-diffusion model. The reconstruction of the initial source is an ill-posed inverse problem since the solution is highly unstable with respect to measurement noise. To address this instability problem, we introduce a regularization procedure based on the nonlinear Landweber method for the stable determination of the source location. This amounts to solving a sequence of well-posed forward reaction-diffusion problems. The developed framework is general, and as a special instance we consider the problem of source localization of brain tumors. We show numerically that the source of the initial densities of tumor cells are reconstructed well on both imaging data consisting of simple and complex geometric structures

    Low density lipoprotein and liposome mediated uptake and cytotoxic effect of N4-octadecyl-1-β-D-arabinofuranosylcytosine in Daudi lymphoma cells

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    Low density lipoprotein (LDL) receptor-mediated uptake and cytotoxic effects of N4-octadecyl-1-beta-D-arabinofuranosylcytosine (NOAC) were studied in Daudi lymphoma cells. NOAC was either incorporated into LDL or liposomes to compare specific and unspecific uptake mechanisms. Binding of LDL to Daudi cells was not altered after NOAC incorporation (K(D) 60 nM). Binding of liposomal NOAC was not saturable with increasing concentrations. Specific binding of NOAC-LDL to Daudi cells was five times higher than to human lymphocytes. LDL receptor binding could be blocked and up- or down-regulated. Co-incubation with colchicine reduced NOAC-LDL uptake by 36%. These results suggested that NOAC-LDL is taken up via the LDL receptor pathway. In an in vitro cytotoxicity test, the IC50 of NOAC-LDL was about 160 microM, whereas with liposomal NOAC the IC50 was 40 microM. Blocking the LDL receptors with empty LDL protected 50% of the cells from NOAC cytotoxicity. The cellular distribution of NOAC-LDL or NOAC-liposomes differed only in the membrane and nuclei fraction with 13% and 6% respectively. Although it is more convenient to prepare NOAC-liposomes as compared to the loading of LDL particles with the drug, the receptor-mediated uptake of NOAC-LDL provides an interesting rationale for the specific delivery of the drug to tumours that express elevated numbers of LDL receptors

    Breed-Specific Hematological Phenotypes in the Dog: A Natural Resource for the Genetic Dissection of Hematological Parameters in a Mammalian Species

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    Remarkably little has been published on hematological phenotypes of the domestic dog, the most polymorphic species on the planet. Information on the signalment and complete blood cell count of all dogs with normal red and white blood cell parameters judged by existing reference intervals was extracted from a veterinary database. Normal hematological profiles were available for 6046 dogs, 5447 of which also had machine platelet concentrations within the reference interval. Seventy-five pure breeds plus a mixed breed control group were represented by 10 or more dogs. All measured parameters except mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC) varied with age. Concentrations of white blood cells (WBCs), neutrophils, monocytes, lymphocytes, eosinophils and platelets, but not red blood cell parameters, all varied with sex. Neutering status had an impact on hemoglobin concentration, mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH), MCHC, and concentrations of WBCs, neutrophils, monocytes, lymphocytes and platelets. Principal component analysis of hematological data revealed 37 pure breeds with distinctive phenotypes. Furthermore, all hematological parameters except MCHC showed significant differences between specific individual breeds and the mixed breed group. Twenty-nine breeds had distinctive phenotypes when assessed in this way, of which 19 had already been identified by principal component analysis. Tentative breed-specific reference intervals were generated for breeds with a distinctive phenotype identified by comparative analysis. This study represents the first large-scale analysis of hematological phenotypes in the dog and underlines the important potential of this species in the elucidation of genetic determinants of hematological traits, triangulating phenotype, breed and genetic predisposition

    Delay aversion but preference for large and rare rewards in two choice tasks: implications for the measurement of self-control parameters

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    BACKGROUND: Impulsivity is defined as intolerance/aversion to waiting for reward. In intolerance-to-delay (ID) protocols, animals must choose between small/soon (SS) versus large/late (LL) rewards. In the probabilistic discount (PD) protocols, animals are faced with choice between small/sure (SS) versus large/luck-linked (LLL) rewards. It has been suggested that PD protocols also measure impulsivity, however, a clear dissociation has been reported between delay and probability discounting. RESULTS: Wistar adolescent rats (30- to 46-day-old) were tested using either protocol in drug-free state. In the ID protocol, animals showed a marked shift from LL to SS reward when delay increased, and this despite adverse consequences on the total amount of food obtained. In the PD protocol, animals developed a stable preference for LLL reward, and maintained it even when SS and LLL options were predicted and demonstrated to become indifferent. We demonstrate a clear dissociation between these two protocols. In the ID task, the aversion to delay was anti-economical and reflected impulsivity. In the PD task, preference for large reward was maintained despite its uncertain delivery, suggesting a strong attraction for unitary rewards of great magnitude. CONCLUSION: Uncertain delivery generated no aversion, when compared to delays producing an equivalent level of large-reward rarefaction. The PD task is suggested not to reflect impulsive behavior, and to generate patterns of choice that rather resemble the features of gambling. In summary, present data do indicate the need to interpret choice behavior in ID and PD protocols differently

    Age and Diet Affect Gene Expression Profiles in Canine Liver Tissue

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    BACKGROUND: The liver plays a central role in nutrient and xenobiotic metabolism, but its functionality declines with age. Senior dogs suffer from many of the chronic hepatic diseases as elderly humans, with age-related alterations in liver function influenced by diet. However, a large-scale molecular analysis of the liver tissue as affected by age and diet has not been reported in dogs. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Liver tissue samples were collected from six senior (12-year old) and six young adult (1-year old) female beagles fed an animal protein-based diet (APB) or a plant protein-based diet (PPB) for 12 months. Total RNA in the liver tissue was extracted and hybridized to Affymetrix GeneChip® Canine Genome Arrays. Using a 2.0-fold cutoff and false discovery rate <0.10, our results indicated that expression of 234 genes was altered by age, while 137 genes were differentially expressed by diet. Based on functional classification, genes affected by age and/or diet were involved in cellular development, nutrient metabolism, and signal transduction. In general, gene expression suggested that senior dogs had an increased risk of the progression of liver disease and dysfunction, as observed in aged humans and rodents. In particular for aged liver, genes related to inflammation, oxidative stress, and glycolysis were up-regulated, whereas genes related to regeneration, xenobiotic metabolism, and cholesterol trafficking were down-regulated. Diet-associated changes in gene expression were more common in young adult dogs (33 genes) as compared to senior dogs (3 genes). CONCLUSION: Our results provide molecular insight pertaining to the aged canine liver and its predisposition to disease and abnormalities. Therefore, our data may aid in future research pertaining to age-associated alterations in hepatic function or identification of potential targets for nutritional management as a means to decrease incidence of age-dependent liver dysfunction

    Phenotypic redshifts with self-organizing maps: A novel method to characterize redshift distributions of source galaxies for weak lensing

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    Wide-field imaging surveys such as the Dark Energy Survey (DES) rely on coarse measurements of spectral energy distributions in a few filters to estimate the redshift distribution of source galaxies. In this regime, sample variance, shot noise, and selection effects limit the attainable accuracy of redshift calibration and thus of cosmological constraints. We present a new method to combine wide-field, few-filter measurements with catalogs from deep fields with additional filters and sufficiently low photometric noise to break degeneracies in photometric redshifts. The multi-band deep field is used as an intermediary between wide-field observations and accurate redshifts, greatly reducing sample variance, shot noise, and selection effects. Our implementation of the method uses self-organizing maps to group galaxies into phenotypes based on their observed fluxes, and is tested using a mock DES catalog created from N-body simulations. It yields a typical uncertainty on the mean redshift in each of five tomographic bins for an idealized simulation of the DES Year 3 weak-lensing tomographic analysis of σΔz=0.007\sigma_{\Delta z} = 0.007, which is a 60% improvement compared to the Year 1 analysis. Although the implementation of the method is tailored to DES, its formalism can be applied to other large photometric surveys with a similar observing strategy.Comment: 24 pages, 11 figures; matches version accepted to MNRA

    HAP2(GCS1)-Dependent Gamete Fusion Requires a Positively Charged Carboxy-Terminal Domain

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    HAP2(GCS1) is a deeply conserved sperm protein that is essential for gamete fusion. Here we use complementation assays to define major functional regions of the Arabidopsis thaliana ortholog using HAP2(GCS1) variants with modifications to regions amino(N) and carboxy(C) to its single transmembrane domain. These quantitative in vivo complementation studies show that the N-terminal region tolerates exchange with a closely related sequence, but not with a more distantly related plant sequence. In contrast, a distantly related C-terminus is functional in Arabidopsis, indicating that the primary sequence of the C-terminus is not critical. However, mutations that neutralized the charge of the C-terminus impair HAP2(GCS1)-dependent gamete fusion. Our results provide data identifying the essential functional features of this highly conserved sperm fusion protein. They suggest that the N-terminus functions by interacting with female gamete-expressed proteins and that the positively charged C-terminus may function through electrostatic interactions with the sperm plasma membrane

    The evolution of postpollination reproductive isolation in Costus

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    Reproductive isolation is critical to the diversification of species. Postpollination barriers may be important in limiting gene flow between closely related species, but they are relatively cryptic and their evolution is poorly understood. Here, we review the role of postpollination reproductive isolation in plants, including the various stages at which it operates and the hypotheses for how it may evolve. We then review empirical studies in the plant genus Costus, evaluating documented postpollination barriers in light of these hypotheses. We summarize isolation due to parental style length differences and present evidence supporting the hypothesis that the differences are in part a by-product of selection on floral morphology. Additionally, we show that reduced pollen adhesion, germination, and tube growth contribute to reproductive isolation between two closely related sympatric species of Costus. Geographic variation in the strength of these crossing barriers supports the hypothesis that they evolved under reinforcement, or direct natural selection to strengthen isolation